Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

FirstEnergy To Look Externally for New CEO

Business Strategy & Outlook

FirstEnergy is moving past the scandal that linked the company with funds used in the former Ohio House speaker’s bribery scheme benefiting two nuclear plants FirstEnergy once owned as part of its former subsidiary, FirstEnergy Solutions. In 2021, FirstEnergy reached an agreement with the Department of Justice that required FirstEnergy to pay $230 million. The company recently entered into a RICO settlement for $37.5 million. An SEC investigation remains ongoing. Management has noted a loss is probable but can’t be reasonably estimated. One doesn’t expect the outcome to be material to the fair value estimate. The company also recently settled with intervening parties to resolve numerous open regulatory proceedings. Its three Ohio distribution utilities represent less than 20% of operating earnings. FirstEnergy’s underlying businesses are solid. The company’s regulated utilities are focused on accelerating investments that should result in solid earnings growth. The company’s $17 billion capital investment plan supports management’s 6% to 8% annual earnings growth target after incorporating moves to shore up the company’s balance sheet. 

The company raised $3.4 billion, including $2.4 billion from selling a minority stake in subsidiary FirstEnergy Transmission and $1 billion from new market equity issued last year. The company is looking to further monetize a minority interest in a transmission or distribution asset, with proceeds likely to be used to deleverage its balance sheet. The FirstEnergy’s transmission businesses have favorable federal regulatory frameworks providing consistent returns above the cost of capital. Due to accelerating investments in transmission, these businesses will compose nearly 40% of rate base by 2026. FirstEnergy is also accelerating its investment in states with constructive regulatory frameworks that are likely to produce consistent realized returns above their cost of capital. Given the recent bribery scandal, FirstEnergy didn’t increase its dividend in 2021, and one doesn’t expect an increase in 2022. As per forecast a dividend increase in 2023 and the company achieving the midpoint of its earnings guidance range.

Financial Strengths

Total debt/adjusted EBITDA was over 5 times in 2018 but should gradually fall. The total debt/capital to decline from 85% at 2017 year-end to about 65% by 2026, as management’s balance sheet initiatives slowly improve credit metrics. The company raised $3.4 billion of equity, including $2.4 billion from a minority sale in its FirstEnergy Transmission subsidiary and $1 billion from new market equity issued last year. This should meet near-term equity needs to support the company’s $17 billion capital investment plan. Management is looking to further monetize a minority interest in a transmission or distribution asset, with proceeds likely to be used to deleverage its balance sheet. FirstEnergy didn’t increase its dividend in 2021 and plans no increase in 2022. The dividend to increase in 2023, with annual dividend increases of 6% by 2026.

Bulls Say

  • FirstEnergy’s narrow-moat businesses support operating earnings and roughly $17 billion of investment growth opportunities. 
  • FirstEnergy is aggressively investing in electric transmission with most projects eligible to receive premium FERC-regulated returns. 
  • Management is moving past missteps, allowing it to focus on investing and earning fair returns at its regulated utilities.

Company Description

FirstEnergy is one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the United States with 10 regulated distribution companies across six mid-Atlantic and Midwestern states. FirstEnergy also owns and operates one of the nation’s largest electric transmission systems with 24,000 miles of lines.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

OGE Oklahoma Rate Settlement Approved, Supports Growth Plan

Business Strategy & Outlook

The fair value estimate for OGE Energy is $37 after Oklahoma regulators recently approved a $30 million annualized rate increase, in line with a settlement reached in June. One can reaffirm no-moat and stable moat trend ratings. One had assumed Oklahoma regulators would approve a rate increase in line with the settlement, supporting 6% average annual earnings-growth rate during the next four years. This is in line with management’s 5%-7% long-term earnings growth target. The $30 million increase is below OGE’s $163.5 million request primarily because regulators approved OGE’s current 9.5% allowed return on equity instead of OGE’s 10.2% request. The 9.5% allowed ROE is slightly below other utilities’ allowed ROE, but one can think it’s a positive that regulators did not cut it. One has incorporated the first-half earnings boost that OGE received from warmer-than-normal weather. The warm weather to boost third-quarter earnings also, likely resulting in 2022 EPS at the high end of management’s $1.87-$1.97 guidance range.

