Tax Strategies

Tax rates and strategies involved for investment

It is obviously not for you if you are in the lowest tax bracket(s) and do not expect to be in the higher brackets. It is mandatory for those who have discretionary trusts (Profit Distribution) and it is smart for those who do not have discretionary trusts but are high net worth tax payers to still plan their taxes.

People often get wealthy by their ability to establish a business or intelligently invest, rather than through some flashy “secret” technique. Gurus that promote the concept of “secrets” are mainly con artists. Such lectures are scoffed at by the majority of the wealthy. There is only one key secret to becoming wealthy: hire a great adviser/mentor to push you to think differently. A skilled advisor understands how to be effective.

It’s almost always about how they fit those techniques into your present circumstance; it’s just about how they fit those methods into your current scenario. For example, the financial year runs from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Tax returns are required by the 15th of May 2020 at the latest. If you have a discretionary trust, you must sign trust minutes by June 30, 2019.

As a result, the best time to start tax preparation is before June 30th, but start as soon as possible in June to ensure that solutions are implemented on time.

Qualified accountants recommend that you schedule your appointment between the end of May and the end of June to get the best outcomes.

However, there is no regulation stating that you cannot arrange your taxes at any other time.

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Tax Strategies

Taxation of highly digitalized businesses in Australia

The existing international tax structure, which dates back to the 1920s, assigns taxing rights based on the location of physical assets, capital, and labour, as well as the source of income and taxpayers’ residence. The framework’s creators could not have predicted how much business would become globalised and digitalized.

The fast rise of the digital economy in recent years has raised questions about whether it is necessary to reform the current system of allocating taxation rights over business revenues between countries.

Because of technological advancements in telecommunications, improved internet infrastructure, and shifting social attitudes toward the sharing economy, some digital businesses have expanded their international presence significantly, often operating in countries where they have no physical presence.

These digital firms are increasingly providing the backbone for economic activity in previously primarily domestic areas, such as transportation, lodging, advertising, and retail sales.

However, as the world becomes more digital, and intangible assets become more mobile, this task becomes more difficult, especially in sectors of the economy that are most affected by digital disruption. The following are some specific challenges:

According to a static analysis, the new entrants’ market dominance is eroding Australia’s corporate tax base, since profits are increasingly recognised as being created in a foreign jurisdiction.

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Tax Strategies

Vital areas of Tax planning and its execution

You can take benefit of all the deductions and exemptions

If you are not well-educated in tax affairs, you might avoid a few available allowances, deductions, and exemptions. A reputable tax accountant would be up to date with any recent developments, and let you know when and how to take advantage of these concessions when making your tax refund.

It enhances your income flow and leads to more flexibility

When you take the correct steps in your tax bracket, you will be able to keep more money running to your household and low tax payable to the ATO. This could save you thousands of dollars per year and allow you to focus your finances on other important areas without digging into your savings.

You can stay compliant and current

When it comes to tax planning, many individuals choose to take the safer course of action as the last thing they want to appear like they are conducting tax evasion or dodgy practices. A tax accountant can look for possibilities within the tax compliance limits and provide you with the tax deduction benefits it needs to improve when making your tax return.

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Tax Strategies

Timing is key to reduce tax liabilities

The following areas have been summarised as effective tax planning, which is time critical:

Organize your income

Defer earning income until beyond June 30th, if at all possible, to avoid paying tax in the current fiscal year. This may entail deferring projects that may not have a negative impact on the firm. Keep in mind that this merely “kicks the can down the road.” However, if the current year’s revenue is substantial and the following year’s income is predicted to be low, this strategy can be quite beneficial.

Pre-pay expenses

Up to 12 months of deductible expenses can be paid in advance, bringing the deduction forward to the current fiscal year. Prepaying interest on an investment loan is one example.

Time the sale of assets to reduce taxes

The time an asset, such as investment property or a business, is sold is critical in taking advantage of various tax concessions.

Here are some to consider:

50% general exemption

Where a sale of an asset will result in a Capital Gain, ensure the time of the sale takes advantage of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) concessions. On assets kept for longer than 12 months, there is a 50% CGT deduction. Also, keep in mind that a property sale occurs in the year in which the contract is signed, not on the day of settlement.

Demand 15-year exemption

Small business owners aged 55 or older who retire and have owned a business asset for at least 15 years are exempt from paying CGT when they dispose of the asset.

Retirement exemption

Small business proprietors who own assets with notable Capital Gains outside of their super account should time the sale of the assets to lessen the amount of CGT. On the sale of an active company asset, there is a lifetime limit of $500,000 in CGT exemption. The proceeds from the sale of the asset must be put into a superannuation fund or a retirement savings account for people under the age of 55.

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Tax Strategies

Tax planning strategies with restructuring of assets

The purpose is to reduce your taxable income so you pay less tax. And by doing so, you’ll be able to maximise the amount of money you have left over to spend on whatever you choose.

Tax planning gets great results for professionals, sole traders, business owners and others.

