Dividend Stocks

Looking beyond the current plan, Ameren has its sight set on nearly $28 billion of additional investment opportunities

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Ameren is a regulated utility that operates in Illinois and Missouri, two historically challenging regulatory jurisdictions that are rapidly improving. With improving rate regulation come significant investment opportunities, supporting the company’s five-year $17.3 billion capital investment plan. Looking beyond the current plan, Ameren has its sights set on nearly $28 billion of additional investment opportunities for the following five years, providing a long runway of growth for the company. Management is to be applauded for attaining constructive utility legislation in Missouri. Its patient yet persistent years-long efforts resulted in increased investment opportunities across the territory, a stark change from the past. Numerous trackers are in place for fuel adjustments, pension, and tax positions. These mechanisms are attributes of a constructive regulatory environment. Recent legislation allows utilities to securitize the remaining liabilities associated with Ameren’s coal plants, potentially allowing earlier-than-planned coal plant retirements and faster renewable energy growth.

With an improved regulatory framework in Missouri, management is keeping its promise to invest in jurisdictions that support investment. Ameren is allocating nearly half of its investment plan to Missouri. Projects will focus on renewable energy, upgrading aging and underperforming assets, and employing smart grids and connected grid services. Regulation in Illinois is set to change. While performance-based ratemaking, in which allowed returns on equity are 580 basis points above the average 30-year U.S. Treasury yield, was constructive, the drop-in interest rates led to some of the lowest allowed returns among its peers. New legislation allows utilities to opt in for a four-year rate plan beginning in 2024. Under the multi year plan, utilities are able to true-up earned returns to their allowed returns and continue sales decoupling. Performance metrics, both incentives and penalties, are given in a range of 20-60 basis points. The new rate structure could produce higher allowed returns in Illinois.

Financial Strength

Ameren will invest $17.3 billion of capital between 2022 and 2026.It is expected the company to issue debt and equity in line with its current capital structure and refinance its debt as it comes due. Ameren increased the dividend 10% in 2021. Future dividend growth to be more in line with earnings growth. Ameren has tended to be at the lower end of its 55%-70% dividend payout target. Ameren’s current financial health is sound. The firm’s 58% debt/capitalization ratio is in line with its utility peers. Interest coverage is healthy at over 6.0 times, and current debt/EBITDA is over 5.0.

Bulls Say’s:

  • Ameren’s regulated utilities provide a stable source of earnings. The company’s large capital expenditure plan should drive above-average rate base and earnings growth for the next several years. 
  • Ameren’s regulatory relationships have improved significantly in Missouri.
  • Ameren’s management team has proved to be best in-class operators, having diligently worked to improve regulatory relationships and execute on substantial growth projects.

Company Profile 

Ameren owns rate-regulated generation, transmission, and distribution networks that deliver electricity and natural gas in Missouri and Illinois. It serves 2.4 million electricity customers and more than 900,000 natural gas customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Cohen & Steers Continues to Be Affected by Equity Market Selloff; FVE Lowered to $80 per Share

Business Strategy & Outlook

While the combination of rising interest rates and an equity market selloff has had an impact on Cohen & Steers’ levels of assets under management, they are cautiously optimistic about the firm over the near to medium term. Cohen & Steers came into 2022 with a record $106.6 billion in managed assets, split among its U.S. real estate (47% of total AUM), global/international real estate (18%), global listed infrastructure (8%), and preferred securities (25%) offerings. But market losses and meager flows during the first half of the year had left the company with $87.9 billion in managed assets at the end of June. So far, market losses are having a bigger impact on AUM than flows, with Cohen & Steers reporting a 12.3% (16.0%) market loss for its managed assets during the second quarter (first half) of 2022. This was better than the Morningstar Global Markets REIT TR Index, which was down 15.6% (20.0%) during the same time frame. Part of this is likely due to the firm garnering just two thirds of its total AUM from real estate investment funds, and some can also be attributed to active management.

