Technology Stocks

CSL Limited (ASX: CSL)

The Seqirus flu business, which achieved positive earnings (EBIT) for the first time in FY18, continues to perform strongly.
There is a lot of interest in their product line.
High entry barriers in terms of knowledge, worldwide channels, and operations/facilities/assets.
The executive team is strong, as are the operational capabilities.
Leveraged against a weakening dollar.
Key Risks
Pressures from competitors.
Behring’s core business, product recalls, disappoints.
Growth is underwhelming (underperform company guidance).
The Seqirus flu business is stalling or deteriorating.
Unfavourable currency fluctuations (AUD, EUR, USD).

FY21 Results Highlights
CSL’s influenza vaccines business, Seqirus, reported NPAT of $2,375 million, up 10%, and revenue of $10,026 million, up 10%, thanks to strong performance in leading subcutaneous Ig product HIZENTRA and leading HAE product HAEGARDA, as well as exceptionally strong performance in CSL’s influenza vaccines business. EBIT increased by 11% to $3,025, while margins remained at 30.2 percent. Earnings per share increased from 10% to $5.22.
The final payout of US$1.18 per share (A$1.61 franked at 10%) brings the total dividend for the year to US$2.22 per share, up 10%. Highlights from each segment: (1) CSL Behring, relative to the pcp and in constant currency. Albumin (+61%), HIZENTRA (+15%), HAEGARDA (+14%), and KCENTRA (+7%) all contributed to an increase in total revenue of 6%. (2) Seqirus is a character in the game Seqirus.
Seasonal influenza vaccine sales increased from 41% on a record volume of 130 million doses, driving total revenue up 30%. FLUAD® QIV was released in the United States in FY21, while FLUCELVAX was marketed in Australia.

Company Description
The Commonwealth Serum Laboratories Limited (CSL) is a company that develops, manufactures, and sells pharmaceutical and diagnostic products made from human plasma. Paediatrics and adult vaccines, infection, pain medicine, skin problem treatments, anti-venoms, anticoagulants, and immunoglobulins are among the company’s goods. These are life-saving products that are not optional.

General Advice Warning
Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds

Fidelity Asia Fund

and draws on the research capabilities of Fidelity’s analysts based on the ground in Asia.The Fund aims to achieve returns in excess of the MSCI AC Asia ex-Japan Index NR over the suggested minimum investment time period of five to seven years.

Our Opinion

Our rating is based on the following key drivers:

Capable PM/team:

The Fund’s star portfolio manager, Anthony Srom, and his supporting cast of analysts in high regard. Mr. Srom is well-supported by 50 on-the-groundanalysts in Asia and Fidelity’s global researchteam of 180 analysts and 400 investmentprofessionals worldwide. This makes the team one of the largest buyside firms. Nevertheless, we question the extent at which ongoing and deep research can be maintained in order to beat the index –in our view, it is increasingly difficult no matter how large an investment team is,to beat a benchmark of an efficient, liquid and well researched market.

Well-resourced and access to Company management

Relative to peers, the investment team is well resourced with additional access to third party research and consultants to conduct deep investment research as well as a thorough company visitation schedule (as a result of the investment firm’s reputation). Fidelity conducts more than 15,000company meetings a year, in order togain better insights andknowledge, to make investment decisions.

Sensible investment process rooted in bottom-up research, high conviction, highly concentrated and low turnover

The Fund conducts fundamentals bottom-up stock selection to build a high conviction and highly concentrated portfolio of 20–35 stocks based in the Asia Pacific ex Japan region. There is no deliberate portfolio management style bias, although new positions typically exhibit a contrarian/value bias. Mr. Srom is willing to take a long-term view on a stock, resulting in a low turnover strategy (40%–70%). This translates to a holding period of 18–24 months, but there are stocks that have been held for more than three years.

Downside Risk

Asian economic conditions deteriorate, leading to earnings downgrades at the company level. High quality companies underperform especially in stocks where the Fund has a relative overweight position.
Key-man risk should Portfolio Manager, Mr. Anthony Sromdepart.
The Fund invests in emerging markets which can be more volatile than other more developed markets.
The Fund invests in a relatively small number of companies and so may carry more risk than fundsthat are more diversified.

