Dividend Stocks

In June 2021, Genworth’s largest customer, Commonwealth Bank, issued a request for proposal relating to its LMI requirements

Business Strategy & Outlook

Genworth has a 50-year history in providing lenders mortgage insurance in Australia but has only been listed on the ASX since May 2014. Global U.S.-based insurer Genworth Financial listed it and completely sold out in 2021. Genworth will find it challenging to grow its lenders mortgage insurance, or LMI, business in the face of increased competition. The entrance of Arch Capital Group, and increased tendency of lenders to self-insure, will see Genworth cede further share over time. LMI protects a lender against a potential gap between the outstanding loan amount plus costs and the sale proceeds from the mortgaged property. While it’s the lender who is protected and decides whether to purchase LMI, the premium is paid by the borrower. There’s a low growth in high loan/value ratio, or HLVR, loans, due to low systemwide home loan growth, as well as banks being more risk-averse after the Royal Commission and tightening of lending standards. An economic backdrop where Australians are holding historically high levels of home loan debt, and wage growth is low, makes strong credit growth and a significantly stronger appetite for loans with higher LVRs unlikely. 

Management is rolling out optionality for borrowers to pay premiums in monthly installments and paying LMI upfront at a discount (instead of capitalized on the loan). While initiatives such as these are important to address borrower challenges in saving a deposit, they can lead to Genworth earning less on an average policy, and by not receiving premiums upfront, reduces funds available for Genworth’s investment portfolio. Unless Genworth’s larger customers integrate these offerings into their systems, take up will likely be low. In June 2021, Genworth’s largest customer, Commonwealth Bank, issued a request for proposal relating to its LMI requirements. While the agreement was renewed for another three years, it highlighted the risk to the insurer’s outlook given its reliance on Commonwealth Bank. The bank accounts for around 65% of Genworth’s GWP.

Financial Strengths

Genworth is regulated by APRA to maintain a certain prescribed capital level, or PCA. Genworth’s PCA is driven primarily by its LMI concentration risk charge (which is mainly based on its probable maximum loss based on a three-year economic or property downturn of an APRA determined 1-in-200 year severity level) and insurance risk charge (the risk that net insurance liabilities are greater than the value determined by the actuary). Genworth targets a regulatory capital base of 1.40 times-1.60 times its PCA, which it has been consistently above. The PCA as at Sept. 30, 2022, is a healthy 2.04 times. Genworth completed a share buyback of AUD 100 million in June 2022 and in August announced a new AUD 100 million buyback, steps in getting the solvency ratio closer to the board’s target range. With AUD 3.4 billion in cash and investments, and reinsurance covering AUD 800 million of claims above AUD 1.65 billion, hence the insurer has adequate coverage for a severe economic recession.

Bulls Say

  • Fiscal and monetary stimulus cushions an economic downturn in Australia, resulting in a rise in delinquencies but allows Genworth to generate excess returns on equity. 
  • A sound balance sheet provides the capacity to continue to institute capital management initiatives, including special dividends and buying back more shares. 
  • New product initiatives lead to new customer wins and allow Genworth to negotiate more favorable pricing with customers.  

Company Description

Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia listed on the Australian Securities Exchange in 2014 after its U.S.-based parent, Genworth Financial (NYSE: GNW), sold down its stake. It has since exited. With a history spanning over 50 years, Genworth Australia is a provider of lenders’ mortgage insurance, or LMI, in Australia. In Australia, LMI is predominantly purchased on loans with a loan/value ratio, or LVR, above 80%. LMI protects a lender against a potential loss (gap) between the outstanding loan amount and sale proceeds on a delinquent loan property. LMI does not protect the borrower, however the premium is paid by the borrower. It’s regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, or APRA, which requires it to meet minimum regulatory capital requirements.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

For Beach Energy, priority remains to expand output from existing reserves, mainly in the Perth and Cooper/Eromanga basins

Business Strategy & Outlook

Beach Energy produces oil, gas, and gas liquids from multiple wholly owned projects and joint ventures in the onshore Cooper, Perth, and Eromanga basins, and offshore in the Otway, Bass, and Taranaki basins. Beach merged with Cooper Basin joint-venture partner Drillsearch Energy in March 2016, which increased equity production to about 10 million barrels of oil equivalent. This is now more than doubled to 23 million boe following the purchase of Lattice from Origin Energy in 2018. Lattice’s scale enhancing incorporation, expanding Beach’s footprint across multiple basins and production hubs, resulted in an increase in EBITDA margins to over 70% from pre-Lattice 50% levels. Despite Lattice’s advantages, Beach does not have sufficient resource life beyond 15 years.