While REITs have generally performed well during periods of rising long-term interest rates (based on studies done by NAREIT over the years), the current tightening cycle is a push by the Fed to fight inflation, which has been hitting levels not seen since the early 1980s. Rising rates and inflation can hinder external growth efforts for REITs (as acquisitions become less accretive) and pressure existing tenants, as well as provide investors with a less risky yield alternative in fixed-income securities (leading to outflows). It looks like most of Cohen & Steers’ investors are not running for the exits, though, as flows have been relatively flattish year to date. The firm’s institutional clients tend to be first to reallocate (and generally well in advance of Fed actions), so the fact they’ve not pulled out too aggressively is a positive. The Standard & Poor’s separation of real estate-related companies from the financial services sector has forced many institutional investors to maintain exposure to REITs, adding some stability to Cohen & Steers’ managed assets.

Financial Strengths

Cohen & Steers has not had any debt on its books since 2005. Based on what to be conservative long-term estimates for profitability and cash flows, the company is unlikely to need to tap the credit markets to fund its operations during the five-year projection period. Over the past 10 calendar years, Cohen & Steers has returned more than $1.1 billion to shareholders as dividends (utilizing both regular quarterly dividends and special one-time dividends to pay out capital) and around $130 million to shareholders via share repurchases (net of share issuances). Going forward, the firm will return just over half of its expected annual free cash flow (of around $270 million on average) to shareholders as dividends, with the rest spent on share repurchases or other investments (including seed capital for new products). At the end of March 2022, the firm had $115 million in cash and cash equivalents (including $30 million in U.S. Treasury securities) and $255 million in investments (including $63 million in seed capital) on its books.

Bulls Say

  • Cohen & Steers’ long record of successful REIT investing has allowed it to tap into demand for alternatives that offer diversification away from more traditional stock and bond offerings. 
  • The firm’s funds are entrenched in the broker/dealer market, and the company also garners close to half of its AUM from institutional clients, providing it with a relatively stable base of assets. 
  • At the end of March 2022, Cohen & Steers had $2.33 in cash and equivalents per share on hand, which could be used to fund a special dividend, a strategic acquisition, or to increase share repurchases.

Company Description

Cohen & Steers is a niche asset manager concentrating on real estate securities. The firm invests mainly in the equity shares of real estate investment trusts, with holdings in domestic and international real estate securities accounting for close to two thirds of its $87.9 billion in managed assets at the end of June 2022. Cohen & Steers also manages portfolios dedicated to preferred securities, utilities stocks, and other high-yield offerings. It expects to balance distribution among its closed-end mutual funds, open-end mutual funds, and institutional accounts over time. During the March quarter of 2022, the company garnered 40% (26%) of its managed assets (base management fees) from institutional clients, 47% (55%) from open-end funds, and 13% (19%) from closed-end funds.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Assa Abloy has significant growth potential as it benefits from structural changes

Business Strategy & Outlook

Assa Abloy has significant growth potential as it benefits from structural changes. There are two key drivers of future growth. An industrywide shift toward software-driven products, expanding functionality, and linking locking systems with other building systems. Second, emerging-market demand will move up the quality curve to more sophisticated locking solutions, in which Assa Abloy is a leader. If the spectrum of today’s locks were defined by a basic mechanical lock on one end and a software-controlled locking system on the other end, Assa Abloy’s product portfolio would be heavily weighted toward the latter. Advances in the past decade have expanded the functionality of lock systems to enable ever more precise access parameters, as well as enhanced identification of lock system users. For example, a building administrator would be able to provide a registered visitor with temporary access to a computer for a specified two-hour window on a particular day.

Technological improvements are shortening the upgrade cycle for locks, as customers are eager to implement new security-enhancing features. The shift toward software-driven locks will continue over the long term, with the company’s global technologies division forging the path. The division is experiencing good initial success in selling virtual keys, typically issued on a temporary basis to mobile phones. Asia and other emerging markets lag in locking solutions, with under penetration of electromechanical locks, such as those linked to a keycard reader. Pent-up demand in the region, combined with strategic acquisitions, fueled a fivefold increase in Assa Abloy’s Asia-Pacific revenue over the past decade, with organic revenue growth averaging 5% from 2005 to 2013 (before China’s property bust). For buildings with multiple daily users, there are obvious benefits from upgrading to more sophisticated systems that can track and limit building access. Asia and other emerging markets offer a long runway of demand for Assa Abloy’s products.

