Technology Stocks

Solid Quarter as Blackbaud Progresses Towards Rule of 40 Goals; FVE Down to $74

Business Strategy & Outlook:  

Blackbaud is deeply entrenched in the social-good community and expect its leadership to continue to drive the space forward over the long term as it transitions to a subscription model. Such transitions tend to pressure near-term results, but the worst is behind the company and that results should naturally improve over the next couple of years. The company as among the most negatively affected from the pandemic within the software coverage, so as the world returns to normal, Blackbaud is benefiting. Blackbaud has employed an acquisition strategy to expand its addressable market. Its portfolio has grown to be the broadest in the nonprofit vertical, with Blackbaud becoming the leading software provider by virtue of its complete end-to-end platform, including a searchable database of charitable donors, customer relationship management, campaign management, grant management, payment processing, fund accounting, and other specialized enterprise resource planning functionality, as well as domain-specific solutions for education, healthcare, and faith-based institutions. 

Blackbaud has also re-engineered its once-on-premises solutions to be available via the Sky platform, which makes the portfolio more holistic and easier to add modules. Because existing clients drive the bulk of revenue, and the company’s business model transition to remain important over the next couple of years. That said, as a result of its thought leadership and strong portfolio, the company enjoys strong customer retention in the low to mid-90% area. With much of the product work complete, the company is focusing on adding sales reps and driving revenue. The market opportunity remains large. About 25% of charitable donations in 2020 were made on Blackbaud’s platform. With 1.6 million nonprofits in the U.S., and only 40,000 customers, there is clearly room to grow in its core, which will help pull along domain sales. Management pegs its addressable market at $20 billion. The growth is expected to come from both further penetration with additional products in larger clients, as well as the accumulation of new logos.

Financial Strengths: 

Blackbaud is a financially sound company. Revenue is growing in the mid-single-digit area, margins are low but expanding, and the balance sheet is in reasonable shape. The revenue slowdown from the high-single-digit range and the margin contraction to midsingle digits are explained by a business model transition to subscriptions. By now the investors have had a chance to observe this pattern many times and recognize it for the better model that it is. The margins will expand and growth will accelerate as the transition progresses over the next several years. Management, customers, and investors all prefer the predictable subscription model over the lumpy perpetual license model. As of Dec. 31, 2021, Blackbaud had $55 million in cash and equivalents, offset by $956 million in debt, which results in a net debt position of $901 million. The EVERFI acquisition added $300 million to debt. The credit facility was extended and expanded to $900 million in October of 2020. Nominal payments continue to be $8 million annually. The free cash flow margins shall improve materially over the next several years, however, driven by an increase in operating margins. At the heart of this is the familiar transition to a subscription model. There is no reason why operating margin will not expand to at least 20%. In terms of capital deployment, Blackbaud has debt to pay down and makes acquisitions. Blackbaud will have to refinance its debt, as there isn’t enough free cash flow to fully repay the entire amount. The debt balance is from various acquisitions over the last several years. It is expected the acquisitions to continue, but perhaps at a more muted pace over the next several years. In April 2020 the company eliminated its modest $0.12 quarterly dividend.

Bulls Say: 

  • Blackbaud is a clear leader in the niche fundraising and nonprofit market, with CRM, financial management, and a variety of other modules that combine to create a comprehensive software platform.
  • Blackbaud has largely eliminated its closest competitors by acquiring them, primarily through the Convio, MicroEdge, Smart Tuition, and JustGiving acquisitions over the past few years. 
  • Blackbaud’s commitment to the cloud is paying off, as most of the firm’s revenue is now generated by subscriptions, which boast strong lifetime value from customers.

Company Description: 

Founded in 1981, Blackbaud provides a suite of software solutions targeted at the “social good” community, including nonprofits, foundations, corporations, education institutions, healthcare institutions, and individual activists. Through mergers, acquisitions, and organic product development, the company has also moved into related areas outside of core fundraising, notably into K-12 schools. Blackbaud enables more than $100 billion in donations annually across a customer base in excess of 40,000 customers in at least 50 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Raising Eastman FVE to $140 On Higher Near-Term Outlook Despite Plant Shutdown; Shares Undervalued

Business Strategy & Outlook:  

Through acquisition and internal development, Eastman owns a solid portfolio of specialty chemicals. Eastman’s specialty chemicals include plastics and components used in safety glass, window tinting, and specialty plastics, which offer a solid growth profile. To increase its specialty portfolio, the firm invests roughly 4% of sales from its additives and functional products and advanced materials segments into research and development, which is in line with its specialty chemical peers. Eastman is well positioned to meet growing demand for auto window interlayers, including heads-up displays, and specialty plastics. Eastman also holds a solid position in acetate tow, which is primarily used to make cigarette filters. The acetate tow industry has experienced falling prices due to overcapacity in China over the past several years. However, a handful of players dominates the industry, a factor that led to disciplined capacity shutdowns by all of the major companies during the industry downturn. To offset some of the decline, Eastman has been investing in capacity for other uses for its fibers, including fabrics and apparel.

