Technology Stocks

Smith & Nephew Faces Price Pressure; Giving a Slight Haircut to The Fair Value Estimate

Business Strategy & Outlook

Impressive innovation has allowed Smith & Nephew to carve out a slice of the orthopedic, sports medicine, and wound-care markets. Though the company is smaller than the dominant orthopedic competitors, it has punched above its weight in terms of introducing meaningful innovation with its pioneering hip resurfacing implant and knee replacements with Verilast technology, which it contends can last for 30 years. These are significant improvements that exceed the evolutionary innovation typically seen in orthopedics. Nevertheless, as the competitive set consolidates, Smith & Nephew’s position as a midsize competitor leaves it vulnerable as the hospital customer base seeks to reduce vendors to save costs. The firm’s market share–about 10% of hips and knees–translates into a tenuous position. Share shifts in this market are glacial at best, thanks to significant switching costs, and new technology does not necessarily overcome those switching costs. 

Smith & Nephew’s strong show of meaningful innovation translated into a mere 200-basis-point gain in share over the past decade. This showdown between technical innovation and the stickiness of surgeon preference underscores how difficult it is to induce practitioners to switch. This dynamic and Smith & Nephew’s smaller user base mean the firm could find itself locked out of more hospitals and healthcare systems in the future. The firm has been aggressively pivoting to reduce its reliance on large-joint replacement with the acquisition of ArthroCare for its arthroscopy and sports medicine presence, concerted efforts to penetrate emerging markets, and the new additions of Osiris Therapeutics for its regenerative products and Leaf Healthcare’s pressure sore-monitoring system. The jury is still out on whether this is enough to allow Smith & Nephew to compete effectively against competitors that continue to grow larger and remain independent. As the market moves gradually toward more vendor consolidation, one would not be surprised to see Smith & Nephew eventually pair up with a larger rival, such as Stryker or Johnson & Johnson, in order to better compete.

Financial Strengths

So far, there’s a little to make one nervous about Smith & Nephew’s financial flexibility. While the firm has periodically made acquisitions, it has also generated enough cash to deleverage in relatively quick fashion. For example, following the acquisitions of Osiris in 2019, debt/EBITDA rose to just over 4 times, but has moderated since then. Smith & Nephew can easily meet its interest obligations many times over. Prior to the pandemic, the firm consistently held net debt/EBITDA around 1 time. As one can see with other med tech firms, Smith & Nephew issued debt in 2020 to enhance its cash cushion in the face of uncertainty. With procedure volume resuming, the firm ended the year with net debt/EBITDA around 2.3 times and for further deleveraging in the ensuing years. This still leaves plenty of flexibility for management to leverage up, if management decides to further round out Smith & Nephew’s portfolio in adjacent areas to its core markets. At this point, the firm can fund ongoing operations and support its intention to make regular share repurchases with its cash flow, but it may use debt financing for more large acquisitions.

Bulls Say

  • Smith & Nephew participates in the fast-growing sports medicine arena thanks to its extensive arthroscopy portfolio. 
  • A strong arthroscopy presence in ambulatory surgical centers leaves Smith & Nephew well positioned to expand its large joint footprint in that setting. 
  • Smith & Nephew has been building out its presence in emerging markets. Considering the obstacles in developed markets that keep it from transforming into a top-tier player, S&N may enjoy greater upside in developing markets.

Company Description

Smith & Nephew designs, manufactures, and markets orthopedic devices, sports medicine and arthroscopic technologies, and wound-care solutions. Roughly 42% of the U.K.-based firm’s revenue comes from orthopedic products, and another 30% is sports medicine and ENT. The remaining 28% of revenue is from the advanced wound therapy segment. Roughly half of Smith & Nephew’s total revenue comes from the United States, just over 30% is from other developed markets, and emerging markets account for the remainder.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Turnaround Displayed in Renault First-Half Results, Guidance Raised; FVE Increased to EUR 81

Business Strategy & Outlook

Renault owns 43.7% of Nissan, while Nissan owns roughly 15% of Renault and 34% of Mitsubishi. The alliance is structured as a partnership, with each company operating as an individual entity. Combined, the alliance stands as one of the largest global automakers. The companies benefit from increased scale, purchasing power, and the ability to share vehicle technology and platforms. The group is governed by the alliance board of Renault-Nissan BV, which is 50% jointly owned by Renault and Nissan. Boardroom and management upheaval from the Carlos Ghosn scandal was a huge distraction for the alliance. Renault installed Jean-Dominique Senard (formerly in charge of Michelin) as chairman. The company hired Luca de Meo as CEO (former head of SEAT), who started on July 1, 2020. Renault also owns 67.7% of the parent of Russian automaker AvtoVAZ, which makes Lada, the country’s best-selling brand. However, on March 23, 2022, the company said it may write down its Russian assets, another turnaround setback. In addition, Renault owns 99.4% of Romanian automaker Dacia, and 80.0% of Samsung Motors. Nissan holds a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors. 

