Business Strategy & Outlook
Suncorp is a well-capitalized financial services business with a dominant market position in the Australian and New Zealand general insurance industry and a regional banking franchise headquartered in Queensland. In addition to offering insurance under the parent name, key brands in Australia include AAMI, GIO, bingle, Apia, Shannons, and Terri Scheer. In New Zealand, key brands include Vero, AA Insurance, and Asteron Life. At group level, the insurer carries concentrated weather and earthquake risk in Australia and New Zealand, and in particular Queensland which makes up around 25% of gross written premiums in Australia. The group’s exposure to the Queensland market, where large natural peril events have been larger and more frequent, heightens the risks. Reinsurance protection mitigates risks to some extent, but can be expensive, particularly following large events.
Suncorp’s regional banking franchise is more concentrated than the major banks, with home loans making up around 80% of the loan book and Queensland accounts for more than half of total lending. A smaller operating presence, higher funding and operational costs, and relatively limited product offerings have all led to lower margins relative to the majors. A sale of the bank to ANZ Bank would see capital returned to shareholders and is pending regulatory approvals. While there are potential benefits to the bancassurance model, such as better customer insights versus stand-alone insurance peers, and better cross-selling opportunities, they have not delivered a material tangible improvement in earnings, returns, or switching costs. Selling home insurance to borrowers is the lowest hanging fruit, with recent improvements to give the group a single customer view likely to make the process smoother. Similar to its peers, Suncorp is focused on enhancing the digital offering to ensure simpler and faster quotes, claim processing, and to ensure the large insurer remains competitive on price. In response to changes in the way customers engage with their insurer, with less human contact and the expectation of being able to access services at any time, productivity improvements remain a priority.
Financial Strengths
Suncorp Group is in good financial health. As at June 30, 2022, Suncorp Insurance had a prescribed capital amount, or PCA, multiple of 1.77 times the regulatory minimum. The common equity Tier 1 ratio for the insurance business was 1.22 times post the final dividend payment, within the target range of 1.125-1.325 times the PCA, and well above the regulatory minimum of 0.6 times. The bank’s common equity Tier 1 ratio as at June 30, 2022 was 9.1%, within Suncorp’s 9% to 9.5% target range.
Suncorp targets a dividend payout of 60-80% cash earnings (excluding special dividends).
Bulls Say
- Premium increases stick without an equal rise in claims and rising rates lift yields on fixed income, together lifting underlying profitability and dividends.
- A benign claims environment with a lower incidence of major catastrophes would considerably boost underwriting profits.
- Risk management has been improved, and productivity initiatives are expected to deliver greater cost efficiencies.
Company Description
Suncorp is a Queensland-based financial services conglomerate offering retail and business banking, general insurance, superannuation, and investment products in Australia and New Zealand. It also operates a life insurance business in New Zealand. The core businesses include personal insurance, commercial insurance, Vero New Zealand, and Suncorp Bank. Suncorp and competitors IAG Insurance and QBE Insurance dominate the Australian and New Zealand insurance markets.
(Source: Morningstar)
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Investment Thesis
- Inventory issue remains a downside risk but can also provide upside surprise should management work through the excess inventory in its distribution channels. It appears the inventory is at target levels for some of the key channels.
- Wining market share in Australia and China.
- Growing consumer demand for health and well-being globally.
- Demand growth in China for premium infant formula product.
- Expansion into new priority markets, aided by the capabilities of Fonterra.
- US expansion provides new markets + opportunities.
- Key patents provide barrier to entry.
- Takeover target – the Company was the subject of a takeover bid in 2015.
Key Risks
- Management fails to meet its revised FY21 guidance.
- Chinese demand underperforming market expectations.
- Disruption to A2 milk supply.
- Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
- Expiration of A2M’s intellectual property rights may weaken or be infringed by competitors.
- Withdrawal of A2M product from international markets due to market share loss OR lack of market penetration.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:
- Revenue: The outlook for revenue in FY22 has improved since the start of the year with the Company still expecting 2H22 revenue (including MVM) to be significantly higher than 2H21, but
with growth now expected on 1H22 and for FY22 which is ahead of initial expectations due mainly to growth in China label and English label IMF.
