Tag: Australian Market

Investment Thesis:
- Near-term outlook remains uncertain in Australia with higher costs and supply chain constraints.
- BLD is a much cleaner business operations following several divestments, which increased focus.
- Boral is expected to benefit from proposed infrastructure projects.
- Better realization of price increases, whilst volumes remain solid.
- Focused on the Australian market.
- Proceeds from divestments could be returned to shareholders.
- Large cornerstone shareholder – Seven Group Holdings (owns approx. 70%) – may provide shareholder turnover stability.
Key Risks:
- Concentrated earnings, focused on just the Australian Construction market.
- Indirect and direct effect of coronavirus on operations.
- Potential delays to infrastructure assets leading to a volume gap in the market.
- Cost pressures continue to exceed price increases.
- Unfavourable weather impacts.
- BLD is now majority owned by Seven Group Holdings (approximately 70% of outstanding shares) which means minority shareholders’ interest may not always be a priority when making key strategic decisions around capital structure, shareholder returns and strategic initiatives.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp:
- Revenue of $1.5bn was up +1% (or up +3% on a comparable basis), driven by activity in detached house, A&A (alterations & additions) and R&B (roads, highways, subdivisions & bridges) and despite there being disruptions from lockdowns. The Company did see solid volumes in concrete (up +1%) and quarries (up +4%). Further, management noted that concrete like-for-like prices were steady and up +2% in quarries.
- Operating earnings (EBIT) of $78m were down -23% (with EBIT margin declining to 5.8% from 6.8%), which was largely driven by the impact from Covid-19 related construction shutdowns (which adversely impacted earnings by $33m) and expenses (energy + other costs). Partially providing some buffer to EBIT was higher volume (up $22m) and $22m from the cost out program (Transformation program), which includes the $24m of cost inflation.
- Operating cash flow from operations of $86m was down -22%, reflecting
- lower EBITDA performance due to construction shutdowns.
- Capital return of $2.72 per share. Given the completion of disposal of BLD’s North American
- Building Products and Fly Ash, and Australian Building Products businesses (Timber and Roofing & Masonry) for more than $4bn, the Company will return $3bn surplus capital to
- shareholders via a $2.65 capital reduction and 7cps unfranked dividend.
- Capital structure. Following the divestments of its non-core assets and expected capital return to shareholders, BLD on a pro forma basis is expected to have net debt of less than $400m. Management is targeting net debt of $900m to $1.1bn (including leases) and leverage (net debt / EBITDA) of 2 – 2.5x.
- FY22 outlook comments. Management did not provide overly specific guidance but noted the following: 2H22 revenue is expected to be above 1H22, driven by out-of-cycle national price increases effective Jan/Feb 2022. However, this is expected to offset the impact of higher energy costs, which will remain a headwind in 2H22.
- No construction shutdowns in 2H22 ($33m impact in 1H22) are expected to be offset by typical 2H seasonality due to 6 fewer trading days.
Company Description:
Boral Ltd (BLD) is the largest integrated construction materials company in Australia, producing and selling a broad range of construction materials including quarry products cement, concrete, asphalt and recycled materials. The Company has a portfolio of assets consisting of upstream and downstream assets. BLD employs approximately 10,300 employees and contractors and has 367 construction materials sites across Australia.
(Source: Banyantree)
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