Global stocks Shares

Medibank Private (MPL) reported mixed 1H22 results – while group operating profit up +12.3% to $286.5m driven by growth

Investment Thesis

  • On valuation grounds relative to the current share price, MPL trades fair value. 
  • MPL is a quality business with a high-quality management team. 
  • Given Australia’s growing and ageing population, there will be increased demand for health care services. This will add additional pressure on Australia’s public health care system and the Federal budget and an increased dependence on private health care insurers. NHF offers exposure to the business model of providing a funding mechanism for the high-growth health care sector. Healthcare spending is expected to grow at 5-10% per annum, so without significant tax hikes, the government cannot afford for people to shift back to the public healthcare system. 
  • Given underlying increases in average premium rates of around 5 – 6% p.a., some policyholder growth (especially at the 30-34-year-old segment), estimates that MPL offers close to low double-digit underlying growth in the medium term. 
  • Potential to improve the company’s expense ratio. 
  • Room for industry-wide benefits such as losses from risk equalization funds as nonprofitable players are consolidated.
  •  Incentives and benefits encourage PHI take-up. They include 1. Tax benefits and penalties for Australian residents (via Lifetime Health Cover, Medicare Levy Surcharge and means tested rebate); and 2. Shorter wait times, a choice of specialist doctor/hospital and coverage of ancillary health services support.

Key Risks

  • Intensifying competition between top 6 players, putting policy growth targets at risk and any increases in expected marketing spend going forward will no doubt add further strain on earnings growth.
  • Policyholders declined unexpectedly, despite the incentives and Australian Government struggling with the rapid increase in healthcare spending and health services demand. 
  • Registered health insurers cannot increase premium rates without approval from the Government/Minister for Health/PHIAC/APRA. This leaves NHF’s ROE and margins exposed to a political process and pressures if the company is deemed too profitable. 
  • Regulatory changes especially relating to any changes to tax incentives and benefits which encourage take up of PHI. 
  • Higher than expected lapse rates and claims inflation as a result of poor insurance policy design, aging population, and costs of new medical equipment, procedures and treatments. 
  • Poor negotiations with healthcare providers such as private hospital operators leading to unfavourable contractual terms. 
  • Lower than expected investment returns.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Group operating profit up +12.3% to $286.5m driven by growth in both MPL’s segments – Health Insurance and Medibank Health. 
  • NPAT was down -2.7% to $220.2m, on lower net investment income relative to the pcp. Underlying NPAT, which normalises for investment market returns, was up +4.4%. Net investment income of $30.9m, was down from $71.8m in 1H21, with income from the growth and defensive portfolios down $14.8m and $24.6m, respectively. Gross margin of 15.4% and operating margin of 8.1%, was a 20bps and 40 bps improvement over the pcp, respectively. 
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 6.1cps, which equates to a 79.1% payout ratio of underlying NPAT which normalises for investment market returns, and within the target payout ratio range of between 75-85% of underlying NPAT. MPL expects the payout ratio to be towards the top end of the target range for the full year. 
  • Retains a strong capital position with health Insurance capital of $960.8m as at 31 December 2021, which equates to 13.0% of premium revenue after the allowance for the dividend declared with this result and is at the top end of the Board’s stated target range of 11.0-13.0%.
  • Health Insurance: Operating profit was up +10.3% to $280.9m driven by growth in premium revenue up +3.8% to $3,452.0m, and a benign claims environment. The segment saw strong resident policyholder growth of +1.5% in the 6 months to 31 December 2021, with policyholder growth of 28,100 comprising 12,100 for Medibank and 16,000 for ahm. Management expense ratio was down 30 bps to 7.2% due to lower management expenses and increasing revenue. 
  • Medibank Health: Segment profit was up +36.7% to $25.7m driven by strong revenue growth up +6.9% to $155.7m with strong demand in telehealth and health and wellbeing, partially offset by MPL’s travel insurance business (which was impacted by closed borders due to the Covid pandemic).
  • Management noted MPL’s healthcare investments including Myhealth Medical Group, East Sydney Private Hospital and JV with Calvary contributed $2.3m to this result.

Company Description

Medibank (MPL) is Australia’s largest private health insurer with ~30% market share. Medibank’s health insurance business (Health Insurance) underwrites private health insurance and the insurer generates revenue from a number of complementary services.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Global stocks

Nufarm Ltd (NUF) delivered strong profit growth during 1H22, with underlying EBITDA up +41% y/y to $330m

Investment Thesis

  • Upside to the blended valuation. 
  • Current earnings headwinds are seasonal rather than structural. 
  • Recent acquisitions of European products provide growth options. 
  • Ongoing focus on operational efficiency to support earnings. 
  • Undemanding valuation relative to domestic chemicals’ peer group and international players.
  • Launch of Omega-3 canola business. 
  • Sale of its South American crop protection and seed treatment businesses to simplify business model and reduce working capital volatility. 
  • Sector consolidation could see NUF potentially engaged in corporate activity.