There’s no escaping tax. It affects every area of your personal finances, including your income, investments, superannuation, home loans, assets, and the wealth you pass down to future generations.

Topmost tax planning strategies

As part of your personal tax plan, you should implement the following strategies:

  • Consider longer-term investment strategies that include borrowing moneyto buy residential property, business or shares.
  • Restructure your home and investment loans and turn non-tax deductible debt into tax deductible debt so you can pay them off shortly.
  • Purchase or transfer assets into family or property trusts, companies and self-managed super funds to decrease your taxable income and capital gains taxes you owe on investments.
  • Salary packages your car lease, superannuation, and more to improve your take-home pay.

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Tax Strategies

Tax-saving strategies that are both simple and legal

·        Cash in on the capital gains tax discount. When an asset is sold, the profit is referred to as a capital gain. You’re required to pay tax on any profit as it’s treated as income. Discounts may be applied to individuals, trusts and superannuation funds, but planning is the key.

·        Create a company, as they’re a separate legal entity and are subject to different, and often lower tax rates than for individuals.

·        Start a self-managed super fund (SMSF). Fees are reduced, while contributions and investment income taxes are reduced. Profit from the unique tax-efficient investment techniques available only to self-managed super funds.

·        Claim car expenses by logging all business-related kilometres you travel.

·        Use negative gearing. Negative gearing reduces your taxable income. It offsets the losses made when the income derived from an investment property is less than the loan repayments and maintenance costs.

·      Salary package superannuation contributions. Decrease your taxable income by redirecting your salary into a super fund.

·        Plan forward. A well-conceived tax strategy will keep you in total control of your end of year tax bill – no surprises. Don’t pay more than you need to.

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Tax Strategies

Alternatives in reducing taxes and Franking Credits

Because super contributions are taxed at a concessional rate of 15% in Australia, this is a tax-effective plan. This is a lower rate than the personal income tax.

Maximizing your voluntary superannuation contributions is a permitted tax deduction that can also be a substantial long-term wealth growth strategy. You can currently claim a tax deduction of up to $25,000 each year.

This is known as the concessional contributions cap.

Unused concessional cap carry forward

You may be able to contribute the unused amounts of your concessional contributions cap for a maximum of 5 years starting July 1, 2018.

For example, if you did not make any superannuation contributions in FY 2018, FY 2019, or FY 2020, you may be eligible to make $100,000 in deductible super contributions in FY 2021. For the fiscal year 2021, this might save $47,000 in taxes.

Salary packaging in a charity

If you work for a charity that is exempt from FBT, you can save money by having $15,900 of your living expenses reimbursed tax-free. These expenses include things like:

  • Rental payments
  • Mortgage payments
  • Credit card payments
  • General living expenses
  • Utility bills or rates notices

Instant asset write-off and allowances

Eligible businesses can claim an instant deduction for the business portion of the cost of an asset in the year the asset is first used or installed ready for use. The instant asset write-off threshold amount for each asset is $150,000 (up from $30,000) for assets first used or installed ready for use between 12 March 2020 and 30 June 2021, and purchased by 31 December 2020. For further information, consult your tax accountant, as there are other conditions that must be met.

Claim for property depreciation

Most income-producing properties are eligible for some form of depreciation. Property investors can claim a capital works deduction as well as depreciation on their plant and equipment.

Use a quantity surveyor

Quantity surveyors can assist in the preparation of a depreciation schedule in order to maximise an investor’s depreciation claim. This report’s preparation costs are also tax deductible.

Did you know there is an unintended ‘Death Tax’ in Australia?

The dependants of a deceased member receive tax-free super benefits when the person dies. Many members, on the other hand, do not have dependants and are often survived by adult children who do not receive tax-free payouts. The taxable portion of a lump-sum super death payout is normally taxed at a rate of 15%.

Members might consider utilising a re-contribution scheme, keeping a separate pension, or even pulling down on their super before they die to reduce the risk of their surviving adult children paying the “death tax.” In the event of incapacity, this involves having specific instructions in the will and any Power of Attorney.

Use your Franking Credits reasonably to reduce taxes

Franking credits can help you save money on your taxes. This is accomplished by utilising the tax paid by the corporation, which is then passed on to the shareholder in the form of a Franked Dividend. Franking credits can be used to lower the amount of income tax paid on dividends, or they can be used to get a tax refund.

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Shares

Costco’s Sales Growth Remains Strong Even as Comparisons Become Harder, but the Shares Seem Rich

Its 21% revenue growth impressed considering the chain lapped the early days of the pandemic (which included significant customer stock-up activity), but we mostly attribute the results to transitory factors. So, our long-term forecast still calls for mid-single-digit percentage sales growth and 3%-4% adjusted operating margins. We suggest investors seek a more attractive entry price, particularly considering elevated uncertainty as the customer habits normalize.