 The large weather reversal after a cooler-than-normal 2021 summer could lead to a more than 10% jump in earnings this year. However, normal weather in 2023 could lead to mostly flat earnings year over year. On a weather-normalized basis, one can assume earnings growth will depend on OGE’s execution of its $3.8 billion capital investment plan for 2022-25 and continued electricity demand growth.  The OGE has benefited from the recent rally in Energy Transfer’s limited partner units from $10 per unit in early July to $12 now. The OGE sells by the end of the year all of the 22.1 million units it held in late July. OGE’s deal to swap its Enable ownership stake for Energy Transfer units is turning out to be a win for OGE shareholders. Energy Transfer units are up about 40% since OGE closed the transaction in December 2021, resulting in about $300 million of pre tax proceeds, or about $1 per share after tax, above the initial deal value. 

Financial Strengths

Between 2022 and 2025, as per forecast, OGE will invest nearly $4 billion at its utility. The company should be able to finance these investments with cash flow from utility operations, proceeds from the sale of its Energy Transfer units, and roughly $600 million of additional debt. One cannot foresee any material equity issuances in the next five years. The company has maintained a conservative capital structure, and one doesn’t expect a sizable shift in that strategy based on its quick exit from Energy Transfer units and ability to issue securitized debt to cover its excess fuel costs related to Winter Storm Uri in February 2021. The OGE’s dividend growth slowed after losing the earnings and cash distributions from Enable following the Energy Transfer transaction. Cash distributions from Enable helped OGE average 10% annual dividend growth since forming Enable in 2013. However, a large drop in energy prices and the economic impact of COVID-19 led Enable to cut its distribution by 50% in 2020. Less cash flow from Enable required OGE’s board to slow dividend increases to 6.2% in 2019, 3.9% in 2020, and 2% in 2021. Without the Enable earnings the expected OGE’s payout ratio will climb above 80% for several years. The dividend increases will average 2% annually for the next few years until the payout ratio falls to within management’s 65%-70% target.

Bulls Say

  • OGE is making progress improving Oklahoma regulation so that it can execute its growth investment plan without creating a drag on its earned return on equity.
  • Although the dividend increases too slow to about 2% annually, investors still should benefit from growing earnings and minimal equity needs. 
  • The economy in OG&E’s service territory is healthy and annual customer growth exceeds 2%, higher than most electric utilities.

Company Description

OGE Energy is a holding company for Oklahoma Gas & Electric, a regulated utility offering electricity generation, transmission, and distribution to more than 800,000 customers in Oklahoma and western Arkansas. In December 2021, OGE closed a merger between Enable Midstream Partners and Energy Transfer. This resulted in OGE acquiring 95.4 million limited partner units of Energy Transfer in return for its 25.5% limited partner interest in Enable, a midstream services company it created in 2013.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

New Hope’s operational strategies at both assets have sought to expedite value creation

Business Strategy & Outlook

New Hope’s strategy seeks to create value for shareholders by remaining a pure-play coal miner and developing thermal coal assets at a time when major miners–including Rio Tinto and BHP–head for the exits. The strategy is entirely reliant on thermal coal demand remaining robust for decades. The purchase of a further 40% interest in the Bengalla coal mine in fiscal 2019 sees New Hope double down on thermal coal. While demand for coal has waned in Europe and North America, Asia will remain the relative bright spot for coal demand over the coming decades, according to the International Energy Agency. The IEA sees the possibility that coal demand in absolute tonnage terms could remain steady out to 2040 in Asia, as economic development supports demand. Nonetheless, the potential for greater action on climate change brings the distinct risk that demand could falter earlier.

On the operational front, the realization of value from New Hope’s assets, given thermal coals has an uncertain future. Bengalla has approval to produce up to 13.4 million run-of-mine, or ROM, metric tons annually, greater than the approximate 12.4 million ROM metric tons mined in fiscal 2020. Capital expenditures required to de-bottleneck the mine and expedite the mining of Bengalla’s reserves are currently being explored. Mining leases were approved in fiscal 2023 for New Acland Stage 3, but water licenses are required before the mine can operate. An approximate 9.2 million metric tons of ROM production is planned in Stage 3. While less successful at New Acland, New Hope’s operational strategies at both assets have sought to expedite value creation. Nonetheless, these actions need to be taken in context. With Bengalla and New Acland reserves supporting multi decade mine lives and with a further 40% stake in Bengalla taken in fiscal 2019, said operational developments work only at the margins to expedite value creation for New Hope’s shareholders. The firm acquired a 15% stake in the Malabar-Maxwell underground mine in fiscal 2022. The mine has probable reserves of 144 million tons and a mine life of greater than 25 years.