Renault has organized these companies into an integrated global alliance, sharing purchasing, information services, research and development, production facilities, vehicle platforms, and powertrains. Through its turnaround plan, dubbed “Renaulution” and initiated in 2020, Renault will focus on its geographic market strength and better utilization of alliance cost efficiencies. In the Western European new-car market, Renault has the third-largest share, trailing Volkswagen and Stellantis. To its detriment, Renault has only had limited exposure to China, the world’s largest auto market, but upon the formation of a joint venture with Chinese automaker Dongfeng, local production began in 2017. Nissan has successfully penetrated the China market, annually selling more than 1.0 million units. Renault also has production facilities in Brazil, India, Russia, and Turkey. Through its own operations and through those of its alliance partners, Renault has a solid presence in Eastern Europe, South America, and South Korea.

Financial Strengths

Renault’s automotive business has significant financial leverage, but as per opinion, this is not overly burdensome relative to the company’s substantial cash position. With financial services on an equity basis, total debt/EBITDA has averaged 1.0 times during the period from 2011 to 2021 but was negative 9.7 times at the end of 2020 due to operating losses from COVID-19. The ratio was 3.4 times at the end of 2021. Adding in the impact of operating leases and netting cash against debt, net adjusted debt/EBITDAR during the same period averaged negative 0.2 times, with 2020 coming in at negative 4.2 times, and year-end 2021 at 0.9 times. Before 2008, with financial services on an equity basis, total debt/EBITDA was around 1.5 times. On lower EBITDA and higher outstanding debt in 2008 and 2009, the leverage ratio jumped to 3.6 and 20.6 times, respectively. In early 2009, the company received a EUR 3 billion loan from the French government to reduce refinancing risks associated with accessing credit markets at extremely high interest rates. In 2012, Renault also sold its entire stake in AB Volvo to reduce indebtedness. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the company announced that it would not pay a dividend in 2020 on 2019’s financial results. Also, the company arranged a EUR 5 billion credit line guaranteed by the French government, on which it drew down EUR 4 billion. At the end of 2020, the undrawn EUR 1 billion was no longer available. Management targets full reimbursement of the French guaranteed loan by the end of 2023. Total liquidity of the automotive group was EUR 17.3 billion at the end of 2021, including a EUR 3.4 billion undrawn credit line and EUR 13.9 billion in cash.

Bulls Say

  • Renault’s alliance with Nissan provides scale and purchasing power that the company would otherwise struggle to achieve on its own. 
  • Renault is the largest manufacturer of light commercial vehicles in Europe, excluding pick-ups, with around a 16% share of the market and a 25% share of the electric LCV market. 
  • The company’s low-cost products, like the Dacia Logan, have benefited from increased demand for value-priced vehicles by cost-conscious consumers.

Company Description

Renault possesses a global alliance of automotive manufacturing, financing, and sales operations. The company’s alliance partners consist of AvtoVAZ (67.7%), Dacia (99.4%), Nissan (43.7%), Renault Samsung Motors (80.0%), and Mitsubishi (Nissan owns 34%). Total 2021 Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance sales volume of 7.9 million vehicles makes the alliance the third-largest vehicle group in the world, behind Toyota at 10.5 million and Volkswagen at 8.6 million vehicles sold.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper midteens

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Idex owns a collection of moaty businesses that tend to be leaders in their respective niche end markets, typically holding the number-one or -two market share. It manufactures a wide array of products, ranging from equipment used in DNA sequencing to wastewater pumps to Jaws of Life hydraulic rescue tools. Idex’s lean manufacturing process allows it to effectively operate in a high-mix and low-volume environment, offering customers a wide variety of highly engineered products that are configurable or customizable. Furthermore, a common theme across its businesses is that they specialize in making mission-critical equipment that performs a vital function but typically constitute a small part of the customer’s total bill of materials. This aspect of the business contributes to Idex’s narrow moat through customer switching costs and allows the firm to command premium pricing. In the long run, Idex can be viewed as a GDP-plus business. Organic sales growth will continue to outpace industrial production by around 1%-2% annually as the firm’s commitment to innovation and investments in research and development continue to bear fruit and generate additional revenue through introductions of new or refreshed products. It can be projected organic sales to grow at a roughly low-single-digit clip in fluid and metering technologies as well as the fire and safety segment and the diversified products segment, and at a mid-single-digit rate in the health and science technologies segment.

Additionally, the firm will continue to supplement its organic sales growth with acquisitions. Historically, management has avoided overpaying for acquisitions. As such, despite regular mergers and acquisitions, which add goodwill and assets to the firm’s capital base, Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper midteens. Management has remained disciplined in the current elevated valuation environment, and it will continue to manage acquisition risk appropriately and focus on maximizing returns on invested capital.

