Global stocks Shares

Tabcorp (TAH) delivered a solid 1H22 result which came in ahead of expectations

Investment Thesis

  • The demerger of its Lotteries & Keno business (to be named The Lottery Corporation) from its Wagering & Media business (to be named Tabcorp) could unlock shareholder value as standalone business.
  • Subdued outlook for wagering business and cost pressures likely to keep a lid on margin expansion in the near term.
  • Positive regulatory changes could drive out smaller uneconomical corporate bookmakers.
  • Potential capital management initiatives.

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures within the core Wagering business.
  • Loss of market share.
  • Lack of product development.
  • Cost blowouts with failed investment in Sun Bets business in the UK.
  • Adverse outcome from any regulatory change.
  • The demerger fails to get all necessary approvals.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue of $2,934m was up +2.2%, variable contribution was mostly flat (-0.9%) at $942m and underlying EBITDA of $529m was down -5.5% vs pcp, mainly reflecting the impact of Covid-19 with a strong performing Lotteries and Keno businesses being offset by Wagering & Media and Gaming Services (impacted by venue restrictions and trading). Management delivered a further $16m in savings in 1H22 from 3S optimization program, bringing total savings to date from the program to approximately $46m.
  • The Company declared an interim dividend of 6.5 cents per share, which is down -13.3% on pcp and represents a payout ratio of 77% of net profit before significant items (and at the top end of 70 – 80% range). 
  • Underlying NPAT of $187m was down -9.7% on pcp.
  • Lotteries & Keno. Revenues of $1,784m were up +10.9%, with EBITDA of $358m up +15.1% (margin up +80 bps on pcp). Segment earnings were driven by strong growth in Lotteries revenue (Jackpot games up; active registered customers up +5% and very strong digital growth of +26%) and Lotteries VC margin (digital growth drove margin expansion; 3S savings initiatives). This was partly offset by Keno revenue being impacted by retail shutdowns, which also had an adverse impact on reported margins.
  • TAH is on track to implement the demerger of its Lotteries & Keno business (to be named The Lottery Corporation) from its Wagering & Media business (to be named Tabcorp) no later than June 2022, subject to all necessary approvals. The Company expects to incur one-off costs of up to $275m and ongoing incremental costs of $40-45m p.a. further, The Lotteries and Keno business will target gearing levels of around 3.5x to 4.0x and the wagering & gaming business will target gearing of 1.0x to 1.5x.

Company Description

Tabcorp Holdings Ltd (TAH) is an integrated gambling and entertainment company listed in Australia, with operations overseas. The business operates three key segments – Wagering & Media, Keno and Gaming Services. These services are delivered to customers through TAH’s retail, digital and Sky media platforms.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

Suncorp’s regional banking franchise is more concentrated than the major banks, with home loans making up around 80% of the loan book

Business Strategy & Outlook

Suncorp is a well-capitalized financial services business with a dominant market position in the Australian and New Zealand general insurance industry and a regional banking franchise headquartered in Queensland. In addition to offering insurance under the parent name, key brands in Australia include AAMI, GIO, bingle, Apia, Shannons, and Terri Scheer. In New Zealand, key brands include Vero, AA Insurance, and Asteron Life. At group level, the insurer carries concentrated weather and earthquake risk in Australia and New Zealand, and in particular Queensland which makes up around 25% of gross written premiums in Australia. The group’s exposure to the Queensland market, where large natural peril events have been larger and more frequent, heightens the risks. Reinsurance protection mitigates risks to some extent, but can be expensive, particularly following large events.

Suncorp’s regional banking franchise is more concentrated than the major banks, with home loans making up around 80% of the loan book and Queensland accounts for more than half of total lending. A smaller operating presence, higher funding and operational costs, and relatively limited product offerings have all led to lower margins relative to the majors. A sale of the bank to ANZ Bank would see capital returned to shareholders and is pending regulatory approvals. While there are potential benefits to the bancassurance model, such as better customer insights versus stand-alone insurance peers, and better cross-selling opportunities, they have not delivered a material tangible improvement in earnings, returns, or switching costs. Selling home insurance to borrowers is the lowest hanging fruit, with recent improvements to give the group a single customer view likely to make the process smoother. Similar to its peers, Suncorp is focused on enhancing the digital offering to ensure simpler and faster quotes, claim processing, and to ensure the large insurer remains competitive on price. In response to changes in the way customers engage with their insurer, with less human contact and the expectation of being able to access services at any time, productivity improvements remain a priority.

