Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Genesis hedges its gas requirements by holding a 46% stake in New Zealand’s Kupe gas field

Business Strategy & Outlook

Genesis operates a mix of thermal (coal and gas) and hydro generation, with total annual production of approximately 7,000 GWh. The company’s hydro generation provides it with low-cost generation during times when there is sufficient rainfall and/or snowmelt. Conversely hydro generation can fall sharply when inflow to the firm’s lakes recedes because of insufficient rainfall. During such times, production from its thermal power plants can be ramped up to make up for the shortfall in hydro generation. Spot prices can increase dramatically during periods of low rainfall, reflecting the demand-supply mismatch caused because of lower nationwide energy output. Such times tend to favor Genesis as the excess generation is sold at higher prices. Consequently, Genesis’ profitability and margins can increase during periods of low rainfall and high electricity prices. 

Genesis hedges its gas requirements by holding a 46% stake in New Zealand’s Kupe gas field. Under the current contract, Genesis is obligated to purchase the entire natural gas output from Kupe. This provides the firm with a reliable supply of gas to power its thermal plants and also underpins Genesis’ dual-fuel offering to its customer base. Genesis is also entitled to its share of LPG and oil from Kupe. The oil is exported, while LPG is on-sold to its residential and commercial customers. Kupe introduces oil price risk, though hedging helps in the near term. The main concern is that Kupe earnings will end in 10-15 years, depending on the extent to which its life can be extended through new oil and gas discoveries. This is a risk to Genesis’ earnings, cash flow, and dividends over the long term. As transmission lines are upgraded and more renewable energy is developed, Genesis will likely close some of its aging thermal generation units in the medium term.

Financial Strengths

Genesis Energy’s financial leverage increased following recent acquisitions, however, one can be comfortable given expectations for solid earnings growth, long average debt maturity profile and the ongoing dividend reinvestment plan. As of June 2022, gearing (as measured by debt/capital) was 36%, down slightly on last year. Net debt/EBITDA (adjusted for equity credit on subordinated debt and excluding one-off costs) was 2.7 times in fiscal 2022, within management’s target of 2.4-3.0 times. There’s a forecasted unadjusted net debt/EBITDA, which is the better way to judge financial strength, of 2.5 times in the next few years, which is reasonable. Guidance is for capital expenditure of up to NZD 80 million in fiscal 2023. The elevated capital expenditure for a few years before falling back to typical levels of below NZD 70 million per year. Nonetheless, free cash flow should remain strong.

Bulls Say

  • Persistently high wholesale electricity prices are flowing through to customer tariffs, supporting earnings growth.
  • A mix of thermal and hydro generation assets allows Genesis Energy to take advantage of high electricity prices during periods of low rainfall and low hydro storage.
  • The Pole 3 cable, linking the South Island to the North Island, reduces price disparity between the two islands and reduces location cost risk for all generators.

Company Description

Genesis Energy is one of New Zealand’s leading producers of electricity, accounting for more than 15% of the country’s total generation. The firm enjoys a strong retail presence, with the highest retail market share, at over 25%. The company has a mix of renewable and thermal assets, with the latter accounting for about 55%-60% of the firm’s overall production. The company has a 46% interest in the Kupe oil and gas field.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Endeavour’s retail segment is also vertically integrated, supported by Pinnacle Drinks private-label portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook

Endeavour is Australia’s pre-eminent omnichannel liquor retailer, operating the largest network of brick-and mortar stores throughout the country, with more than 1,600 liquor outlets across the well-known Dan Murphy’s and BWS brands. Endeavour also has substantial interests in hotels and electronic gaming machines, operating more than 12,000 gaming machines across its portfolio of more than 300 hotels, pubs, and clubs. Endeavour is one of Australia’s leading employers, with staff of more than 28,000 throughout Australia. Endeavour’s business is divided into two segments. Its retail segment is Australia’s leading omnichannel liquor retailer, while its hotels segment provides hospitality services and gambling operations. Endeavour’s retail segment is also vertically integrated, supported by Pinnacle Drinks private-label portfolio, which operates several wineries, as well as bottling and packaging facilities. Products produced are supplied exclusively to Dan Murphy’s, BWS, and ALH Group in Australia and provide a source high-margin differentiation while also minimizing supply chain risks in the wine category. 

Shifting consumer trends toward online shopping and convenience have led to strategic investments in online shopping platforms and delivery capabilities, such as smartphone applications for each brand and online pure play retailers Jimmy Brings and Shorty’s Liquor. Almost 9% of all Endeavour’s liquor sales are transacted online. Endeavour’s revenue is highly skewed to the retail segment, which will contribute approximately 85% of revenue over the next decade, with the balance coming from the hotels segment. The split is more evenly balanced at an EBT level due to the higher margins achieved in the hotels business, with approximately 65% of EBT derived through the retail business and 35% through the hotels business. The consumer demand for alcohol is to be relatively steady through the economic cycle, exhibiting attributes of consumer defensives. The Australian hotels market will predominantly be driven by the same factors as the off-premises retail liquor market, namely population growth and inflation.

Financial Strengths

Endeavour Group is in reasonable financial shape. Endeavour’s leverage ratio, measured as net debt/EBITDA, including lease liabilities, was approximately 3.5 at the end of June 2022. Endeavour Group’s strong market positioning and wide economic moat provide us with confidence that current gearing levels are maintainable. There’s an interest coverage—defined as reported EBITDA/interest expense—of approximately 6 times at fiscal 2023 year-end. There might not be any material increase in the level of gearing as consistent with the investment-grade credit profile Endeavour is targeting.

Bulls Say

  • Endeavour’s dominant retail market share of about 50% is multiples of its closest competitor and provides a source of long-term maintainable cost advantage. 
  • Endeavour’s partnership agreements with Woolworths allow the business to leverage the scale and capabilities of Australia’s largest supermarket.
  • Endeavour’s wide economic moat, strong competitive positioning and strong balance sheet will underpin a maintainable and steadily growing dividend.

Company Description

An investment in wide-moat-rated Endeavour Group provides investors with exposure to one of the most well entrenched dividend-paying businesses in the Australian retail landscape. Following decades of enduring organic growth through store rollouts, Endeavour’s off-premises retail segment—with more than 1,600 retail outlets mainly across its Dan Murphy’s and BWS brands—accounts for approximately half of all off-premises retail liquor sales within Australia. Endeavour’s immense scale in the off-premises retail segment is unrivaled within Australia. Indeed, Endeavour’s sales are almost three times larger than its nearest retail competitor, Coles.

(Source: Morningstar)

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