Financial Strength

Idex maintains a sound capital structure, which will help the firm navigate the uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the firm owed roughly $1.2 billion in short- and long-term debt while holding approximately $0.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company can also tap into its $800 million revolving credit facility. Idex will generate average annual operating cash flows of roughly $800 million over the next five years. Given its healthy balance sheet and solid cash flow generation, Idex is adequately capitalized to meet its upcoming debt obligations. Idex will have a debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.5 times in 2022. Management will continue to prioritize investing in organic growth and executing M&A, growing the dividend, and allocating excess capital to opportunistic share repurchases. The firm has raised its quarterly dividend by an average annual rate of roughly 10% over the last five years, and the dividend will keep growing roughly in line with earnings. The payout ratio will remain around 30% over the next five years.

Bulls Say’s

  • Idex has a portfolio of moaty businesses that have leading shares in niche end markets. 
  • Idex generates strong free cash flows, which have averaged around 16.5% of sales during the last 10 years. 
  • Recent acquisitions of Akron Brass and AWG, as well as new product introductions (including eDraulic and SAM), have reinforced Idex’s already strong competitive position in the fire and safety business

Company Profile 

Idex manufactures pumps, flow meters, valves, and fluidic systems for customers in a variety of end markets, including industrial, fire and safety, life science, and water. The firm’s business is organized into three segments: fluid and metering technologies, health and science technologies, and fire and safety and diversified products. Based in Lake Forest, Illinois, Idex has manufacturing operations in over 20 countries and has over 7,000 employees. The company generated $2.8 billion in revenue and $661 million in adjusted operating income in 2021.

(Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

ServiceNow’s Differentiated Software Drives Multiple Organic Growth Vectors in Expanding TAM

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

ServiceNow has been successful thus far in executing on a classic land and expand strategy. First, it built a best-of-breed SaaS solution for IT Service Management (ITSM) based on being modular and flexible, having a superior familiar user interface, offering a way to automate a wide variety of workflow processes, and becoming a platform to serve as a single system of record for the IT function within the enterprise. Having established itself in ITSM and then the much larger IT operations management, or ITOM, market, the firm moved beyond the IT function. The same set of product design features and technologies has allowed ServiceNow to bring its process automation approach to HR service delivery, customer service, and finance. More recently, ServiceNow has been offering higher pricing tiers with an increasing array of features, along with industry specific solutions, which have higher ASPs and help drive revenue growth. 

ServiceNow’s success has been rapid and notably organic. The company already offers high-end enterprise-grade solutions and boasts elite level customer retention of 97% to 98%. ServiceNow focuses on the largest 2,000 (G2K) enterprises in the world and these customers continue to renew for larger contracts, with the average annual contract value doubling in the last three years. Further, the company has no small business exposure. Additionally, customers overall are re-upping for more than one solution, as more than 75% of customers are multi-product purchasers, which is driving deal sizes higher. Having the IT function within an enterprise as the initial landing pad is fortunate, as it provides a built-in advocate for software (an IT responsibility) for other functional areas of the enterprise. ServiceNow will continue to use its position to land new IT-driven customers and upsell ITOM features on the platform, but the company will increasingly cross-sell emerging products in HR and customer service, along with the platform as a service (PaaS) offering. The product strength, market presence, and a strong sales push into areas outside of IT, will continue to drive robust growth.

Financial Strengths:  

ServiceNow is a financially sound company. Revenue is growing rapidly, while non-GAAP margins are positive and expanding. The continued traction in ITSM and ITOM, along with adoption of new use cases in customer service and HR service delivery, and the PaaS solution will continue to drive revenue growth in excess of 20% for at least the next five years. As of Dec. 31, 2021, ServiceNow had $3.3 billion in cash, offset by approximately $1.6 billion in debt, resulting in a net cash position of $1.6 billion. Gross leverage sits at 2.1 times trailing EBITDA, which allows for flexibility should the environment worsen. Operating margins are increasing as ServiceNow continues to scale, with 2019 the first year of profitability on a GAAP basis. ServiceNow should be able to drive in excess of 100 basis points of margin expansion annually. Free cash flow margin was 31% in 2021, providing a preview of what will be strengthening margins over the next decade. In terms of capital deployment, ServiceNow does not pay a dividend, does not regularly repurchase shares, and makes only small acquisitions. In fact, ServiceNow has spent only a few hundred million dollars on acquisitions in aggregate since 2011. The company made a variety of tuck-in acquisitions in 2019 and 2020–all for undisclosed amounts. Small, feature-driven acquisitions are expected to continue but have not explicitly modeled any such deals. The company might not initiate a dividend in the foreseeable future, nor regular share repurchases.