Financial Strengths

At the end of March 2022, the company’s net debt/EBITDA ratio was less than 2 times. Looking to the medium term, total debt maturities from 2023 to 2026 are around SEK 13 billion out of around SEK 25 billion in gross debt. Given the forecast for roughly SEK 16 billion in annual free cash flow, which would enable the company to pay down gross debt, in theory, in about two years.

Bulls Say

  • As the global leader in locking solutions, Assa Abloy is best positioned to capture the spoils from a secular shift toward integrated lock and other building systems.
  • The growing contribution of software-driven products should strengthen Assa Abloy’s margins and returns, as well as the stickiness of customer relationships, in the medium term. 
  • Accelerated adoption of electromechanical, digital, or smart locks should ease Assa Abloy’s path toward achieving its target of 5% organic growth over the business cycle.

Company Description

Assa Abloy has the world’s largest installed base of locks, protecting some of the most security-sensitive buildings, including the European Parliament in Brussels. Three fourths of its revenue come from government and commercial customers. The company’s product base is centered on electromechanical locks, which require identification to unlock with a keycard, biometric scan, or PIN. Assa Abloy’s products are sold directly to security systems integrators, locksmiths, hardware stores, and original equipment manufacturers

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps

Business Strategy & Outlook

Atlas Copco is a market leader with a focused product portfolio of mainly compressors and vacuum pumps. These two product areas contribute around three fourths of revenue and four fifths of profit for the company. Its two smaller divisions, industrial technique and power technique, make up the remaining revenue. The company’s equipment is highly engineered, often with customization and application-specific variations. To that point, equipment sales are done by engineers. End markets for the company’s compressors are diverse, from automotive assembly to food processing. However, for vacuum pumps, semiconductor chip demand is the key driver. The electronics industry contributes two thirds of vacuum pump division revenue and, as a result, nearly one fifth of revenue for Atlas Copco at the group level.

 The economic cycle can cause short-term demand volatility, but the company’s flexible cost structure and large portion of service revenue underpin double-digit margin and returns throughout the cycle. Around 75% of its equipment components are outsourced. Maintenance services and spare parts contribute more than one third of group revenue. The company leverages its large service operations and trains its technicians to service competitors’ equipment as well as its own. The compressor division brings in the largest portion of service revenue at more than 40% of division revenue. The Atlas Copco’s compressor division is around twice as large as its closest competitor, Ingersoll Rand. Atlas Copco uses this near ubiquity to its advantage by acquiring other equipment and tool portfolios that it can sell to its air compressor base. Higher-volume production capabilities and an installed distribution channel allow the company to globalize the products of its acquired businesses at a lower cost than those operations could achieve by themselves.

Financial Strengths

Atlas Copco has a strong balance sheet, with around SEK 29 billion in gross debt and a net debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 1 times at the end of March 2022. Included in its debt is around SEK 11 billion in debt maturities through to 2026. However, one cannot see this as a risk as a forecast roughly SEK 22 billion in annual free cash flow for the medium term, which in theory would enable the company to pay down its total gross debt within three years.

Bulls Say

  • Atlas Copco’s tools are used in automation, including robotic applications, and offer some structural growth to an otherwise cyclical revenue stream. 
  • The expansion into vacuum technologies gives Atlas Copco exposure to long-term semiconductor growth. 
  • The company’s large, experienced service organization should help it to continue to gain share of service revenue across its own products and potentially competitors’ equipment, particularly for compressors.

Company Description

Atlas Copco is a 140-year-old Swedish company and a pioneer in air compression technology. Today, the company is still the world’s leading air compressor manufacturer, with around 25% market share. The company’s product portfolio includes power tools and vacuum pumps. For vacuum pumps, the semiconductor chip cycle is a key demand driver. The company generates revenue from three sources: initial equipment sales, spare parts, and maintenance. Its operations span 180 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Fastenal Reports Solid Sales and Margin Growth in its Second Quarter 2022 Results