Financial Strengths

New Hope’s balance sheet remains well positioned. New Hope’s bias toward a conservative balance sheet as appropriate. The volatile nature of coal prices makes the use of significant debt problematic. The balance sheet currently sits in a net cash position of approximately AUD 182 million at the end of fiscal 2022.

Bulls Say

  • Asia’s growth will see demand for coal in the region remain steady for decades to come.
  • New Hope’s operating assets enjoy decent positioning on the global thermal coal cost curve.
  • The ramp-up of production at Bengalla toward 13.4 million ROM metric tons per year could provide better unit costs.

Company Description

New Hope Corporation is an Australian pure-play thermal coal miner. Its two operating assets–the 100%-owned New Acland coal mine and its 80% interest in the Bengalla coal mine–produce more than 12 million metric tons of saleable thermal coal annually. The vast majority of New Hope’s production is sold into seaborne thermal coal export markets. Reserves at New Acland and Bengalla are sufficient to support multi-decade mine lives. New Hope’s undeveloped coal resources are extensive and include exploration status coal resources in excess of 1 billion metric tons in Queensland’s Surat basin.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Origin planning to significantly expand its installed renewable capacity

Business Strategy & Outlook

Origin Energy offers exposure to relatively defensive Australian energy retailing and highly volatile liquefied natural gas exports. As a producer of commodities, Origin is a price-taker and has few competitive advantages. Capital and efficient scale are potential barriers to competition, but they’re not strong enough to justify an economic moat. Origin’s domestic energy retailing business grew quickly during the past decade, but strong acquisition-driven growth is unlikely to recur, with earnings growth largely dependent on Australia Pacific LNG. Acquisitions of government-owned energy assets were previously a key growth driver, but all state-owned retailers are now privatized. Origin, Energy Australia, and AGL Energy collectively control 80% of the market, and the Australian market regulator is unlikely to allow further consolidation among the majors. Future growth depends on energy demand growth, which is likely to remain modest. The price-based competition is to remain intense despite recent partial reregulation of electricity prices. A lack of competitive advantages means that a little more than tit-for-tat swapping of customers among the majors, which will allow them to largely maintain their market shares. The small new market entrants struggle to achieve scale.

In contrast to the retail market, the electricity generation market offers some growth opportunities. Substantial new renewable energy projects still need to be built to meet government targets and offset closing of aging thermal power stations, with Origin planning to significantly expand its installed renewable capacity. Domestic energy retailing is Origin’s core business and the cash cow that funds growth projects. Its relatively low-risk attributes are in stark contrast to APLNG. Concerns relate to exposure to volatile oil prices (given the link to LNG contract pricing) and high debt levels at Origin and APLNG. The long-term outlook assumes that significant Asian energy demand growth more than offsets increased supply and supports higher prices, though the global LNG market will remain oversupplied for a few more years after large recent supply additions.

Financial Strengths

Origin is in sound financial health following the APLNG sell-down, which netted AUD 2 billion in proceeds. Net debt/EBITDA (including cash distributions from APLNG) was 1.9 times in June 2022, at the bottom of management’s target range of 2.0-3.0 times. Earnings from the energy retailing business are falling because of weak wholesale electricity prices but should recover from fiscal 2023. The net debt/EBITDA stable at a little over 2 times for the medium term, supported by strong oil and LNG prices and a conservative dividend policy.

Bulls Say

  • The Australia Pacific LNG project is the largest coal seam gas to LNG project in Australia and could significantly increase earnings if oil prices strengthen.
  • Origin’s energy retail business is the market leader and should benefit from cost-saving initiatives.
  • Origin’s cash flow base is diversified, and the company is less susceptible to the vagaries of the market than a non-integrated energy provider.

Company Description

Origin Energy is a major vertically integrated Australian energy utility. Its energy retailing business is the largest in Australia, with about 4 million customers and a 33% market share. Its portfolio of base-load, intermediate, and peaking electricity plants is one of the largest in the national electricity market, with a capacity of 6,000 megawatts. Origin also operates and owns 27.5% of Australia Pacific LNG, which owns large coal seam gas fields and LNG export facilities in Queensland.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Chevron expects the combination of new higher-margin projects along with ongoing cost reductions and operational improvements

Business Strategy & Outlook

Chevron is to deliver higher returns and margin expansion thanks to an oil-leveraged portfolio as well as the next phase of growth, which is focused on developing its large, advantaged Permian Basin position. Its latest capital plan maintains its focus on capital discipline without sacrificing growth. Thanks to improved cost efficiencies and the acquisition of Noble Energy, Chevron plans to grow production to over 3.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2026 from 3.1 mmboe/d in 2022. New volumes will largely come from new production from its differentiated Permian Basin position (size, quality, and lack of royalties), where it expects to grow volumes to over 1 mmboe/d by 2025 from 608 mboe/d in 2020 while delivering returns in excess of 30% and over $4 billion of free cash flow by 2026.

