Dividend Stocks

Stockland continues to divest retail property, but faces a choice of selling assets in the near term

Business Strategy & Outlook

Stockland generates about two thirds of funds from operations, or FFO, from its commercial property portfolio, which is roughly two thirds retail property, the rest industrial and some office. Another third of earnings come from residential development. The development business is cyclical and its contribution to earnings swings substantially, while the commercial rental business is relatively stable. The earnings from the residential business will moderate as stimulus measures such as Homebuilder wash out of the pipeline.  In late 2021, Stockland revised its target asset mix, reducing retail assets, and increasing exposure to office, industrial and residential. The new target is about one third in residential (up from 15%), one half in office/industrial (up from 35%) and less than one third in retail (down from 50%). The office and industrial as fully priced in 2019, but the move has sidestepped some of the COVID-19 damage to retail property. Stockland continues to divest retail property but faces a choice of selling assets in the near term while recent coronavirus lockdowns weigh on values for retail assets, or holding out for recovery, but facing the risk of the ongoing structural shift to e-commerce. The group’s strategy of remixing toward food, services and entertainment gave early payback, but since mid-2019 that tactic is saturated.

In residential, tougher market conditions should enable Stockland to gain market share. It is Australia’s largest residential developer, usually selling between 5,000 and 7,000 land lots per year, and some smaller players will exit or slow down. That said, the pressure on the large players, and don’t expect the scorching volume growth of 2014-18 again within the 10-year discrete forecast period. Stockland acquired Halcyon in July 2021, significantly stepping up its exposure to the land-lease communities’ business.

Financial Strengths

Stockland is in good financial health, with gearing (net debt to assets) of circa 18%, as at June 30, 2022 (pro forma adjusted for the sale of Stockland’s retirement living business in July 2022). This is below the group’s targeted range of 20%-30%, but the gearing will rise as the commercial property values are expected to be marked down by valuers. Stockland will redeploy capital raised from recent disposals, into further acquisitions, particularly in industrial, and into office developments at North Sydney and its Piccadilly site in the Sydney CBD, plus the recently closed Halcyon purchase. While debt is lower than many other REITs, that is appropriate, given exposure to development activities. Stockland’s debt metrics could deteriorate if earnings from the cyclical residential division took a major hit, though this is unlikely given the level of precommitments and deposits Stockland typically obtains before commencing major construction works. The group could be exposed to refinancing risk if interest rates or credit spreads rose substantially. However, its average cost of debt was a remarkably low 3.4% for fiscal 2022 and about two thirds of debt is hedged, meaning the impact of higher rates is likely to be felt gradually over a number of years. Given a weighted average debt maturity was 5.3 years as at June 30, 2021 this is not a major threat. Cash and undrawn debt lines totalled about AUD 2.2 billion, providing further financial flexibility.

Bulls Say

  • The eventual resumption of population growth should support the value of Stockland’s assets and eventually underpin the viability of several development projects.
  • There remains demand for quality real estate from the likes of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and other offshore investors, which should drive buying in the direct property market and push valuations upward.
  • Stockland has greater exposure to industrial property than most diversified REITs. Of the major property sectors, the industry is the least impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns and social distancing measures.

Company Description

Stockland is Australia’s largest housing developer, and this division generates about a third of the group’s funds-from-operations. Nearly two thirds comes from commercial property, mostly retail. It also has a growing land-lease business. The mix is evolving. Earnings from the residential development division are volatile and it is expected growth to moderate there. In commercial property the group is trimming retail and adding office and industrial via acquisitions and developments. Stockland-stapled securities comprise one share in the corporation that largely operates developments and one unit in a trust that holds the property portfolio.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Not Much to Dislike About Pro Medicus’ Business Model, but Shares Screen Expensive

Business Strategy & Outlook

Pro Medicus’ strategy revolves around renewing existing contracts and winning new clients for its main product, Visage 7, while increasing its price point. The company won six out of six major public tenders it competed for in fiscal 2021, which often involved on-site pilot tests. While this likely highlights Visage 7’s current superior speed, scalability, and resilience, continued investment in R&D is imperative for the firm to remain at the forefront of innovation and consistently win contracts. Most of the firm’s expenses are allocated to over 40 software engineers with the main R&D center located in Berlin. The company also recently extended its R&D capability in New York in collaboration with NYU Langone Health in 2021. Its R&D efforts mostly revolve around software enhancements, program extensions, and research in artificial intelligence to assist in diagnosis. Many of Pro Medicus’ competitors already utilize server-side rendering and cloud-native architecture. Legacy systems are also mostly owned by larger competitors such as GE Healthcare, Fujifilm, and Phillips that will be incentivised by the high returns in the industry. In Australia, Sectra won a AUD 85 million 13-year deal over Pro Medicus with NSW Health for both its Radiology Information System, or RIS, and Picture Archiving Communications System, or PACS, in 2020. 

