Tag: European Market

Business Strategy & Outlook
Daimler AG completed the spinoff of its truck and bus operations on Dec. 10, 2021 and changed its name to Mercedes-Benz Group AG on Feb. 1, 2022. In 2021, the truck and bus business, now called Daimler Truck AG, accounted for 20% of consolidated revenue including discontinued operations and 11% of group adjusted EBIT. The remaining operations of Mercedes-Benz Group include premium and luxury passenger vehicles and light commercial vans as well as Mercedes-Benz Mobility, which includes financial services and other mobility services like ride-hailing. The highly regarded Mercedes-Benz brand is one of the top luxury automobile names in the world. The firm is also a European leader in commercial vans. Even so, Mercedes faces stiff competition in all of its markets. The company operates in the cyclical, capital-intense, highly competitive passenger vehicle industry where raw material commodity costs can be volatile and unionized labor can be expensive.
Geographically diverse sales reduce exposure to the economic conditions of any one region. Even so, premium brands such as Mercedes-Benz limit exposure to downturns suffered by mass-market auto companies because wealthier customers’ spending is less sensitive to recessions. Global population growth of high-net-worth individuals has averaged 5%, increasing Mercedes’ addressable market, faster than the 1%-3% rate it can be estimated for long-term global light-vehicle demand growth. New product is critical to spurring consumer interest and can help results even in an economic downturn. Mercedes-Benz launches new or significantly refreshed models in various markets around the world every year. Research and development spending, including capitalized development costs, is substantial, averaging roughly 6% of sales, which is a necessary part of a long-term strategy. Environmental legislation worldwide forces automakers to design vehicles with more efficient combustion engines and electrified powertrains. By 2030, the company says it will be “ready to go all-electric.”
Financial Strengths
Mercedes-Benz’ balance sheet to be in good shape. The company maintains a substantial cash balance and healthy availability on bank lines of credit. To remain competitive, automakers need high liquidity to fund R&D and capital investment to support product launches throughout economic cycles. At the end of 2021, the company had net industrial liquidity of EUR 21.0 billion (cash and credit line availability less debt). The company has healthy liquidity. The industrial business’ total adjusted debt/EBITDAR, which takes into consideration rent expense and operating leases, has averaged 0.7 times since 2011, which can be viewed as strong for a capital-intensive, cyclical passenger vehicle maker. Financial liability maturities, including financial services, appear to be well laddered and matched with maturing financial loan assets. Mercedes’ consolidated capital structure is complex from its captive finance operations, which support industrial operations’ sales by providing credit to dealers and consumers but also have banking operations and other financial services. Aside from its balance sheet cash hoard, the company relies mostly on notes and bonds for its funding requirements but also uses lines of credit, deposits from banking customers, and commercial paper. The consolidated capital structure’s total debt/total capital historical average since 2011 is 63.0%. Taking Mercedes’ substantial cash position into account, net debt/total capital averages 51.6%. With the financial-services business accounted for on an equity basis, Mercedes’ total debt/total capital averages 13.8%, while net debt/total capital averages only negative 11.5%, denoting an average net cash position.
Bulls Say
- Mercedes-Benz is a highly recognizable, well-respected global luxury brand, giving the company a modest buffer against the cyclical downturns of auto sales.
- Mercedes’ strong R&D capabilities and electrified powertrain technologies should prove valuable because of global clean-air legislation.
- Management’s long-term return on sales targets are higher than the model, so upside potential exists to the valuation.
Company Description
Based in Stuttgart, Germany, Mercedes-Benz Group AG makes premium passenger vehicles and commercial vans. Brands include Mercedes-Benz, AMG, and Maybach. Mercedes-Benz Mobility provides the company’s dealers and its customers with vehicle financing as well as mobility services in ride hailing, car sharing, and charging. Mercedes owns 11.9% of Aston Martin and 9.6% of Beijing Automotive Group. Li Shufu, chairman of Chinese automaker Geely Automobile, owns 9.7% of Mercedes-Benz. Other major shareholders include Kuwait Investment Authority at 6.8% and Beijing Automotive group at 5.0%.
(Source: Morningstar)
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