(Source: Morningstar)
General Advice Warning
Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks Ltd (ASX: CAR)

  • Heavily reliant on two growth stories (South Korea and Brazil).
  • Diversified geographic coverage.
  • Bolt-on acquisitions provide opportunity to supplement organic growth.
  • The Company can sustain high single-digit and low double-digit revenue growth. 
  • CAR’s move into adjacent products and industries. 
  • Increasing pricing in South Korea to boost margins.
  • Looking to take more of the car buying experience online with dealers (i.e. increasing its total addressable market).

Key Risks

 We see the following key risks to our investment thesis:

  • Rich and demanding valuation.
  • Competitive pressures, that is car dealer driven substitute platform or the No. 2 & 3 player gain ground on CAR.
  • Motor vehicle sales remain subdued.  
  • Value destructive acquisition / execution risk with international strategy.
  • Not immune from broader downturn in economy (consumer likely to delay a significant purchase in time of uncertainty).

FY22 Earnings Guidance:- 

CAR provided no quantitative guidance but provided outlook commentary (which excluded the impact of acquiring Trader Interactive). 

  • Consolidated Outlook: “in FY21… While current lockdowns and retail closures are having an impact on leads and private ad volumes, if our experience is consistent with prior lockdowns, the business is well placed to recover all or most of the declines once retail re-opens. On this basis we would expect to deliver solid growth in Group Adjusted revenue, Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted NPAT1 in FY22. Depending on the duration and frequency of lockdowns in the first half, financial performance is likely to be more heavily weighted to the second half than usual”. 
  • Australia. Dealer: “Outside the states impacted by lockdowns, underlying market conditions remain solid”. Private: “Private listing volumes are growing strongly on pcp excluding NSW; tyresales has operated at lower volume levels in July 2021 due to the lockdowns in NSW and Victoria”. Media and new car market: “The new car market continues to demonstrate signs of improvement as evidenced by the solid performance in new car sales volumes over the last six months. This has resulted in an improvement in media revenue run rate, providing confidence that we can deliver growth in this segment in FY22”. Domestic Core expenses: “Anticipating core expenses to be higher in FY22 compared to FY21 largely reflecting the absence of wage subsidies”. 
  • International. (i) Korea: “In FY22 we expect strong growth in revenue and strong growth in EBITDA excluding the potential for continued marketing investment in Dealer Direct”. (ii) Brazil: “We expect strong growth in revenue and EBITDA in FY22”. (iii) U.S: “In July 2021, financial performance continues to be strong. We will provide guidance on Trader Interactive at the AGM in October-21”.

Company Description Ltd (ASX:CAR), founded in 1997, operates the largest online automotive, motorcycle and marine classifieds business in Australia. Carsales is regarded as one of Australia’s original disruptors and has expanded to include a large number of market-leading brands. The Company employs over 800 and develops world leading technology and advertising solutions in Melbourne. CAR has also expanded to numerous global markets, such as South Korea, Brazil, and other countries in Latin America.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Anthony’s Strong Sales Demand to Unwind as Restrictions Ease

 driven by the competitively advantaged Australian business which benefits from industry tailwinds. ARB provides automotive accessories for four-wheel-drive, or 4WD, vehicles–namely, 4WD utility vehicles, and medium and large sport utility vehicles, or SUVs. The vast majority of earnings are generated in Australia, where sales of 4WD vehicles have grown strongly in recent years. While headline new vehicle sales in Australia have remained stagnant over the five years to fiscal 2019, sales for vehicles in ARB’s niche target market have increased at a CAGR of around 6% over the same time period. 

We estimate this subsegment eclipsed 50% of new vehicles sales in fiscal 2020, up from around 35% of new vehicle sales in fiscal 2014.The firm’s network of store fronts defends ARB’s premium positioning, ensuring end-to-end reliability from manufacturing to fitting. We expect ARB will also need to continue to invest heavily in its brands and its narrow moat by maintaining a high level of expenditure on marketing, research and development. This expenditure is necessary to maintain the firm’s brand equity, and differentiate its products from lower-end competitors, allowing ARB to remain at the forefront of product innovation and quality, improving brand awareness and ensuring a healthy pipeline of new product releases. 

Financial Strength 

ARB’s balance sheet is in pristine condition. At June 30, 2021, the company had no debt and a net cash position of AUD 85 million. This is despite major investment in the Thailand and Victoria warehouses and continued new store rollouts. The firm’s major funding requirements are store rollouts, international expansion, and working capital in line with growing sales. We anticipate the firm will maintain expenditure on marketing and R&D at around 5% for the foreseeable future. We are confident the firm can maintain a dividend payout ratio of around 50% without stretching its balance sheet or compromising its expansion plans.