Visage 7 has found most success with U.S. academic hospitals and in fiscal 2022 was in nine out of the top 20 ranked U.S. hospitals, more than double its nearest competitor. While Pro Medicus has secured a few contracts with mid market U.S. hospitals such as Alleghany and Wellspan, wider uptake has been slow with Visage 7’s features likely superfluous for their normal operations. However, Pro Medicus is still targeting smaller radiology groups that seek to consolidate IT infrastructure and become more efficient. Currently, Visage 7 is limited to radiology departments, but Pro Medicus is aiming to extend the product set to other specialty departments including cardiology and ophthalmology. In addition, when winning contracts, the firm has other product offerings such as Open Archive or Visage RIS that it can cross-sell to clients.

Financial Strengths

Pro Medicus is in a strong financial position. As of June 2022, Pro Medicus had AUD 91 million in net cash, and the company is forecasted to continue holding net cash over the explicit 10-year forecast period. Despite having low capital intensity, net cash provides the firm with additional flexibility to pursue organic or acquisitive growth opportunities. Pro Medicus’ free cash flow generation is strong, with free cash flow prior to acquisitions and dividends averaging 93% of net income over the last five years. Free cash flow conversion is anticipated to remain relatively constant at 93% on average over the next 10 years. On this basis the company is expected to comfortably maintain a 50% dividend payout ratio, which is broadly consistent with the historical average.

Bulls Say

  • Pro Medicus is well positioned to benefit from industry tailwinds such as cloud adoption, larger datasets, and remote access. 
  • Earnings are extremely defensive due to contracted revenue being largely guaranteed over five to eight years from customers. 
  • The long-term growth opportunity is significant as most of the U.S. market still uses legacy systems and other geographies are largely untapped.

Company Description

Pro Medicus is a healthcare IT company specializing in radiology imaging software. Its main product, Visage 7, is a clinical desktop application that radiologists use to view, enhance, and manipulate images from any device and make a diagnosis. Its main customers are U.S. private academic hospitals. In fiscal 2022, Pro Medicus earned 79% of revenue in North America, 16% from Australia, and the remaining 6% in Europe.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Edison faces regulatory scrutiny to prove its investments are producing customer benefits

Business Strategy & Outlook

California’s aggressive clean energy goals, including the state’s quest to eliminate carbon emissions from the economy by 2045, offer Edison International more growth opportunities than most utilities. Edison will invest at least $6 billion annually, resulting in 7% annual earnings growth at least through 2025. It already has regulatory and policy support for investments to support grid safety, renewable energy, electric vehicles, distributed generation, and energy storage. Wildfire safety investments alone could reach $4 billion during the next four years. California will always present political, regulatory, and operating challenges for utilities. But state utility regulators are in a bind because implementing the state’s public policy mandates will require healthy utilities that are incentivized to invest in infrastructure. In August 2021, regulators approved nearly all of Edison’s 2021-23 investment plan. Regulatory proceedings in 2022 will address wildfire-specific investments and Edison’s $6 billion investment plan for 2024. In 2023, Edison will begin work with regulators to set an investment budget through 2028. Operating cost discipline will be critical to avoid large customer bill increases related to its investment plan. Edison faces regulatory scrutiny to prove its investments are producing customer benefits. It also must resolve and seek to recover what could end up being $7.9 billion of liabilities related to 2017-18 fires and mudslides.

Large equity issuances in 2019 and 2020—in part to fund the company’s $2.4 billion contribution to the state wildfire insurance fund and a higher equity allowance for ratemaking—weighed on earnings the last two years. Edison now has most of its financing in place to execute its growth plan. It is expected to continue its streak of 18 consecutive annual dividend increases. Edison’s management team seems committed to retaining a small share of unregulated earnings likely tied to low-risk energy management businesses wrapped into Edison Energy. It is not expected that the business is to have a material impact on shareholder returns in the near term.