Bulls Say: 

  • ServiceNow’s superior product has led to rapid share gains and exceptional retention within the ITSM market. Now the company is using this strength to expand into other areas of ITOM.
  • The company has added additional growth drivers, including customer service and HR service delivery, which should help propel robust growth over the next five years.
  • GAAP operating margin was break-even for the first time in 2019 and see a decade-long runway for expansion.

Company Description: 

ServiceNow Inc provides software solutions to structure and automate various business processes via a SaaS delivery model. The company primarily focuses on the IT function for enterprise customers. ServiceNow began with IT service management (ITSM), expanded within the IT function, and more recently directed its workflow automation logic to functional areas beyond IT, notably customer service, HR service delivery, and security operations. ServiceNow also offers an application development platform as a service (PaaS).

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Spotify Reports Strong Q2 User Growth; Likely to Continue in Q3; FVE $187; Shares are Attractive

Business Strategy & Outlook

Swedish-based Spotify is the world’s leading music streaming service provider. The fast-growing digital streaming space has become the primary distribution platform of choice within the ever-changing music industry. Spotify can benefit from various network effects that will help the firm increase its users and amass valuable intangible assets associated with user data and listening preferences. However, it faces intense competition and has a (mostly) variable cost structure that may limit Spotify’s future operating leverage and profitability. Thus, one does not have sufficient confidence that it will generate excess returns on capital over the next 10 years. Spotify may be at the mercy of the record labels in the music industry, as it will need access to content to continue attracting more listeners. While the distribution side of the industry (Spotify, YouTube, Apple, terrestrial and digital radio, and so on) is fragmented, over 80% of licensing is controlled by the big three major record labels: Universal Music Group, Sony, and Warner Music Group. 

As these licensors gather royalties from Spotify and its peers, they maintain pricing leverage as content remains king. The firm’s entry into the podcast space. However, while the firm has become the market leader via content acquisition, which further diversifies its revenue, one does not expect its dependency on labels to be lessened much. Spotify is ahead of the pack in the growing music streaming and podcast markets, but it faces stiff competition from behemoths such as Amazon, Apple, and Google. Unlike Spotify, these firms don’t rely solely on streaming music or podcasts to drive profitability and can potentially run at break-even, or even as loss leaders, while monetizing users via other products and services. It might also be harder for Spotify to steal share from these competitors over time, as Apple Music and Apple Podcasts listeners are probably entrenched with other Apple products, Amazon Music with Echo, and so on. Thus, they might be relatively more loyal to these music and podcast platforms than the users an operating-system-agnostic platform like Spotify can capture.

Financial Strengths

As of the end of 2020, Spotify did not hold any debt on its balance sheet. Spotify’s cash balance at the end of 2020 was $1.7 billion. Spotify has continued to generate cash from operations since 2016; although the firm has incurred hefty operating losses in recent years, cash flow has been better as a good portion of these costs, which are accrued fees to rights holders, have not yet been paid out in cash. While Spotify remains an asset-light business since it uses Google’s cloud platform for data storage and computing, one does expect the firm’s annual capital expenditure to be EUR 75 million-EUR 100 million, likely necessary to provide additional services and tools on the creation side especially for new, up-and-coming, or independent artists. The firm is also likely to take the M&A route with similar objectives, as displayed by its various podcast acquisitions. The free cash flow to equity/sales, to average around 6% the next 5 years.

Bulls Say

  • Spotify’s listener growth may help it negotiate much better terms with record labels over time. 
  • By investing in more services and tools for artists, Spotify may attract artists away from record labels and toward independent distribution, which may allow the company to pay lower royalties over time. 
  • Revenue growth during the next 10 years should accelerate as Spotify keeps investing in different content such as podcasts and video, attracting more users and advertisers.

Company Description

Spotify, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is one of the world’s largest music streaming service providers, with over 150 million total listeners. The firm monetizes its users through both a paid subscription model, referred to as its premium service, and an ad-based model, referred to as its ad-supported service. Revenue from premium and ad-supported services represented 90% and 10% of Spotify’s 2017 total revenue, respectively.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Strong Execution Continued Into Q2 at T-Mobile; Shares Modestly Undervalued

Business Strategy & Outlook

T-Mobile’s strong brand and reputation, coupled with its industry-leading spectrum position, provides it with an opportunity to drive strong revenue and profit growth over the next couple of years. Longer term, a rational competitive landscape will allow the firm and its rivals to deliver stable, if modest, cash flow growth. In the five years leading up to the Sprint acquisition, T-Mobile expanded its postpaid phone customer base nearly 60% while the rest of the industry stagnated. Despite this growth, T-Mobile remained far smaller than AT&T or Verizon, putting it at a scale disadvantage evident in significantly lower profitability than its larger rivals. With the addition of Sprint, though, T-Mobile is larger than AT&T and reasonably close to Verizon. The combination of scale and strong management should serve T-Mobile well. 2022 will be an important year, as the firm shuts down the Sprint networks and fully moves Sprint customers to T-Mobile’s network and systems, but one has little reason to doubt this process will go smoothly, as integration thus far has been impressive. 