Costco posted 15% comparable growth excluding fuel and foreign exchange, well ahead of our 8% target, with the outperformance likely a result of greater-than-expected demand for discretionary items and recovering warehouse traffic (stimulus likely also played a role). Costco’s 3.7% operating margin was about 50 basis points higher than its prior-year mark and our estimate, reflecting cost leverage and reduced pandemic-related expenditures.

We are encouraged that around 70% of orders of big, bulky items (generally higher-value items like furniture, exercise equipment, and electronics) are being fulfilled by Costco Logistics, which the company purchased in early 2020. We believe the shift to in-house fulfilment will lift the profitability of orders of such goods as well as delivery times and customer service levels. We also believe these larger items remain an opportunity for Costco to benefit from rising e-commerce penetration, allowing for a broader assortment than what is available in-warehouse. While we continue to expect that the core of the value proposition will remain instore (as much of Costco’s assortment skews toward bulky, low-priced consumer goods that are difficult to ship economically), we support the company’s targeted investments in expanding its digital capabilities, which also include its growing online grocery offering.

Costco Wholesale Corp Company Profile

The leading warehouse club, Costco has 795 stores worldwide (at the end of fiscal 2020), with most sales derived in the United States (73%) and Canada (13%). It sells memberships that allow customers to shop in its warehouses, which feature low prices on a limited product assortment. Costco mainly caters to individual shoppers, but roughly 20% of paid members carry business memberships. Food and sundries accounted for 42% of fiscal 2020 sales, with hardlines 17%, ancillary businesses (such as fuel and pharmacy) nearly 17%, fresh food 14%, and softlines 10%. Costco’s warehouses average around 146,000 square feet; over 75% of its locations offer fuel. About 6% of Costco’s global sales come from e-commerce (excluding same-day grocery and various other services).

Source: Morningstar

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Life Insurance

Trauma Insurance versus TPD Insurance

It’s critical that you and your family are cared for in the event of a major accident or sickness. Trauma insurance can help in this situation.

What does Trauma Insurance Covers?

Trauma insurance protects you if you are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, such as cancer or a heart attack, or if you are injured and require extensive medical treatment to recover. The following are some of the conditions addressed:

  • Major head trauma
  • Severe burns
  • Heart attack
  • Cancer
  • etc.

When a major sickness or injury occurs, trauma insurance offers a lump sum of money to meet urgent medical expenditures and other financial necessities.

Furthermore, only your personal cash flow can be used to pay for Trauma Insurance. Unfortunately, certain accidents and illnesses cannot be recovered from, despite the best efforts of medical specialists and your own determination.

What does Total Permanent Disability Insurance (TPD) covers?

TPD Insurance is designed to cover catastrophic injuries and diseases from which you may never be able to recover. If you become permanently incapacitated as a result of a disease or accident and are unable to work, it replaces your income with a lump sum payment. The following are some of the conditions addressed:

  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Loss of a Limb
  • Neurological Disease
  • etc.

Where would your family be in terms of debt repayments, in-home help, or simply covering the expense of living for the next 10 or 20 years if you weren’t earning money?

There are three forms of TPD insurance available in most cases

  • Any Occupation
  • Own Occupation
  • Activities of Daily Living/Non-working Occupation

TPD Insurance can also be funded from your superannuation and personal cash flow.


Finally, Trauma Insurance helps cover the costs of getting you recovered and back to work. TPD Insurance, on the other hand, will ensure that you and your family maintain a good quality of life if your injury or sickness is so serious that you will never be able to return to work.

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Life Insurance

All about starting a Life Insurance in scenarios

Starting a family

Ensuring you can support your growing family if the unforeseen happens is something all parents should plan for. The appropriate insurance can help take the financial pressure off if your circumstances change. Here you may want to consider

  • Life Cover insurance
  • Child Critical Illness insurance
  • Income Protection insurance
  • Total and Permanent Disability insurance

Buying a home

Buying a home is a long term financial involvement. With the appropriate insurance, you can cover yourself for any unplanned episodes. If you become unable to work, either temporarily or permanently, or if you die, insurance can assist you in repaying your mortgage. Here you may want to consider

  • Life Cover insurance
  • Income Protection insurance
  • Total and Permanent Disability insurance

Losing your loved one

Some events in life, such as losing a family member, can inspire you to think about what would happen to your own family if you were to die. Having precise protection in place can provide you with the reassurance that your family could manage financially if you were not there to support them. Here you may want to consider

  • Life Cover insurance

Planning to retire

You have done the hard work for all these years, and now it’s time to sit back and harvest the rewards of a job well done. Having your insurance up-to-date and in line with any changes in your life is an integral part of making sure your cover is appropriate for you. Here, you may want to consider

  • Life Cover insurance

Starting a new job

Your ability to earn an income is one of your critical assets, so it makes sense to protect it. When you start working or plan to change jobs, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is whether you have adequate insurance to protect you and your new salary. Here you may want to consider

  • Income Protection insurance

Establishing a business

If being your own boss is something you strive for, then making sure you have the appropriate protection for your assets and financial commitments should be your first priority of the business. Here you may want to consider

  • Business Expenses insurance

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.