Financial Strengths

Suncorp Group is in good financial health. As at June 30, 2022, Suncorp Insurance had a prescribed capital amount, or PCA, multiple of 1.77 times the regulatory minimum. The common equity Tier 1 ratio for the insurance business was 1.22 times post the final dividend payment, within the target range of 1.125-1.325 times the PCA, and well above the regulatory minimum of 0.6 times. The bank’s common equity Tier 1 ratio as at June 30, 2022 was 9.1%, within Suncorp’s 9% to 9.5% target range.

Suncorp targets a dividend payout of 60-80% cash earnings (excluding special dividends).

Bulls Say

  • Premium increases stick without an equal rise in claims and rising rates lift yields on fixed income, together lifting underlying profitability and dividends.
  • A benign claims environment with a lower incidence of major catastrophes would considerably boost underwriting profits.
  • Risk management has been improved, and productivity initiatives are expected to deliver greater cost efficiencies.

Company Description

Suncorp is a Queensland-based financial services conglomerate offering retail and business banking, general insurance, superannuation, and investment products in Australia and New Zealand. It also operates a life insurance business in New Zealand. The core businesses include personal insurance, commercial insurance, Vero New Zealand, and Suncorp Bank. Suncorp and competitors IAG Insurance and QBE Insurance dominate the Australian and New Zealand insurance markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Global stocks Shares

A2M’s share price jumped on the results announcement with management announcing expectations to deliver revenue growth in FY22

Investment Thesis

  • Inventory issue remains a downside risk but can also provide upside surprise should management work through the excess inventory in its distribution channels. It appears the inventory is at target levels for some of the key channels.
  • Wining market share in Australia and China.
  • Growing consumer demand for health and well-being globally.
  • Demand growth in China for premium infant formula product.
  • Expansion into new priority markets, aided by the capabilities of Fonterra.
  • US expansion provides new markets + opportunities.
  • Key patents provide barrier to entry.
  • Takeover target – the Company was the subject of a takeover bid in 2015.

Key Risks

  • Management fails to meet its revised FY21 guidance.
  • Chinese demand underperforming market expectations.
  • Disruption to A2 milk supply.
  • Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
  • Expiration of A2M’s intellectual property rights may weaken or be infringed by competitors.
  • Withdrawal of A2M product from international markets due to market share loss OR lack of market penetration.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue: The outlook for revenue in FY22 has improved since the start of the year with the Company still expecting 2H22 revenue (including MVM) to be significantly higher than 2H21, but

with growth now expected on 1H22 and for FY22 which is ahead of initial expectations due mainly to growth in China label and English label IMF. 

  • Gross profit: The improved outlook for revenue in 2H22 should result in higher gross profit than previously expected. However, this is likely to be offset by cost of goods sold headwinds related to increasing milk, ingredient and packaging costs. Accordingly, the Company still expects 2H22 gross margin percent to be broadly similar to 1H22.
  • Earnings: “Revenue improvement is not expected to translate into higher earnings as the Company significantly increases brand and other reinvestment consistent with its growth strategy”.
  • Operational cash conversion: “is likely to be less than 100% in FY22 due mainly to the business expecting to hold higher inventory and an increase in other working capital, as well as MVM needing to make a payment to CAHG in connection with a2MC’s acquisition of its 75% interest in MVM that completed in 1H22

Company Description

The a2 Milk Company Limited (A2M) sells a2 brand milk and related products. The company owns intellectual property that enables the identification of cattle for the production of A1 protein free milk products. It also sources and supplies a2 brand milk in Australia, the UK and the US, exports a2 brand milk to China, and distributes and markets a2 brand milk and a2 Platinum brand infant nutrition products in Australia, New Zealand, and China.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks Shares

TPW’s performance till date suggests it is well positioned to benefit from the structural tailwind behind the migration of offline to online sales

Investment Thesis

  • Operates in a large addressable market – B2C furniture and homewares category is approx. $16bn
  • Structural tailwinds – ongoing migration to online in Australia in the homewares and furniture segment. At the moment less than 10% of TPW’s core market is sold online versus the U.S. market where the penetration rate is around 25%.
  • Strong revenue growth suggests TPW can continue to win market share and become the leader in its core markets. 
  • Strong balance sheet to take advantage of any in-organic (M&A) growth opportunities, however management is likely to be very disciplined. 
  • Ongoing focus on using technology to improve the customer experience – TPW has invested in merging the online with the offline experience through augmented reality(AR).