The T-Mobile network will match up well with that of its rivals over the long term, and it is worthy of a narrow economic moat rating. Importantly, the massive amount of spectrum the firm now controls puts it in a strong position. Its mid band spectrum holdings, which will likely provide the bulk of wireless network capacity well into the future, are massive and largely unused. The firm avoided matching Verizon and AT&T egregious spending in the C-band spectrum auction as a result. Efficiently and effectively deploying this resource, something Sprint failed to do on its own, is now the firm’s primary objective. T-Mobile’s network isn’t perfect. The firm doesn’t own significant fixed-line assets, which will likely be increasingly important as wireless networks become denser. The firm will have access to third-party networks on reasonable terms, but this remains a risk. T-Mobile also leases many of its spectrum licenses and will need to renew leases or purchase licenses outright in the coming years.

Financial Strengths

T-Mobile had done a great job of reducing leverage over the past few years while Sprint had moved in the opposite direction. The merged firm started life with about $64 billion in debt net of cash, equal to about 2.9 times EBITDA, or about 3.5 times adjusted for Sprint’s heavy use of phone leases. Since the merger, T-Mobile has primarily used free cash flow to reduce leverage, but its participation in the C-band spectrum auction, where it spent $9.3 billion, pushed net debt up to $72 billion at the end of the first quarter of 2022. Growth in the business has still allowed net debt to remain at 3.0 times EBITDA. Net leverage also sits at 3.0 times “core-adjusted” EBITDA, which excludes integration costs but also eliminates the accounting benefit from phone lease revenue. T-Mobile management had said it believes it can run the business with leverage in the 3.0-4.0 times range but now targets leverage at a mid-2s multiple of core adjusted EBITDA, a level it believes it can hit by the end of 2022. Management has said it would need to cut leverage below 2.5 times to receive an investment-grade rating from the major agencies but notes that it has been able to borrow at rates only modestly higher than AT&T in recent years. The firm has also received an investment-grade rating on its secured borrowings. One suspect less favorable debt market condition would have a significant impact on T-Mobile’s borrowing costs. Taking leverage down to around 2.5 times adjusted core EBITDA seems reasonable but one wouldn’t be opposed if the firm drove leverage lower still given the ups and downs of the wireless industry and the financial capabilities of rivals AT&T and Verizon. Management expects to begin returning capital to shareholders in 2023, saying it could buy back up to $60 billion of its shares through 2025.

Bulls Say

  • After several years of unprecedented success, T-Mobile has the wind at its back. The firm’s reputation with consumers is as strong as ever, and its network is delivering better service than the other carriers. 
  • The Sprint merger has catapulted T-Mobile near the top of the industry, with ample scale to compete and a spectrum portfolio no other carrier can match. Heavy network investment will bring operating costs savings and a lead in 5G. 
  • Free cash flow, already positive during the Sprint integration, should grow sharply, providing the ability to return capital to shareholders.

Company Description

Deutsche Telekom merged its T-Mobile USA unit with prepaid specialist MetroPCS in 2013, creating T-Mobile US. Following the merger, the firm provided nationwide service in major markets but spottier coverage elsewhere. T-Mobile spent aggressively on low-frequency spectrum, well suited to broad coverage, and has substantially expanded its geographic footprint. This expansion, coupled with aggressive marketing and innovative offerings, produced rapid customer growth. With the Sprint acquisition, the firm’s scale now roughly matches its larger rivals: T-Mobile now serves 71 million postpaid and 21 million prepaid phone customers, equal to around 30% of the U.S. retail wireless market. In addition, the firm provides wholesale service to resellers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Rockwell’s signature platform in this strategy is Logix, which consists of programmable controllers and a line of products interoperable with third-party and some legacy application

Business Strategy and Outlook 

Rockwell as the highest quality automation player on the west side of the Atlantic based on quality, breadth of offerings, and shrewd strategic partnerships. Today, it’s one of the best-in-breed competitors seeking to gain a stronger foothold where technology meets traditional manufacturing, which Rockwell calls its Connected Enterprise. Rockwell’s signature platform in this strategy is Logix, which consists of programmable controllers and a line of products interoperable with third-party and some legacy applications. The advantage of this platform is multifold. First, Logix can perform multiple automation applications, like discrete (automotive, for example), process (chemicals), and hybrid (pharmaceuticals) on a single platform. Most competitors pursue these automation applications through a piecemeal mix of hardware and firmware platforms.

