Currently, their Annual Yield is 6.98 percent and their dividend amount is 0.009. Metrics Income’s P/E Ratio is 13.8 percent.
Metrics Income Opportunities Trust’s Revenue is 30.70 million till June 2021. Their last traded price is $2.05. The trust targets a cash yield of 7 percent p.a. which is intended to be paid monthly with a total target return of 8 percent p.a to 10 percent p.a in each case net of fees and expenses.
Their Net Asset Value is $407,156,629. Metrics Income Opportunities Trust ((MOT)) announced on August 26, 2021, that they intend to raise $52.86 million by issuing 26.04 million new fully paid ordinary MOT units to wholesale investors at a price of $2.03 per unit.
Furthermore, the Trust announced a Unit Purchase Plan (UPP) for existing eligible unit holders to purchase up to $30,000 in new units at a price of $2.03. The Trust hopes to raise up to $100 million through the UPP. Excessive applications may be scaled back on a pro rata basis. The UPP is set to open on September 6, 2021, and close on September 30, 2021.
The offer price of $2.03 corresponds to the NAV at the time of the announcement, with the UPP allowing unit holders to acquire units at a 1.9 percent discount to the unit price at the close of the trading day preceding the announcement (25 August 2021).
The proceeds from the institutional placement and the UPP will be invested in accordance with MOT’s investment mandate and target return.
Company Profile
Metrics Income Opportunities Trust seeks to provide investors exposure to a portfolio of private credit investments. The Investment Objective of the Trust is to provide monthly cash income, preserve investor capital and manage investment risks, while seeking to provide potential for upside gains through investments in private credit and other assets such as Warrants, Options, Preference Shares and Equity.
General Advice Warning
Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.