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Since opening its first fasteners store in 1967, Fastenal has built one of the largest industrial distribution businesses in the United States. For many years, Fastenal’s growth story was driven by its branch count, which now stands just under 1,800. While this expansive footprint is still an important component of Fastenal’s business model, other strategies–including expanding its product portfolio, its vending and inventory management services, and, most recently, its on-site program–have become increasingly important growth drivers. The benefits of Fastenal’s vending, inventory management, and on-site services are twofold: Not only do these services drive incremental revenue, they also embed Fastenal in its customers’ procurement processes, which supports higher retention rates and pricing power. Company believes Fastenal has a first-mover advantage in both vending and on-site services, introducing the former in 2008 and the latter in 1992 (although the on-site strategy did not become a focused strategy until the past few years), and sees long growth runways for both offerings. In addition to growth through its vending and on-site initiatives, Fastenal is well positioned to benefit from customer consolidation trends. In recent years, customers have been consolidating their maintenance, repair, and operations, or MRO, spending with large distributors to leverage their purchasing power and increase operational efficiency. With its national scale, broad product portfolio, and inventory management services, the company believes Fastenal can capitalize on this trend and take market share from smaller and less capable distributors. 

Because Fastenal’s sales mix is increasingly skewing more toward large national accounts, on-site programs, and more price-competitive MRO products, the company’s gross margins are likely to come under pressure. However, the combination of higher sales volume and containment of selling, general, and administrative costs provide Fastenal the opportunity to realize strong operating leverage and expand operating margins. It is forecasted that Fastenal’s operating margin will reach 21% by midcycle year.

Financial Strengths:  

Fastenal has an outstanding debt balance of approximately $390 million. It is leveraged at only 0.1 times 2021 EBITDA, which is very conservative relative to the other industrial distributors company covers. Fastenal’s earnings provide substantial headroom to service debt obligations. During fiscal 2021, Fastenal incurred only about $10 million of interest expense and generated about $1.4 billion of EBITDA, which equates to an extremely comfortable interest coverage ratio. Even with its expansive store footprint and cyclical end markets, Fastenal has a proven ability to generate free cash flow (defined as operating cash flow with fewer capital expenditures) throughout the cycle. Indeed, it has generated positive free cash flow every year since 2003. Given its conservative balance sheet and consistent free cash flow generation, the company believes Fastenal’s financial health is satisfactory.

Bulls Say: 

  • Vending and on-site programs should provide a long growth runway for Fastenal.
  • Fastenal can capitalize on its national scale, broad product portfolio, and inventory-management services to take market share from smaller and less capable distributors.
  • Despite serving cyclical end markets, Fastenal’s business model generates strong free cash flow throughout the cycle. Fastenal is likely to continue to use its cash flow to fund a shareholder-friendly capital allocation strategy.

Company Description:  

Fastenal opened its first fastener store in 1967 in Winona, Minnesota. Since then, Fastenal has greatly expanded its footprint as well as its products and services. Today, Fastenal serves its 400,000 active customers through approximately 1,760 branches, over 1,400 on-site locations, and 14 distribution centers. Since 1993, the company has added other product categories, but fasteners remain its largest category at about 30%-35% of sales. Fastenal also offers customers supply-chain solutions, such as vending and vendor-managed inventory. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Tesco Is the Best- Positioned Grocer in the Coverage

Business Strategy & Outlook:
Tesco, the largest grocery retailer in the United Kingdom in terms of sales and store network, has successfully completed an ambitious turnaround. It has seen one of the worst times in its history over the past decade, including an accounting controversy in 2014 and a subsequent decline in profits and growth owing to the advent of discounters in the U.K. food retail business. The firm is largely focused on enhancing the in-store experience, providing new own-brand products (entry-level and fresh produce), and re-evaluating supplier connections (smaller base and longer-term partnerships). The turnaround strategy focused on the company’s core strengths: food size and well-documented purchasing power.

Tesco’s ability to better control supplier-related cost inflation, along with its superior cost-saving measures, has enabled it to not only balance competition challenges, but also boost margins and price position (via the Aldi Price Match plan) relative to its competitors. The concerted efforts of management to convert these scale advantages into profitable expansion were fruitful. In the future, the group shall generate more normalized levels of profitability, albeit below historical standards. Tesco outperforms most of its Big Four competitors (Sainsbury’s, Asda, and Morrisons) on key indicators like grocery volume, like-for-like sales growth, and large-store sales growth, proving that its approach is succeeding. Tesco’s Booker is the major food distributor in the U.K., with a presence in both the retail (Symbol and Independent) and catering industries. This is consistent with the company’s long-term strategy to increase scale by consolidating its supplier base and indirectly increase food sales through Booker’s overlap in the food sector.