Key Risks

  • Rising competitive pressures.
  • Any issues with the supply chain, especially because of the impact of Covid-19 on logistics, which affects earnings / expenses.
  • Rising cost pressures eroding margins (e.g., more brand or marketing investment required due to competitive pressures) Increased competition, including private labels & competitors developing products or branding that erode the differentiation of A2M branded products from other dairy products.
  • Disappointing earnings updates or failing to achieve growth rates expected by the market could see the stock price significantly re-rate lower.
  • Trading on high PE-multiples / valuations means the Company is more prone to share price volatility.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • TPW delivered strong top line growth of +46% YoY for 1H22, despite experiencing some supply chain and product availability issues (which also impacted customer satisfaction metrics). Hence the growth rate would have likely been stronger. The Company also saw some inflationary pressures on product and freight, which saw 1H22 delivered margin decline to 30.5% (from 33.0% in pcp) and was in line with management’s previous guidance.
  • Advertising & Marketing costs were up +55% YoY and increased as a percentage of revenue to 13.6% (from 12.8% in pcp), driven by a step up in both performance and brand marketing. TPW’s brand awareness continues to increase, now above 60%. Management also spoke about pushing the brand awareness strategy nationally.Group contribution margin was up +18% and represents 13.8% of revenue, which is in line with management’s stated target range of 12 – 15%.
  • TPW’s ongoing investment in the business (people and technology, new growth horizons in B2B and home improvement) saw fixed cost increase YoY and hence saw EBITDA decline -19% YoY to $12.0m. Full year EBITDA margin of 5.1% was above management’s target range of 2-4% for the half, however this is expected to fall back into the range over FY22 as the full cost of the investments made in 1H22 materialize in 2H22. 
  • TPW posted the sixth straight quarter of revenue per active customer growth, which was up +10% YoY. This was driven by higher average order value and the repeat rate. 
  • (5) TPW continues to produce attractive levels of cash flow and operates
  • a negative working capital model, which continues to benefit its balance sheet strength. The
  • Company has no debt and closed the half with $105.5m in cash. 

Company Description

Temple & Webster Group (TPW) is a leading online retailer in Australia, which offers consumers access to furniture, homewares, home décor, arts, gifts, and lifestyle products.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Global stocks

ResMed has a minority stake in Nyxoah who are developing a neurostimulation implant to treat OSA

Business Strategy & Outlook

ResMed is taking a “smart devices” and Big Data approach to further entrench itself as one of the two leading players in the global obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, market. With cloud-connected devices, physicians can monitor patient compliance and encourage continued use. Higher adherence supports both reimbursement rates from payers and the resupply of masks and accessories. ResMed also plays a key role in producing clinical data that demonstrates treatment can minimize related risks such as hypertension, stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer’s disease. Through its own testing devices and education, ResMed seeks more widespread diagnosis and treatment of OSA. The global OSA homecare device market, is a two-player duopoly with over 80% estimated market share split between ResMed and Philips, with ResMed the market leader in the majority of the 140 countries it competes in. The market offers a large global growth opportunity as penetration within developed markets is estimated at one fifth of the roughly 15% prevalence, and emerging markets are essentially untapped. In the U.S., roughly half of the 22 million people diagnosed with OSA are treated with continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, with another 34 million remaining undiagnosed. ResMed operates in over 140 countries with over 900 million people estimated to have sleep apnea globally, indicating the long runway for growth.