Key Risks

  • Integration risk associated with recent acquisitions. 
  • Adverse movements in commodities prices. 
  • Unfavourable seasonal impacts. 
  • Competitive pressures. 
  • Adverse currency movements. 
  • Regulatory / litigation risks. 
  • South America transaction fails to proceed.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue increased +31% to $2.2bn, as seasonal conditions and strong commodity prices boosted demand across all product groups and regions with tight supply and low channel inventories stimulating early demand. 
  • Underlying EBITDA increased +41% to $330m, driven by passing-on of higher costs to customers, increase in higher margin portfolio mix and benefits from strategic and performance improvement initiatives. 
  • Underlying NPAT increased +112% to $133m. 
  • Net operating cash flow was a $65m outflow (vs $63m inflow in pcp) with the improvement in underlying earnings more than offset by the seasonal outflow in working capital, resulting in FCF outflow of $137m vs inflow of $9m in pcp. 
  • Balance sheet strengthened with net debt declining -6% equating to leverage (net debt/uEBITDA) of 1.1x, down 0.3x, and management completing high yield bond refinancing which delivers annualised interest savings of US$9.8m from lower fixed rate coupon and reduced face value. 
  • The Board declared an unfranked interim dividend of 4cps, the first interim dividend since 2018.
  • APAC revenue increased +34% to $581m, which combined with previously implemented manufacturing footprint rationalisation, cost reductions and performance improvement initiatives and introduction of new higher margin products, delivered uEBITDA of $99m, up +45%. 
  • Europe revenue increased +6% to €316m, due to targeted campaigns, strong customer relationships and reliable supply under challenging logistic conditions, partially offset by €26m impact of product de-registrations, however, uEBITDA was flat at €75 m, as price increases offset inflation in raw materials and logistics costs.
  • North America revenue improved +49% to US$581m, as improved seasonal conditions and higher grain prices drove increased demand, and uEBITDA increased +167% to US$67m, driven by product mix and volume growth in key segments, higher end-user prices and improved efficiencies amid investment in supply chain. 
  • Seed Technologies delivered revenue growth of +28% to $185m and uEBITDA increased +24% to $46m.

Company Description

Nufarm Ltd (NUF) is one of the world’s leading crop protection and specialist seeds companies. The Company produces products to assist farmers in protecting their crops against damage caused by weeds, pests and disease. The Company has manufacturing and marketing operations in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe and the Americas.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Global stocks

SOL reported a statutory net loss of $12.9m after tax

Investment Thesis

  • Trades on fair-value in terms of valuation. 
  • The portfolio is well positioned and diversified, providing access to a range of asset classes across sectors, including equities, private equity, private credit and property. 
  • Solid investment philosophy/approach given investment strategies have delivered above market returns over a significant timeframe. 
  • Strong management/investment team led by Rob Millner, with solid credentials and a strong track record of execution and active stewardship of capital. 
  • Strong track record of paying a consistent and increasing dividend for over 20 years.

Key Risks

  • Deterioration in performance in investments. 
  • Global and Australian economic conditions deteriorate. 
  • The investment Manager/analysts miss-calculate their bottom-up valuation of investments.
  • Reliance on the investment team and their expertise to outperform investment benchmarks. Hence key man risks and departure of key investment personnel, especially Rob Millner.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Group regular profit after tax of $834.6m, up +154.4%. 
  • Group loss after tax up -104.7% to -$12.9m. 
  • Net asset value up +71.6% to $9.96 billion. 
  • Pre-tax net asset value per share was up 13.8% for the period (outperformance of 20.2% against market).
  •  After-tax net asset value per share up 28.5% (outperformance of 34.9% against market). 
  • Net cash flows from investments up 93% yoy to $347.9m. Net Cash Flows from investments on a per share basis is up 28%, relative to FY21.
  • The Board declared a final ordinary dividend of 43 cps, which brings total dividends for FY22 to 72 cps, up +16.1% and a 15 cps Special Dividend. Both fully franked.
  • Strategic portfolio (48.6% of total portfolio). The portfolio retains 12.6% of TPG, 39.9% of New Hope, 25.4% of Tuas, 43.3% of Brickworks, 29.8% of Apex Healthcare, 37.0% of Pengana. API stake was sold to Wesfarmers. The portfolio delivered a total return of 25.8% over FY22, driven by gains in New Hope, due to higher coal prices. 
  • Large Caps (31.2% of total portfolio). The portfolio retains positions in companies within the ASX-100 index. The portfolio delivered a total return of -0.6% over FY22 beating the ASX200 Accumulation Index return of -2.2%. 
  • Private Equity (6.6% of total portfolio). The portfolio retains positions in unlisted companies such as Round Oak, Ampcontrol, Ironbark, Agricultural and Water investments, and Aquatic Achievers. Contributions to net cash flow from investments jumped 213% relative to the pcp. The portfolio saw a total return of 19.1%. 
  • Emerging Companies (6.1% of total portfolio). The portfolio retains positions in ex-ASX100 listed equities and unlisted growth companies. The portfolio delivered a total return of -2.3% over 12 months to 31 July 2022, outperforming the ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index by 7.5%.
  • Structured Yield (2.5% of total portfolio). The portfolio retains positions of corporate loans or hybrid instruments. Net cash flow from investments of $19.7m was up +18.7% over the pcp.
  • Property (2.3% of total portfolio). The portfolio comprises positions in actively managed direct property. Industrial development asset was acquired in Kirrawee, NSW and its Retirement lifestyle development (Sage by Moran at Cronulla, NSW) is currently under construction.