Beach’s goal to double production and reserves in five years was achieved via the AUD 1.6 billion acquisition of Lattice, rather than from organic growth. But the priority remains to expand output from existing reserves, mainly in the Perth and Cooper/Eromanga basins. Beach also sees huge potential for unconventional shale gas in the Cooper and elsewhere. The new target is for 34-40 mm boe of production in the next five years. Most recently a final investment decision was taken for the Waitsia Stage 2 expansion project. The Waitsia project has become an inaugural accessor of North West Shelf Project liquefaction capacity of up to 1.5Mtpa to 2029. Beach’s 50% Waitsia Stage 2 gas expansion to 250 TJ per day (100% basis) is equivalent to around 1.6 Mtpa of LNG. Beach’s estimated share of the upfront development capital expenditure is AUD 350-400 million and Waitsia Stage 2 alone could increase Beach’s equity production by 7.5 mmboe or around 27% on current production levels. Also implicit in Beach’s production growth target is improvement in facility reliability, renewed Cooper Basin growth efforts and Otway gas plant production increase by around 35% to around 57 PJ by fiscal 2023 from around 42 PJ in fiscal 2019.

Financial Strengths

Beach typically has a healthy balance sheet and cash flow, though field life on current reserves is only just approaching 15 years. Beach ended the period to June 2022 with USD 120 million in net cash. The strong unleveraged balance sheet remains a key appeal of Beach Energy. A maintenance of an unleveraged balance sheet in fiscal 2023 despite increased development expenditure is expected. Even with anticipated expenditures, including on Waitsia project development, hence an unleveraged balance sheet by as soon as fiscal 2023 is anticipated, all else equal. An unleveraged balance sheet is the appropriate position for a small company in a world of energy supermajors requiring capital reinvestment to maintain life. Despite growth plans for production of 34-40 mmboe in the next five years, Beach targets a near zero net debt position due to strong free cash flows. Cash flow projections are underpinned by strong long-term gas contracts and repricing. The current net cash position is in stark and favorable contrast to mid-fiscal-2018 annualized net debt/EBITDA levels near 2.0.

Bulls Say

  • Beach has healthy cash flow and reasonable field reserve life.
  • Net operating cash flow per share has proved resilient.
  • The effective net cost of reserve additions has been minimized by well-timed asset sales.

Company Description

Beach produces oil, gas, and gas liquids from numerous joint ventures in the onshore Cooper and Eromanga basins. Beach merged with Cooper Basin joint-venture partner Drillsearch Energy Limited in March 2016, which increased equity production to about 10 million barrels of oil equivalent. This is now more than doubled to 23 million barrels of oil equivalent following the successful purchase of Lattice from Origin Energy in 2018. The average field life is 10 years based on forecast production and 313 mmboe of proven and probable reserves. A credit life of nearly 15 years, assuming substantial conversion of 2C contingent resources into reserve category with drilling. Shale gas resources are blue-sky.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

KBR’s portfolio transformation is the culmination of the firm’s shift away from more cyclical and lower-margin end markets

Business Strategy & Outlook

Under the leadership of CEO Stuart Bradie, who took the helm in 2014, KBR has focused on shifting its portfolio toward differentiated government solutions. The portfolio rebalancing, which included the acquisitions of Wyle and HTSI in 2016, SGT in 2018, and Centauri in 2020, has already started to bear fruit and led to improved results in recent quarters. In 2020, KBR restructured its portfolio into two segments: government solutions and sustainable technology solutions. The government solutions segment accounted for roughly 64% of the firm’s backlog as of December 2021 (compared with only about 16% as of December 2014), and the shift to long-term government contracts resulted in a more stable portfolio. The segment has some moat-forming potential based on switching costs, as many of the firm’s government contracts are multi year agreements that generate relatively stable cash flows. 

The sustainable technology solutions segment (roughly 36% of KBR’s backlog as of December 2021) includes the legacy technology solutions business (which has a unique portfolio of licensed technologies and offers consulting services across a variety of markets, including refining, petrochemicals) as well as the advisory consulting business from the legacy energy solutions segment. Management believes the segment can expand its margins through cost reductions by roughly 100-200 basis points per year, to the high teens by 2024. KBR’s portfolio transformation is the culmination of the firm’s shift away from more cyclical and lower-margin end markets. The company has exited lump-sum engineering, procurement, and construction (including LNG) projects, which will result in a less risky and more profitable portfolio.