Profit before tax near-doubled to AUD 150 million as restrictions on international travel and government stimulus increased domestic driving holidays–both in Australia and in overseas markets, boosting demand for ARB products. After falling 14% in fiscal 2020, Australian new car sales have bounced back quickly, up 10% in fiscal 2021. The rebound is more pronounced for 4WD utilities and SUVs (ARB’s primary target market), which grew by 11% in fiscal 2021 after falling just 7% in fiscal 2020. The company declared a final dividend of AUD 39 cents per share, bringing full-year dividends to AUD 68 cents per share, fully franked. ARB maintains a dividend payout ratio of about 50%, and with no debt, we anticipate the firm can maintain this payout ratio without stretching its pristine balance sheet or compromising expansion plans.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Online competition is not a significant threat to ARB’s business. Products usually require professional fitting (often in ARB stores), and the often heavy and bulky accessories can make delivery cost prohibitive.
  • The 4WD accessories industry has few barriers to entry, and with products such as bull bars essentially just fabricated steel, ARB’s products are somewhat replicable.
  • ARB’s range of vehicle accessories have established significant brand strength, underpinning its narrow economic moat, allowing the firm to enjoy pricing power and high returns on invested capital.

Company Profile 

ARB Corporation designs, manufactures, and distributes four-wheel-drive and light commercial vehicle accessories. The firm has carved a niche with aftermarket accessories including bull bars, suspension systems, differentials, and lighting. ARB operates manufacturing plants in Australia and Thailand; sales and distribution centres across several countries. The Australian division, which generates the vast majority of group earnings, distributes through the ARB store network, ARB stockists, new vehicle dealers, and fleet operators.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks

Bendigo & Adelaide Bank (ASX: BEN) Updates

  • Strong franchise model with funding predominately by way of deposits.
  • Expected low levels of impairment charges (especially as a low interest rate environment helps customers and arrears).
  • Continued strong cost discipline, improving efficiency and boosting performance. 
  • Advanced accreditation in progress (which may improve ROE).
  • Potential pressure on net interest margins as competition intensifies, with major banks in a low interest rate environment.
  • Leading in terms of customer satisfaction and net promoter metrics, which are increasingly key in a period where trust is paramount.

Key Risks

  • Intense competition for loan growth, combined with further discounting.
  • Volatility in Home safe earnings.
  • Increase in bad and doubtful debts or increase in provisioning. We continue to monitor the asset quality of Rural Bank and Great Southern portfolios.
  • Funding pressure for deposits and wholesale funding.

FY21 Results Summary

Relative to the PCP: Statutory net profit of $524.0m was up +172%.  Cash earnings after tax of $457.2m, was up +51.5%.  Net interest margin of 2.26%, was down 7 bps. Total income on a cash basis of $1,702.5m, was up +4.5%, with BEN exceeding system lending growth. Bad and doubtful debts were $18.0m, which equates to 2bps of gross loans. 

Excluding the provision release of $19.4m announced on 5 August 2021, bad and doubtful debts equate to 5bps of gross loans. Operating expenses of $1,027.4m were up +0.6% over the PCP, on increased investment in transformation. Excluding transformation, operating costs were -2.5% lower. BEN’s cost to income ratio of 60.3% was down 240bps relative to the PCP, but remains above BEN’s medium target of a sustainable cost to income ratio 50%. CET 1 of 9.57% was up 32 bps, and remains above APRA’s ‘unquestionably strong’ benchmark.  Cash earnings per share were 85.6 cents per share (cps), up +43.4%.

 The Board declared a final dividend of 26.5cps which brings the total fully franked dividend of 50.0 cps for the full year, with DRP discount of 1.5%. The dividend payment equates to 58.4% of cash earnings.  BEN saw growth in market share in lending (up to 2.41% from 2.24% in FY20) and deposits with total lending of $72.2bn, up +10.6%, driven by residential lending (at a rate of 2.8x system or up +14.8%), and total deposits of $78.0bn, up +15.2%, with customer deposits up +14.2%

Company Description

Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Ltd (BEN) offers a variety of banking and other financial services including internet banking, housing finance, retail and business banking, commercial finance, funds management, treasury and foreign exchange services, superannuation and trustee services.

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Funds Funds

SBI Mutual Fund has launched Balanced Advantage Fund

The SBI balanced Advantage fund’s investment objective is to deliver long-term capital appreciation and income through a dynamic mix of equity and debt investments. The CRISIL Hybrid 50+50 – Moderate Index TRI would be tracked by SBI Balanced Advantage Fund.