Eastman uses multiple feedstocks, including natural gas, coal, wood pulp, and recycled chemicals and plastics. The company plans to widen its recycled feedstock capacity over time, which will replace traditional carbon-based feedstocks. Eastman’s long-term goal is to eventually make all its cellulosic plastics and polyesters from plastic waste. This strategy will provide Eastman with solid growth as volumes of these products grow over time. Further, the company can charge a premium for its sustainable feedstock-based products, which allows it to recover the higher cost of production. Eastman’s coatings, adhesives, specialty polymers, fluids, and inks businesses generate solid operating margins. Along with the fibers segment, these businesses provide a relatively stable earnings base to offset swings in other areas. As with other chemical companies, Eastman’s business model is subject to a high degree of operating leverage, as changes in volumes can have an outsize impact on profits.

Financial Strengths:

Eastman is in good financial health. As of March 31, 2022, Eastman carried around $4.9 billion in net debt on its balance sheet. The calculated net debt/adjusted EBITDA is of 2.3 times. With strong free cash flow generation and the sale of its adhesive resins portfolio for $1 billion in cash that occurred at the beginning of April, and Eastman will have no trouble meeting its financial obligations, including dividends. Assuming no major acquisitions are made, the company will be able to maintain leverage ratios within management’s long-term target of 2.0-2.5 times over a number of years. However, the cyclical nature of the chemicals business could cause coverage ratios to fluctuate from year to year.

Bulls Say:  

  • Eastman is well-positioned to meet evolving chemical demands in auto window interlayers and tires through its best-in-class patented products.
  • Eastman’s investments in plants that use sustainable-based feedstocks, including recycled chemicals and wood pulp, should benefit from growing demand for specialty plastics made from these feedstocks.
  • As Eastman continues to develop new patented products, it should expand its specialty chemicals business, which generates higher margins and commands some degree of pricing power.

Company Description:

Established in 1920 to produce chemicals for Eastman Kodak, Eastman Chemical has grown into a global specialty chemical with manufacturing sites around the world. The company generates the majority of its sales outside of the United States, with a strong presence in Asian markets. During the past several years, Eastman has sold noncore businesses, choosing to focus on higher-margin specialty product offerings.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

CMS Expands Its Investment In Renewable Energy And Carbon Emissions Reductions Based On State Policy Support

Business Strategy and Outlook

CMS Energy’s decade-long transformation into a high-quality regulated utility positions it for a long runway of growth. CMS’ work with Michigan regulators and politicians has turned the state into one of the most constructive areas for utility investment. These constructive relationships will be critical as CMS pursues an aggressive clean energy growth plan. 

With regulatory and political backing, CMS plans more than $14 billion of investment the next five years and could add to that as it receives regulatory backing for new projects. Its goal to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 is a key part of its growth plan, supporting 6%-8% annual earnings growth for many years. Michigan’s 2008 energy legislation and additional reforms in the state’s 2016 Energy Law transformed the state’s utility regulation. As a result of those changes, CMS Energy has achieved a series of constructive regulatory decisions. CMS has secured regulatory approval for almost all of its near-term capital investment as part of the state’s 10-year integrated resource plan framework. Regulators are expected to approve CMS’ 10-year integrated resource plan settlement. If CMS can keep rate increases modest by controlling operating costs, continued regulatory support is anticipated and could even add as much as $5 billion of investment on top of its current plan. 

CMS’ growth strategy focuses on investment in electric and gas distribution and renewable energy, which aligns with Michigan’s clean energy policies and is likely to earn regulatory support. CMS plans to retire the Palisades nuclear plant and all of its coal fleet by 2025, keeping it on track to cut carbon emissions 60% by 2025 and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Proceeds from its EnerBank sale in 2021 will help finance growth investment. CMS carries an unusually large amount of parent debt, which has helped boost consolidated returns on equity, but investors should consider the refinancing risk if credit markets tighten.

Financial Strength

Although CMS has trimmed its balance sheet substantially, its 65% consolidated debt/capital ratio remains high primarily because of $4 billion of parent debt. Accordingly, the company’s EBITDA/interest coverage ratio is lower than peers, near 5 times. CMS has reduced its near-term financing risk with opportunistic refinancings. CMS is expected to maintain its current level of parent debt and take advantage of lower interest rates as it refinances. This should enhance returns for shareholders. Management appears committed to maintaining the current balance sheet and improving its credit metrics through earnings growth. 