Financial Strengths

KBR is on solid financial footing. The firm’s leverage has increased significantly in recent years as a result of acquisitions, from no long-term debt prior to 2016 to roughly $1.9 billion in long-term debt as of December 2021. That said, the company ended 2021 with $370 million in cash and equivalents and has a $1 billion revolving credit facility. Furthermore, there’s no debt maturities to pose any problems over the next few years, as no major debt payments are due until 2023. Considering that an investment-grade credit rating can have strategic importance for E&C firms and boost their competitiveness in winning new awards, KBR is to prioritize paying down its debt balance. The company will have a net debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.9 times in 2022, and the leverage ratio to remain consistent with management’s 2.5-3.0 times target, which is in line with its government solutions peers. KBR will generate average annual operating cash flow of roughly $550 million over the next five years. Management has indicated that it will prioritize maintaining an appropriate leverage ratio, maintaining a dividend, and investing in organic growth, with excess capital allocated to potential M&A opportunities and share repurchases.

Bulls Say

  • KBR’s sustainable technology solutions segment is well positioned to benefit from growing demand for solutions that address energy efficiency and energy transition.
  • The acquisitions of Wyle, HTSI, SGT, and Centauri have derisked KBR’s portfolio and shifted it toward relatively stable and high-margin government services work. 
  • There is room for margin expansion in both segments, driven by cost reductions and mix shift to higher-margin differentiated solutions work.    

Company Description

KBR (formerly Kellogg, Brown & Root) is a global provider of technology, integrated engineering, procurement, and construction delivery, and operations and maintenance services. The company’s business is organized into two segments: government solutions and sustainable technology solutions. KBR has customers in more than 75 countries, with operations in 40, and employs 36,000 people. The firm generated $7.3 billion in revenue in 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper mid-teens

Business Strategy & Outlook

Idex owns a collection of moaty businesses that tend to be leaders in their respective niche end markets, typically holding the number-one or -two market share. It manufactures a wide array of products, ranging from equipment used in DNA sequencing to wastewater pumps to Jaws of Life hydraulic rescue tools. Idex’s lean manufacturing process allows it to effectively operate in a high-mix and low-volume environment, offering customers a wide variety of highly engineered products that are configurable or customizable. Furthermore, a common theme across its businesses is that they specialize in making mission-critical equipment that performs a vital function but typically constitutes a small part of the customer’s total bill of materials. This aspect of the business contributes to Idex’s narrow moat through customer switching costs and allows the firm to command premium pricing. In the long run, Idex is a GDP-plus business. The organic sales growth will continue to outpace industrial production by around 1%-2% annually as the firm’s commitment to innovation and investments in research and development continue to bear fruit and generate additional revenue through introductions of new or refreshed products. Organic sales are to grow at a roughly low-single-digit clip in fluid and metering technologies as well as the fire and safety segment and the diversified products segment, and at a mid-single-digit rate in the health and science technologies segment.

Additionally, the firm will continue to supplement its organic sales growth with acquisitions. Historically, management has avoided overpaying for acquisitions. As such, despite regular mergers and acquisitions, which add goodwill and assets to the firm’s capital base, Idex has consistently generated returns on invested capital in the upper mid-teens. Management has remained disciplined in the current elevated valuation environment, and it will continue to manage acquisition risk appropriately and focus on

Financial Strengths

Idex maintains a sound capital structure, which will help the firm navigate the uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic. As of Dec. 31, 2021, the firm owed roughly $1.2 billion in short- and long-term debt while holding approximately $0.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents. The company can also tap into its $800 million revolving credit facility. Idex will generate average annual operating cash flows of roughly $800 million over the next five years. Given its healthy balance sheet and solid cash flow generation, Idex is adequately capitalized to meet its upcoming debt obligations. Idex will have a debt/adjusted EBITDA ratio of roughly 1.5 times in 2022.The management will continue to prioritize investing in organic growth and executing M&A, growing the dividend, and allocating excess capital to opportunistic share repurchases. The firm has raised its quarterly dividend by an average annual rate of roughly 10% over the last five years, and the dividend will keep growing roughly in line with earnings. The payout ratio will remain around 30% over the next five years.

Bulls Say

  • Idex generates strong free cash flows, which have averaged around 16.5% of sales during the last 10 years.
  • Recent acquisitions of Akron Brass and AWG, as well as new product introductions (including eDraulic and SAM), have reinforced Indexes already strong competitive position in the fire and safety business. 
  •  Idex has a portfolio of moaty businesses that have leading shares in niche end markets.