ResMed has made acquisitions of home healthcare software platforms as it seeks to leverage the trends of digital health and providing care in a lower-cost setting. Brightree, acquired in 2016, and MatrixCare, acquired in 2019, offer business management software for a range of home health providers. ResMed is currently directing significant capital to this area, and although high returns have largely been unproven, the move has been strategically sound given the structural industry tailwinds. ResMed has a minority stake in Nyxoah who are developing a neurostimulation implant to treat OSA. Although there’s a little near-term risk from this therapy due to the higher cost and invasive surgery needed, ResMed’s minority stake hedges some risk from emerging competition.

Financial Strengths

ResMed is in a strong financial position. Free cash flow conversion of earnings prior to acquisition spending has averaged 91% over the last five years and has allowed ResMed to quickly repay the debt funding its acquisitions. At the end of fiscal 2022, ResMed reported USD 502 million in net debt representing net debt/EBITDA of only 0.4 times. Free cash flow to grow to USD 1,558 million by fiscal 2027 from USD 88 million in fiscal 2022, and in the absence of major acquisitions, the company should be in a net cash position by fiscal 2025. ResMed commenced paying a dividend in fiscal 2013 and doesn’t have a fixed payout ratio policy. A 28% payout ratio is lower than the trailing three-year average of 31% of underlying net income mainly due to ResMed’s significant uplift in earnings. The dividends are to grow at a five-year 14% CAGR versus a trailing five-year CAGR of 5%, and ResMed is likely to seek optionality for further acquisitions in the software-as-a-service segment.

Bulls Say

  • The long-term growth opportunity for respiratory homecare devices is sizable as both developed and emerging markets are still significantly underpenetrated.
  • The focus on cloud-connected devices has led to increased adherence, supporting both reimbursement rates and the resupply of masks and accessories.
  • ResMed stands to benefit from Philips’ significant product recall and the launch of its new flagship product, AirSense 11.

Company Description

ResMed is one of the largest respiratory care device companies globally, primarily developing and supplying flow generators, masks and accessories for the treatment of sleep apnea. Increasing diagnosis of sleep apnea combined with aging populations and increasing prevalence of obesity is resulting in a structurally growing market. The company earns roughly two thirds of its revenue in the Americas and the balance across other regions dominated by Europe, Japan and Australia. Recent developments and acquisitions have focused on digital health as ResMed is aiming to differentiate itself through the provision of clinical data for use by the patient, medical care advisor and payer in the out-of-hospital setting.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Global stocks

SUL was able to navigate the extended period of store lockdowns due to Covid via omni-retail execution

Investment Thesis

  • Trading below the valuation and on attractive trading multiples and dividend yield.
  • Strong tailwinds/fundamentals in SUL’s four core segments. For instance, sales for vehicle aftermarket continue to remain strong (with increase in secondhand vehicle sales (Supercheap); travelers seeking social distancing and hence moving away from public transport (Supercheap); with Covid lockdown measures in forced, more people are spending their holidays domestically (BCF; macpac), utilizing their vehicles (Supercheap); growing awareness of fit and healthy lifestyles (rebel).
  • Solid capital position.
  • Strong brands in BCF, macpac, rebel and Supercheap with solid industry positions in largely oligopolies and solid store network.
  • Transitioning to an omni-channel business. Whilst previously the business has been modeled on like-to-like store numbers, management now thinks of business metrics based on club members and has been able to grow the active club membership much faster than store numbers (store numbers in last 5 years have grown +2% CAGR vs active club members at +10% CAGR), providing it with an opportunity to expand customer base and therefore revenue base without significant capex for investment in stores (most of the customers are omni channel). Management continues to push towards expanding its online sales (Covid-19 added to this tailwind), with online sales penetration of ~13-15% of total sales currently and expected to reach 20-25% over the next 5 years.
  • Attractive loyalty members program, with over 8 million members.

Key Risks

  • Rising competitive pressures.
  • Any issues with supply chain, especially as a result of the impact of Covid-19 on logistics, which affects earnings.
  • Rising cost pressures eroding margins (e.g., more brand or marketing investment required due to competitive pressures).
  • Disappointing earnings update or failing to achieve growth rates expected by the market could see the stock price significantly re-rate lower.