CMS’ consolidated returns on equity are projected to top 13% for the foreseeable future, among the best in the industry due to this extra leverage. CMS has taken advantage of favorable bond markets to extend its debt maturities, including issuing three series of 60-year notes in 2018 and 2019. CMS now has $1.1 billion of parent notes due in 2078-79 at a weighted-average interest rate near 5.8%. CMS also has been able to issue 40- and 50-year debt at the utility subsidiary. Regulators thus far have not imputed CMS’ parent debt to the utilities, but that’s a risk that ultimately could end up reducing CMS’ allowed returns, customer rates and earnings.

Apart from financing the large Covert power plant acquisition in 2023, CMS is not expected to issue large amounts of equity after pricing a $250 million forward sale at an average $51 per share in 2019 and issuing $230 million of preferred stock in 2021 at a 4.2% yield. The $930 million aftertax cash proceeds from the EnerBank sale are anticipated to offset new equity needs through 2024. With constructive regulation, CMS will be able to use its operating cash flow to fund most of its investment plan during the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • Regulation in Michigan has improved since landmark reforms in 2008 and 2016. Support from policymakers and regulators is critical to realizing earnings and dividend growth. 
  • CMS’ back-to-basics strategy has focused on investment in regulated businesses, leading to a healthier balance sheet and more reliable cash flow. 
  • CMS’ board has more than doubled the dividend since 2011. 7% annual dividend increases are anticipated going forward even if the payout ratio remains above management’s 60% target.

Company Profile 

CMS Energy is an energy holding company with three principal businesses. Its regulated utility, Consumers Energy, provides regulated natural gas service to 1.8 million customers and electric service to 1.9 million customers in Michigan. CMS Enterprises is engaged in wholesale power generation, including contracted renewable energy. CMS sold EnerBank in October 2021.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Small Cap

BLD on a pro forma basis is expected to have net debt of less than $400m

Investment Thesis

  • Near-term outlook remains uncertain in Australia with higher costs and supply chain constraints.
  • BLD is a much cleaner business operations following several divestments, which increased focus. 
  • Boral is expected to benefit from proposed infrastructure projects.   
  • Better realization of price increases, whilst volumes remain solid. 
  • Focused on the Australian market. 
  • Proceeds from divestments could be returned to shareholders. 
  • Large cornerstone shareholder – Seven Group Holdings (owns approx. 70%) – may provide shareholder turnover stability

Key Risks

  • Increase Concentrated earnings, focused on just the Australian Construction market. 
  • Indirect and direct effect of coronavirus on operations.
  • Potential delays to infrastructure assets leading to a volume gap in the market. 
  • Cost pressures continue to exceed price increases. 
  • Unfavorable weather impacts. 
  • BLD is now majority owned by Seven Group Holdings (approximately 70% of outstanding shares) which means minority shareholders’ interest may not always be a priority when making key strategic decisions around capital structure, shareholder returns and strategic initiatives

Key Highlights

BLD’s 1H22 results were impacted by Covid-19 related construction shutdowns and adverse wet weather. 1H22 revenue from continuing operations of $1.5bn was up +1% YoY driven by activity in detached house, A&A and RHS&B. However, operating earnings of $78m declined -23% YoY, with EBIT margin declining -100bps to 5.8%, due to $33m impact from Covid-19 lockdowns and expenses (energy + other costs). $22m from the cost out program (Transformation program) provided some offset. Maintain Neutral recommendation given the stock trades on a healthy forward PE-multiple of 24x, which we believe adequately reflects BLD’s leverage to the Australian infrastructure spend, further capital returns potential and cost outs supporting earnings (Transformation program). Further, BLD is now majority owned by Seven Group Holdings (approximately 70% of outstanding shares) which means minority shareholders’ interest may not always be a priority when making key strategic decisions around capital structure, shareholder returns and strategic initiatives.  