Chevron’s Permian growth will be supplemented by expansion projects at Tengiz in Kazakhstan, due to begin producing in mid-2023, new developments in the Gulf of Mexico, and potential new discoveries in Mexico and Brazil. Chevron also now has growth options with offshore gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean with the Noble acquisition. Oil and gas prices will dictate Chevron’s earnings and cash flow for the foreseeable future. However, the company is investing in low-carbon businesses to adapt to the energy transition. It recently tripled its investment to $10 billion cumulatively by 2028, with this

capital flowing to emerging low-carbon areas that fit with Chevron’s existing value chains and experience. Greenhouse gas reduction projects and carbon capture and offset will enable Chevron to achieve its emission targets while investments in hydrogen and renewable fuels will give it a toehold in emerging businesses that could expand in the future.

Financial Strengths

Chevron carries relatively little debt, with a net debt/capital ratio below 10%, one of the lowest among its peer group. It is targeting a debt/capital ratio of 20%-25% through the cycle and estimates that in a low-price oil scenario of $50/bbl, the ratio will remain within that range. The company makes maintaining and increasing the dividend a priority; as such, there’s steady growth during the next few years as free cash flow rises. Chevron has reduced its break-even level so that free cash flow allows for dividend growth and repurchases at $50/bbl, implying that it has ample cushion if oil prices fall below that level. If need be, Chevron could always take on debt to defend the dividend, given its low leverage levels. At higher oil prices, Chevron can generate excess cash flow that would go toward repurchases. With debt at desired levels, Chevron introduced an annual repurchase of $2 billion-$3 billion in the second quarter of 2021, which management later increased the upper end of the range to $5 billion and then $10 billion. Its most recent guidance and quarterly run rate is for $15 billion of repurchases annually, which it aims to maintain through the cycle, even relying on debt if necessary. In a $75 price environment through 2026, Chevron estimates it can generate enough free cash flow to repurchase 25% of its outstanding shares. Capital spending is expected to be below $15.3 billion in 2022 while remaining between $15 billion and $17 billion per year through 2026.

Bulls Say

  • Free cash flow growth is expected to accelerate beyond 2021 as capital spending remains capped while Permian production could nearly double and expansion at Tengiz adds volumes.
  • Chevron’s large Permian position is mostly composed of legacy acreage, meaning the firm did not overpay to enter the play; 75% has no or a low royalty rate, giving it a cost advantage.
  • Chevron should realize improved downstream earnings and returns as conditions in its California refineries improve and new chemical production capacity is added via its CPChem joint venture.

Company Description

Chevron is an integrated energy company with exploration, production, and refining operations worldwide. It is the second-largest oil company in the United States with production of 3.1 million of barrels of oil equivalent a day, including 7.7 million cubic feet a day of natural gas and 1.8 million of

barrels of liquids a day. Production activities take place in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Its refineries are in the U.S. and Asia for a total refining capacity of 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. Proven reserves at year-end 2021 stood at 11.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 6.1 billion barrels of liquids and 30.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Beach Energy Ltd’s (BPT) share price underwhelmed on the day the Company reported FY22 results, presumably over lower production achieved and higher costs

Investment Thesis:

  • BPT is making progress towards the production target of 28 MMboe in FY24.
  • Despite the unknown with the Western Flank issue and the contribution to the group profile the production from this asset, management remain confident in achieving their 5-year target of 37 mmboe in FY25. 
  • The acquisition of Lattice Energy provides a stable mix of producing assets. 
  • The Company is currently on a 5-year capital expenditure program. The execution and delivery of this program could see upside risks to consensus estimates.  
  • Favourable industry conditions on the east coast gas market over the long-term – i.e. tight supply could lead to higher gas prices.
  • Strong balance sheet.
  • Potential M&A activity. 

Key Risks:

  • Execution risk – Drilling and exploration risk. Unable to resolve the issue at Western Flank, leading to long-term downgrades to key estimates for the project. 
  • Commodity price risk – movement in oil & gas price will impact uncontracted / re-contracting volumes. 
  • Regulatory risk – such as changes in tax regimes which adversely impact profitability. 
  • M&A risk – value destructive acquisition in order to add growth assets.
  • Financial risk – potentially deeply discounted equity raising to fund operating & exploration activities should debt markets tighten up due external macro factors. 
  • Currency risk .

