Global stocks

Poshmark now has access to the resources of a profitable multinational sponsor, affording investments in marketing and international expansion

Business Strategy & Outlook

Poshmark is among the largest apparel resale platforms on the market, boasting an interactive marketplace that benefits from a triumvirate of secular tailwinds: social commerce, an ongoing mix shift toward online retail sales, and the stratospheric growth of the apparel resale market. The firm’s strategy coalesces around four key priorities: product innovation, category expansion, international growth, and buyer acquisition. As a slew of firms have entered the resale space, competition has arisen around exclusive access to customers, inventory assortment, and distribution channels, with long-term equilibrium remaining uncertain. Consolidation looks inevitable, evidenced by the firm’s pending acquisition by narrow-moat South Korean Conglomerate Naver (expected to close in the first quarter of 2023), particularly as the scope of resale firms’ offerings see increasing category, price point, and geographic overlap. Poshmark’s right to win hinges on its ability to convincingly answer the “why Poshmark?” query, attracting platform participants with some combination of competitive seller services, frictionless listing, quick inventory turnover, attractive fees, broad assortment, and authentication services. Working in its favour, the firm now has access to the resources of a profitable multinational sponsor, affording investments in marketing and international expansion that were previously off the table as investors demanded a quicker route to profitability.

Each international market must be approached as a greenfield development, with local competitors boasting a home field advantage at the outset. Winning any of a handful of culturally similar markets (Canada, Australia, the U.K., Germany, France) would meaningfully expand the long-term addressable market, but the firm’s entry into India will remain dubious, which has proven notoriously difficult to monetize. Finally, the management is to target efforts at ameliorating the shipping pain point, with more diversified last-mile providers and a thrust toward higher-priced products likely helping to defray costs that currently constitute about a quarter of average order values, weighing on GMV growth.

Financial Strengths

Poshmark’s financial strength is sound. The firm carries no long-term debt, has $581 million in cash and cash equivalents on its balance sheet as of the second quarter of 2022, and the firm is to be free cash flow positive (operating cash flow plus capital expenditures) by 2024. The management has adequate wiggle room to pursue moat-bolstering investments, while narrowing operating losses should provide a route to enduring operating profitability by 2026. Provided that the firm realizes the planned $30 million run-rate synergies from its acquisition by narrow-moat South Korean conglomerate Naver, Poshmark could achieve operating profitability as early as 2024.Poshmark’s waterfall of investment priorities as consistent with other high growth firms: pursuing internal investments and strategic mergers and acquisitions. There’s no pressure building for shareholder returns through repurchases or cash dividends until the firm achieves operating profitability, with the model suggesting the inception of a modest repurchase program in 2027, though this timeline could be delayed by a strategic acquisition or more circuitous route to positive earnings. As Poshmark emerges from its high-growth phase, it will encourage management to consider optimizing the firm’s capital structure (adding debt) and initiating a cash dividend, but this remains a long-dated concern as forecasts don’t contemplate a dividend until 2030.

Bulls Say

  • Five straight quarters of operating profitability during 2020 and 2021 (ending in the third quarter of 2021) suggest a strong underlying business model once customer acquisition costs normalize.
  • Early traction in Australia and Canada could augur well for long-term success in those and other culturally similar markets.
  • The firm’s planned acquisition by Naver could accelerate marketing spending, customer acquisition, and position Poshmark more effectively to win the peer-to-peer resale space.

Company Description

Poshmark is one of the largest players in a quickly growing e-commerce resale space, connecting more than 30 million active users on a platform that sells men’s and women’s apparel, accessories, shoes, and more recently consumer electronics and pet products. The marketplace operates in four countries–the U.S., Canada, Australia, and India–with a capital-light, peer-to-peer model that dovetails nicely with prevailing trends toward social commerce, apparel resale, and an ongoing pivot toward the e-commerce channel. With $1.8 billion in 2021 gross merchandise volume, or GMV, hence the firm captured about 13%-14% of the domestic online resale market, with rolling lockdowns and tangled supply chains providing a meaningful impetus for channel trial during 2020 and 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks

Alibaba’s internet services had annual active consumers of over 1 billion as of March 2022, versus the 1.2 billion online population in June 2022