Second, by using a single, easy-to-use platform, Logix reduces training costs and maintenance expenses as well as makes it easier to communicate across different manufacturing cells. The training costs will become a greater consideration as technology inevitably becomes increasingly integrated into manufacturing facilities. Ultimately, workers will need to be comfortable with that technology, which can become complicated if they’re forced to learn multiple platforms. Third, because Logix works with third-party applications, customers can make incremental improvements to their facilities without incurring the disruption of an expensive system overhaul. This should allow for cheaper installation and scale-up costs. Finally, like other automation counterparts, the Logix platform offers customers the opportunity to run analytics on the cloud, allowing for improved asset utilization as well as lower total cost of ownership. Predictive maintenance further allows for reduced enterprise risk, while analytics helps customer products get to market faster through optimized throughput. Ultimately, the value offered by solutions like its independent cart and partnerships with Sensia and PTC, combined with inorganic opportunities, should allow the firm to remain a premium player in a growing industry.

Financial Strength

Rockwell operates from a stable and healthy balance sheet position. The firm has low risk of default, which concurs with the model-driven credit risk assessment. The company’s current unrestricted cash position can easily cover all of its short-term debt obligations as of the end of fiscal 2021. As of the end of fiscal 2021, the calculated net debt to EBITDA is of 2.3 times, and an interest coverage ratio (EBIT/interest expense) of 13 times, which is more than sufficient to address Rockwell’s financial obligations. This underpins the strength of the firm’s financial health. Rockwell sports healthy free cash flow conversion that frequently exceeds 100%, though will be closer to 90% during fiscal 2022. It also sports a best-in-class free cash flow margin in the higher midteens, which can even slightly improve on over time.

Bulls Say’s

  • Rockwell is the only automation competitor that integrates discrete, process, and hybrid manufacturing in a single, easy-to-use platform.
  • Newer initiatives like digital twi n and augmented reality, as well as software subscription services that deliver predictive analytics should drive higher growth compared with historical results. 
  • Less than 20% factories are connected, and most insights that drive greater throughput and efficiency are now made “at the edge,” or closer to the manufacturing floor.

Company Profile 

Rockwell Automation is a pure-play automation competitor that is the successor entity to Rockwell International, which spun off its former Rockwell Collins avionics segment in 2001. As of fiscal 2021, the firm operates through three segments–intelligent devices, software and control, and lifecycle services. Intelligent devices contain its drives, sensors, and industrial components, software and control contain its information and network and security software, while lifecycle services contain its consulting and maintenance services as well as its Sensia JV with Schlumberger.

 (Source: MorningStar)

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Technology Stocks

Airbus Posts Solid Second Quarter as It Prepares to Significantly Ramp Production

Business Strategy & Outlook

Airbus primarily generates revenue through manufacturing commercial aircraft. It benefits immensely from being in a duopoly with Boeing in the commercial aircraft manufacturing business for aircraft 130 seats and up; the companies act as a funnel through which all commercial aircraft demand must flow. This allows both companies to actively manage their order backlogs to reduce cyclicality, despite the intense cyclicality of the customer base. Airbus’ commercial aircraft segment can broadly be split into two parts: nimble narrow-bodied planes that are ideal for efficiently running high-frequency short-haul routes, and wide-bodied behemoths that are generally reserved for transcontinental flights. Recently, narrow-body volume has increased substantially due to the global rise of low-cost carriers and improved technology that allows smaller airplanes to operate flight paths that were previously unprofitable.

 Domestic flights have recovered from the pandemic much more quickly than international flights as well, so airlines are more comfortable ordering small aircraft rather than large. Critically, Airbus does not have much competition in the high end of the narrow-body market. This aircraft will enable fleet growth and may replace many aging midsize aircraft. On the wide-body side of the market, there’s a much slower growth, as expected improving technology will allow airlines to substitute narrow bodies for wide bodies for an increasing number of routes. Airbus has a competitive wide-body offering, the A350, though backlogs suggest that Boeing’s comparable 777, 777X, and 787 offerings resonate more with customers. Airbus also has segments dedicated to the production of defense-specific products and helicopter manufacturing. These businesses are less material to Airbus as a whole, generating slightly over 10% of midcycle EBIT. The modest growth from these segments, largely assuming that defense spending as a proportion of gross domestic product remains constant in the European Union and that helicopter deliveries rebound over the medium term.