The Balanced Advantage Fund would invest in equities and fixed income securities based on a number of factors, including valuations, earnings drivers, and sentiment indicators.

The SBI Balanced Advantage fund will work in the following manner

  1. Asset Allocation: The Fund Manager will decide on the asset allocation between equity and debt based on a variety of factors including sentiment indicators, valuations, and earning drivers.
  1. Quantitative Framework: Our investment strategy is based on a quantitative framework that determines how we invest based on market capitalization, investing style (value, growth, or quality) and sector preference.
  1. Stock/Security Selection: The equity portfolios are managed under the discretion of fund managers and portfolios are based on the analyst team’s high conviction views and the discretion of the Fund Manager. There is duration management to generate alpha across the yield curve. The portfolio is built in such a way that alpha is generated through equity while stability is sought through debt.

The scheme would invest in equities and equity-related products for a minimum of 0% and up to a maximum of 100% and the risk profile for the same would be high. It will also invest in debt securities (including securitized debt) and money market instruments, with a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 100% and the risk profile for the same would be low to medium and 0% to 10% in units issued by REITs and InvITs –the risk profile for the same is medium to high  

During the NFO period, the minimum application amount is Rs 5,000, with subsequent amounts in multiples of Rs 1. Dinesh Balachandran and Gaurav Mehta will handle the equity element of the SBI Balanced Advantage Fund, Dinesh Ahuja will manage the debt portion and Mohit Jain will manage the international investments.

The SBI Balanced mutual fund is suited for the following investor:

  • Investors looking for long-term Wealth Creation 
  • Investors looking for a Dynamic solution for the right mix of Debt & Equity
  •  Risk-averse Equity Investors with minimum 3 years+ of Investment Horizon


General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Technology Stocks

Tesla Shares Crash as NHTSA Opens Autopilot Investigation; Shares are Slightly Overvalued

an investigation into Tesla Inc’s (NASDAQ: TSLA) autopilot software following 11 crashes from January 2018 through July 2021 where the software was engaged. Having reviewed the NHTSA report, the incidents highlight the need for Tesla to continue to improve its autonomous software before the company is likely to see a large revenue increase from its subscription-based full self-driving software. This is in line with our view that Tesla’s autonomous software will not contribute a large portion of revenue in the near term. While the outcome of the investigation is uncertain, the agency is investigating the software, rather than any hardware on a Tesla. 

Tesla shares were down around 5% at the time of writing. At current prices, Tesla shares are slightly overvalued with the stock trading in 3-star territory but roughly 20% above our fair value estimate. Accordingly, we reiterate our very high uncertainty rating for Tesla.

In all 11 crashes, a Tesla vehicle struck one or more vehicles at a first-responder scene. Most of the incidents took place after dark, where the crash scenes included typical control measures such as first-responder vehicle lights, flares, an illuminated arrow board, and road cones. While the software can take over many parts of driving features for more normal highway conditions, first-responder scenes represent a situation where drivers should likely disengage the software when approaching the scene and resume full manual control of the vehicle.

Company’s Future Outlook

As a result, the most likely outcome will include an over-the air software update, which Tesla already regularly does, and additional warnings about the limitations of driving with autopilot. The company’s Outlook intact at $570 per share fair value estimate and narrow moat rating for Tesla.

Company Profile

Tesla Inc’s (NASDAQ: TSLA) founded in 2003 and based in Palo Alto, California, is a vertically integrated sustainable energy company that also aims to transition the world to electric mobility by making electric vehicles. The company sells solar panels and solar roofs for energy generation plus batteries for stationary storage for residential and commercial properties including utilities. Tesla has multiple vehicles in its fleet, which include luxury and mid-size sedans and crossover SUVs. The company also plans to begin selling more affordable sedans and small SUVs, a light-truck, semi-truck, and a sports car. Global deliveries in 2020 were roughly 500,000 units.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Dividend Stocks Philosophy Technical Picks

U.S. Foods Experiencing Strong Recovery From the Pandemic, but Moat Remains Out of Reach

will emerge from the pandemic in a stronger position that it was prior to the crisis, given the $1 billion in new business secured over the past year and the permanent elimination of $130 million in operating expenses. We expect the increasing availability of COVID-19 vaccines in 2021 will return US Foods’ organic sales to pre-pandemic levels by 2022, with long-term opportunities remaining intact. But as US Foods has not demonstrated a cost advantage, organic market share gains , consistent economic returns, or superior profits, we do not grant the firm a moat.