Key Highlights:

  • Guidance + FY23 Guidance + Market Commentary.  Production. 20.0 – 22.5 MMboe (versus FY22: 21.8 MMboe). 
  • Capex. $800 – 1,000m (versus FY22: $872m). 
  • Unit field operating costs. $12 – 13 per boe (versus FY22: $11.74 per boe). 
  • FY22 Results Highlights. Relative to the pcp:  Total revenue up +13% to $1.8bn; underlying EBITDA up +17% to $1.1bn; and underlying NPAT up +39% to $504m. The results were driven by higher demand and pricing for BPT products, offset by lower production. 
  • Operating cash flow up +61% to $1.2bn with $752m free cash flow pre-growth expenditure. 
  • BPT retains a solid balance sheet reflecting a net cash position and total liquidity of $765m at FY22-end.
  • Reserves and Resources Update- As at 30 June 2022, an independent audit of Beach’s reserves was conducted by Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc (encompassing 62% of 2P reserves, including 79% of developed reserves and 48% of undeveloped reserves). BPT ended FY22 with 283 MMboe of 2P oil and gas reserves (down -17% versus FY21: 339 MMboe), with the decline mainly attributable to production (-22 MMboe) and Bass Basin revisions (-25 MMboe). BPT recorded 2P CO2 storage capacity of 4.4 Mt and 2C contingent storage resources of 11.6 Mt after taking a Final Investment Decision for Moomba CCS. 

Company Description:

Beach Energy Ltd (BPT) is an oil & natural gas exploration and production company. BPT has both onshore and offshore operations in five basins (Perth, Cooper, Victoria, Tasmania & NZ) across Australia and New Zealand. The Company is a key supplier of gas into the Australian east coast gas market. The Company also owns strategic oil and gas infrastructure (Moomba processing facility & Otway Gas Plant). 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

ORG saw FY22 underlying profit rise +30% YoY as higher earnings in Integrated Gas were partially offset by lower earnings in Energy Markets

Investment Thesis:

  • Higher oil prices benefit ORG’s APLNG project (higher revenues).
  • Balance sheet position is being restored with management focused on getting the debt covenants back to an investment grade level.
  • Achieving milestones within the APLNG project.
  • On-going focus on operating cost and capital expenditure reduction.
  • Increasing dividend profile and with a restored balance sheet the Company can also consider other capital management initiatives. 
  • Rationalization of asset portfolio, including asset sales and the IPO of its conventional upstream business should help improve the balance sheet position.  

Key Risks:

  • Exploration and production risks.
  • Lower energy prices, particularly oil prices (for its APLNG project). 
  • Structural change in energy markets & increased competition.  
  • Not meeting cost-out targets. 
  • Highly geared balance sheet, with the company not being able to reduce debt fast enough. 

Key Highlights:

  • Outlook. Management expects (refer to figure 2 for details): For FY23 underlying earnings to be higher YoY, driven by growth in earnings from the gas business, while electricity gross profit to remain suppressed, risk of coal under-delivery remaining including due to rail and mine performance, and Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) production of 680-710 PJ, reflecting ongoing strong field performance and allowing for the impact of recent wet weather events. 
  • For FY24 underlying earnings delivering further YoY growth with magnitude of growth dependent on fuel and energy prices and the extent to which these are reflected in customer tariffs, the outcome of a price review on ~50 PJ of gas supply, and delivery of targeted retail savings. 
  • APLNG sale completed – proceeds used to strengthen balance sheet and provide shareholder returns. The Company benefited from a record cash distribution from the sale of a 10% interest in APLNG of $1,595m, due to higher realized oil and spot LNG prices, contributing to a strong FCF of $1,062, up +3.1% YoY with management using the proceeds to reduce adjusted net debt by -38.8% to $2,838m (leverage declined to 1.9x vs target range of 2-3x), investing in growth and shareholder returns, including a $250m share buyback and a 75% franked final dividend of 16.5cps, equating to full year dividend of 29cps, up +45% YoY and representing 47% of FCF, towards top end of management’s target range of 30-50%. Management also announced the Board is considering extending the initial $250m share buyback over the course of FY23, subject to operating conditions and growth opportunities.
  • FY22 results summary. Underlying profit rose +30% YoY to $407m, as strong commodity prices drove higher earnings in Integrated Gas, partially offset by lower earnings in Energy Markets due to very challenging market conditions which led to a contracted coal supply. Statutory profit was a loss of $1,429m vs loss of $2,281m in pcp, impacted by a non-cash impairment associated with accounting for electricity and gas derivative assets. 
  • Operating cash flow declined -45% YoY, driven by lower underlying EBITDA adjusted for non-cash items partially offset by an improved working capital position.
  •  Liquidity remained strong at $3.3bn including $0.6bn of cash, enough to meet near-term debt and lease liability payment obligations of $0.3bn.
  • Results by segment. Energy Markets underlying EBITDA declined -63% YoY impacted by high commodity prices and domestic supply interruptions, combined with volatile wholesale electricity prices, higher fuel costs and wet weather. Investment in Octopus continued to exceed expectations, with the company growing to become the UK’s fifth largest energy retailer, increasing its customer base by +25% YoY to 5.5 million customer accounts. The Company achieved $170m of a targeted $200-$250m in cash cost savings by FY24.
  •  Integrated Gas underlying EBITDA increased +62% YoY, driven by high commodity prices, sustained low operating and capital costs, and stable production. 