Company Description

Idex manufactures pumps, flow meters, valves, and fluidic systems for customers in a variety of end markets, including industrial, fire and safety, life science, and water. The firm’s business is organized into three segments: fluid and metering technologies, health and science technologies, and fire and safety and diversified products. Based in Lake Forest, Illinois, Idex has manufacturing operations in over 20 countries and has over 7,000 employees. The company generated $2.8 billion in revenue and $661 million in adjusted operating income in 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Lear is well positioned with seating and electrical architecture to capitalize on global growth in premium vehicles

Business Strategy & Outlook

Lear’s revenue will grow in excess of increases in annual worldwide light-vehicle production. The company is well-positioned to capitalize on several trends in the global automotive industry, including automakers’ focus on high-quality interiors, premium-vehicle segment growth, the proliferation of automotive electronics, and battery electric vehicles. Lear competes in the markets for vehicle seating and automotive electrical and electronic architecture. A culture of continuous innovation, high switching costs for customers, highly integrated engineering relationships with customers, and lengthy vehicle programs provide Lear with sticky market share. The premium-vehicle segment leads the way in the proliferation of electrical circuits, electronic devices, and digitalization. All-electric and electric hybrid vehicles also contain higher power-management content, the production of which is being driven by more stringent fuel economy and emissions regulations. Additionally, premium-vehicle seating contains more features and uses higher-quality materials, commanding higher pricing. Lear is the global leader in premium seating.

Vehicle propulsion and dynamics, which at one time were mechanically, hydraulically, and vacuum-driven, have become electronic, requiring electrical power, computer processing, and signal processing to communicate and interact with other vehicle systems. Hybrid and all-electric powertrains require more robust electrical architecture to support the power consumption of the battery-driven electric motor. Vehicle autonomy exacerbates the need for more complex electrical and electronic architectures. Lear is the number-two company in the global automotive seating market, but management believes it is the global leader in luxury- and performance-vehicle seating. The company has the fourth-largest market share in the electrical segment. Even though there is limited synergy between the two sides, Lear is well positioned with seating and electrical architecture to capitalize on global growth in premium vehicles, bolstering the thesis that revenue should outpace global growth in worldwide vehicle production.

Financial Strengths

The company maintains a solid balance sheet and liquidity that, relative to many other parts suppliers, makes for strong financial health. From a credit perspective, the company did not reduce debt outstanding but made $705 million worth of share repurchases in 2018. Even so, Lear’s capital structure was slightly underleveraged. Given the company’s ability to generate solid free cash flow, Lear could take advantage of the benefits of modestly higher financial leverage without incurring the pitfalls of excessive debt in a cyclical industry. Lear entered and exited bankruptcy protection in 2009, prior to which, the company averaged total debt/total book capital of around 65%. Using the Morningstar method of calculating total debt/total capital where capital includes the equity market capitalization instead of the book value of equity, the pre-bankruptcy average was 46%. Since 2011, Lear has maintained much lower leverage with a 31% book total debt/total capital ratio and a 16% total debt/Morningstar total capital ratio. Using total debt minus cash to arrive at a net debt/total capital ratio, the average is 0.4% due to the company’s relatively large cash position. Lear funds its working capital needs with its free cash flow, cash balance, and revolving line of credit. As of the end of 2021, total liquidity including cash and available revolving credit facility was roughly $3.3 billion ($1.3 billion cash and $2.0 billion revolver availability). In the third quarter of 2021, Lear amended its revolver, increasing it to $2.0 billion from $1.75 billion and extending the maturity to October 2026 from August 2024. 

Bulls Say

  • Lear’s above-industry growth rates are supported by a growing global premium-vehicle segment and increasing penetration of automotive electrical and electronic content.
  • A culture of continuous innovation at Lear enables regular and consistent product and process development, commercializing technology that generates solid margins and returns on invested capital.
  • Automakers’ growing use of common architectures benefits Lear because of its global footprint.

Company Description

Lear designs, develops, and manufactures automotive seating and electrical systems and components. Seating components include frames and mechanisms, covers (leather and woven fabric), seat heating and cooling, foam, and headrests. Automotive electrical distribution and connection systems and electronic systems include wiring harnesses, terminals and connectors, on-board battery chargers, high voltage battery management systems, high voltage power distribution systems, domain controllers, telematics control units, gateway modules, vehicle positioning for automated and autonomous driving, embedded control software, cloud and mobile device software and services, and cybersecurity.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

Suncorp’s regional banking franchise is more concentrated than the major banks, with home loans making up around 80% of the loan book

Business Strategy & Outlook

Suncorp is a well-capitalized financial services business with a dominant market position in the Australian and New Zealand general insurance industry and a regional banking franchise headquartered in Queensland. In addition to offering insurance under the parent name, key brands in Australia include AAMI, GIO, bingle, Apia, Shannons, and Terri Scheer. In New Zealand, key brands include Vero, AA Insurance, and Asteron Life. At group level, the insurer carries concentrated weather and earthquake risk in Australia and New Zealand, and in particular Queensland which makes up around 25% of gross written premiums in Australia. The group’s exposure to the Queensland market, where large natural peril events have been larger and more frequent, heightens the risks. Reinsurance protection mitigates risks to some extent, but can be expensive, particularly following large events.