  • 1H22 results summary – continuing operations. (1) Revenue of $1.5bn was up +1% (or up +3% on a comparable basis), driven by activity in detached house, A&A (alterations & additions) and RHS&B (roads, highways, subdivisions & bridges) and despite there being disruptions from lockdowns. The Company did see solid volumes in concrete (up +1%) and quarries (up +4%). Further, management noted that concrete like-for-like prices were steady and up +2% in quarries. (2) Operating earnings (EBIT) of $78m were down -23% (with EBIT margin declining to 5.8% from 6.8%), which was largely driven by the impact from Covid-19 related construction shutdowns (which adversely impacted earnings by $33m) and expenses (energy + other costs). Partially providing some buffer to EBIT was higher volume (up $22m) and $22m from the cost out program (Transformation program), which includes the $24m of cost inflation. (3) Operating cash flow from operations of $86m was down -22%, reflecting lower EBITDA performance due to construction shutdowns
  • Capital return of $2.72 per share. Given the completion of disposal of BLD’s North American Building Products and Fly Ash, and Australian Building Products businesses (Timber and Roofing & Masonry) for more than $4bn, the Company will return $3bn surplus capital to shareholders via a $2.65 capital reduction and 7cps unfranked dividend.
  • Capital structure. Following the divestments of its non-core assets and expected capital return to shareholders, BLD on a pro forma basis is expected to have net debt of less than $400m. Management is targeting net debt of $900m to $1.1bn (including leases) and leverage (net debt / EBITDA) of 2 – 2.5x.
  • FY22 outlook comments. Management did not provide overly specific guidance but noted the following: (1) 2H22 revenue is expected to be above 1H22, driven by out-of-cycle national price increases effective Jan/Feb 2022. However, this is expected to offset the impact of higher energy costs, which will remain a headwind in 2H22. (2) No construction shutdowns in 2H22 ($33m impact in 1H22) are expected to be offset by typical 2H seasonality due to 6 fewer trading days.   

Company Profile 

Boral Ltd (BLD) is the largest integrated construction materials company in Australia, producing and selling a broad range of construction materials including quarry products, cement, concrete, asphalt and recycled materials. The Company has a portfolio of assets consisting of upstream and downstream assets. BLD employs approximately 10,300 employees and contractors and has 367 construction materials sites across Australia.

 (Source: BanyanTree)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

FVEs Raised for Miners on Higher Commodity Prices Driven by Economic Recovery and Supply Constraints

Business Strategy & Outlook:  

Newcrest has no moat despite a history of low-cost production and long mine life. Returns have improved post the expensive acquisition of Lihir, but are likely to remain below the company’s cost of capital for the foreseeable future. Newcrest accounts for less than 3% of global mine production and is a price taker. Gold is increasingly the plaything of investors and subject to swings in sentiment. In 2001, gold consumption for jewelry and technology accounted for 91% of global demand, but in 2020 this had fallen to 38% as a result of increased investor demand and weaker gold consumption. There is also uncertainty around exploration success and the cost to buy or develop new mines, which are an important part of Newcrest’s future value. Operations are focused on the Asia-Pacific region, with production split roughly evenly between Australia and Papua New Guinea, or PNG, with a smaller contribution from the Americas. The company is a long-established low-cost producer, save a cost spike in 2013, which subsequently abated. Current management was installed in 2014 and brought a focus on cost efficiency, capital discipline and optimisation. Under Sandeep Biswas, Newcrest has been a much more reliable producer and has delivered incremental improvements at its operations, boosting throughput and lowering unit costs, particularly at Lihir and Cadia. Copper is a secondary product, contributing approximately 15% of revenue in fiscal 2019, but it is likely to rise over time. It represents approximately 40% of the in-ground value of Newcrest’s reserves and resources. Newcrest has a solid exploration record. Excluding acquired Lihir ounces, gold equivalent reserves increased from 3.4 million ounces in 1992 to 78 million ounces in December 2017, while resources increased from 8.5 million ounces to 144 million ounces. Gold equivalent resources were added at less than AUD 20 per ounce. Reserves at the end of 2020 were 49 million ounces of gold and 6.8 million metric tons of copper.

Financial Strengths: 

The company’s balance sheet is sound. The company ended June 2021 with modest net cash of USD 0.2 billion. The net debt to grow to end fiscal 2022 to about USD 1.5 billion with the acquisition of Pretium Resources and elevated capital expenditure at Cadia, Lihir and with the development of Havieron and Red Chris. However, despite the increase, the balance sheet is still sound. The forecasted debt/EBITDA to peak slightly to around 0.7 in fiscal 2022 before declining gradually through the forecasted period. Newcrest has long-dated corporate bonds totaling USD 1.65 billion. The bonds mature in fiscal2030, 2042, and 2050 with maturities of USD 650 million, USD 500 million, and USD 500 million, respectively. At the end of fiscal 2021, the company had USD 1.8 billion of cash and USD 1.6 billion of undrawn debt.

Bulls Say: 

  • Gold companies can behave countercyclically. They provide a hedge to inflation risk and tend to offer some benefit in times of market uncertainty. Gold can gain from continued money printing and/or if there is a flight to safety.
  • Newcrest’s reserves are massive and mine life is long, offering leverage to upwards movements in the gold price.
  • Newcrest owns several world-scale deposits in Cadia, Telfer, Lihir, and Wafi-Golpu. Large deposits typically bring significant exploration upside and expansion options.