Company Description:

Origin Energy (ORG) is an integrated energy company with operations in exploration, production, generation and the sale of energy to millions of households and businesses across Australia. The Company has extensive operations across Australia and New Zealand and is pursuing opportunities in the fast-growing energy markets of Asia and South America. The Company has two main segments: (1) Energy Markets – retail sales of electricity, gas and other customer solutions; electricity generation; and wholesale trading of electricity and gas. (2) Integrated Gas – consists of upstream exploration, development and production; the segment also holds the 37.5% ownership in Asia Pacific LNG project (APLNG).

(Source: Banyantree)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

AGL’s FY22 underlying NPAT declined -58% YoY primarily due to coal plant outages and volatile wholesale prices

Investment Thesis:

  • Energy margins bottom out and could potentially start to improve (higher customer and volume numbers). 
  • Strong cash flow business which provided flexibility to deploy cash in growth opportunities and capital management.
  • On-going focus on costs and digitalization should support margins.
  • Potential capital management initiatives (e.g., buyback).
  • Demerger into AGL Australia and Accel may unlock shareholder value. 
  • Potential favourable changes to the regulatory environment. 
  • Potential M&A – AGL has already received a takeover bid at $7.50 per share which was rejected by the AGL Board. 

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures leading to margin erosion.
  • Cost pressure and fuel supply issues lead to margin erosion. 
  • Increase in supply leading to depressed prices. 
  • Regulatory risk (policy uncertainty), such recent regulation in electricity markets [ Victorian Default Offer (VDO) and Default Market Offer (DMO)]
  • Unscheduled shutdowns impacting earnings. 

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 results summary. Underlying EBITDA declined -27% YoY to $1.22bn and underlying NPAT declined -58% YoY to $225m, reflecting the expected step down in Trading and Origination Electricity earnings due to lower realised contracted and wholesale customer prices, increased costs of capacity to cover periods of peak electricity demand, absence of the Loy Yang Unit 2 insurance proceeds recognised in FY21, increased residential solar volumes and margin compression via customer switching. 
  • Net cash from operations declined -2% YoY to $1.227bn with lower underlying EBITDA partially offset by a strong working capital outcome which saw cash conversion improve +27% YoY to 123%, however, management warned of a hit to cash conversion rate in FY23.
  • Capital management. Strong balance sheet with net debt declining -11.2% to $2,662m, reducing gearing by -590bps to 29.2%, giving company significant headroom to debt covenant of gearing <50%. 
  • Board declared a final unfranked dividend of 10cps, equating to total FY22 dividends of 26cps, down -65% YoY and equating to a payout ratio of 75% vs 87% pcp.
  • Opex savings Opex savings target exceeded. The Company saw opex (excluding D&A) decline -7.6% YoY as management delivered FY22 recurring savings of ~$158m (vs target of $150m), including initial benefits from structural review and reduction in corporate costs. However, management warned that it expects a small step up in operating costs for FY23, albeit being lower than CPI after adjusting for the non-recurring benefits in FY22. 
  • Outlook. Management announced it will provide FY23 guidance in late-September in conjunction with the initial outcomes of the review of strategic direction, however, expects FY23 earnings to remain resilient amidst the current challenging in the energy industry and market conditions, underscored by the strength of AGL’s large and diversified customer base, low-cost baseload generation position supported by strong fuel supply arrangements, robust risk management, with prudent margin management ensuring retail strength and stability in a highly volatile market, with the Company largely hedged for FY23 and well positioned from FY24 to benefit from sustained higher wholesale electricity pricing (Refer to Figure 4 for forward pricing curve) as historical hedge positions progressively roll-off.  