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Sales of $1,705.1m was down -4.0% vs 1H21 but up +18.1% vs 1H20.
  • Segment EBITDA of $329.4m was down -21.2% vs 1H21 but up +27.0% vs 1H20. 
  • As a result of supply chain disruption, SUL’s gross margin of 46.7% was 100 bps below pcp but 170 bps above 1H20, driven by improved sourcing, pricing and tailoring the range of inventory, offset by higher freight and transport costs, growth in home delivery sales and some normalization of promotional activity in 2Q22.
  • Normalised NPAT of $112.8m was down -35.8% vs 1H21 but up +60.9% vs 1H20 (Normalised EPS of 49.9 cents). 
  • SUL was able to expand its store network, completing 15 new store openings and 28 refurbishments and relocations. 
  • SUL maintains a conservative balance sheet with no bank debt and $94m cash balance.
  • The Board declared a fully franked interim dividend of 27.0cps and reaffirmed its dividend policy to pay out total annual dividends of between 55% and 65% of underlying NPAT. 

Company Description

Super Retail Group (SUL) is one of Australasia’s Top 10 retailers. SUL comprises four core segments. 

(1) BCF: Australia’s largest outdoor retailer focused on selling Boating, Camping and Fishing products. (2) macpac: retailer of apparel and equipment with their own designs focused on outdoor adventurers.

 (3) rebel: retailer of branded sporting and leisure goods and equipment for casual and serious fitness enthusiast. 

(4) Supercheap Auto: specialty retail business which specializes in automotive parts and accessories.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

In June 2021, Genworth’s largest customer, Commonwealth Bank, issued a request for proposal relating to its LMI requirements

Business Strategy & Outlook

Genworth has a 50-year history in providing lenders mortgage insurance in Australia but has only been listed on the ASX since May 2014. Global U.S.-based insurer Genworth Financial listed it and completely sold out in 2021. Genworth will find it challenging to grow its lenders mortgage insurance, or LMI, business in the face of increased competition. The entrance of Arch Capital Group, and increased tendency of lenders to self-insure, will see Genworth cede further share over time. LMI protects a lender against a potential gap between the outstanding loan amount plus costs and the sale proceeds from the mortgaged property. While it’s the lender who is protected and decides whether to purchase LMI, the premium is paid by the borrower. There’s a low growth in high loan/value ratio, or HLVR, loans, due to low systemwide home loan growth, as well as banks being more risk-averse after the Royal Commission and tightening of lending standards. An economic backdrop where Australians are holding historically high levels of home loan debt, and wage growth is low, makes strong credit growth and a significantly stronger appetite for loans with higher LVRs unlikely. 

Management is rolling out optionality for borrowers to pay premiums in monthly installments and paying LMI upfront at a discount (instead of capitalized on the loan). While initiatives such as these are important to address borrower challenges in saving a deposit, they can lead to Genworth earning less on an average policy, and by not receiving premiums upfront, reduces funds available for Genworth’s investment portfolio. Unless Genworth’s larger customers integrate these offerings into their systems, take up will likely be low. In June 2021, Genworth’s largest customer, Commonwealth Bank, issued a request for proposal relating to its LMI requirements. While the agreement was renewed for another three years, it highlighted the risk to the insurer’s outlook given its reliance on Commonwealth Bank. The bank accounts for around 65% of Genworth’s GWP.

Financial Strengths

Genworth is regulated by APRA to maintain a certain prescribed capital level, or PCA. Genworth’s PCA is driven primarily by its LMI concentration risk charge (which is mainly based on its probable maximum loss based on a three-year economic or property downturn of an APRA determined 1-in-200 year severity level) and insurance risk charge (the risk that net insurance liabilities are greater than the value determined by the actuary). Genworth targets a regulatory capital base of 1.40 times-1.60 times its PCA, which it has been consistently above. The PCA as at Sept. 30, 2022, is a healthy 2.04 times. Genworth completed a share buyback of AUD 100 million in June 2022 and in August announced a new AUD 100 million buyback, steps in getting the solvency ratio closer to the board’s target range. With AUD 3.4 billion in cash and investments, and reinsurance covering AUD 800 million of claims above AUD 1.65 billion, hence the insurer has adequate coverage for a severe economic recession.