Company Description

Washington H. Soul Pattinson and Company Ltd (ASX: SOL) holds a diversified portfolio of uncorrelated investments across listed equities, private equity, property and loans. It has a flexible mandate to generate returns by making long-term investment decisions and adjust the portfolio by changing the mix of investment classes over time. The Company is the second oldest publicly listed company on the ASX and has been successfully managed by the same family from the outset: Lewy Pattinson, Fred Pattinson, Jim Millner and current Chairman, Rob Millner.

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Global stocks Shares

MQGs market facing businesses to pick up additional earnings

Investment Thesis

  • Significant operations across the globe, which provides diversity in business and geographic mix.
  • Changing business mix has seen the company move to a more reliable (annuity style) earnings stream – making it a more quality (less volatile) business. 
  • Solid management team. 
  • Strong infrastructure business, which should benefit further government policies to drive economic growth. 
  • Push into green energy is a positive. 
  • Solid balance sheet, with surplus capital available for deployment (i.e. growth opportunities). 
  • Management unable to quantify FY23 earnings guidance due to the ongoing volatile market conditions. 
  • Potential capital management initiatives in the absence of investment in growth opportunities.

Key Risks

  • Weakness / volatility in financial markets. 
  • Change in regulatory landscape. 
  • Weakness in asset values (e.g. MQG’s co-investments). 
  • Increased competition for advisory work. 
  • Value / EPS destructive acquisitions. 
  • Company fails to achieve its FY20 guidance.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Net operating income increased +36% YoY to $17.3bn, primarily driven by higher Fee and commission income (up +33% YoY), Net other operating income (up +74% YoY) and Net interest and trading income (up +21% YoY), which combined with +22% YoY increase in operating expenses to $10.8bn, delivered NPAT of $4.7bn, up +56% YoY. 
  • Net credit and other impairment charges declined -3% YoY, driven by the partial release of Covid-19 overlays in BFS and CGM, partially offset by small number of underperforming equity investments in Macquarie Capital, though credit provisioning levels remained prudent with combined downside macroeconomic scenarios having a higher weighting than the upside scenario. 
  • ROE improved +440 bps YoY to 18.7%.income (up +33% YoY), Net other operating income (up +74% YoY) and Net interest and trading income (up +21% YoY), which combined with +22% YoY increase in operating expenses to $10.8bn, delivered NPAT of $4.7bn, up +56% YoY. 
  • Net credit and other impairment charges declined -3% YoY, driven by the partial release of Covid-19 overlays in BFS and CGM, partially offset by small number of underperforming equity investments in Macquarie Capital, though credit provisioning levels remained prudent with combined downside macroeconomic scenarios having a higher weighting than the upside scenario. 
  • ROE improved +440bps YoY to 18.7%.
  • MAM saw NPAT increase +4% YoY to $2.15bn, driven by income related to the disposition of MIC assets and increased base fees (up +40% YoY) amid acquisition of Waddell & Reed, partially offset by gain on sale of Macquarie European Rail in pcp and lower performance fees (down -40% YoY). AUM increased +38% to $773.1bn (31% private markets + 69% public investments), primarily due to acquisition of Waddell & Reed Financial. 
  • BFS delivered NPAT growth of +30% YoY to $1bn, as strong growth in home loan portfolio (up +33.6% YoY), funds on platform (up +17% YoY) and total BFS deposits (up +21.4% YoY) together with releases in net credit impairments were partially offset by increased technology investment and higher average headcount to support business growth and regulatory requirements. 
  • CGM saw NPAT increase +50% YoY to $3.9bn, driven by increased revenue across Commodities with strong risk management revenue driven by increased client hedging activity and trading activity as a result of elevated volatility and commodity price movements, and partial sale of the UK Meters portfolio, partially offset by the impact of fair value adjustments across the derivatives portfolio.
  • Macquarie Capital delivered NPAT of $2.4bn, up +269% YoY, reflecting +374% YoY growth in net interest and trading income resulting from growth in the private credit portfolio, +131% YoY growth in investment-related income due to material asset realisations in the green energy, technology and business services sectors, and +36% YoY growth in fee and commission income due to M&A and debt capital markets activities, partially offset by lower equity capital markets fee income and brokerage income.

Company Description

Macquarie Group (MQG) is a leading provider of financial, advisory, investment and funds management services. The company has operations around the globe, including world’s major financial centres. The company operates the following key divisions: Macquarie Asset Management; Corporate and Asset Finance; Banking and Financial Services; Commodities and Global Markets; and Macquarie Capital. MQG has over 14,000 employees in over 25 countries across Europe, Middle East & Africa, Asia, Americas and Australia).

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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