Financial Strengths

The Airbus is well capitalized. The company ended the year with significant liquidity and is producing positive cash flow despite the distressed market. Vaccinations have encouraged domestic travel resumption in the developed world. Morningstar anticipates that the COVID-19 vaccine will be broadly distributed in the emerging world by 2022, which will allow a robust rebound in commercial air traffic. One does not think liquidity is a concern for Airbus, as the operating environment will improve markedly in the coming quarters and the company is already generating free cash flow. The company ended 2021 in a net cash position. Forward EBITDA covers forward interest expense many times, suggesting that interest obligations are easily covered. Airbus has a sizable pension obligation, but this will be manageable. The Airbus could access the capital markets, if necessary, given it has produced free cash flow during a travel shock. In March 2020, Airbus secured access to a EUR 15 billion line of credit, which supports this thesis. Given Airbus’ massive backlog, proven relationships with customers, and minimal debt burden, one doesn’t think there is a material possibility of financial distress over the forecast period. In March 2020, Airbus suspended its dividend to conserve liquidity as the coronavirus crisis shook the aviation industry. Airbus proposed a dividend during the fourth-quarter 2021 earnings review to be paid out in 2022, and it will grow its dividend with increased earnings per share.

Bulls Say

  • Airbus’ A320 family continues to have a substantial lead in the valuable narrow-body market, and the A321XLR has the potential to open new long-range routes to low-cost carriers. 
  • Airbus is well positioned to benefit from emerging market growth in revenue passenger kilometers and a robust developed-market replacement cycle. 
  • The commercial airframe manufacturing for aircraft 130 seats and up will remain a duopoly over the foreseeable future. The customers will not have many options other than continuing to rely on incumbents.

Company Description

Airbus is a major aerospace and defense firm. The company designs, develops, and manufactures commercial and military aircraft, as well as space launch vehicles and satellites. The company operates its business through three divisions: commercial, defense and space, and helicopters. Commercial offers a full range of aircraft ranging from the narrow-body (130-200 seats) A320 series to the much larger A350-1000 wide body. The defense and space segment supplies governments with military hardware, including transport aircraft, aerial tankers, and fighter aircraft (Eurofighter). The helicopter division manufactures turbine helicopters for the civil and parapublic markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Improving Wireless Conditions and Oi Drive Telefonica Brasil’s Q2 Results

Business Strategy & Outlook

The Telefonica Brasil (Vivo) is one of the strongest telecom carriers in Brazil, vying with America Movil to offer converged wireless and fixed-line services across much of the country. But the market faces several challenges, including stiff competition, a fragmented fixed-line industry, and general economic weakness that has also hurt the value of the Brazilian real in recent years. The plan to carve up Oi’s wireless assets appears to be nearing completion, promising to significantly improve the industry’s structure, cutting the number of wireless players to three. While results will likely remain volatile, the Vivo will prosper as Brazilians continue to adopt wireless and fixed-line data services. Vivo is the largest wireless carrier in Brazil by far, holding 33% of the wireless market, including 37% of the more lucrative postpaid business. The firm generated about 60% more wireless service revenue in 2020 than America Movil or TIM, its closest rivals. The three carriers have agreed to split up the wireless assets of Oi, the distant fourth-place operator that has been in bankruptcy protection. If successful, the transaction would remove a sub-scale player from the industry. 

With three large carriers remaining, the competition will grow increasingly rational, solidifying the pricing discipline seen recently. Vivo’s share would also expand to about 38%, adding additional scale that should benefit margins and returns on capital. In the fixed-line business, Vivo has struggled recently. Its share of the broadband business has slipped to 15% from 27% five years ago as it has lost customers in areas where its network is older and less capable and upstarts are investing aggressively to build fiber. Vivo is investing aggressively as well, though, at its own fiber network now reaches nearly 20 million homes, nearly 30% of the country. The firm has numerous initiatives in place, including an infrastructure joint venture, with plans to build to nearly 10 million by the end of 2024, but it remains to be seen how many carriers will be vying for these customers with networks of their own.

Financial Strengths

Vivo’s financial health is excellent, as the firm has rarely taken on material debt. The net debt load increased to BRL 4.4 billion following the acquisition of GVT in 2015, but even this amounted to less than 0.5 times EBITDA. Cash flow has been used to allow leverage to drift lower since then. At the end of 2021, the firm held BRL 500 million more in cash than it has debt outstanding, excluding capitalized operating leases. Even with the capitalized value of operating lease commitments, net debt stands at BRL 10.4, equal to 0.6 times EBITDA. Even after funding its share of the Oi transaction and assuming no incremental benefit to EBITDA, net financial leverage would stand at only 0.8 times. Parent Telefonica has control of Vivo’s capital structure. While Telefonica’s balance sheet has improved markedly in recent years, the firm still carries a sizable debt load and faces growth challenges in its core European operations. Vivo aims to pay out at least 100% of net income in dividends and the distribution has averaged BRL 5.5 billion annually over the past three years. The firm plans to pay out BRL 6.3 billion in 2022. If the business hit a rough patch, though, the dividend may not prove to be in shareholders’ interest relative to other uses of cash. For Telefonica, though, moving cash up to the parent directly helps its balance sheet. Fortunately, dividend growth isn’t sacrosanct. Reported net income declined in 2019 and the payout in 2020, based on the prior year’s income, declined about 15%. The dividend declined another 7% in 2021 based on 2020 earnings. These cuts have come despite ample free cash flow generation. The dividend would have consumed only 55% of 2020 free cash flow if the 2019 payout had been maintained. Vivo also has a share buyback program but repurchases have been minimal recently. The firm repurchased BRL 496 million in 2021, by far it largest outlay over the past several years. The buyback in 2022 is again expected to be around.