Bulls Say

  • Fiscal and monetary stimulus cushions an economic downturn in Australia, resulting in a rise in delinquencies but allows Genworth to generate excess returns on equity. 
  • A sound balance sheet provides the capacity to continue to institute capital management initiatives, including special dividends and buying back more shares. 
  • New product initiatives lead to new customer wins and allow Genworth to negotiate more favorable pricing with customers.  

Company Description

Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in 2014 after its U.S.-based parent, Genworth Financial (NYSE: GNW), sold down its stake. It has since exited. With a history spanning over 50 years, Genworth Australia is a provider of lenders’ mortgage insurance, or LMI, in Australia. In Australia, LMI is predominantly purchased on loans with a loan/value ratio, or LVR, above 80%. LMI protects a lender against a potential loss (gap) between the outstanding loan amount and sale proceeds on a delinquent loan property. LMI does not protect the borrower, however the premium is paid by the borrower. It’s regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, or APRA, which requires it to meet minimum regulatory capital requirements.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Global stocks Shares

Healius is looking to new sources of strategic growth as well as dealing with prior underinvestment in infrastructure

Business Strategy & Outlook

In 2018, the former Primary Healthcare rebranded itself as Healius to signify the strategic turnaround underway. Healius is looking to new sources of strategic growth as well as dealing with prior underinvestment in infrastructure. There is much to fix in the business and it can be anticipated to take a few years before significant margin improvements are made in the base pathology and imaging businesses. Healius selling its medical centers to focus on redirecting capital toward infrastructure upgrades and higher-margin Montserrat day hospitals is viewed as a positive strategic step. Improvement in systems is key to improving efficiency. Pathology is an increasingly technologically driven service and the company intends to invest in a new laboratory information system, automation, and digitization through to fiscal 2024. However, while the system upgrades as necessary to restore earnings growth, one won’t see the company building an advantage over rival Sonic Healthcare, which is also continuously improving its systems.

Virtually all revenue is earned directly from Medicare via bulk-billing in the pathology and imaging segments. Healius’ organic volume growth in its core pathology segment has typically ranged between 3% and 5% and a similar rate over the 10-year forecast period can be seen. The volume growth is underpinned by population growth, aging demographics, higher incidence of diseases, and wider adoption of preventive diagnostics to manage healthcare costs. In addition, the number of tests available is expanding. Increasing complexity of tests, such as veterinary and gene-based testing, is also resulting in average fee price increases. Pathology has a high fixed cost of operation and thus benefits from volume growth to drive lower cost-per-test outcomes. Higher testing volumes result in a lower cost-per-test as labor, equipment, leases, transportation, and overhead costs are all leveraged. In 2013, the Australian government placed a freeze on Medicare fee rates but resumed indexation in fiscal 2021 for diagnostic imaging.

Financial Strengths

After divesting its medical centers, Healius boasts significant balance sheet flexibility. While the sale proceeds were used predominantly to retire debt, Healius also returned AUD 200 million to shareholders in the form of share buybacks in calendar 2021. Nonetheless, in the absence of major acquisitions, the net debt/EBITDA to remain under 2.0 times over the forecast period compared with Healius’ leverage target range of 1.7-2.2 times and its debt covenant of 3.5 times. At June 2022, Healius reported AUD 525 million in net debt, representing net debt/EBITDA of 1.0 times pre-AASB 16. Given the material operating leverage in the business, it is prudent for financial leverage to be at a comfortable level given the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 testing. Following Healius’ improvement program in the near term, the free cash flow prior to dividends is to settle around 96% of net income at midcycle. The high cash conversion affords Healius to maintain the forecast dividend payout ratio of 60%, within Healius’ 50%-70% target range.

Bulls Say

  • On top of the base level of COVID-19 testing that is likely to continue, Healius is well-positioned for underlying trends in preventive diagnostic treatments and outpatient care in its day hospitals.
  • Simplifying the business via the sale of its medical centers is a positive indicator for the ultimate success of the company’s turnaround.
  • Advances in technology and personalized medicine are increasing the number of complex and gene-based tests available to patients, which are typically higher-margin.   

