Global stocks

DoorDash Reports Solid Q3 Results as Consumer Demand Remains Strong as Pandemic Wanes

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

DoorDash holds the number one position as an online food order aggregator in the U.S., ahead of Uber Technologies’ Uber Eats and Grubhub. The firm is at the early stages in trying to attract a larger piece of what is estimated to be $1 trillion worth of goods and services by 2025 to its platform. DoorDash benefits from the network effects between merchants, deliverers (or “dashers”), and consumers, plus intangible assets, in the form of data, which together warrant narrow moat ratings. Consumers use DoorDash’s app to order food for pickup or delivery from restaurants. Based on data from Second Measure, DoorDash currently is the market leader in the U.S., with 56% share, above Uber’s 26% and Grubhub’s 18%. The firm has over 450,000 merchants, more than 20 million consumers, and more than 1 million dashers on its platform. It is seen that the primary market DoorDash is targeting aggressively, consumer spending on food and beverages away from home, as attractive and expect it to grow 4%-5% annually during the next five years. DoorDash has also begun to provide similar service to businesses in verticals other than restaurants, such as grocery, retail, pet supplies, and flowers. With strengthening of the network effect, it is expected that DoorDash will maintain its leadership position in a market where there will be only one other viable player, Uber Eats, in the long run. The firm’s network effect should also lower consumer and deliverer acquisition costs, resulting in further operating leverage and GAAP profitability in 2023. 

Risk and Uncertainty

DoorDash is also susceptible to blame for possible missteps in data utilization and/or lack of data privacy and security, which is also considered an ESG risk. In addition, as deliveries to consumers by DoorDash on behalf of merchants are made mainly by gig workers, the firm is likely to face continuing pressure from lawmakers to provide higher pay and more benefits, and to possibly categorize those contractors as employees, all of which is seen as another ESG risk. While voters in California sided with firms such as DoorDash and with gig workers in 2020 by approving Proposition 22, it remains uncertain what actions other voters, and other states, and federal lawmakers are likely to take. Whether the immediate change in consumer dining behavior that was observed in 2020, mainly driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, will last is also a risk. A return to the pre-pandemic normalcy could decelerate or completely stop DoorDash’s growth.

Bulls Say:

  • Consumer behavior will continue to shift away from in-restaurant dining as the variety of food and speed of delivery available at home increase. As demand for DoorDash services pushes higher, the firm should quickly reach profitability. 
  • DoorDash will succeed in delivering other goods and services, strengthening its number-one position in the U.S. 
  • More regulations such as minimum wages or more benefits may pass, but they will also create a barrier to entry and force out subscale players.

Company Description:

Founded in 2013 and headquartered in San Francisco, DoorDash is an online food order demand aggregator. Consumers can use its app to order food on-demand for pickup or delivery from merchants mainly in the U.S. The firm provides a marketplace for the merchants to create a presence online, market their offerings, and meet demand by making the offerings available for pickup or delivery. The firm provides similar service to businesses in addition to restaurants, such as grocery, retail, pet supplies, and flowers. At the end of 2020, DoorDash had over 450,000 merchants, 20 million consumers, and over 1 million dashers on its platform. In 2020, the firm generated $24.7 billion in gross order volume (up 207% year over year) and $2.9 billion in revenue (up 226%)

(Source: Morningstar)

DISCLAIMER for General Advice: (This document is for general advice only).

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Global stocks

Broadridge’s Franchises Are Robust Amid the Current Environment

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

Broadridge has been the dominant proxy and interim service provider for broker/dealers for more than 20 years. Broadridge’s regulated proxy and interim business is its crown jewel, and a disproportionate amount of the firm’s net income comes from its fiscal third and fourth quarter during proxy season. In addition, Broadridge generates about 30% of its fee revenue and profit from its global technology and operations or GTO segment, which provides securities processing solutions. Amid COVID-19, Broadridge has benefited from higher engagement of retail investors through higher position growth and elevated trading volumes. Since its spinoff from ADP in 2007, Broadridge has streamlined its operations and expanded into adjacent markets. After years of losses in its clearing business, Broadridge sold it in 2010 to Penson Worldwide. Operationally, Broadridge entered into an IT-services agreement with IBM in 2010 to increase efficiency. Expanding on its mailing, data security, and processing capabilities, Broadridge has completed numerous acquisitions. Since 2010, Broadridge has completed at least 25 acquisitions. Notable acquisitions include DST’s North American customer communications business for $410 million in 2016 and RPM Technologies for $300 million in 2019. The NACC business provides print and digital communication solutions, content management, postal optimization, and fulfillment to a variety of sectors, including financial-services firms, utilities, and healthcare firms. RPM Technologies provides enterprise wealth management software solutions and services. In May 2021, Broadridge acquired Itiviti, a provider of order and execution management trading software and order routing networking and connectivity solutions, for $2.5 billion. It is believed that the acquisition complements its existing GTO segment and while not cheap, should be accretive given low interest rates. During its December 2020 investor day, Broadridge laid out its three-year per year goals including recurring revenue growth of 7%-9% (organic: 5%-7%), adjusted operating margin expansion of 50 basis points, and adjusted EPS growth of 8%-12%. Thus far, Broadridge has largely achieved these goals.

Risk and Uncertainty

The biggest risk to near-term revenue and profits is equity proxy position and mutual fund interim growth. During the financial crisis, the number of equity proxy positions was down only 2% (for year ending June 30, 2009). Given the recurring nature of the equity proxy and mutual fund interims business, It is believed Broadridge’s business is relatively recession-proof. Given the regulated nature of proxy and interim communications, the fees that Broadridge can charge issuers on behalf of its broker/dealer clients is overseen by the NYSE Working Proxy Group. The last fee reviews went into effect on Jan. 1, 2014, with a very modest impact on Broadridge. Though Broadridge has historically fared well in fee reviews, it could be negatively affected in a future review. Broadridge has modest client concentration. On a firm wide basis, the largest client accounts for 6% of revenue. Within the global technology and operations segment, the firm’s largest 15 clients account for 51% of segment revenue. Broadridge generally works with its largest clients across multiple segments. From a geographic perspective, Broadridge generates about 88% of its revenue in the United States. From an environmental, social, and governance perspective, a lot of risk is not observed arising from Broadridge’s business model. Broadridge’s software and solutions service millions of users, and as a result the firm must maintain strong product governance and data security

Bulls Say:

  • Broadridge has a dominant market share position on delivering proxies and interims to beneficial shareholders. Direct indexing and the rise of the retail investor can continue to support position growth. 
  • During the financial crisis, Broadridge’s equity position count was down only 2% in 2009, indicating that its business model is close to recession-proof. 
  • Broadridge’s global technology and operations offerings are sticky and with the move toward outsourcing, Broadridge should be able to grow faster than the addressable market.

Company Description:

Broadridge, which was spun off from ADP in 2007, is a leading provider of investor communications and technology-driven solutions to banks, broker/dealers, asset managers, wealth managers, and corporate issuers. Broadridge is composed of two segments: investor communication solutions and global technology and operations.

(Source: Morningstar)

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