Business Strategy & Outlook

Alibaba is a Big Data-centric conglomerate, with transaction data from its marketplaces and logistics businesses allowing it to move into omnichannel retail, cloud computing, media and entertainment, and online-to-offline services. There’s a strong network effect allows leading e-commerce players to extend into other growth avenues, and nowhere is that more evident than with Alibaba. Alibaba’s internet services had annual active consumers of over 1 billion as of March 2022, versus the 1.2 billion online population in June 2022 per Quest mobile and the 1.4 billion population in China. This provides Alibaba with an unparalleled source of data that it can use to help merchants and consumer brands develop personalized mobile marketing and content strategies to expand their target audiences, increase click-through rates and physical store transactions, and bolster return on investment. Alibaba’s marketplace monetization rates have reduced recently, due to increased compliance of antitrust laws, more competition, and weak consumer sentiment. Gross merchandise volume per annual active user was CNY 8,833 for the year ended March 2022 for Alibaba, higher than CNY 3,285 in 2021 for Pinduoduo and CNY 5,905 in 2021 for JD.

The Taobao/Tmall marketplaces as Alibaba’s core cash flow drivers, it is also believed AL iCloud and globalization offer long-term potential. While AL iCloud will remain in investment mode in the medium term, accelerating revenue per user suggests a migration to value-added content delivery and database services that can drive segment margins higher over time. On globalization, third-party merchants are successfully reaching Lazada’s users across Southeast Asia, something that should continue as the company rolls out incremental personalized mobile marketing and content opportunities. 

Financial Strengths

Alibaba is in sound financial health. As of December 2020, the company had CNY 456 billion in cash and unrestricted short-term investments on its balance sheet against CNY 117 billion in short- and long-term bank borrowing and unsecured senior notes. Although Alibaba remains in investment mode, the strong cash flow profile of its e-commerce marketplaces offers it the financial flexibility to continue investing in technology infrastructure and cloud, research, marketing, and user experience initiatives through its current balance sheet and strong cash flow profile. Additionally, the company has the capacity to add leverage to its capital structure, which could allow it to take advantage of low borrowing rates to fund growth initiatives, introduce a cash dividend when it sees limited investment opportunities with good returns on investment, or repurchase shares. The company is to pursue acquisitions that could further improve its ecosystem, including online-to-offline, physical retail, and increased logistic capacity or capabilities.

Bulls Say

  • Gross merchandise volume per annual active user was CNY 8,833 for the year ended March 2022 for Alibaba, higher than CNY 3,285 in 2021 for Pinduoduo and CNY 5,905 in 2021 for JD.
  • Core annual active users on Alibaba’s China retail marketplaces had a retention rate of over 90% for the year ended September 2021.
  • Alibaba’s China commerce adjusted EBITA margin was 32.5%, higher than JD Retail’s 3.1% non-GAAP EBIT margin and PDD’s 12.4% non-GAAP EBIT margin for the 12 months ended December 2021.

Company Description

Alibaba is the world’s largest online and mobile commerce company as measured by gross merchandise volume (CNY 7.5 trillion for the fiscal year ended March 2021). It operates China’s online marketplaces, including Taobao (consumer-to-consumer) and Tmall (business-to-consumer). Alibaba’s China commerce retail division accounted for 63% of revenue in the September 2021 quarter. Additional revenue sources include China commerce wholesale (2%), international retail/wholesale marketplaces (5%/2%), cloud computing (10%), digital media and entertainment platforms (4%), Cainiao logistics services (5%), and innovation initiatives/other (1%).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Carnival has carved out a broad offering across demographics, the product still has to compete with other land-based vacations

Business Strategy & Outlook

Carnival remains the largest company in the cruise industry, with nine global brands and 91 ships as of October 2022. The global cruise market has historically been underpenetrated, offering cruise companies a long-term demand opportunity. Additionally, in years prior to the pandemic, the repositioning and deployment of ships to faster-growing and under-represented regions like Asia-Pacific had helped balance the supply in high-capacity regions like the Caribbean and Mediterranean, aiding pricing. However, international travel has waned as a result of COVID-19, which could spark longer-term secular shifts in consumer behavior, challenging the economic performance of Carnival over an extended horizon. As consumers have resumed cruising since the summer of 2021 (after a year-plus no-sail halt), cruise operators have been able to reassure passengers of both the safety and value propositions of cruising (offering a holiday product at 25%-50% less than land alternatives).