Financial Strengths:
Tesco is in solid financial condition. At the end of fiscal 2022, net debt/adjusted EBITDA (including operating leases) was 3 times. The operating lease liability is around GBP 7.5 billion, and the net pension shortfall is negligible. The dividend was reintroduced in fiscal 2018 (expected around GBX 11 per share for fiscal 2023) after being suspended when earnings dropped in 2015. Management has also implemented stricter financial discipline, enhanced working capital, and ceased the battle for space. Dividends might expand in parallel with underlying EPS growth at a payout ratio of 50% over the next five years (from slightly less than GBX 10 per share to about GBX 14 by 2027). Given the sector’s low growth prospects and Tesco’s established presence, the grocer to is able to finance its development and store maintenance with capital expenditures below 2.0% of sales. Tesco generates free cash flow at a rate that is significantly higher than the industry average, as a result of the recent improvement in profitability. Free cash flow to the firm is expected to account for close to 3% of sales on average through fiscal 2027. In recent years, Tesco has repositioned its operations, including withdrawing from less lucrative areas, which has helped reduce its debt. It also owns property, worth about GBP 22 billion at the end of fiscal 2022, which could be shed to generate cash if needed, though it has been doing the opposite recently by acquiring more stores to rid itself of inflation.

Bulls Say:
As the largest grocer in the U.K. in both the online and offline channels with almost 100% coverage and a network of more than 3,500 stores, Tesco should be able to use its scale to drive results in ways subscale peers cannot.
An early mover in the online channel, Tesco not only holds a dominant market position (35% online grocery share) but also operates profitably on an EBIT level, thanks to scale.
Management is successfully repositioning the business in terms of pricing, in-store experience, and operating efficiencies.

Company Description:
Tesco is one of the largest food retailers in the world, operating thousands of stores in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Europe. It recently sold its Asia operation. According to Kantar, Tesco is the market leader in the U.K. with a share around 27%, roughly double that of Asda and Sainsbury’s. Tesco operates a core supermarket business in addition to convenience and neighborhood outlets. With a 35% digital market share in the U.K., the company holds a dominant position online. Tesco gained exposure to the cash-and-carry and out-of-home delivering industries with the landmark GBP 4 billion acquisition of Booker in 2018.

(Source: Morningstar)
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Funds Funds

Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund: Has a track record of adding value by outperforming the market over the long-term

Fund Objective

The Fund’s objective is to grow the value of your investment over the long term via a combination of capital growth and income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of primarily Australian shares, providing a total return that exceeds the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index by 4% per annum after fees (measured on a rolling three-year basis). 

Fund Strategy

The portfolio comprises securities purchased primarily from, but not limited to, the S&P/ASX 300 Index (but excluding those securities in the S&P/ASX 20 Index). The Fund may invest in securities expected to be listed on the ASX except those expected to be included in the S&P/ASX 20 Index upon listing. The Fund may also invest in securities listed, or expected to be listed, on other exchanges where such securities relate to ASX-listed securities. Derivative instruments may be used to replicate underlying positions on a temporary basis and hedge market and company-specific risks. The Fund cannot purchase securities that are in the S&P/ASX 20 Index. However, when a security that is held within the Fund moves into the S&P/ASX 20 Index, that security may continue to be held for so long as deemed appropriate. The investment team will use its discretion in selling down that security, having regard to the best interests of unitholders. In this way, the Fund may hold securities in the S&P/ASX 20 Index from time to time.

Portfolio Performance

Investment Team:

The BAEP investment team consists of eight investment professionals:

  1. Mark East: Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager 
  2. Keith Hwang: Director, Quantitative Research 
  3. Neale Goldstone-Morris: Senior Investment Analyst, Strategy 
  4. Kieran Sisson: Senior Investment Analyst 
  5. Doug Macphillamy: Senior Investment Analyst 
  6. Brad Clibborn: Senior Investment Analyst 
  7. Jack Briggs: Senior Investment Analyst 
  8. Todd Briggs: Investment Analyst 

In the last two years, there has been one hire Doug Macphillamy: Senior Investment Analyst and one departure Julian Beaumont.