Company Description:

Newcrest is an Australia-based gold and, to a lesser extent, copper miner. Operations are predominantly in Australia and Papua New Guinea, with a smaller mine in Canada. Cash costs are below the industry average, underpinned by improvements at Lihir and Cadia. Newcrest is one of the larger global gold producers but accounts for less than 3% of total supply. Gold mining is relatively fragmented.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Recent acquisitions in the business position Scotts to take advantage of growing demand from states where cannabis has been recently legalized

Business Strategy and Outlook

Scotts Miracle-Gro is the largest and most recognizable name in the U.S. consumer lawn and gardening market. The firm sells a wide array of products aimed at helping consumers grow and maintain their lawns. The U.S. consumer segment, which consists of lawn and gardening products, generated 65% of total revenue in fiscal 2021. Scotts has generated healthy margins on its products through effective branding, which allows it to maintain favorable product positioning and shelf space in the largest mass-market and home improvement retailers. Scotts has also been able to charge a premium over competitors because of its strong brand equity. While actual product differentiation in the industry is limited, consumers have been willing to pay up for Scotts’ products. 

Future demand for gardening products will depend on growth in the housing industry. It is alleged housing starts to average 1.5 million per year through 2030. While housing starts alone should increase demand for gardening products, it is held some secular trends that will offset the growth. Living-preference shifts to smaller lots and urban centers should result in less need for gardening products. Additionally, a greater proportion of gardening products will be sold online. Currently, the vast majority of sales occur at brick-and-mortar retail. Even if Scotts increases its online sales presence, it may lose some pricing power as many products in the gardening industry shift away from brick-and-mortar retailers to online platforms, where Scotts will likely face more lower-priced competition. 

The Hawthorne segment, which includes indoor gardening, hydroponics, and lighting equipment, contributed a little under 30% of revenue in fiscal 2021. Its growth is closely tied to the legalization of cannabis in the U.S., as its products are frequently used by licensed growers. Recent acquisitions in the business should position Scotts to take advantage of growing demand from states where cannabis has been recently legalized. The majority of U.S. consumer sales typically come from Home Depot and Lowe’s. However, this should decline as a percentage of companywide revenue as the Hawthorne segment grows.

Financial Strength

Scotts Miracle-Gro currently has elevated leverage. As of March 31, calculation for net debt/adjusted EBITDA was nearly 5 times, well above with management’s long-term target leverage of 3.5 times. However, the company built up inventory in both the U.S. consumer and Hawthorne businesses in anticipation of improving volumes in the second half of the fiscal year. As the company works down its inventory and uses the cash to repay debt, it is noticed there are no issues with its current financial position. Further, as the Hawthorne business continues to recover from the current industry oversupply, it is alleged for EBITDA growth will resume and leverage ratios will fall back to management’s targets. Over the last five years, dividends grew at an average mid-single-digit rate. Management has indicated that it intends to continue raising the dividend, and Scotts should have the free cash flow to do so. Management uses additional free cash flow to either repurchase shares or pay a special dividend. For example, in 2020, Scotts paid a $5 per share special dividend.

Bulls Say’s

  • U.S. household formation growth will drive demand for gardening products. As the market leader in consumer gardening products, Scotts will benefit from the secular housing trend. 
  • Consumer behavior has changed as a result of COVID-19, with more consumers engaging in gardening as an activity. As the largest player in the consumer gardening market, Scotts will benefit from this change. 
  • The emerging cannabis industry represents a lucrative opportunity for Scotts, which is well positioned to capture this segment of the market.

Company Profile 

Scotts Miracle-Gro is the largest provider of gardening and lawncare products in the United States. The majority of the company’s sales are to large retailers that include Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Walmart. Scotts Miracle-Gro can sell its products at a higher price point than its competition because of a well-recognized portfolio of brands that include Miracle-Gro, Roundup, Ortho, Tomcat, and Scotts. Scotts is also the leading supplier of cannabis-growing equipment in North America through its Hawthorne business. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Dividend Stocks

With deeper and stronger expertise in underwriting, Hannover Re retrocedes less than comparable European reinsurance companies