On the yield side, Carnival is to see some pricing pressure as future cruise credits continue to be redeemed through 2023, a headwind partially mitigated by the return of capacity via rising occupancy. And on the cost side, higher spend to maintain tighter health protocols should begin to alleviate in 2023, helping manage expenses. Higher than normal dry dock days could temper profits as the fleet is redeployed, crimping near-term profitability. As of Sept. 30, 2022, 95% of capacity was already deployed and eight of the company’s nine brands will have their entire fleets sailing by year-end. These persistent concerns, in turn, should lead to average returns on invested capital including goodwill, that are set to languish below the 10.4% weighted average cost of capital estimate until 2028, which supports no-moat rating.

Financial Strengths

Carnival has secured adequate liquidity to survive its slow resumption of cruising, with around $7 billion in cash and investments at the end of September 2022. This should help finance the little cash burn remaining through the end of the redeployment ramp-up, which earlier in the pandemic had run around $500 million or more per month. The company has raised significant levels of debt since the onset of the pandemic with $35 billion in total debt, up from around $12 billion at the end of 2019. The company is focused on reducing debt service as soon as reasonably possible in order to reduce future interest expense. It has also actively pursued the extension of maturities, limiting the cash demand on debt service over the near term. By math, Carnival has more than one year’s worth of liquidity to operate successfully in a no-revenue environment. There’s no imminent credit crunch in the near term, as long as capital markets continue to function properly. Liquidity remains accessible, as Carnival was able to issue $1 billion in senior unsecured notes during its second quarter (due 2030), which was set to help refinance certain 2023 debt maturities while supporting capital spend. In August, Carnival was also able to extend the maturity (to 2024) of its convertible notes while maintaining the original rate (5.75%). Additionally, in order to free up cash to support operating expenses, Carnival eliminated its dividend in 2020 ($1.4 billion in 2019). Another $4.8 billion in current customer deposits were on the balance sheet, offering working capital that can be utilized to run the business and indicating demand for cruising still exists. And equity markets have also been accommodating, with the company facilitating a $500 million at-the-market equity raise in early 2022, indicating access to cash remains.

Bulls Say

  • As Carnival continues to deploy its fleet, passenger counts and yields could rise at a faster pace than the current capacity limitations are repealed.
  • A more efficient fleet composition (after pruning 23 ships since the onset of the pandemic) may benefit the cost structure to a greater degree than initially expected, as sailings fully resume.
  • The nascent Asia-Pacific market should remain promising post-COVID-19, as the four largest operators had capacity for nearly 4 million passengers in 2020, which provides an opportunity for long-term growth with a new consumer.

Company Description

Carnival is the largest global cruise company, with 91 ships in its fleet at the end of fiscal 2021, with all of its capacity set to be redeployed in 2022. Its portfolio of brands includes Carnival Cruise Lines, Holland America, Princess Cruises, and Seabourn in North America; P&O Cruises and Cunard Line in the United Kingdom; Aida in Germany; Costa Cruises in Southern Europe; and P&O Cruises in Australia. Carnival also owns Holland America Princess Alaska Tours in Alaska and the Canadian Yukon. Carnival’s brands attracted about 13 million guests in 2019, prior to COVID-19.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Netflix Looks to Advertising to Spark Top-Line Growth

Business Strategy & Outlook

Netflix is a pioneer in subscription video on demand and is now the largest online video provider in the U.S. and the world. The economic moat rating of narrow is based on intangibles resulting from the use of data stemming from the firm’s massive worldwide subscriber base. From its origin in the U.S., Netflix expanded rapidly into markets abroad as the service now has more subscribers outside of the U.S. than inside. The firm has used its scale to construct a massive data set that tracks every customer interaction. It then leverages this customer data to better purchase content as well as finance and produce original material such as “Stranger Things.” However, the firm has recently ramped up its production using more traditional methods. Many consumers use, and will continue to use, SVODs like Netflix as a complementary service, especially as SVOD prices increase and pay television bundle prices decrease (due to the shift to over-the-top, or OTT, delivery). With a number of new services from media firms launched over the last five years, many consumers now pay for or have access to multiple services. 

One potential issue for these platforms is the potential for consumers to move between the services with minimal friction. This usage pattern and increased competition will constrain Netflix’s ability to raise prices without inducing greater churn. Netflix will trial an ad-supported tier in fourth-quarter 2022 into 2023 as the firm looks to capture potential subscribers that were unwilling to pay the ad-free price. While the potential audience could be large, particularly in emerging markets, management will need to ensure that the lower-priced tier doesn’t cannibalize the full-price subscriber base in more saturated markets like the U.S. Netflix will expand further into local-language programming to augment its offering in many countries. This will generate a competitive response from the firm’s global and local rivals, which will augment their own first-party content budgets. In turn, Netflix’s international expansion will continue to hamper margin expansion.   