BAEP operates under a flat organisational structure with all team members contributing to the investment decision making process. This model has been deliberately adopted to ensure a collaborative effort and avoid a hierarchical structure. Collectively, the investment team has experience in portfolio management; fundamental, macroeconomic, strategy & quantitative research and analysis, and in trading & execution. There is a series of constant checks, balances and back-ups in the business and investment process which support its structure. Mark East (CIO) has the final say on portfolio construction and ultimately accountability/responsibility. The portfolio manager is supported by the extensive resourcing within the broader BAEP investment team. Keith Hwang has primary responsibility for trading and execution, with Kieran Sisson acting as back-up.

About Fund:

Bennelong ex-20 Australian Equities Fund’s objective is to outperform the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index excluding the portion of return attributed to the S&P/ASX 20 Leaders Index, by 4% per annum after fees on a rolling 3-year basis. The Fund invests primarily in Australian shares with high quality business models, strong growth, and underestimated earnings momentum and prospects.

(Source: Banyantree, investmentcentre)

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Dividend Stocks

ABN Amro cannot pass on negative interest rates to smaller depositors without damaging client goodwill

Business Strategy & Outlook

After emerging from outright government ownership ABN Amro is one of the simpler banks in Europe. It is essentially a retail and commercial bank with limited capital markets activities. Its strong retail deposit base supported above-average profitability until negative interest rates started to bite. Having a lending book dominated by fixed-rate mortgages does not help either. The long-duration lending book forces ABN Amro to use more expensive long-term funding in order to manage liquidity risk, which then compounds margin pressure in a declining interest-rate environment. ABN Amro offers investors exposure to the oligopolistic Dutch banking system where ABN Amro and its two main rivals hold more than 90% of all Dutch current accounts. This is in sharp contrast to the fragmented banking markets that are the norm in much of the eurozone. Historically this concentration supported higher levels of profitability for ABN Amro and its Dutch peers.

ABN Amro has a solid competitive position in Dutch retail banking with a 20% market share in Dutch personal current accounts and a 25% share of business current accounts. This provides ABN Amro with cheap, sticky funding and forms the base from which ABN Amro can cross-sell other products. In a negative interest-rate environment what should be a major competitive advantage has turned into a major headache. In a negative interest-rate environment banks earn negative interest on their surplus liquidity and with essentially a zero interest-rate floor on some of their deposits this leads to a margin squeeze. The injection of liquidity via monetary and fiscal interventions from central banks and governments following the coronavirus pandemic has just amplified this problem as banks are faced with even more deposits from clients flush with cash. ABN Amro cannot pass on negative interest rates to smaller depositors without damaging client goodwill. It is increasingly passing on higher costs to larger clients. Interest-rate hedges only provide protection against interest-rate volatility, not to a long-term decline in interest rates, especially not when rates go negative.

Financial Strengths

Even after taking into considerations the more onerous capital guidelines under Basel IV ABN Amro is one of the best-capitalized banks in Europe that were covered. At the end of 2020 ABN Amro indicated that on a Basel IV basis it has a common equity Tier 1 ratio of over 15%, compared with its internal target of 13%.

Bulls Say

  • ABN Amro is one of the three leading banks in the oligopolistic Dutch banking sector. 
  • It has an attractive funding mix with low reliance on wholesale funding. 
  • It has a simple, clear, and focused business model and strategy.

Company Description

ABN Amro Bank is a Dutch bank, and the Netherlands accounts for around 90% of its operating profit. Operationally, retail and commercial banking contributes the bulk of its operating profit, while ABN Amro continues to reduce its exposure to corporate and investment banking. It views private banking as one of its key growth areas.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Vanguard Information Technology ETF: Fund Remains Fully Invested

Investment Approach

  • Seeks to track the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology 25/50 Index. 
  • Multi Capitalization equity in the information technology sector. 
  • The fund employs a passively managed, full-replication strategy when possible. 
  • If regulatory constraints prevent full replication, the fund uses a sampling strategy to approximate the index’s key characteristics. 
  • The fund remains fully invested. 
  • Low expenses minimize net tracking error.