Business Strategy and Outlook

Hannover Re is a property and casualty, and life and health reinsurer with property and casualty contributing a little over two thirds of the company’s profits to shareholders. Hannover Re has a slightly less than double-digit market share in both these divisions. This is a business that is characterised by underwriting and carving deep expertise in niche areas. While this may sound a bit woolly, experts sense is that some of this underwriting difference comes from the overall ownership of the underwriting process by Hannover Re’s underwriters. It is conceptualised through lenses of decision-making and responsibility. Whereas in other reinsurance firms, underwriters may need to defer back to a head of risk or perhaps even the c-suit, underwriters at Hannover Re have the authority, experience, and expertise to make and take those decisions more directly. With more of these decisions being made closer to the front line it is alleged to lead to better standards of underwriting. Furthermore, it is probable for this to lead to stronger client relationships. Because underwriters are client-facing and thus renewals a reiterative negotiation, with Hannover Re’s underwriters in the position to directly negotiate and discuss client needs without the need for constant deferral, clients feel and are more connected to Hannover Re and this drives stronger retention rates. As it is known, stronger retention drives lower commission and acquisition costs. 

In addition to the culture of excellence in underwriting with a proven reputation for expertise in specialist lines, Hannover Re benefits from an expense advantage and these two benefits are aligned. For example, with deeper and stronger expertise in underwriting, Hannover Re retrocedes less than comparable European reinsurance companies. As the business has the institutional capacity to absorb this internally with regard to its frontline, coupled with the lower levels of internal referrals outlined, Hannover Re supports more premium per employee than other comparable. The outcome of this is tangible with the business benefiting from at least a 100-basis-point expense ratio advantage.

Financial Strength

As it can be seen Hannover Re has a good balance sheet. Leverage is quite low with debt standing at around EUR 3.4 billion. That stands in contrast to equity owned by shareholders of EUR 10.9 billion. Admittedly, of that EUR 2.3 billion is attributable to gains on securities classified as available for sale. It is already touched on where Hannover’s balance sheet is weakest with the largest part of Hannover’s market risk attributable to default and spread risk. As digging a bit deeper, it can be seen that this relates to Hannover’s allocation to credit. Of the EUR 14.2 billion held in corporate bonds, EUR 7.8 billion is held around investment-grade. The shape of the government and semi-government bond portfolios is much more appealing. Hannover has also substantially increased its allocation to equities. Goodwill is however nice and low. Overall, this is a balance sheet that has room for quite a bit of improvement. First and foremost, it is found out for allocation to equities very opportunistic. This does not fit in with the typical corporate culture at Hannover Re. The quality of the credit portfolio is also a little light. But in the main this is a business that is not highly leveraged and is very financially disciplined.

Bulls Say’s

  • Hannover Re has a strong culture of expertise and experience in specialist underwriting. 
  • Hannover Re is a cost leader with one of the lowest proportional amounts spent on administrative expenses. 
  • Hannover Re focuses on organic growth rather than acquisitions. This not only comes through in its lean structure and lower expenses, but also in its approach to capital management and distributions to shareholders.

Company Profile 

Hannover Re is a German-based reinsurance company with a strong reputation in writing specialist lines of reinsurance and a low-cost operating model. The business and its management team are highly disciplined, rarely ever making an acquisition and favouring a strategy of specials over a commitment to a buyback when looking to return excess capital to shareholders. The business is also found to be innovative in finding alternative and unearthed profit sources.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Dividend Stocks

With a rising rate environment now on the horizon, Comerica should see its profits materially increase

Business Strategy and Outlook

Comerica is predominantly a commercial-focused middle-market bank, with over 90% of loans related to commercial lending and the majority of these related to its middle-market business. While the bank started in Michigan and remains a key player in this market, it has gradually expanded into California and Texas, which offer more growth potential. This has been a multiyear project and included moving the headquarters to Dallas from Michigan in 2007 and greatly expanding operations in Texas by acquiring Sterling Bancshares in 2011. Expansion in California has happened gradually for years, and the market has become Comerica’s largest, with roughly one third of the bank’s loans now based there. 

The bank has concentrations in the commercial real estate market, dealer floor plan lending, and mortgage banking. Comerica has a relatively small energy portfolio, which is likely to remain at 5% or less of the total loan book. The bank also has two business units primarily focused on serving institutional investors; the technology and life sciences unit and the equity fund services unit. Overall, the bank has a diversified set of commercial-focused lending and advisory segments. 

Comerica remains very leveraged to interest rates, as the vast majority (roughly 80%) of its loans are adjustable rate, making the bank one of the most interest-rate-sensitive names. This, combined with the bank’s sticky deposit base from its core commercial clients, makes the bank ideally positioned for rising rates. The flip side of this business model is that the bank can be more pressured during extended periods of low rates. With a rising rate environment now on the horizon, Comerica should see its profits materially increase. It is foreseen Comerica will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this rate backdrop. Comerica’s overall strategy of adding value through its deep, advisor-style relationships with small and midsize business clients is appreciated. Fee streams related to payments and wealth management will also help the bank outlearn its cost of capital over the long term.