Company Description:

AGL Energy Limited (AGL) is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies and the largest ASX listed owner, operator and developer of renewable energy generation in Australia. The company sells and distributes gas and electricity. Further, it also retails and wholesales energy and fuel products to customers throughout Australia. The business operates four main segments: Energy Markets, Group Operations, New Energy and Investments.

(Source: Banyantree)

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California’s Clean Energy Policies Support PG&E’s Growth Outlook

Business Strategy & Outlook

PG&E emerged from bankruptcy in July 2020 after 17 months of negotiating with 2017-18 Northern California fire victims, insurance companies, politicians, lawyers, and bondholders. Shareholders lost some $30 billion in settlements, fines, and costs, but PG&E exited with bondholders made whole and shareholders still in control. The new PG&E is well positioned to grow rapidly, given the investment needs to meet California’s aggressive energy and environmental policies. PG&E is set to invest more than $8 billion annually for the next five years, leading to 9% annual growth. After suspending its dividend in late 2017, PG&E is well positioned to reinstate it in 2024 based on the bankruptcy exit plan terms. California’s utility ratemaking regulation is highly constructive with usage-decoupled rates, forward-looking rate reviews, and allowed returns well above the industry average. The California regulators will support premium allowed returns to encourage energy infrastructure investment to support the state’s clean energy goals, including a carbon-free economy by 2045. This upside is partially offset by the uncertain future of PG&E’s natural gas business, which could shrink as California decarbonizes its economy. PG&E will always face public and regulatory scrutiny as the largest utility in California. That scrutiny has escalated with the deadly wildfires and power outages. Legislative and regulatory changes during and since PG&E’s bankruptcy have reduced the company’s financial risk, but the state’s inverse condemnation strict liability standard remains a concern. CEO Patti Poppe has a tall task mending PG&E’s relationship with customers, regulators, politicians, and investors. The $59 billion bankruptcy was PG&E’s second in 20 years and likely its last. The 2020 bankruptcy exit terms all but guarantee a state takeover if PG&E has any safety or operational missteps. PG&E is still under court and regulatory supervision following the 2010 San Bruno gas pipeline explosion. The fines and penalties from the San Bruno disaster and allegations of poor recordkeeping resulted in $3 billion of lost shareholder value.

Financial Strengths

Following the bankruptcy restructuring, PG&E has substantially the same capital structure as it did enter bankruptcy in line with its regulatory allowed capital structure. Many of the same bondholders hold PG&E’s $38 billion of new or reinstated debt. PG&E will use securitized debt to eliminate $6 billion of temporary debt at the utility and further fortify its balance sheet. The PG&E to maintain investment-grade credit ratings with EBITDA/interest coverage near 5 times. State legislation in 2019 will help mitigate some of PG&E’s fire-related risks and support investment-grade credit ratings. The post-bankruptcy equity ownership mix is much different. PG&E raised $5.8 billion of new common stock and equity units in late June 2020, representing about 30% ownership. Another $3.25 billion of new equity came from a group of large investment firms. The fire victims trust owned 438 million shares, or 22%, and legacy shareholders retained about 26% ownership at the bankruptcy exit. The fire victims’ trust has sold 100 million shares as of May 2022 and now owns about 15% of the company. The PG&E will invest more than $8 billion annually during the next few years. Tax benefits and regulatory asset recovery should result in minimal new equity and debt needs at least through 2023. PG&E entered bankruptcy after a sharp stock price drop in late 2018 made new equity prohibitively expensive and the company was unable to maintain its 52% required equity capitalization. Bankruptcy settlements with fire victims, insurance companies, and municipalities totaled $25.5 billion, of which about $19 billion was paid in cash upon exit. The PG&E will be prepared to reinitiate a dividend in 2024 after meeting the terms of its bankruptcy settlement. Before PG&E cut its dividend in late 2017, as an anticipated 6% annual dividend growth, in line with earnings growth. PG&E went six years without a dividend increase following the 2010 San Bruno gas pipeline explosion.