Suncorp’s regional banking franchise is more concentrated than the major banks, with home loans making up around 80% of the loan book and Queensland accounts for more than half of total lending. A smaller operating presence, higher funding and operational costs, and relatively limited product offerings have all led to lower margins relative to the majors. A sale of the bank to ANZ Bank would see capital returned to shareholders and is pending regulatory approvals. While there are potential benefits to the bancassurance model, such as better customer insights versus stand-alone insurance peers, and better cross-selling opportunities, they have not delivered a material tangible improvement in earnings, returns, or switching costs. Selling home insurance to borrowers is the lowest hanging fruit, with recent improvements to give the group a single customer view likely to make the process smoother. Similar to its peers, Suncorp is focused on enhancing the digital offering to ensure simpler and faster quotes, claim processing, and to ensure the large insurer remains competitive on price. In response to changes in the way customers engage with their insurer, with less human contact and the expectation of being able to access services at any time, productivity improvements remain a priority.

Financial Strengths

Suncorp Group is in good financial health. As at June 30, 2022, Suncorp Insurance had a prescribed capital amount, or PCA, multiple of 1.77 times the regulatory minimum. The common equity Tier 1 ratio for the insurance business was 1.22 times post the final dividend payment, within the target range of 1.125-1.325 times the PCA, and well above the regulatory minimum of 0.6 times. The bank’s common equity Tier 1 ratio as at June 30, 2022 was 9.1%, within Suncorp’s 9% to 9.5% target range.

Suncorp targets a dividend payout of 60-80% cash earnings (excluding special dividends).

Bulls Say

  • Premium increases stick without an equal rise in claims and rising rates lift yields on fixed income, together lifting underlying profitability and dividends.
  • A benign claims environment with a lower incidence of major catastrophes would considerably boost underwriting profits.
  • Risk management has been improved, and productivity initiatives are expected to deliver greater cost efficiencies.

Company Description

Suncorp is a Queensland-based financial services conglomerate offering retail and business banking, general insurance, superannuation, and investment products in Australia and New Zealand. It also operates a life insurance business in New Zealand. The core businesses include personal insurance, commercial insurance, Vero New Zealand, and Suncorp Bank. Suncorp and competitors IAG Insurance and QBE Insurance dominate the Australian and New Zealand insurance markets.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Applied’s semiconductor system and services revenue from China is about 26% of revenue

Business Strategy & Outlook

Applied Materials is the top vendor of semiconductor fabrication tools. While competitors tend to specialize in a single core competency, Applied competes in almost every key equipment segment with the exception of photolithography. As a result, all major chip makers develop strong relationships with Applied that span multiple process steps of their chip production. The firm is the dominant player in the material deposition and removal areas, among others. Applied boasts an impressive global presence with an installed base of more than 43,000 tools and field service engineers stationed in nearly every leading-edge chip-manufacturing facility in the world. With semiconductor fabrication becoming increasingly complex, resulting in more process steps and new manufacturing technologies, collaboration between chipmakers and equipment providers is set to reach unprecedented levels. Applied is to leverage existing relationships and insights into future customer technology needs to take advantage of the proliferating demand for state-of-the-art chips. The company’s scale and resources allow a research and development budget in excess of $2.7 billion to serve cutting-edge technologies. Recent inflections such as 3D architectures (including 3D NAND and FinFET transistors in logic/foundry) have been enabled by more advanced tools in deposition and removal. As a result, these segments have grown faster than the broader market in recent years, and firms such as Applied have directly benefited, as they can outspend smaller chip equipment firms in R&D to develop relevant solutions and build on existing market leadership.

Beyond semiconductors, Applied is a leading supplier of manufacturing tools for flat-panel displays, including organic light-emitting diodes, or OLED, panels. The cyclical nature of the chip industry and the display market is a ubiquitous threat to equipment suppliers. However, Applied’s expansive product portfolio and large installed base will allow the firm to comfortably weather business cycles over time, and the company is to experience solid growth over the long term.