Financial Strengths

Edison’s credit metrics are well within investment-grade range. California wildfire legislation and regulatory rulings in 2021 removed the overhang that threatened Edison’s investment-grade ratings in early 2019. Edison has kept its balance sheet strong with substantial equity issuances since 2019. Edison won’t have any liquidity issues as it resolves 2017-18 fire and mudslide liabilities while funding its growth investments. Edison issued $2.4 billion of new equity in 2019 at prices in line with the fair value estimate. This financing supported both its growth investments and half of its $2.4 billion contribution to the California wildfire insurance fund. The new equity also allowed Southern California Edison to adjust its allowed capital structure to 52% equity from 48% equity for ratemaking purposes, leading to higher revenue and partially offsetting the earnings dilution. Edison’s $800 million equity raise in May 2020 at $56 per share was well below the fair value estimate but was necessary to support its growth plan in 2020 and early 2021. Edison also raised nearly $2 billion of preferred stock in 2021 and might issue more preferred stock to limit equity dilution as it finances its growth program. In particular, Edison will have to raise equity to finance its $1 billion energy storage project in 2022. Dividends are to grow in line with SCE’s earnings.  The board approved a $0.15 per share annualized increase, or 6%, for 2022, its 18th consecutive annual dividend increase. Management has long targeted a 45%-55% payout based on SCE’s earnings, but the board appears to be comfortable going above that range based on the 2021 and 2022 dividends that implied near-60% payout ratios. As long as Edison continues to receive regulatory support, the board will keep the dividend at the high end of its target payout range.

Bulls Say

  • With Edison’s nearly $6 billion of planned annual investment during the next four years, it can project 7% average annual average earnings growth in 2022-25.
  • Edison has raised its dividend for 18 consecutive years to $2.80 in 2022, a 6% increase from 2021. Management appears comfortable maintaining a payout ratio above its 45%-55% target.
  • California’s focus on renewable energy, energy storage, and distributed generation should bolster Edison’s investments in transmission and distribution infrastructure for many years.

Company Description

Edison International is the parent company of Southern California Edison, an electric utility that supplies power to 5 million customers in a 50,000-square-mile area of Southern California, excluding Los Angeles. Edison Energy owns interests in nonutility businesses that deal in energy-related products and services. In 2014, Edison International sold its wholesale generation subsidiary Edison Mission Energy out of bankruptcy to NRG Energy.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Deere has exposure to end markets with attractive tailwinds

Business Strategy & Outlook

Deere offers customers an extensive portfolio of agriculture and construction products. It will continue to be the leader in the agriculture industry and one of the top players in construction. For over a century, the company has been the pre-eminent manufacturer of mission-critical agricultural equipment, which has  led to its place as one of the world’s most valuable brands. Deere’s strong brand is underpinned by its high-quality, extremely durable, and efficient products. Customers in developed markets also value Deere’s ability to reduce the total cost of ownership. The company’s strategy focuses on delivering a comprehensive solution for farmers. Deere’s innovative products target each phase of the production process, which includes field preparation, planting and seeding, applying chemicals, and harvesting. The company also embeds technology in its products, from guidance systems to seed placement and spacing and customized spraying applications. Deere is committed to expanding customer offerings and providing value-added services. Additionally, the management team will look to reduce the company’s cost structure as some markets have matured, providing an opportunity to rethink its footprint and create a leaner organization.

Over the past decade, the company has continually released new products and upgraded existing product models to drive greater machine efficiency. Customers also rely on the services that Deere provides, for example, machine maintenance and access to its proprietary aftermarket parts. Furthermore, its digital applications help customers interact with dealers, manage their fleet, and track machine performance to determine when maintenance is needed. Deere has exposure to end markets with attractive tailwinds. In agriculture, demand for corn and soybeans will be strong in the near term, largely due to robust demand from China and tight global supplies. On the construction side, the company will benefit from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure deal in the U.S. The country’s roads are in poor condition, which has led to pent-up road construction demand.

Financial Strengths

Deere maintains a sound balance sheet. On the industrial side, the net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio was relatively low at the end of fiscal 2021, coming in at 0.4. Total outstanding debt, including both short- and long-term debt, was $10.4 billion. Deere’s strong balance sheet gives management the financial flexibility to run a balanced capital allocation strategy going forward that mostly favours organic growth and also returns cash to shareholders. In terms of liquidity, the company can meet its near-term debt obligations given its strong cash balance. The company’s cash position as of fiscal year-end 2021 stood at $7.2 billion on its industrial balance sheet. Deere has access to $5.7 billion in credit facilities. Deere can generate solid free cash flow throughout the economic cycle. The company can generate over $6 billion in free cash flow in the midcycle year, supporting its ability to return nearly all of its free cash flow to shareholders through dividends and share repurchases. Additionally, management is determined to rationalize its footprint by reducing the number of facilities in mature markets. If successful, this will put Deere on much better footing from a cost perspective, further supporting its ability to return cash to shareholders. The captive finance arm holds considerably more debt than the industrial business, but this is reasonable, given its status as a lender to both customers and dealers. Total debt stood at $38 billion in fiscal 2021, along with $38 billion in finance receivables and $829 million in cash. Deere enjoys a strong financial position supported by a clean balance sheet and strong free cash flow prospects.