Financial Strengths

Netflix’s financial health is poor due to its weak free cash flow generation, large number of content investments that require outside funding (primarily debt), and content obligations. Debt has been taken on to fund additional content investments and international expansion. The company’s weak free cash flow due to this spending is a concern, as one doesn’t see the need to spend decreasing in the near future. The net cash burn was over $2 billion in 2017, over $3 billion in 2018, and $3.5 billion in 2019. While the firm generated positive free cash in 2020 due to pandemic-related production shutdown, Netflix returned to a slight cash burn in 2021. As of June 2022, Netflix has $14.2 billion in senior unsecured notes that do not have borrowing restrictions, but a relatively small amount due in the near term ($700 million due 2022, $400 million due 2024, and $800 million due 2025), as the firm generally issues debt with a 10-year maturity. Netflix also has a material quantity of noncurrent content liabilities ($3.0 billion recognized on the balance sheet and $15.6 billion not yet reflected on the balance sheet).

Bulls Say

  • Netflix’s internal recommendation software and large subscriber base give the company an edge when deciding which content to acquire in future years.
  • Netflix has built a substantial content library that will benefit the firm over the long term.
  •  International expansion offers attractive markets for adding subscribers.

Company Description

Netflix’s primary business is a streaming video on demand service now available in almost every country worldwide except China. Netflix delivers original and third-party digital video content to PCs, internet connected TVs, and consumer electronic devices, including tablets, video game consoles, Apple TV, Roku, and Chromecast. In 2011, Netflix introduced DVD-only plans and separated the combined streaming and DVD plans, making it necessary for subscribers who want both to have separate plans.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Coty’s Turnaround Continues to Progress Despite Severe Inflation and Economic Uncertainty

Business Strategy & Outlook

One was not enthralled with Coty’s leadership prior to the pandemic, which lacked beauty experience, but Sue Nabi, a successful 20-year veteran of wide-moat L’Oreal who took the reins in September 2020, has the qualifications to right the ship. Her strategic priorities are on target, as she seeks to increase Coty’s exposure to high-growth markets where it has been underexposed. Specifically, she looks to accelerate Coty’s prestige division by expanding from its core fragrance portfolio into makeup, build a skincare portfolio across mass and prestige, enhance its digital capabilities, further penetrate China, stabilize its mass-beauty business, and become an industry leader in sustainability. One can impressed by the progress Coty has realized to date, with improvement in each objective despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, and the further progress in the years to come.

Coty is the second-largest global player in fragrance, with a portfolio of licensed brands, such as Calvin Klein and Gucci. Its prestige business (62% of fiscal 2022 sales, largely fragrance) generally reports mid-single-digit organic growth (in line with the category). However, mass beauty (38%, primarily cosmetics) has faced consistent sales declines, as Coty’s brands (CoverGirl, Max Factor, Rimmel) have suffered from historical underinvestment while many new brands have entered the market. One can be optimistic that Nabi’s strategy will improve Coty’s growth profile, but the less sanguine on the firm’s ability to secure a moat. Collectively, Coty has not demonstrated brand strength, preferred relationships with its channel partners, or a cost advantage, and thus conclude it does not possess an economic moat. The fallout from the pandemic put Coty in violation of its debt covenants, but a $1 billion convertible preferred equity investment from private equity firm KKR (which it has since converted to common and sold), and the sale of a majority stake of its salon/retail haircare business for nearly $3 billion in proceeds should secure Coty’s liquidity position, giving the firm the necessary breathing room to allow Nabi’s turnaround strategy to advance.

Financial Strengths

Since the acquisition of the P&G beauty business in fiscal 2017, Coty’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA has remained over 4 times. It ended fiscal 2022 with leverage at 4.6 times, just under the 4.75 limit imposed by the firm’s debt covenants. The Coty’s leverage to fall over the next five years, to below 3 times by fiscal 2025. Cash was tight for Coty heading into the pandemic, given the $600 million January 2020 investment in Kylie Cosmetics. But KKR’s $1 billion convertible preferred equity investment and the suspension of dividends on common shares (both announced in May 2020) provided much needed liquidity. These moves as prudent, given the uncertain environment caused by the global pandemic. Between September and November 2021, KKR converted its entire preferred stock position to common shares, which it then sold on the open market, saving Coty $77 million in annual preferred dividend payments. The firm to reinstate a dividend on its common shares in fiscal 2024, averaging a 20%-30% payout ratio over the long term. Outside of funding operations, Coty’s top priority for cash is debt reduction, which is sensible, given its relatively high leverage ratio. The Coty is likely to resume acquisitions once its debt leverage falls below 4 times, but as it is uncertain as to the magnitude and timing of potential deals, one has not modelled unannounced transactions. The firm will refrain from share repurchase until fiscal 2024, at which time it will repurchase 2%-8% of shares annually, in the absence of acquisitions. The share repurchases as a prudent use of cash when shares trade below the assessment of its intrinsic value.