Financial Strengths

Applied Materials is in a solid financial position. At the end of fiscal 2021, the firm had $5 billion in cash and cash equivalents versus $5.45 billion in long-term debt. The firm typically keeps a substantial cash position on its balance sheet, which is appropriate for chip equipment firms. During cyclical downturns, the cash cushion allows Applied to continue investing heavily in research and development in order to maintain its leading technology and competitive positions. The firm also does share repurchases and dividends to modulate excess cash, which is positive. Specifically, Applied aims to return between 80% and 100% of free cash flow to shareholders.

Bulls Say

  • Applied Materials is the chip equipment industry’s standard bearer. The firm has the broadest product portfolio and offers customers the closest thing to a one-stop shop.
  • Applied has been streamlining operations to lower its cost structure and has reinvested some of the savings in R&D while bolstering operating margins.
  • Applied has benefited from the proliferation of OLED displays, which share manufacturing technologies with those used in semiconductor fabrication. As these displays have become more complex in recent years, demand for Applied’s relevant tools has risen.

Company Description

Applied Materials is the world’s largest supplier of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, providing materials engineering solutions to help make nearly every chip in the world. The firm’s systems are used in nearly every major process step with the exception of lithography. Key tools include those for chemical and physical vapor deposition, etching, chemical mechanical polishing, wafer- and reticle-inspection, critical dimension measurement, and defect-inspection scanning electron microscopes.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

BRP’s strategic priorities focus on market share growth, lean operations, and cultivating an engaged workforce

Business Strategy & Outlook

Fiscal 2023 should be another banner year for BRP’s sales given still robust consumer demand and high level of backfill units needed at its dealers. However, this will distract the team from its long-term product and operational priorities, which should improve the firm’s competitive positioning. BRP’s strategic priorities focus on market share growth, lean operations, and cultivating an engaged workforce, all while honing in on evolving customer demands. With manufacturing facilities located near demand (for example, personal watercraft in Mexico) and timely spend to increase facility capacity as needed, BRP should capture efficiencies in its plants. Firmwide centres of expertise and excellence should allow BRP to manufacture optimally, improving utilization and allowing it to bring products to market quickly, ensuring a continually relevant and in-demand product line-up (with electric vehicle offerings in all segments by 2026). Because BRP is exposed to many customer segments, acquisitions aren’t required for expansion. However, entry into white-space categories (like motorcycles) and small acquisitions, particularly in parts and accessories or marine, are possible and could support margin improvement.

BRP has fiscal 2025 goals of CAD 12 billion-CAD 12.5 billion in sales and CAD 13.50-CAD 14.50 in EPS. Sales of CAD 12.4 billion and EPS of $14.68 in fiscal 2025. Demand has persisted despite economic uncertainty, and innovation should continue to drive sales, particularly in the marine segment where BRP has launched Project Ghost (altering placement of outboard engines) and the Sea Doo Switch (marine is expected to grow to CAD 1 billion by 2025, from CAD 513 billion in 2022, according to BRP, although less than CAD 800 million with current products). In the base case, BRP’s brand intangible asset and leading market share position result in competitive returns on invested capital and a narrow economic moat. With further improvements to the manufacturing process and scale, BRP could also develop a cost advantage over time.

Financial Strengths

BRP has been reducing its leverage ratio in recent years, taking debt/adjusted EBITDA down to 1.4 times at the end of fiscal 2022 from more than 4 times in 2011, as profitability has improved. It’s not surprising that significant leverage was taken on under the management of private equity partners, and leverage will continue to be contained now that the company is publicly held. The firm is comfortable operating below its targeted leverage ratio of 2 times EBITDA, and it could be around 1-1.5 times at the end of fiscal 2023.BRP has a $1.5 billion term loan set to mature in May 2027, a $100 million term loan due 2024, as well as a small euro-denominated term loan to support research and development projects in Austria (where Rotax engines are developed). The company has a CAD 1.5 billion revolving credit facility through May 2027 to access incremental liquidity. In normal operating periods, the company expects cash on hand, cash from operations, and utilization of the credit facility should allow it to meet capital expenditure, working capital, and debt service needs. The firm has agreements in place with companies like Wells Fargo and TCF to provide floor-plan financing for dealers. The company maintains flexibility in its capital structure through stock repurchases. BRP continued on its normal course issuer bid in fiscal 2023, repurchasing around 464,000 subordinate voting shares, and also executed a substantial issuer bid for 2.4 million shares in fiscal 2022 (for CAD 250 million). Additionally, the firm returns excess cash to shareholders via a quarterly dividend of CAD 0.16 per share, which could rise at a 20% clip over the long term.