Company Description

Healius is Australia’s second-largest pathology provider and third-largest diagnostic imaging provider. Pathology and imaging revenue are almost entirely earned via the public health Medicare system. Healius typically earns approximately 70% of revenue from pathology, 25% from diagnostic imaging and a small remainder from day hospitals.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

For Beach Energy, priority remains to expand output from existing reserves, mainly in the Perth and Cooper/Eromanga basins

Business Strategy & Outlook

Beach Energy produces oil, gas, and gas liquids from multiple wholly owned projects and joint ventures in the onshore Cooper, Perth, and Eromanga basins, and offshore in the Otway, Bass, and Taranaki basins. Beach merged with Cooper Basin joint-venture partner Drillsearch Energy in March 2016, which increased equity production to about 10 million barrels of oil equivalent. This is now more than doubled to 23 million boe following the purchase of Lattice from Origin Energy in 2018. Lattice’s scale enhancing incorporation, expanding Beach’s footprint across multiple basins and production hubs, resulted in an increase in EBITDA margins to over 70% from pre-Lattice 50% levels. Despite Lattice’s advantages, Beach does not have sufficient resource life beyond 15 years.

Beach’s goal to double production and reserves in five years was achieved via the AUD 1.6 billion acquisition of Lattice, rather than from organic growth. But the priority remains to expand output from existing reserves, mainly in the Perth and Cooper/Eromanga basins. Beach also sees huge potential for unconventional shale gas in the Cooper and elsewhere. The new target is for 34-40 mm boe of production in the next five years. Most recently a final investment decision was taken for the Waitsia Stage 2 expansion project. The Waitsia project has become an inaugural accessor of North West Shelf Project liquefaction capacity of up to 1.5Mtpa to 2029. Beach’s 50% Waitsia Stage 2 gas expansion to 250 TJ per day (100% basis) is equivalent to around 1.6 Mtpa of LNG. Beach’s estimated share of the upfront development capital expenditure is AUD 350-400 million and Waitsia Stage 2 alone could increase Beach’s equity production by 7.5 mmboe or around 27% on current production levels. Also implicit in Beach’s production growth target is improvement in facility reliability, renewed Cooper Basin growth efforts and Otway gas plant production increase by around 35% to around 57 PJ by fiscal 2023 from around 42 PJ in fiscal 2019.

Financial Strengths

Beach typically has a healthy balance sheet and cash flow, though field life on current reserves is only just approaching 15 years. Beach ended the period to June 2022 with USD 120 million in net cash. The strong unleveraged balance sheet remains a key appeal of Beach Energy. A maintenance of an unleveraged balance sheet in fiscal 2023 despite increased development expenditure is expected. Even with anticipated expenditures, including on Waitsia project development, hence an unleveraged balance sheet by as soon as fiscal 2023 is anticipated, all else equal. An unleveraged balance sheet is the appropriate position for a small company in a world of energy supermajors requiring capital reinvestment to maintain life. Despite growth plans for production of 34-40 mmboe in the next five years, Beach targets a near zero net debt position due to strong free cash flows. Cash flow projections are underpinned by strong long-term gas contracts and repricing. The current net cash position is in stark and favorable contrast to mid-fiscal-2018 annualized net debt/EBITDA levels near 2.0.

Bulls Say

  • Beach has healthy cash flow and reasonable field reserve life.
  • Net operating cash flow per share has proved resilient.
  • The effective net cost of reserve additions has been minimized by well-timed asset sales.

Company Description

Beach produces oil, gas, and gas liquids from numerous joint ventures in the onshore Cooper and Eromanga basins. Beach merged with Cooper Basin joint-venture partner Drillsearch Energy Limited in March 2016, which increased equity production to about 10 million barrels of oil equivalent. This is now more than doubled to 23 million barrels of oil equivalent following the successful purchase of Lattice from Origin Energy in 2018. The average field life is 10 years based on forecast production and 313 mmboe of proven and probable reserves. A credit life of nearly 15 years, assuming substantial conversion of 2C contingent resources into reserve category with drilling. Shale gas resources are blue-sky.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Credit Corp is a major purchased debt ledger, or PDL, acquirer in Australia, with long-term share of 35%