Bulls Say

  • Coty is a major player in the fast-growing beauty industry and is the second-largest global provider of fragrances, one of the four major beauty categories, representing 15% of the total beauty market. 
  • CEO Sue Nabi, an accomplished veteran of the beauty industry, has the experience and qualifications to reinvigorate Coty’s business. 
  • Coty plans to increase its exposure to fast-growing markets (skincare, prestige cosmetics, China, e-commerce), where it has historically been underexposed, which should enhance its growth profile.

Company Description

Coty is a global beauty company that sells fragrances, colour cosmetics, and skin/body care. The firm licenses brands such as Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Gucci, Burberry, and Davidoff for its prestige portfolio. Coty’s most popular colour cosmetic brands are CoverGirl, Max Factor, Rimmel, Sally Hansen, and Kylie. Coty also holds a minority stake in a salon and retail haircare business, including brands Wella, Clairol, OPI, and GHD. Francois Coty founded the firm in 1904 and it remained private until its 2013 IPO. It had focused on prestige fragrances and nail salon brands until the 2016 acquisition of Procter & Gamble’s beauty business. This nearly doubled the firm’s revenue base, and launched it into mass-channel cosmetics and professional hair care.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Brown-Forman is also benefiting from growth abroad, buoyed by the broader resurgence in global demand for bourbon

Business Strategy & Outlook

Brown-Forman has established itself as a stalwart in matured spirits, an enclave of the distillation industry that is particularly attractive. In addition to brand recognition and distribution, companies in this industry benefit from scarcity value, the result of the consumer perception surrounding the aging of this type of alcohol and the pricing power that this begets. Against this industry backdrop, it is believed Brown-Forman’s portfolio, anchored by the Jack Daniel’s brand, boasts some of the highest cachet globally. The firm made its bones in whiskey, with Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey being the best-selling American whiskey in the world, but it also has strong tequila brands like el Jimador and Herradura. The resonance of its trademarks is reflected in its ability to parlay them into numerous line extensions, such as Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey, Apple, and ready-to-drink beverages. These provide stimulus to its top line, not only by maintaining mind share among its core consumers, but by expanding the types of palates to which its drinks appeal. Brown-Forman is also benefiting from growth abroad, buoyed by the broader resurgence in global demand for bourbon. The developed markets like the United Kingdom as well as developing economies like Mexico to be increasingly pertinent to its overall trajectory.

Still, the company’s path will not be completely unencumbered. Tariff relief remains a near-term tailwind, but dollar strength figures to slow demand for (proportionately) more expensive U.S. exports. Go-to-market changes also add a degree of execution risk. Despite a successful transition to owned distribution in the U.K, where it previously partnered with Bacardi, future transitions (such as in Taiwan) may not yield similar results. Additionally, while COVID-19 accelerated secular trends in developed markets, developing markets face a more precarious outlook, particularly amid a backdrop of swelling inflation in non discretionary spending categories. Nevertheless, it is expected that Brown-Forman’s embedded advantages and experienced management team will help the company navigate these risks.

Financial Strengths

Brown-Forman is in solid financial health, and from the vantage point, the coronavirus pandemic has not altered this reality. The company has a manageable balance sheet and commendable cash flow generation. Net leverage currently sits well below 2 times EBITDA, with ample capacity to tilt the capital structure toward debt as financial opportunities dictate. Still, management has historically been quite conservative with mergers and acquisitions, and there’s no transformative transactions on the horizon. The stellar cash generation will continue supporting dividends and increases, as well as appreciable reductions in the share count. Moreover, the firm’s commitment to shareholder returns should not impinge on its liquidity, even amid COVID-19. In addition to $899 million in balance sheet cash as of the end of the first quarter of 2022, the company maintains consistent access to capital markets primarily through a commercial paper program (backed by its revolving credit facility) facilitating borrowings of up to $800 million. 