Financial Strength

It is held Comerica is in good financial health. While losses from the energy portfolio ticked up in 2016 and again in 2020, the bank has managed the costs well and has shown that the risks are well managed. The common equity Tier 1 ratio has generally been above the bank’s 10% goal, which is viewed to be an appropriate target.

Bulls Say’s

  • A strong economy and higher rates are all positives for the banking sector and should propel revenues and profitability even higher. This is particularly true for Comerica, which has uniquely high-rate sensitivity. 
  • A healthy business environment should uniquely benefit Comerica’s loan growth compared with many peers, as the bank almost exclusively focuses on commercial business, not retail. 
  • The bank’s superior commercial relationships are hard to replicate and lead to a good deposit base, increasing the value of the Comerica banking franchise.

Company Profile 

Comerica is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas. It is primarily focused on relationship-based commercial banking. In addition to Texas, Comerica’s other primary geographies are California and Michigan, with locations also in Arizona and Florida and select businesses operating in several other states as well as Canada. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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BlackRock iShares Enhanced Cash ETF: A diversified Portfolio of higher-yielding high Quality Short-term Money Market Instrument.

Investment Objective

The Fund seeks, by employing a passive investment strategy, to outperform the S&P/ASX Bank Bill Index (before fees and expenses). It offers the ability to achieve potentially enhanced regular income with a diversified portfolio of higher-yielding high quality short-term money market instruments, including floating rate notes. It is truly liquid and only holds instruments that can be easily sold to meet investor requirements.

Investment Strategy

The Fund seeks to achieve its objective by employing a passive investment strategy that aims to outperform the performance of the S&P/ASX Bank Bill Index (referred to in this section 6 of the PDS as the Index).   Given the synthetic nature of Index constituents (refer to section 6.4 of this PDS, titled “About the Index” for further information) it is not possible to implement an investment strategy that looks to construct a portfolio of Index constituents. Instead, the Fund’s conservatively managed passive investment strategy will construct a portfolio of money market and fixed income securities that typically provide higher yield without significant increase in default and interest rate risk. Securities will be selected with consideration to the security’s rating, sector, maturity, liquidity, and underlying credit fundamentals. 

The Fund will be managed using a buy and hold investment philosophy, similar to other passive investment strategies, with full daily portfolio transparency. A sampling methodology has been selected as the most appropriate investment technique, as it keeps trading costs to a minimum and provides the necessary flexibility to deliver investment returns that either meet or at times may exceed Index returns. Any outperformance of the Index will not be a result of active trading nor the investment expertise of the individual fund manager(s) in selecting particular investment securities that it considers will perform better relative to other securities. Rather, returns above the Index would typically result from prudent risk mitigation and diversification measures, including: 

► issuer diversification, for example, rather than having issuer concentration to the four major Australian banks, diversification can be achieved by investing in similarly rated authorised deposit taking institutions (ADIs) who issue securities at a margin above the benchmark BBSW rates (the rates provided by the major Australian banks) ‐ the overarching investment consideration is prudent risk management and credit risk mitigation and not active security selection by the individual fund manager(s) based on perceived credit quality, as the credit quality is the same; and 
► investment of up to 20% in Floating Rate Notes (FRNs) which earn a higher yield relative to very short‐term “cash‐like” securities ‐ these investments will be “buy and hold” and not actively traded, the overarching investment rationale for holding these securities is to further diversify credit risk in the portfolio. The Fund is also expected to attract additional returns from attractive interest rates on Australian dollar cash deposits. The interest rate on cash deposits will most likely exceed the 24-hour Cash Rate that is used as a price input into the Index return calculation, as BlackRock has long

established commercial relationships with several Australian ADIs, which allows cash to be placed on deposit at commercial rates. 

Cash deposits are not actively traded; rather allocations will be based on issuer concentration limits, therefore further diversifying the portfolio.   

Trading within the Fund is only expected to meet client flows or the reinvestment of maturating securities and not as a result of active security selection. The credit quality, liquidity risk and maturity profile of the Fund will be continuously monitored and adjusted with reference to the Index. Additionally, investments of the Fund are required to have a long‐term credit rating of BBB or higher or a short‐term credit rating of A2 or higher by S&P Ratings or an equivalent rating from Moody’s. Further details of the Fund’s investment strategy, including investment parameters, is set out in the Fund’s Investment Guidelines, which is available upon request. Given the Fund is unable to implement a traditional full replication or optimisation passive investment strategy, the Fund may at times incur greater tracking error than other ETFs (refer to the section of this PDS titled “Fund risks” for further information on the risks associated with investing in the Fund).