- Gross profit: The improved outlook for revenue in 2H22 should result in higher gross profit than previously expected. However, this is likely to be offset by cost of goods sold headwinds related to increasing milk, ingredient and packaging costs. Accordingly, the Company still expects 2H22 gross margin percent to be broadly similar to 1H22.
- Earnings: “Revenue improvement is not expected to translate into higher earnings as the Company significantly increases brand and other reinvestment consistent with its growth strategy”.
- Operational cash conversion: “is likely to be less than 100% in FY22 due mainly to the business expecting to hold higher inventory and an increase in other working capital, as well as MVM needing to make a payment to CAHG in connection with a2MC’s acquisition of its 75% interest in MVM that completed in 1H22
Company Description
The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M) sells a2 brand milk and related products. The company owns intellectual property that enables the identification of cattle for the production of A1 protein free milk products. It also sources and supplies a2 brand milk in Australia, the UK and the US, exports a2 brand milk to China, and distributes and markets a2 brand milk and a2 Platinum brand infant nutrition products in Australia, New Zealand, and China.
(Source: Banyantree)
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Investment Thesis
- Operates in a large addressable market – B2C furniture and homewares category is approx. $16bn
- Structural tailwinds – ongoing migration to online in Australia in the homewares and furniture segment. At the moment less than 10% of TPW’s core market is sold online versus the U.S. market where the penetration rate is around 25%.
- Strong revenue growth suggests TPW can continue to win market share and become the leader in its core markets.
- Strong balance sheet to take advantage of any in-organic (M&A) growth opportunities, however management is likely to be very disciplined.
- Ongoing focus on using technology to improve the customer experience – TPW has invested in merging the online with the offline experience through augmented reality(AR).
Key Risks
- Rising competitive pressures.
- Any issues with the supply chain, especially because of the impact of Covid-19 on logistics, which affects earnings / expenses.
- Rising cost pressures eroding margins (e.g., more brand or marketing investment required due to competitive pressures) Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
- Disappointing earnings updates or failing to achieve growth rates expected by the market could see the stock price significantly re-rate lower.
- Trading on high PE-multiples / valuations means the Company is more prone to share price volatility.
Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis:
- TPW delivered strong top line growth of +46% YoY for 1H22, despite experiencing some supply chain and product availability issues (which also impacted customer satisfaction metrics). Hence the growth rate would have likely been stronger. The Company also saw some inflationary pressures on product and freight, which saw 1H22 delivered margin decline to 30.5% (from 33.0% in pcp) and was in line with management’s previous guidance.
- Advertising & Marketing costs were up +55% YoY and increased as a percentage of revenue to 13.6% (from 12.8% in pcp), driven by a step up in both performance and brand marketing. TPW’s brand awareness continues to increase, now above 60%. Management also spoke about pushing the brand awareness strategy nationally.Group contribution margin was up +18% and represents 13.8% of revenue, which is in line with management’s stated target range of 12 – 15%.
- TPW’s ongoing investment in the business (people and technology, new growth horizons in B2B and home improvement) saw fixed cost increase YoY and hence saw EBITDA decline -19% YoY to $12.0m. Full year EBITDA margin of 5.1% was above management’s target range of 2-4% for the half, however this is expected to fall back into the range over FY22 as the full cost of the investments made in 1H22 materialize in 2H22.
- TPW posted the sixth straight quarter of revenue per active customer growth, which was up +10% YoY. This was driven by higher average order value and the repeat rate.
- (5) TPW continues to produce attractive levels of cash flow and operates
- a negative working capital model, which continues to benefit its balance sheet strength. The
- Company has no debt and closed the half with $105.5m in cash.
Company Description
Temple & Webster Group (TPW) is a leading online retailer in Australia, which offers consumers access to furniture, homewares, home décor, arts, gifts, and lifestyle products.
(Source: Banyantree)
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