Fund Management

Vanguard Information Technology ETF seeks to track the investment performance of the  MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology 25/50 Index, an index of stocks of large, medium-size, and small U.S. companies in the information technology sector, as classified under the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS). This GICS sector is made up of companies in the following three general areas: internet services and infrastructure companies, including data centers and cloud networking and storage infrastructure; companies that provide information technology consulting and services, data processing, and outsourced services; technology hardware and equipment, including manufacturers and distributors of communications equipment, computers and peripherals, electronic equipment, and related instruments; and semiconductors and semiconductor equipment manufacturers. The fund attempts to replicate the target index by investing all, or substantially all, of its assets in the stocks that make up the index, holding each stock in approximately the same proportion as its weighting in the index. The fund may also sample its target index by holding stocks that, in the aggregate, are intended to approximate the index in terms of key characteristics, such as price/earnings ratio, earnings growth, and dividend yield. Typically, the fund will use a sampling strategy only if regulatory constraints or other considerations prevent it from replicating the index. Vanguard’s Equity Index Group uses proprietary software to implement trading decisions that accommodate cash flows and maintain close correlation with index characteristics. Vanguard’s refined indexing process, combined with low management fees and efficient trading, has provided tight tracking net of expenses. 



All of the returns in this report represent past performance, which is not a guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the fund. (Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data cited. For performance data current to the most recent month-end, visit website at Note, too, that both investment returns and principal value can fluctuate widely, so an investor’s shares, when sold, could be worth more or less than their original cost. The returns shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

About Fund:

Vanguard Information Technology ETF is an exchange-traded fund incorporated in the USA. The ETF tracks the performance of the MSCI US Investable Market Information Technology Index holding technology stocks of all cap sizes. Its investments are focused in the U.S. and on computer, software, and internet companies.

(Source: vanguard, Bloomberg)

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Technology Stocks

Visa Is a Longtime, Established Market Leader That Still Enjoys Strong Growth Prospects

Business Strategy & Outlook

Visa is a somewhat unique company in that it is a longtime, established market leader that still enjoys strong growth prospects. Despite the ongoing evolution of the payments industry, a wide moat surrounds the business and Visa’s position in the global electronic payment infrastructure is essentially unassailable. The shift toward electronic payments has driven Visa’s growth historically, and that is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. Digital payments, on a global basis, surpassed cash payments just a few years ago, suggesting this trend still has a lot of room to run. Emerging markets could offer a further spurt of growth even if growth in developed markets slows. Visa’s position as the leading network makes it something of a tollbooth business, and the company is relatively agnostic to the smaller shifts within electronic payments, since it earns fees regardless of whether payment is credit, debit, or mobile. 

Visa is not without its issues in the near term, and its smaller peer, Mastercard, has been performing better over the past few years. Cross-border transactions, which are particularly lucrative for the networks, saw dramatic declines due to the coronavirus outbreak and a reduction in global travel. This headwind will endure for some time, but history suggests travel ultimately makes a full recovery following disruptive events and that is expected to be the case again, although the process could take a few years. Visa obviously has sensitivity to the volume of consumer transactions, and the U.S. remains its largest market. A downturn in the economy would slow growth, and the fallout from the coronavirus has had a material impact, with both card networks seeing major declines in transaction volumes, although that pressure has started to reverse. However, there are no perceivable long-term industry trends that will impede Visa’s ability to maintain its growth in the coming years, and the scalability of the business should still allow the company to modestly expand its already ample margins over time.

Financial Strengths

Visa’s financial condition is solid. Historically, it’s been debt-free, but it issued $16 billion in debt before the Visa Europe acquisition in 2016, and has increased its debt level modestly since. Debt/EBITDA was 1.3 times at the end of fiscal 2021, a level that is considered very reasonable. Given the company’s relatively limited appetite for mergers or acquisitions and the asset-light nature of the business, there is no compelling need for extensive debt financing. Further, given the integral nature of Visa to the global payment infrastructure, management is not expected to get too aggressive with its capital structure. On the other hand, an overly conservative balance sheet structure could impede long-term shareholder returns. The current amount of leverage strikes a good balance.

Bulls Say

  • Visa has commanding market share in a scalable industry. 
  • There is still plenty of runway for growth in electronic payments, which surpassed cash payments on a global basis only a few years ago. 
  • The scalable nature of the business should allow Visa to improve its already impressive margins.

Company Description

Visa is the largest payment processor in the world. In fiscal 2021, it processed over $10 trillion in purchase transactions. Visa operates in over 200 countries and processes transactions in over 160 currencies. Its systems are capable of processing over 65,000 transactions per second.

(Source: Morningstar)

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