Bulls Say

  • California’s core rate regulation is among the most constructive in the U.S. with usage-decoupled revenue, annual rate true-up adjustments, and forward-looking rate setting. 
  • Regulators continue to support the company’s investments in grid modernization, electric vehicles, and renewable energy to meet the state’s progressive energy policies. 
  • State legislation passed in August 2018 and mid-2019 should help limit shareholder losses if PG&E faces another round of wildfire liabilities.

Company Description

PG&E is a holding company whose main subsidiary is Pacific Gas and Electric, a regulated utility operating in Central and Northern California that serves 5.3 million electricity customers and 4.6 million gas customers in 47 of the state’s 58 counties. PG&E operated under bankruptcy court supervision between January 2019 and June 2020. In 2004, PG&E sold its unregulated assets as part of an earlier post-bankruptcy reorganization.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Lower Production, Higher Costs Drive Newcrest’s Weak Fiscal 2022 Result, FVE Lowered to AUD 31

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Newcrest Mining is a gold-copper miner with mines in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Canada, and its minority-owned mines in Ecuador. The company is estimated to produce more than 1.8 million ounces of gold and around 120,000 tonnes of copper in fiscal 2022, with the acquisition of Brucejack resulting in gold production increasing to average more than 2 million ounces per year for the next decade. Around 80% of its estimated mid cycle revenue is from gold with most of the remainder from copper. Copper’s contribution is likely to rise over time as Newcrest’s various developments commence production. Newcrest has no moat despite a history of low-cost production, save a cost spike around 2013, and long mine lives. Returns have improved post the expensive acquisition of Lihir, but are likely to remain below the company’s cost of capital for the foreseeable future. Newcrest accounts for less than 2% of global mine production and is a price taker. Gold is increasingly the plaything of investors and subject to swings in sentiment. In 2001, gold consumption for jewellery and technology accounted for 91% of global demand, but in 2021 this had fallen to 50% as a result of increased investor demand and weaker gold consumption. There is also uncertainty around exploration success and the cost to buy or develop new mines, which are an important part of Newcrest’s future value. 

Current management was installed in 2014 and brought a focus on cost efficiency, capital discipline and optimisation. Under Sandeep Biswas, Newcrest has been a much more reliable producer and has delivered incremental improvements at its operations, boosting throughput and lowering unit costs, particularly at Lihir and Cadia. Newcrest has a solid exploration record, with successful discoveries expanding reserves at Cadia and Telfer in particular in recent decades. Reserves at the end of 2021 were 54 million ounces of gold and 7.9 million tonnes of copper, representing more than two decades of reserves at current production rates.

Financial Strengths:  

The company’s balance sheet is in reasonable shape. Newcrest ended June 2022 with net debt of USD 1.3 billion after buying the Brucejack gold mine in Canada, up from net cash of about USD 0.2 billion at the end of fiscal 2021. Despite the increase, the balance sheet will likely remain strong. Net debt/EBITDA is forecasted to peak at around 0.7 in fiscal 2023 before declining over the remainder of the forecast period. Newcrest has long-dated corporate bonds totalling USD 1.65 billion. The bonds mature in fiscal 2030, 2042, and 2050 with maturities of USD 650 million, USD 500 million, and USD 500 million, respectively. Newcrest has significant liquidity. As at the end of June 2022, the company had USD 0.6 billion of cash and USD 1.9 billion of undrawn debt.

Bulls Say: 

  • The shares are undervalued. Newcrest is well managed and has a suite of low-cost, long-life mines, which isn’t currently being recognized by investors. 
  • Gold can provide a hedge to inflation risk and offer some benefit in times of market uncertainty. Gold can gain from continued money printing and/or if there is a flight to safety. 
  • Newcrest owns several world-scale deposits in Cadia, Telfer, Lihir, and Wafi-Golpu. Large deposits typically bring significant exploration upside and expansion options.

Company Description:  

Newcrest is an Australia-based gold and, to a lesser extent, copper miner. Operations are mainly in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The company also owns a 32% stake in the Fruta Del Norte gold mine in Ecuador, while the acquisition of Brucejack in 2022 adds to its 70% stake in the Red Chris mine in Canada. The company is likely to produce around 2 million ounces of gold per year over the next decade, making it one of the larger global gold producers but still only accounting for less than 2% of total supply. Cash costs are below the industry average and amongst the lowest of the global gold miners, underpinned by improvements at Lihir and Cadia. Organic growth options include its Havieron prospect, the Red Chris underground mine, and the high-grade Wafi-Golpu copper-gold prospect in PNG.

(Source: Morningstar)

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