Bulls Say

  • Higher crop prices encourage farmers to grow more crops and will lead to more farming equipment purchases, substantially boosting Deere’s revenue growth.
  • Deere will benefit from strong replacement demand, as uncertainty around trade, weather, and agriculture commodity demand has eased, encouraging farmers to refresh their machine fleet.
  • Increased infrastructure spending in the U.S. and emerging markets will lead to more construction equipment purchases, benefiting Deere.

Company Description

Deere is the world’s leading manufacturer of agricultural equipment, producing some of the most recognizable machines in the heavy machinery industry. The company is divided into four reportable segments: production and precision agriculture, small agriculture and turf, construction and forestry, and John Deere Capital. Its products are available through an extensive dealer network, which includes over 1,900 dealer locations in North America and approximately 3,700 locations globally. John Deere Capital provides retail financing for machinery to its customers, in addition to wholesale financing for dealers, which increases the likelihood of Deere product sales.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

JB Hi-Fi Ltd (JBH) delivered a very “JBH” type FY22 which highlighted solid performance in the key segments of JBH Australia and The Good Guys

Investment Thesis:

  • High quality retailer, however trading on a 2-yr forward consensus PE-multiple of ~13.2x, much of the benefits appear to be factored in (unless there’s an upgrade cycle). 
  • Being a low-cost retailer and able to provide low prices to consumers (JB Hi-Fi & The Good Guys) puts the Company in a good position to compete against rivals (e.g., Amazon). 
  • The acquisition of The Good Guys gives JBH exposure to the bulky goods market.
  • Market leading positions in key customer categories means suppliers ensure their products are available through the JBH network.  
  • Clear value proposition and market positioning (recognized as the value brand). 
  • Growing online sales channel. 
  • Solid management team – new CEO Terry Smart was previously the CEO of JBH (and did a great job and is well regarded) hence there are less concerns about the change in senior management. 

Key Risks:

  • Increase in competitive pressures (reported entry of Amazon into the Australian market). 
  • Roll-back of Covid-19 induced sales will likely see the stock de-rate. 
  • Increase in cost of doing business. 
  • Lack of new product releases to drive top line growth.
  • Store roll-out strategy stalls or new stores cannibalize existing stores. 
  • Execution risk – integration risk and synergy benefits from The Good Guys acquisition falling short of targets). 

Key Highlights:

  • Sales increased +4.0% to $6.2bn, with comparable sales up +3.4%. Sales momentum in the 2H22 was particularly strong with 3Q22 up +11.9% and 4Q22 up 11.6% YoY. Hardware and services sales were up +5%, with comparable sales up 4.3%.
  • The key growth categories were communications, driven by strong Apple iPhone 13 launch in the first half (with growth in both units and ASP), visual or TVs, small appliances (continued strength in stick vacs, robot vacs, coffee & kitchen appliances), and Smart Home. Gross profit was up +4.7% to $1,387.7m with GP margin up +15bps to 22.4% driven by strong improvements in the key categories (especially in 2H22). CODB of 11.4%, was up +21bps on the pcp. EBIT was up +4.2% to $544.9m, with margin of 8.79% essentially flat on pcp.
  • Sales were mostly flat (up +0.3%) on pcp at NZ$262.4m, however the segment had a solid 2H22 with sales up +6.3% YoY (3Q22 +4.8% & 4Q22 +7.7%). Gross Profit of NZ$45.7m was down -2.1% with GP margin down -43bps to 17.4%. CODB was 12.75%, down -36bps on pcp. Underlying EBIT (excluding impact of impairments) of NZ$4.7m was down -22.1% on pcp, with margin down -51bps to 1.77%.
  • The Good Guys. Sales increased +2.7% to $2.79bn, with comparable sales up +2.2%. Consistent with the rest of the group, the segment saw strong second half trading with sales up +5.5% in 3Q22 and +7.8% in 4Q22. Key growth categories included Laundry, Portable Appliances, Floorcare, Dishwashers and Visual. Online sales were up +53.7% to $397m (and now equates to 14.2% of total sales). Gross profit of $649.8m was up +6.8%, with GP margin up +89bps to 23.3% driven by improvement in key categories in the 2H22.

