Investment Thesis:
- CQE trades on a ~6.7% discount current NTA, which is not justified.
- Solid dividend yield.
- Quality assets with strong property fundamentals such as 100% occupancy and WALE of 14.3 years.
- Majority of leases are triple-net leases.
- CQE is a play on (1) population growth; (2) increasing awareness of early childhood education; (3) increasing the number of families with both parents working and hence demand for childcare services. CQE has increased its portfolio weighting towards social infrastructure assets.
- CQE’s tenants possess strong financials
- Strong history of delivering continuing shareholder return and dividends.
- Solid balance sheet position.
- Strong tailwinds for childcare assets and social infrastructure assets.
Key Risks:
- Regulatory risks.
- Deteriorating property fundamentals.
- Concentrated tenancy risk, especially around Goodstart Early Learning.
- Sentiment towards REITs as bond proxy stocks impacted by expected cash rate hikes.
- Broader reintroduction of stringent lockdowns across Australia due to Covid-19.
Key Highlights: FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp: Statutory profit of $358.5m, up $184.4m relative to the pcp.
- Operating earnings of $62.9m, was up +8.4%. Operating earnings of 17.3cpu, up +8.1%.
- The REIT declared distribution of 17.2 cpu, up +9.6%.
- Gross assets of $2.1bn, up 35.0% since June 2021. Net Tangible Assets of $4.08 per unit up +25.5% since June 2021.
- CQE has a weighted average debt maturity of 3.9 years and no debt maturity until January 2025. As at 30 June 2022, including contractual commitments, CQE’s balance sheet gearing is 29.8% and look-through gearing is 30.7%. CQE’s available investment capacity is $160m, comprising undrawn debt facilities.
- Property Portfolio Highlights. CQE’s property portfolio saw a valuation uplift of $269.43m or +19.4%. This resulted in the passing yield across the property portfolio firming to 4.7%. Overall, CQE property portfolio was up +38.8% to $1.97bn via both acquisition and valuation activities during FY22.
- CQE made $232.7m of social infrastructure assets acquisitions including 234 childcare assets, 25 healthcare assets and a 50% interest in a recently completed TAFE Queensland education campus.
- CQE completed 6 childcare development assets with a total value of $42.3m.
- CQE’s property portfolio retained a long WALE of 14.3 years, 100% occupancy, and solid lease expiry profile with less than 5% of leases expiring within the next five years. According to management, 75% of leases are on fixed rent reviews (average 3.0%) and the balance CPI-linked; and 44% of rental income subject to market rent reviews within the next 5 years. CQE retained strong tenant customers including Goodstart Early Learning, G8 Education, Only About Children, Mater Misericordiae, Busy Bees, Healius and both state and local Governments.
- Property Portfolio
Company Description:
Charter Hall Social Infrastructure REIT (formerly Charterhall Education Trust) (ASX: CQE) is an ASX listed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT). It is the largest Australian property trust investing in early learning properties within Australia and New Zealand but recently widen its mandate to also invest in social infrastructure properties.
(Source: Banyantree)
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Investment Thesis:
- Sizeable market opportunity – in the U.S. alone WSP TAM is US$4.7bn (WSP North American target markets) vs total U.S. CPaaS TAM of US$98bn.
- Established a solid foundation to build from – the Company has over 800 customers worldwide with leading brand names.
- Structural tailwinds – ongoing automation and digitization.
- Increasing direct sales penetration.
- Attractive recurring revenue base via subscriptions.
- Investment in R&D to continue developing the Company’s competitive position and enhance value proposition with customers.
Key Risks:
- Rising competitive pressures.
- Growth disappoints the market, given the company trades on high valuation multiples – growth in subscriptions, new customers and penetration of existing clients.
- Product innovation stalls and fails to resonate with customers.
- Emergence of new competitors and technology.
- Key channel partnerships breakdown.
Key Highlights: Headline FY22 results. Group revenue of $70.6m was up +48% YoY and ahead of management’s guidance range of $64-68m. Management noted the Company is seeing growing interest in the Whispir platform from governments and government agencies, as highlighted by the recent high-profile launch by Victoria Police of the public transport initiative “STOPIT”, which is built on the Whispir platform.
- Regional performance – ANZ region was up $22m (or +56%) to $62m revenue for FY22, which was driven by the pandemic response (Covid-19 vaccine rollout programs). North America revenue was up +38% to $1.8m, with management highlighting growth opportunities in this market and WSP’s investment in digital marketing campaigns to drive revenue growth. Asia revenue of $6.7m was mostly flat YoY due to the region still being impacted by Covid-19 related disruptions and lockdowns (e.g., fresh China lockdowns in July). However, WSP recently signed contract with telco Singtel should drive growth in the region.
- Customer churn of 2.1% was +30bps better than 2.4% in pcp.
- Group gross margin (GM) was down -130bps to 58.5%, due to change in revenue mix – that is, a higher revenue contribution from transaction revenue which has lower GM than platform and services. On a positive note, GM on transaction revenue also improved +250bps over the year (with further improvement expected), whilst GM on platform and services was unchanged YoY.
- Group operating earnings (EBITDA) for the year was a loss of $10.6m, which was ahead of the guidance which was looking for a loss of $11.2 – 13.2m for FY22. EBITDA building blocks: ANZ $16.1m + Asia loss $2.5m + North America loss $4.7m + R&D cost $16.2m + Corporate costs $11.9m. Management is “firmly” focused on becoming EBITDA positive by 2H23. Operating expenses in 4Q22 were -11% below 3Q22, driven by efficiencies program.
- Balance sheet remains well placed with $26.1m in cash and no debt, which should take the company to profitability in FY23 and cash flow positive by FY24.
Company Description:
Whispir Ltd (WSP), founded in 2001, is a global enterprise software-as-a-service (SasS) company. WSP provides a communications workflow platform that automates interactions between businesses and people. The Company has over 800 customers, operates in 60 countries and more than 200 staff globally. WSP operates in an emerging subset of the enterprise communications SaaS market known as Workflow Communications-as-a-Service (WCaaS). WSP currently solves two communication problems: (1) Operational Messaging – engaging with employees; and (2) External Messaging – engaging with customers. WSP operates in 3 key markets – Operational messaging (size $8bn), API messaging (size $32bn) and Marketing messages (size $66bn).
(Source: Banyantree)
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