Bulls Say

  • Brown-Forman has a foothold in multiple matured spirits categories, where market structure and consumer perception spawn robust pricing and operating margins.
  • Flavored line extensions in the Jack Daniel’s family should foster brand resonance among a new generation of alcohol consumers.
  • COVID-19 impacts in important markets like the U.S. have proven muted, thanks to a confluence of portfolio and consumer demand dynamics.

Company Description

Brown-Forman is the largest U.S.-domiciled producer of distilled spirits. The firm reports only a single operating segment, and whiskey represents its primary business driver, generating roughly three quarters of sales, undergirded by the Jack Daniel’s brand as well as bourbons such as Woodford Reserve and Old Forrester. Notable non whiskey offerings include tequilas such as el Jimador and Herradura. The firm operates globally, with products sold in more than 170 countries, and adapts its route-to-consumer model depending on regulation as well as the prevailing competitive dynamics in a given market. For example, it sells through distributors in the U.S. but operates its own logistics apparatus in many other countries. The company remains under the control of the Brown family.

 (Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Global stocks Shares

J&J’s Well-Positioned Broad Portfolio Sets Up a Steady Long-Term Growth Outlook

Business Strategy & Outlook

Johnson & Johnson stands alone as a leader across the major healthcare industries. The company maintains a diverse revenue base, a developing research pipeline, and exceptional cash flow generation that together create a wide economic moat. J&J holds a leadership role in diverse healthcare segments, including medical devices, consumer healthcare products, and several pharmaceutical markets. Contributing close to 50% of total revenue, the pharmaceutical division boasts several industry-leading drugs, including immunology drugs Remicade, Stelara and Tremfya as well as cancer drugs Darzalex and Imbruvica. The medical device group brings in almost one third of sales, with the company holding controlling positions in many areas, including orthopaedics and Ethicon Endo-Surgery’s surgical devices. The consumer division largely rounds out the remaining business lines, but the firm is planning to divest its consumer healthcare group in early 2023, which will leave the remaining company more focused on drugs and devices. 

Research and development efforts are resulting in next-generation products. The pharmaceutical segment has recently launched several new blockbusters. However, relative to the company’s size, J&J needs to increase the number of meaningful drugs in late-stage development to support long-term growth. The company has also created new medical devices, including innovative contact lenses, minimally invasive surgical tools and robotic instruments. These multiple businesses generate substantial cash flow. J&J’s healthy free cash flow (operating cash flow fewer capital expenditures) is over 20% of sales. Strong cash generation has enabled the firm to increase its dividend for over the past half century, and this to continue. It also allows J&J to take advantage of acquisition opportunities that will augment growth. Diverse operating segments coupled with expected new products insulate the company more from patent losses relative to other Big Pharma firms. Further, in contrast to most of its peers, J&J faces the majority of its near-term patent losses on hard-to-make complex drugs, which should likely slow generic drug competition.

Financial Strengths

Johnson & Johnson holds one of the strongest financial positions in the healthcare sector with projected debt/ EBITDA of close to 0.9 for 2022. The acquisitions of Actelion and Momenta did put a dent in the company’s cash balance, but with annual free cash flow of close to $25 billion, J&J is in sound financial shape. Even with expected further bolt-on acquisitions and share repurchases, the company should remain on solid financial footing. From an operating standpoint, patent losses are mitigated by several diverse operating lines in medical devices and consumer products so cash flows should remain relatively stable. Additionally, the share repurchases over the next several years will drawdown the share count.

Bulls Say

  • The majority of J&J’s near-term patent losses are for products that are hard to manufacture, which should limit the intensity of generic competition. 
  • Diverse healthcare segments help insulate J&J from downturns in the economy, offering a defensive growth opportunity with a steady and likely growing dividend.
  • Several of J&J’s key drugs and pipeline drugs are specialty drugs that tend to carry strong pricing power as well as lower regulatory hurdles for approval.

Company Description

Johnson & Johnson is the world’s largest and most diverse healthcare firm. Three divisions make up the firm: pharmaceutical, medical devices and diagnostics, and consumer. The drug and device groups represent close to 80% of sales and drive the majority of cash flows for the firm. The drug division focuses on the following therapeutic areas: immunology, oncology, neurology, pulmonary, cardiology, and metabolic diseases. The device segment focuses on orthopaedics, surgery tools, vision care, and a few smaller areas. The last segment of consumer focuses on baby care, beauty, oral care, over-the-counter drugs, and women’s health. Geographically, just over half of total revenue is generated in the United States.

(Source: Morningstar)

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