Bulls Say

  • Vivo is the largest telecom carrier in Brazil and benefits from scale-based cost advantages in both the wireless and fixed-line markets. 
  • The firm is well-positioned to benefit as consumers demand increased wireless data capacity. Its network in Brazil is first-rate and its reputation for quality is second-to-none. 
  • Owning a high-quality fiber network enables Vivo to offer converged services throughout much of the country, while buttressing its wireless backhaul, improving network speeds and capacity.

Company Description

Telefonica Brasil, known as Vivo, is the largest wireless carrier in Brazil with nearly 85 million customers, equal to about 33% market share. The firm is strongest in the postpaid business, where it has 50 million customers, about 37% share of this market. It is the incumbent fixed-line telephone operator in Sao Paulo state and, following the acquisition of GVT, the owner of an extensive fiber network across the country. The firm provides internet access to 6 million households on this network. Following its parent Telefonica’s footsteps, Vivo is cross-selling fixed-line and wireless services as a converged offering. The firm also sells pay-tv services to its fixed-line customers.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

TE Connectivity’s Strong Q3 Outweighs Macro Uncertainty; $125 Fair Value Estimate

Business Strategy & Outlook

TE Connectivity is a designer and manufacturer of connectors and sensors, supplying custom and semi custom solutions to a bevy of end markets in the transportation, industrial, and communications verticals. TE has maintained a leading share of the global connector market for the last decade, specifically dominating the automotive connector market, from which it derives almost half of revenue. While the firm’s entire business benefits from trends toward efficiency and connectivity, these are especially notable in cars, where shifts toward electric and autonomous vehicles provide lucrative opportunities for TE to sell into new vehicle sockets, like an onboard charger or advanced driver-assist system. TE’s products offer high performance and reliability for mission-critical applications in harsh environments. As such, its customer relationships tend to be very sticky, with customers facing high financial and opportunity costs from switching to another component supplier, as well as the risk of component failure in new products.

TE’s customers also rely on the firm supplying cutting-edge products to power new capabilities in end applications. As older products become commoditized, the firm is able to maintain high prices with new innovations. As a result of these switching costs and pricing power, the TE Connectivity possesses a narrow economic moat. In the future, TE Connectivity will focus on increasing its dollar content in end applications across its end markets. TE’s products pave the way for greater electrification and connectivity in vehicles, planes, and factories, which allows the firm to occupy a greater portion of these end products’ electrical architectures. The TE will remain a serial acquirer, bolting on smaller components players to expand its geographic and technological reach. Finally, the TE to continue expanding its midcycle gross and operating margins via footprint consolidation, as it streamlines the fixed-asset portfolio it has gained over a decade of acquisitions.

Financial Strengths

The TE Connectivity to remain leveraged, using strong free cash flow to invest organically and inorganically, and to send capital back to shareholders. As of Sept. 24, 2021, the firm carried $4.1 billion in total debt and $1.2 billion in cash on hand. While the firm is leveraged, its cash flow generation will be more than able to fulfill its obligations. TE has less than $700 million a year in payments due through fiscal 2026, and to generate more than $2 billion in free cash flow annually over the next five years. Even in a severely soft macro environment in 2020, the firm generated $1.4 billion in free cash flow. After fulfilling its obligations, the TE to use the remainder of its cash to maintain its dividend and conduct share repurchases. The firm will remain leveraged, using extra capital for opportunistic acquisitions while using its heady cash flow to pay off its principal and interest.

Bulls Say

  • TE Connectivity is a leader in the automotive connector and sensor market, enabling OEMs to build more advanced and efficient electric and autonomous vehicles. 
  • TE’s products are specialized for mission-critical applications in harsh environments, where reliable performance creates sticky customer relationships. 
  • TE’s ongoing footprint consolidation should allow it to expand its midcycle operating margins and improve its cash flow.

Company Description

TE Connectivity is the largest electrical connector supplier in the world, supplying interconnect and sensor solutions to the transportation, industrial, and communications markets. With operations in 150 countries and over 500,000 stock-keeping units, TE Connectivity has a broad portfolio that forms the electrical architecture of its end customers’ cutting-edge innovations.

(Source: Morningstar)

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