Company Description:

JB Hi-Fi Ltd (JBH) is a home appliances and consumer electronics retailer in Australia and New Zealand. JBH’s products include consumer electronics (TVs, audio, computers), software (CDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs and games), home appliances (whitegoods, cooking products & small appliances), telecommunications products and services, musical instruments, and digital video content. JBH holds significant market-share in many of its product categories. The Group’s sales are primarily from its branded retail store network (JB Hi-Fi stores and JB Hi-Fi Home stores) and online. JBH also recently acquired The Good Guys (home appliances/consumer electronics), which has a network of 101 stores across Australia.  

Source: Banyantree)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

AGL’s FY22 underlying NPAT declined -58% YoY primarily due to coal plant outages and volatile wholesale prices

Investment Thesis:

  • Energy margins bottom out and could potentially start to improve (higher customer and volume numbers). 
  • Strong cash flow business which provided flexibility to deploy cash in growth opportunities and capital management.
  • On-going focus on costs and digitalization should support margins.
  • Potential capital management initiatives (e.g., buyback).
  • Demerger into AGL Australia and Accel may unlock shareholder value. 
  • Potential favourable changes to the regulatory environment. 
  • Potential M&A – AGL has already received a takeover bid at $7.50 per share which was rejected by the AGL Board. 

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures leading to margin erosion.
  • Cost pressure and fuel supply issues lead to margin erosion. 
  • Increase in supply leading to depressed prices. 
  • Regulatory risk (policy uncertainty), such recent regulation in electricity markets [ Victorian Default Offer (VDO) and Default Market Offer (DMO)]
  • Unscheduled shutdowns impacting earnings. 

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 results summary. Underlying EBITDA declined -27% YoY to $1.22bn and underlying NPAT declined -58% YoY to $225m, reflecting the expected step down in Trading and Origination Electricity earnings due to lower realised contracted and wholesale customer prices, increased costs of capacity to cover periods of peak electricity demand, absence of the Loy Yang Unit 2 insurance proceeds recognised in FY21, increased residential solar volumes and margin compression via customer switching. 
  • Net cash from operations declined -2% YoY to $1.227bn with lower underlying EBITDA partially offset by a strong working capital outcome which saw cash conversion improve +27% YoY to 123%, however, management warned of a hit to cash conversion rate in FY23.
  • Capital management. Strong balance sheet with net debt declining -11.2% to $2,662m, reducing gearing by -590bps to 29.2%, giving company significant headroom to debt covenant of gearing <50%. 
  • Board declared a final unfranked dividend of 10cps, equating to total FY22 dividends of 26cps, down -65% YoY and equating to a payout ratio of 75% vs 87% pcp.
  • Opex savings Opex savings target exceeded. The Company saw opex (excluding D&A) decline -7.6% YoY as management delivered FY22 recurring savings of ~$158m (vs target of $150m), including initial benefits from structural review and reduction in corporate costs. However, management warned that it expects a small step up in operating costs for FY23, albeit being lower than CPI after adjusting for the non-recurring benefits in FY22. 
  • Outlook. Management announced it will provide FY23 guidance in late-September in conjunction with the initial outcomes of the review of strategic direction, however, expects FY23 earnings to remain resilient amidst the current challenging in the energy industry and market conditions, underscored by the strength of AGL’s large and diversified customer base, low-cost baseload generation position supported by strong fuel supply arrangements, robust risk management, with prudent margin management ensuring retail strength and stability in a highly volatile market, with the Company largely hedged for FY23 and well positioned from FY24 to benefit from sustained higher wholesale electricity pricing (Refer to Figure 4 for forward pricing curve) as historical hedge positions progressively roll-off.  

Company Description:

AGL Energy Limited (AGL) is one of Australia’s leading integrated energy companies and the largest ASX listed owner, operator and developer of renewable energy generation in Australia. The company sells and distributes gas and electricity. Further, it also retails and wholesales energy and fuel products to customers throughout Australia. The business operates four main segments: Energy Markets, Group Operations, New Energy and Investments.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Technology Stocks Inc (AMZN) is a multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing and artificial intelligence

 Investment Thesis:

  • Well positioned as a market leader in e-commerce and cloud computing.
  • Strong operating cash flow profile provides the Company with a significant amount of flexibility. 
  • Large base of loyal customers.
  • Strong senior executive team.
  • Entry into new regions (e.g. India) – although this is not without risk.
  • Re-accelerating investment expenditure should be positive for future revenue and earnings growth. 