Business Strategy & Outlook

Credit Corp is a major purchased debt ledger, or PDL, acquirer in Australia, with long-term share of 35%. It is also currently the fourth-largest player in the PDL market with a share of around 12% in fiscal 2022. PDLs are mainly acquired from banks and financial institutions, and are mostly unsecured credit card debt that are at least six months in arrears and already been through a collection process. Other forms of debt purchases include outstanding telephone or utility bills. Earnings are generated by recovering more than its capital outlay. The firm targets returns on equity of 16%-18% and aims to recover double the price paid for PDLs. Prices range from AUD 0.05 to slightly over AUD 0.20 on the dollar of the debt’s face value, averaging between AUD 0.12 and AUD 0.13 on the dollar. Credit Corp does this by acquiring PDLs at sensible prices, and collecting mainly via payment plans. It has historically succeeded in collecting PDLs over the entirety of their typical six-year lives, with actual collections consistently exceeding initial projections.

The firm’s consumer-facing products include impaired consumer loans, auto lending, buy now-pay later, and appliance leasing. It generally lends to credit-impaired consumers who do not have access to primary lenders. These businesses should continue growing, as the banks generally do not service this market. Operating efficiencies are achieved by leveraging off the common overheads and systems of its core Australian PDL operations in both its U.S. PDL and consumer lending businesses, offshoring and digitization. NPAT is to grow at a 5.5% CAGR through to fiscal 2027. However, a lower ROEs can be projected averaging 12% per year from fiscal 2023 to 2027, on anticipation of future returns possibly being structurally lower, with greater mix shift to the more competitive U.S. market. Competition for PDLs will likely heat up as COVID-19 stimuli fade off and competition resumes. Longer term, a combination of low industry barriers to entry, an expectation for governments to bail out consumers during adverse credit events, and greater operational efficiency among peers will likely encourage more aggressive price bidding for PDLs.

Financial Strengths

Credit Corp is currently in sound financial health. Its gearing ratio, measured as net debt divided by carrying value of PDLs and loans, was 12% as of June 30, 2022. Gearing at end of the COVID-19-plagued fiscal 2020 was also zero with no covenants breached, albeit this was supported by a AUD 155 million equity raise. Excluding the capital raising from Credit Corp’s net cash as of fiscal 2020 would result in a gearing ratio of around 23%. This would still be below its target range of 25%-30%, as well as bank covenants of 60% (for its corporate debt facility) and 50% (for its warehouse facility), respectively. Credit Corp has historically been prudent in acquiring PDLs and not outbid its competitors when tender prices for PDLs are excessive. This mitigates the value destruction during a severe credit event which leads to higher defaults/impairments, or breaches of covenants due to insufficient cash. A case in point, its ASX-listed competitors Collection House and Pioneer Credit were both hit by material losses in fiscal 2020, and faced capital constraints or compliance issues due to their prior aggressive growth. Meanwhile, Credit Corp had a 5% net profit margin, though it was also bolstered by an equity raising. It subsequently purchased Collection House’s Australian PDL book–which had ongoing payment arrangements of almost AUD 200 million in face value–for AUD 160 million in fiscal 2021. Credit Corp subsequently bought Collection House’s New Zealand PDL book for AUD 12 million, while also extending the firm AUD 7.5 million working capital loan in early fiscal 2022. When Collection House fell into administration in June 2022, Credit Corp acquired its remaining business and all outstanding shares for AUD 11 million.

Bulls Say

  • A relatively prudent business model allows for better countercyclical investment and cash collections, which helps fund more purchases and issue more loans. This also supports continued funding and prevents excessive potential value destruction.
  • Credit Corp has a leaner cost base than its U.S. peers, and is supported by common overheads and technology centered in Australia. This helps it tender for PDLs at a similar footing as its larger competitors.
  • Credit Corp’s growing track record in the U.S. has made it a viable choice for local firms seeking to diversify their debt collectors.

Company Description

Credit Corp operates in the distressed consumer debt market. In its core business, it acquires purchased debt ledgers, or PDLs, in Australia and is expanding this business globally by buying PDLs in the United States. These PDLs consist of unsecured debt that are at least six months in arrears and have already been through a collection process. Since 2012, Credit Corp also diversified its business into providing consumer credit to customers who are unable to gain access to credit from primary sources such as banks because of a poor credit history. Its consumer credit business is gaining scale but is also subject to increased regulatory scrutiny.

(Source: Morningstar)

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