Asset Allocation:


About the Index:

The Index offers short‐term exposure to Australian dollar‐ denominated bank bills with maturity profiles of up to 91 days.   Unlike traditional equity and fixed income indexes, the constituents of which are shares and bonds respectively, the Index consists of synthetic “securities” that cannot be purchased and sold. The constituents of the Index are a series of 13 hypothetical weekly bills, ranging from one‐week to 91 days in maturity that are interpolated using the 24-Hour Cash Rate and the 30‐Day, 60‐Day and 90‐Day Bank Bill Swap rates (BBSW). The credit worthiness of the bills included in the Index is deemed that of prime banks, i.e., the major four Australian banks. The 13 rates are derived from the four rate types described above and applied to each of the 13 hypothetical bills. As the Index progresses to the next weekly rebalancing date the term to maturity of each bill, and the Index as a whole, reduces daily until the shortest bill matures. The face value of this bill is then reinvested in a new bill with a term to maturity of 13 weeks and the term to maturity of the Index increases by approximately seven days. The total amount received on maturity, that is the face value, is reinvested in the discounted value of a new 91‐day bill. The Index is maintained so that maturing bills are reinvested in the discounted value of a new 91‐day bill on the day the cash is received (each Tuesday).

About the Fund:

Ishares Enhanced Cash ETF (ISEC) offers the ability to achieve capital preservation and potentially enhanced regular income with a diversified portfolio of higher-yielding high quality short-term money market instruments, including floating rate notes. The fund Achieve capital preservation and maximise regular current income with a diversified portfolio of higher-yielding high quality short-term money market instruments, including floating rate notes.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

Laverne and Banyan Tree and its respective officers may have an interest in the securities or derivatives of any entities referred to in this material. Laverne and Banyan Tree do and seek to do business with companies that are the subject of its research reports. The analyst(s) hereby certify that all the views expressed in this report accurately reflect their personal views about the subject investment theme and/or company securities.

Although every attempt has been made to verify the accuracy of the information contained in the document, liability for any errors or omissions (except any statutory liability which cannot be excluded) is specifically excluded by Laverne and Banyan Tree, its associates, officers, directors, employees, and agents.  Except for any liability which cannot be excluded, Laverne and Banyan Tree, its directors, employees and agents accept no liability or responsibility for any loss or damage of any kind, direct or indirect, arising out of the use of all or any part of this material.  Recipients of this document agree in advance that Laverne and Banyan Tree are not liable to recipients in any matters whatsoever otherwise; recipients should disregard, destroy or delete this document. All information is correct at the time of publication. Laverne and Banyan Tree do not guarantee reliability and accuracy of the material contained in this document and is not liable for any unintentional errors in the document.

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Dividend Stocks

Australian Media Companies Enjoying Positive Ad Breaks From Pandemic Outbreaks

Business Strategy & Outlook

An investment in Nine Entertainment requires balancing the strong positioning of its Nine Network division in Australian free-to-air television against the structural challenges facing the industry from proliferating competition for viewers and advertising dollars. The competitive intensity continuing, preventing any sustained improvement in Nine Network’s margins. The same is true for digital

division, which operates in the equally competitive digital advertising space. However, Nine Entertainment has a strong balance sheet and is a high cash-generating business. This provides management with significant flexibility, allowing it to invest in marquee television content, diversify into digital businesses, and engage in capital management initiatives. The group has been

executing admirably to date and culminated in the merger with Fairfax (consummation in December 2018), using mostly Nine shares as consideration.

Financial Strengths

Nine Entertainment is in solid financial health. As at the end of December 2021, the company had net debt of AUD 150 million on a wholly owned group basis, equating to net debt/EBITDA of just 0.4 times.

Bulls Say

  • Nine Entertainment commands a strong position in the Australian free-to-air television industry, with number-two ratings and revenue share positions.
  • The company generates solid free cash flow and boasts a strong balance sheet, key attributes that allow management the flexibility to invest in programming while engaging in capital-management initiatives.
  • Synergy from the merging with Fairfax could be greater than expected, with potential upside from collaboration and savings on newsroom/journalistic resources over time.

Company Description

Nine Entertainment operates Nine Network, a free-to-air television network spread across five capital cities, as well as in regional Northern New South Wales and Darwin. It also owns Australia’s third-largest portfolio of online digital properties, one that reaches more than 60% of the country’s active online audience. The merger with Fairfax combines Nine’s top-ranked TV network and the second-largest newspaper group, topped with a collection of quality digital assets in Nine Digital, subscription video on demand operator Stan, and Fairfax’s 59%-owned Domain. It ensures the merged

entity remains relevant in the eyes of audiences and advertisers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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