Key Risks:

  • It is a complex business with a lot of moving parts, thus forecasting future earnings can be difficult. 
  • Further de-acceleration in advertising revenue.
  • Increased investments fail to yield adequate returns to justify AMZN’s trading multiples. 
  • Increased e-commerce competition domestically and internationally.
  • Decrease in operating margins of AWS due to increased competition and price cuts.
  • Increased regulatory scrutiny (India being a good example).
  • Increase in overheads like free shipping and higher labour cost leading to margin contraction.  

Key Highlights: 

  • Strong growth in AWS – leading the $200bn cloud market. Having established itself as an early leader in the market for cloud infrastructure, AWS continued to lead the pack in 2Q22 (according to estimates from Synergy Research Group, AWS’s market share in the worldwide cloud infrastructure market amounted to 34%, exceeding the combined market share of its two largest competitors, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud with shares of 21% and 10%, respectively) and saw remaining cloud contract commitments jumping +65% to $100.1bn, with an average deal life of 3.9 years, as global cloud infrastructure service spending climbed to $55bn, bringing the industry total for the trailing twelve months to more than $200bn. Though AWS should face near-term headwinds from high inflation (energy costs + wage pressures), strengthening $US and a decline in IT budgets if a recession hit (especially by start-ups and newer tech companies as VC funding comes under pressure), the underlying growth in cloud usage to continue to grow at truly impressive rates with AWS’ leading market position helping it remain a major beneficiary. Additionally, margin expansion should come from scale and as higher-value services (PaaS products like databases, machine learning, security etc) become a bigger portion of revenue (according to IDC ~77% of AWS revenue in FY21 was generated from IaaS products, which are commoditized offerings and continue to face pricing pressure in the industry).
  • Focusing on the bottom line. Management continued to work on improving margins, noting “one have moved to adjust the staffing levels and improve the efficiency of significantly expanded operations network and have slowed 2022 and 2023 operations expansion plans to better align with expected customer demand…on the transportation side, to improve delivery route density and improved package deliveries per hour and see opportunity to further improvement in 2H22…one can expect fixed cost leverage to improve in the 2H22, as to grow into the capacity and have also taken steps to slow future network capacity additions.”
  • 3Q22 outlook. Management expects; Net sales of $125-130bn, up +13-17% y/y, including an unfavourable impact of ~390bps from FX. 
  • Operating income of $0-3.5bn vs $4.9bn in pcp and $3.3bn in 2Q22, with $1.5bn q/q sequential cost improvement in fulfilment network operations largely offset by investments in AWS (higher infrastructure investments to support continued strong customer growth and increased energy costs) and additional digital content for Prime members.

Company Description: Inc. (AMZN) is a multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. It is the largest e-commerce marketplace and cloud computing platform in the world as measured by revenue and market capitalization. The company operates through three segments; North America, International and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

(Source: Banyantree)

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Dividend Stocks

Reducing the Fair Value for Evercore to $158; shares undervalued though near term will be choppy

Business Strategy & Outlook

Starting in the back half of 2020 and especially after successful COVID-19 vaccines were announced, merger and acquisition volume picked up. Merger volume has been exceptionally strong, and it will normalize lower over the next several years. Evercore frequently has industry-leading productivity and growth. During 2017-21, advisory revenue per senior managing director was over $18 million annually compared with less than $10 million at multiple peers, according to the calculations. The high productivity is largely attributable to the company’s geographic mix being weighted more to the United States, which has had a healthier M&A recovery than the rest of the globe. A disciplined hiring and promotion philosophy also plays a key role. For much of the past decade, Evercore grew faster than peers, but it may be maturing, as it now had around 114 senior managing directors at the end of 2021 compared with about 60 in 2011. The investment management and institutional equities businesses that Ralph Schlosstein began building in 2010 usually accounts for around 20% of net revenue. The ISI Group acquisition in 2014 materially diversified Evercore’s business and was an accelerant to the equities business attaining a profitable scale. Evercore paid a full price for ISI, and much of the deal’s success hinges on whether Evercore can translate ISI’s research strength into equity underwriting deals and an underwriting capability into attracting incremental senior managing directors. While the institutional equities business largely underperformed expectations for years, some strong underwriting quarters and recent senior managing director headcount growth give an indication that the expected synergies are being realized. The company has retreated from institutional asset management and derives the bulk of its investment management revenue from wealth management to high-net-worth individuals.