Bulls Say

  • BRP has white-space opportunities to expand the business faster than expectations, particularly in the marine business and some niches (like electric) of the year-round lines.
  • Demand from underpenetrated international markets and expansion into new markets like China could lead to demand that is higher than the forecast, which could raise utilization and productivity, leading to higher profitability.
  • Marine is becoming a segment with higher priority to the company, which could generate a better-than-expected operating margin as the category scales, providing cash flow upside.

Company Description

BRP designs, develops, manufactures, distributes, and markets snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and personal watercraft under the Ski-Doo, Sea-Doo, Can-Am, and Lynx brand names. It also builds engines under the Rotax brand (after discontinuing the Evinrude outboard engine business in 2020) and offers clothing, parts, and accessories that cater to its core consumers. In 2018, BRP created a marine group, acquiring boat manufacturers Alumacraft, Triton (which makes Manitou pontoon boats), and Telwater (in Australia). At the end of fiscal 2022, the company marketed its products through a network of more than 2,800 independent dealers and 170 distributors in about 120 countries.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

New Hope’s operational strategies at both assets have sought to expedite value creation

Business Strategy & Outlook

New Hope’s strategy seeks to create value for shareholders by remaining a pure-play coal miner and developing thermal coal assets at a time when major miners–including Rio Tinto and BHP–head for the exits. The strategy is entirely reliant on thermal coal demand remaining robust for decades. The purchase of a further 40% interest in the Bengalla coal mine in fiscal 2019 sees New Hope double down on thermal coal. While demand for coal has waned in Europe and North America, Asia will remain the relative bright spot for coal demand over the coming decades, according to the International Energy Agency. The IEA sees the possibility that coal demand in absolute tonnage terms could remain steady out to 2040 in Asia, as economic development supports demand. Nonetheless, the potential for greater action on climate change brings the distinct risk that demand could falter earlier.

On the operational front, the realization of value from New Hope’s assets, given thermal coals has an uncertain future. Bengalla has approval to produce up to 13.4 million run-of-mine, or ROM, metric tons annually, greater than the approximate 12.4 million ROM metric tons mined in fiscal 2020. Capital expenditures required to de-bottleneck the mine and expedite the mining of Bengalla’s reserves are currently being explored. Mining leases were approved in fiscal 2023 for New Acland Stage 3, but water licenses are required before the mine can operate. An approximate 9.2 million metric tons of ROM production is planned in Stage 3. While less successful at New Acland, New Hope’s operational strategies at both assets have sought to expedite value creation. Nonetheless, these actions need to be taken in context. With Bengalla and New Acland reserves supporting multi decade mine lives and with a further 40% stake in Bengalla taken in fiscal 2019, said operational developments work only at the margins to expedite value creation for New Hope’s shareholders. The firm acquired a 15% stake in the Malabar-Maxwell underground mine in fiscal 2022. The mine has probable reserves of 144 million tons and a mine life of greater than 25 years.

Financial Strengths

New Hope’s balance sheet remains well positioned. New Hope’s bias toward a conservative balance sheet as appropriate. The volatile nature of coal prices makes the use of significant debt problematic. The balance sheet currently sits in a net cash position of approximately AUD 182 million at the end of fiscal 2022.

Bulls Say

  • Asia’s growth will see demand for coal in the region remain steady for decades to come.
  • New Hope’s operating assets enjoy decent positioning on the global thermal coal cost curve.
  • The ramp-up of production at Bengalla toward 13.4 million ROM metric tons per year could provide better unit costs.

Company Description

New Hope Corporation is an Australian pure-play thermal coal miner. Its two operating assets–the 100%-owned New Acland coal mine and its 80% interest in the Bengalla coal mine–produce more than 12 million metric tons of saleable thermal coal annually. The vast majority of New Hope’s production is sold into seaborne thermal coal export markets. Reserves at New Acland and Bengalla are sufficient to support multi-decade mine lives. New Hope’s undeveloped coal resources are extensive and include exploration status coal resources in excess of 1 billion metric tons in Queensland’s Surat basin.

(Source: Morningstar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.The material in this document may contain general advice or recommendations which, while believed to be accurate at the time of publication, are not appropriate for all persons or accounts. This document does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective investor may require.  The material contained in this document does not take into consideration an investor’s objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on the advice, investors should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to the investor’s objectives, financial situation, and needs. The material contained in this document is for sales purposes. The material contained in this document is for information purposes only and is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation with respect to the subscription for, purchase or sale of securities or financial products and neither or anything in it shall form the basis of any contract or commitment. This document should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment and recipients should seek independent advice. The material in this document has been obtained from sources believed to be true but neither Laverne and Banyan Tree nor its associates make any recommendation or warranty concerning the accuracy or reliability or completeness of the information or the performance of the companies referred to in this document. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Any opinions and or recommendations expressed in this material are subject to change without notice and, Laverne and Banyan Tree are not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. References made to third parties are based on information believed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as being accurate.

