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Australian Brokers Call – 03 November 2021

Expert Insights Shares Small Cap

Rail Congestion a Headwind, but Robust Contract Pricing Driving Impressive EBIT Growth for Hub Group

In its flagship intermodal division, Hub contracts with the Class I railroads for the line-haul movement of its containers. It operates the second-largest fleet in the industry, with exclusive access to more than 30,000 containers, and enjoys an approximate 10% market share. By gross revenue, J.B. Hunt is the largest intermodal marketing company, followed by Hub and the intermodal divisions of Schneider National, XPO Logistics, and Knight Swift.

Hub has constructed intermodal and truck brokerage networks of sufficient scale to be attractive to customers (shippers) and suppliers, both of which benefit from using a larger intermediary. Sophisticated IT systems and market know-how enable customers to outsource intermodal shipping to an expert specialist, while Hub’s large volume of loads and significant control of containers make it an attractive customer to the Class I railroads. The company’s primary rail carriers are Norfolk Southern in the East and Union Pacific in the West.

Financial strength

Hub Group’s balance sheet is healthy, and the firm is not overly leveraged. At the end of 2020, Hub held a manageable amount of amount of debt, which is normally used to help finance equipment purchases as well as tuck-in acquisitions like the 2020 NonStopDelivery deal. Total debt came in near $270 million in 2020, including minimal capital lease obligations. Debt/EBITDA stood at a comfortable 1.1 times versus 1.0 times in 2019 and a five-year average near 1.4 times. The firm held roughly $125 million in cash at year-end 2020 versus $169 million in 2019. Historically, Hub’s model generated decent free cash flow in years when it wasn’t acquiring intermodal containers. Overall, free cash flow averaged 1.7% of gross revenue over the past five years, with capital expenditures approximating 3% of sales (3.2% in 2020). Capital expenditures will likely come in near 4% of sales in 2021 due in part to investment in additional intermodal containers to capitalize on growth opportunities.

Bulls Say’s

  • Spiking consumer goods spending and heavy retailer restocking are driving incredibly strong freight demand, tight trucking market capacity, and favorable pricing conditions for all of Hub’s operations in 2021.
  • Intermodal shipping enjoys positive long-term trends, particularly secular constraints on truckload capacity growth and shippers’ efforts to minimize transportation costs through mode conversions (truck to rail).
  • Intermodal market share in the Eastern U.S. still has runway for growth as rising rail service levels support incremental truck to rail conversion activity.

Company Profile 

Hub Group ranks among the largest asset-light providers of rail intermodal service. Following the August 2018 divestiture of logistics provider Mode, which was run separately, its core operating units are intermodal, which uses the Class I rail carriers for the underlying line-haul movement of containers (60% of sales); highway brokerage (12%); Unyson Logistics, which provides outsourced transportation management services (20%); and Hub Dedicated (8%), an asset-based full-truckload carrier.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

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Australian Brokers Call – 29 October 2021

Dividend Stocks Expert Insights

Texas Instruments Has Secular Growth Opportunities in Industrial and Automotive

Texas Instruments has a leading share of the fragmented yet lucrative analog chip market. Analog chips are used to convert real-world signals, such as sound and temperature, into digital signals that can be processed. Since analog chips are neither particularly expensive, nor do they require cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, high-quality analog chipmakers tend to retain design wins for the life of the product, yet maintain healthy pricing and strong profitability on such sales over time.

Additionally, Texas Instruments’ size allows the firm to compete across a broader spectrum of industries, without its fortunes tied to a single customer or end market. Texas Instruments’ embedded chip business is a bit more exposed to the automotive and communications infrastructure end markets, but should also see healthy growth over the next few years. The “Internet of Things” is an interesting tailwind for TI, as the company’s chips could be key components in a massive array of new electronics devices with improved connectivity and processing power.

Financial Strength

Revenue in the September quarter was $4.64 billion, up 1% sequentially, up 22% year over year and above the midpoint of guidance of $4.40 billion-$4.76 billion as provided in July. Industrial chip demand was strongest, up 40% year over year, even though sales were down a mid-single-digit percentage sequentially. Automotive revenue was up 20% year over year and up more than 30% from pre-pandemic levels (fourth quarter of 2019). These near-term results still bode well for strong long-term tailwinds for TI, in terms of rising chip content per car and industrial device. Gross margin expanded 70 basis points sequentially to 67.9%, thanks to higher sales levels. In turn, operating margin expanded 130 basis points sequentially to 49.6%.

Texas Instruments is in a modest net debt position, with $6.6 billion of cash on hand versus $6.8 billion of debt as of December 2020. The company’s target is to pay out 100% of free cash flow (less debt repayments) to investors over time. The firm offers a $1.02 quarterly dividend that yields over 2%, and the company intends to issue 40%-60% of its 4-year trailing free cash flow out to investors via dividends. Meanwhile, Texas Instruments continues to make hefty share repurchases (over $2 billion per year in each of the last six years). Nonetheless, we do not believe Texas Instruments will adopt a balance sheet with reckless leverage anytime soon, as the industry is highly cyclical and firms with healthy cash cushions are often able to better handle the inevitable industry downturns.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Texas Instruments has a leading market share position in several chip segments, such as analog semiconductors and digital signal processors.
  • A key element of Texas Instruments’ success has come from its massive global sales staff, which allows the firm to cross-sell its extensive semiconductor product portfolio to existing customers.
  • Texas Instruments’ ability to manufacture analog parts on 300-millimeter silicon wafers has provided the company with robust gross margin expansion in recent years, and we anticipate further expansion in the years ahead.

Company Profile 

Dallas-based Texas Instruments generates about 95% of its revenue from semiconductors and the remainder from its well-known calculators. Texas Instruments is the world’s largest maker of analog chips, which are used to process real-world signals such as sound and power. Texas Instruments also has a leading market share position in digital signal processors, used in wireless communications, and microcontrollers used in a wide variety of electronics applications.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.