Financial Strengths

Overall, Evercore appears to be in fine financial health. At the end of 2021, the company had notes payable of about $400 million. Most of the note’s payable don’t mature until 2026 or later. The company also generates significant amounts of free cash flow, as advisory, investment management, and flow-based equities trading are not capital-intensive businesses. Evercore has the ability to continue with its general policy of returning approximately all of its earnings to shareholders via dividends and share buybacks.

Bulls Say

  • Evercore has historically been able to increase advisory revenue faster than peers, and its revenue productivity per senior managing director often surprises to the upside. 
  • The company has significant amounts of cash and investment securities on its balance sheet.
  • Expansion of Evercore’s investment management and institutional equities businesses will provide a modest base of revenue even during a downturn in M&A activity. Additional offices outside the U.S. will help mitigate the company’s current reliance on the U.S. market.

Company Description

Evercore is an independent investment bank that derives the majority of its revenue from financial advisory, including merger, acquisition, and restructuring advisory. It also has institutional equities and investment management businesses that account for around 20% of net revenue. The company was founded in 1996 and went public in 2006. Evercore had approximately 1,950 employees at the end of 2021, and about 75% of its revenue is derived from the United States.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Roper Looks Strongly Positioned to Continue Compounding Cash as it Remakes Its Portfolio

Business Strategy & Outlook

Roper acquires software companies with large amounts of deferred revenue. Large quantities of deferred revenue exist because many software businesses receive cash far in advance of when services are rendered. Roper uses this cash to invest in businesses at incrementally higher rates of return. Its targets have large bases of recurring revenue in oligopolistic, niche markets with small total addressable markets. That revenue base is protected by strong switching costs that frequently post customer retention rates greater than 95%. Roper’s businesses typically don’t own their own infrastructure, which further contributes to its asset-light business model. From 2003 through today, Roper’s net working capital as a percentage of sales has dropped from 18% to negative 13%. Skeptics point out three criticisms: Roper purchases businesses that have little strategic rationale with one another; it is starving its businesses for capital; and the business model carries a lot of execution risk since the company will eventually run out of targets to purchase. All three of these criticisms miss the mark. First, purchasing unrelated businesses is an advantage. While competitors frequently purchase targets to either eliminate competition or buy distribution, Roper screens all opportunities based on how each business will add to long-term cash returns, a key reason is the stock has beat the returns of the S&P 500 by about 2 times since 2003. Second, Roper’s businesses don’t require capital to continue growing. The maintenance capital expenditures are less than 1% of sales. Even so, free cash flow conversion consistently hovers well over 100%. Finally, capital allocation has been integrally tied to Roper’s culture since the early 2000s. The firm also does not try to extract aggressive synergy targets from acquisitions, choosing instead to focus on opportunity cost. Private equity also provides Roper with a continuous revolving door of potential investment opportunities. Following portfolio changes, one can still believe Roper is poised to continuously compounded cash for many years, and it can anticipate mid teens EPS growth through the cycle.

Financial Strengths

Roper is in strong financial health, and it is adequately capitalized to meet its ongoing service obligations. As a result, one can derive a low risk of default in the model’s credit risk assessment, which is slightly better than the moderate risk the rating agencies assign to Roper’s bonds. One reason one is more confident is Roper’s free cash flow conversion, which historically hovers well over 100% of earnings (including 125% in 2020, on an adjusted basis). While the firm does take on leverage when acquiring a target, management has indicated it is absolutely committed to maintaining an investment-grade rating. At an investor conference in early 2019, CEO Neil Hunn indicated his belief that Roper could do a $3 billion-$3.5 billion deal and “easily be inside of investment-grade.” Since that time, Roper has spent over $6 billion in acquisitions and has still managed to maintain its investment-grade credit rating. As of the end of 2021, the firm’s net debt/adjusted EBITDA was about 3.4 times. While one normally doesn’t like EBITDA metrics when assessing a firm’s financial health, one can point out that Roper converts about 82% of its adjusted EBITDA into free cash flow. The firm’s interest coverage (EBIT/interest), moreover, stands at 8.5 times. Unlike other multi-industry conglomerates, the firm has no pension plan. Given that one doesn’t believe Roper requires any restricted cash to operate its businesses, one can add back 100% of Roper’s cash to the net debt calculation, which is also unusual in multi-industry coverage.

Bulls Say

  • Roper’s total returns have doubled the returns of the S&P 500 over the past 15 years. 
  • Roper’s culture is greater than one person, and former CEO Jellison’s framework is safe in the hands of the current CEO and CFO. 
  • The winning formula of using cash from a recurring revenue base to acquire cash-rich businesses at reasonable valuations shows no signs of slowing down, with expected future earnings growing at similar to historical rates as the firm ups its acquisition spending.