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Dividend Stocks

ORA’s FY22 results came in above expectations, with underlying NPAT up +19.4% YoY

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading on fair value relative to the valuation and attractive yield of ~5%. 
  • Exposure to both developed and emerging markets’ growth.
  • Near-term headwinds should be in the price. 
  • Revised strategy following recent strategic review.
  • Bolt-on acquisitions (and associated synergies) provide opportunities to supplement organic growth.
  • Leveraged to a falling AUD/USD. 
  • Potential corporate activity.
  • Capital management (current on-market share buyback plus potential for additional initiatives). 

Key Risks:

  • Competitive pressures leading to margin erosion.
  • Input cost pressures which the company is unable to pass on to customers.
  • Deterioration in economic conditions in US, EM and Australia.
  • Emerging markets risk.
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD.
  • Declining OCC prices.

Key Highlights: 

  • FY22 results summary. Compared to pcp:  Sales revenue was up +15.6% (+13% in CC) to $4,090.8m, underlying EBIT was up +14.6% (+12.7% in CC) to $285.5m and underlying NPAT was up +19.4% (+17.6% in CC) to $187.1m. 
  • Underlying operating cash flow up +10.6% to $272.6m with cash conversion improving +60bps to 73.5%, driven by earnings growth and continued working capital management, partially offset by higher base capex, which combined with higher tax payments and +101.5% increase in growth capex delivered -27% decline in FCF to $121.6m. 
  • Net debt increased +38.9% to $629m, driven by on-market share buyback and increased capex, equating to leverage of 1.8x, up +0.3x, vs long-term target of 2-2.5x. 
  • RoAFE increased +250bps to 22.4%, reflecting higher North American earnings, partially offset by higher Australasian average working capital. 
  • Capital management. The Company completed its on-market share buyback, purchasing ~30.7m shares at an average price of $3.55 and returning a further $109m to shareholders. The Board declared an unfranked final dividend of 8.5cps, up +13.3% YoY, taking full year dividends to 16.5cps (up +17.9% YoY) and representing a dividend payout ratio of 76.2%. 
  • Australasia. Compared to pcp: Revenue increased +9%, as higher aluminium costs were passed through to customers and slight growth in Cans and Glass volumes, partially offset by Glass product sales mix. 
  • EBIT increased +0.2% as inflationary pressures were more than offset by cost recoveries and improvement in operating efficiencies. However, margin declined -140bps to 16.6%, primarily due to the impact of higher aluminium costs passed through to customers.
  •  Underlying operating cash flow declined -1.3% amid lower cash EBITDA, partially offset by lower base capex. However, cash conversion improved +70bps to 72.9%. 
  •  RoAFE declined -80bps to 24.6%, driven primarily by higher average working capital.    
  • North America. Compared to pcp: Revenue was up +17.7% (+14.3% in CC), amid improvement in operating performance, with revenue growth for OPS and OV. 
  • EBIT increased +36.6% (+32.6% in CC) with margins improving +50bps to 4.2%, with significant earnings growth in both manufacturing and distribution driven by improvements in account profitability, operating efficiency, and a focus on managing inflationary inputs and cost to serve. 
  • Underlying operating cash flow increased +28.7% or US$18.9m with cash conversion remaining stable at 74.1%. 
  • RoAFE increased +530bps to 20.3%. 
  • FY23 outlook. Management anticipates: Earnings increasing YoY. 
  •  Australasia EBIT being broadly flat YoY with 1H23 impacted by inflationary cost increases ahead of further 2H23 customer price recovery, and cash conversion being >70%, excluding the G3 glass furnace rebuild, which is treated as base capex. 
  •  North America is expected to deliver further EBIT growth, reflecting the full year impact of FY22 price increases and ongoing implementation of profit improvement programs, and cash conversion remaining >70%. 
  •  Capex of ~$230m with growth capex of ~$150m. 
  •  Dividends staying towards the top end of 60-80% of NPAT target payout range. 

Company Description:

Orora Limited (ORA) provides packaging products and services. The Company offers fiber, glass and beverage can packaging materials in Australia and Asia and packaging distribution services in North America and Australia.   

(Source: Banyantree)

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