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Viva is Australia’s second-largest vertically integrated refined transport fuel supplier, delivering over 14.5 billion litres of refined product annually

Business Strategy & Outlook

Viva, along with Ampol, BP and Mobil, is a rare breed of vertically integrated Australian refined fuel supplier. The Australian downstream petroleum industry runs from sourcing, transporting and storing crude oil, refining that crude into marketable products or directly sourcing imported refined product, and then transporting refined products for sale to retail and commercial customers. Refined products are mostly used in the transport sector, including commercial and private motoring, aviation, marine, and other transport demand. The Australian market equates to approximately 60 billion litres of product, with road use the largest segment at over 50%, followed by aviation at 14% and industry at 12%. Coronavirus notwithstanding, volumes in the Australian fuels market grow at close to rates in GDP, with solid increases in diesel and jet fuel consumption offsetting a slow decline in petrol.  There’s a comparatively steady Australian refined fuels demand growth of 1.5% per year.

Viva is Australia’s second-largest vertically integrated refined transport fuel supplier, delivering over 14.5 billion litres of refined product annually or approximately 24% of national requirement. Viva is vertically integrated because it refines, supplies and markets fuel to customers. Few companies refine fuel locally with much of Australia’s refining capacity shut in recent decades, unable to compete with Asian mega-refineries. There are only four refineries remaining including Viva’s Geelong in Victoria. Geelong converts imported and locally sourced crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and lubricants. These are then distributed, along with directly imported products, into the retail channel via supply channels. The Geelong refinery is one of the most complex in the country due to its greater ability to produce higher value products. Against the sanguine outlook for the refined fuels industry, there are a number of concerns. These include the potential for heightened competition, driving lower margins given the entrance of new players. Further, investing in older and far smaller refineries than Asian mega-cousins is a potential money pit.

Financial Strengths

First-half net operating cash flow increased 173% to AUD 678 million, with strong cash generation across the segments though inclusive of favorable inventory drawdown. This supports future investment and dividend payments, with the balance sheet moving to an AUD 324 million net cash position at end-June 2022 versus AUD 95 million net debt at end-December 2021. Viva to retain a relatively ungeared balance sheet. Viva intends to buy Coles Express for AUD 300 million in the first half of 2023. The consideration will be funded entirely out of existing cash reserves and debt facilities. Viva is to retain a modestly leveraged balance sheet even after the acquisition, sub-20% gearing and maximum sub-0.5 net debt/EBITDA, assuming a 65% payout ratio. The strong status is despite returning AUD 680 million in aftertax Viva Energy REIT sale proceeds in full to shareholders in 2020 and making a AUD 100 million capital return in 2021. The solid free cash flows in the foreseeable future, growing to over AUD 350 million by 2025, which should comfortably support Viva’s target dividend payout ratio of between 50% and 70% of underlying distributable NPAT.

Bulls Say

  • Viva boasts significant refined fuel distribution, supplying around 24% of Australia’s national requirement; second only to Ampol.
  • Australia’s fuel demand continues to grow at low single digits as population growth and rising aviation use offset increasing vehicle fuel efficiency gains.
  • While not sufficient to warrant awarding an economic moat, Viva’s pipeline and terminal infrastructure furnish competitive advantages–notably the efficient scale with its jet fuel pipeline supplying Sydney Airport.

Company Description

Viva is Australia’s second-largest vertically integrated refined transport fuel supplier. Viva is the second-most-significant pipeline owner, and at approximately 1,155 locations, Viva supplies the third-largest number of retail sites in Australia behind Ampol at approximately 1,985 and BP at 1,400. Vitol bought Shell’s Australian downstream operations in 2014, and renamed them Viva Energy. Viva subsequently bought Shell’s Australian aviation operations and a 50% investment in Liberty Oil. In 2016, Viva sold (and leased back) a portfolio of its retail sites to Viva Energy REIT and listed Viva Energy REIT on the ASX. It has since sold its entire REIT stake for AUD 734 million.

(Source: Morningstar)

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