Company Description

Roper is a diversified technology company that operates through three segments: application software; network software and systems; and technology enabled products. The firm’s culture emphasizes acquiring asset-light, cash-generative businesses. Roper then reinvests this excess cash in businesses that yield incrementally higher rates of return. While the businesses are managed in a decentralized manner, Roper does not passively manage its portfolio. Instead, Roper manages its businesses through the Socratic method and empowers decision-makers through group executive coaching. Roper has now rotated a clear majority of its business from legacy industrial products into technology software in mature, niche markets with large quantities of deferred revenue.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Lower Production, Higher Costs Drive Newcrest’s Weak Fiscal 2022 Result, FVE Lowered to AUD 31

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Newcrest Mining is a gold-copper miner with mines in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Canada, and its minority-owned mines in Ecuador. The company is estimated to produce more than 1.8 million ounces of gold and around 120,000 tonnes of copper in fiscal 2022, with the acquisition of Brucejack resulting in gold production increasing to average more than 2 million ounces per year for the next decade. Around 80% of its estimated mid cycle revenue is from gold with most of the remainder from copper. Copper’s contribution is likely to rise over time as Newcrest’s various developments commence production. Newcrest has no moat despite a history of low-cost production, save a cost spike around 2013, and long mine lives. Returns have improved post the expensive acquisition of Lihir, but are likely to remain below the company’s cost of capital for the foreseeable future. Newcrest accounts for less than 2% of global mine production and is a price taker. Gold is increasingly the plaything of investors and subject to swings in sentiment. In 2001, gold consumption for jewellery and technology accounted for 91% of global demand, but in 2021 this had fallen to 50% as a result of increased investor demand and weaker gold consumption. There is also uncertainty around exploration success and the cost to buy or develop new mines, which are an important part of Newcrest’s future value. 

Current management was installed in 2014 and brought a focus on cost efficiency, capital discipline and optimisation. Under Sandeep Biswas, Newcrest has been a much more reliable producer and has delivered incremental improvements at its operations, boosting throughput and lowering unit costs, particularly at Lihir and Cadia. Newcrest has a solid exploration record, with successful discoveries expanding reserves at Cadia and Telfer in particular in recent decades. Reserves at the end of 2021 were 54 million ounces of gold and 7.9 million tonnes of copper, representing more than two decades of reserves at current production rates.

Financial Strengths:  

The company’s balance sheet is in reasonable shape. Newcrest ended June 2022 with net debt of USD 1.3 billion after buying the Brucejack gold mine in Canada, up from net cash of about USD 0.2 billion at the end of fiscal 2021. Despite the increase, the balance sheet will likely remain strong. Net debt/EBITDA is forecasted to peak at around 0.7 in fiscal 2023 before declining over the remainder of the forecast period. Newcrest has long-dated corporate bonds totalling USD 1.65 billion. The bonds mature in fiscal 2030, 2042, and 2050 with maturities of USD 650 million, USD 500 million, and USD 500 million, respectively. Newcrest has significant liquidity. As at the end of June 2022, the company had USD 0.6 billion of cash and USD 1.9 billion of undrawn debt.

Bulls Say: 

  • The shares are undervalued. Newcrest is well managed and has a suite of low-cost, long-life mines, which isn’t currently being recognized by investors. 
  • Gold can provide a hedge to inflation risk and offer some benefit in times of market uncertainty. Gold can gain from continued money printing and/or if there is a flight to safety. 
  • Newcrest owns several world-scale deposits in Cadia, Telfer, Lihir, and Wafi-Golpu. Large deposits typically bring significant exploration upside and expansion options.

Company Description:  

Newcrest is an Australia-based gold and, to a lesser extent, copper miner. Operations are mainly in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The company also owns a 32% stake in the Fruta Del Norte gold mine in Ecuador, while the acquisition of Brucejack in 2022 adds to its 70% stake in the Red Chris mine in Canada. The company is likely to produce around 2 million ounces of gold per year over the next decade, making it one of the larger global gold producers but still only accounting for less than 2% of total supply. Cash costs are below the industry average and amongst the lowest of the global gold miners, underpinned by improvements at Lihir and Cadia. Organic growth options include its Havieron prospect, the Red Chris underground mine, and the high-grade Wafi-Golpu copper-gold prospect in PNG.

(Source: Morningstar)

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