US Foods has improved profits the past few years, as gross margins increased from 16.8% in 2014 to 17.8% in 2019 (pre-pandemic), operating margins from 2.0% to 3.2%, and ROICs .We attribute this to positive customer mix (both to more profitable segments and more selective customer contracts within segments), more effective data-driven pricing, the centralization of purchasing and administrative functions, and a reduction of the sales force, facilitated by productivity-enhancing tools. But despite the added profits, we believe the reduction in the sales force hampered organic market share gains, a move with nontrivial consequences, as we view scale as the path to a competitive edge.

The lack of organic share gains impairs the firm’s ability to leverage its scale and progress toward a scale-based cost advantage. But we are encouraged by the firm’s recent decision to invest $50 million in growth opportunities, including expanding the sales force. We expect the firm will continue to grow inorganically, and we have a favourable view of its $1.8 billion tie-up with SGA Food Group and the $970 million acquisition of Smart Foodservice Warehouse, but we hold these deals fall short of providing a scale-based competitive edge.

Financial Strength

 US Foods has the financial strength to weather the pandemic. Given the firm’s acquisitive strategy, leverage runs high, with net debt/adjusted EBITDA at 5.4 times as of June. US Foods secured a $300 million term loan, issued $1 billion in long-term notes, and $500 million in convertible preferred stock since the onset of the pandemic. We expect leverage to return to a comfortable 2.6 times by 2023 as the market recovers from the pandemic and US Foods lightens up on share repurchases to prioritize debt reduction, which we think is prudent. We expect US Foods will resume repurchasing shares in 2025 (to the tune of 4%-5% of shares outstanding annually). We view this as a prudent use of cash when shares trade below our assessment of its intrinsic value. Furthermore, we have no concerns in the firm’s ability to service its debt (even during the pandemic), as interest coverage (EBITDA/interest expense) should average 6.5 times over the next five years, better than the 4.4 times average over the past three years. The firm’s priorities for cash use are capital expenditures, which we expect to amount to 1% of revenue annually over the next decade) and acquisitions (we expect about $140 million to $220 million annually, contributing a 1% bump to revenue each year). Further, the firm paid a $3.94 per share special dividend in 2016, but management has no plans to initiate an ongoing dividend as they view share repurchase as a more flexible way to return capital to shareholders. 

Bull Says

  • Continued acquisitions could modestly enhance US Foods’ scale, and the addition of its e-commerce platform should help increase share of wallet and loyalty with acquired firms’ customers.
  • US Foods is emerging from the pandemic as a stronger player, having secured over $1 billion in new business and eliminated $130 million in fixed costs.
  • US Foods benefits from secular tailwinds, such as Americans’ tendency to consume more food outside the home and industry share shifts to independent restaurants.

Company Profile

US Foods is the second-largest U.S. food-service distributor behind Sysco, holding 10% market share of the highly fragmented food-service distribution industry. US Foods distributes more than 400,000 food and non-food products to the healthcare and hospitality industries (each about 16.5% of sales), independent restaurants (33%), national restaurant chains (22%), education and government facilities (8%), and grocers (4%). In addition to its delivery business, the firm has 80 cash and carry stores under the Chef’Store banner .After Sysco’s attempt to purchase US Foods failed to gain federal approval in 2015, US Foods entered the public market via an initial public offering.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


WAM Strategic Value Limited Commences Trading

There Pre – Net Tax Tangible Assets is $1.27 till June 2021. IPO price is $1.25 on 28th June 2021.

Till now, there is no Dividend history for WAM Strategic Value.

WAM Strategic Value Limited ((WAR)) date of listing on ASX on June 28, 2021, at a price of $1.25 per share with 180 million shares on issue.

Following the merger proposal with WAM Global Limited ((WGB)), the portfolio increased following the IPO, with Templeton Global Growth Fund Limited ((TGG)) being a positive contributor. 

TGG shareholders can choose between receiving WGB stock consideration with an attaching option or cash consideration equal to the NTA after tax and transaction charges under the terms of the offer.

The announcement of MHH’s reorganisation from a LIT to an ETMF would have given the portfolio a lift as well, with the MHH unit price reacting positively to the news.

Company Profile 

WAM Strategic Value Ltd is an investment company. Its investment objectives are to provide capital growth over the medium-to-long term, deliver a stream of dividends and preserve capital while providing shareholders with exposure to a diversified equities portfolio.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.


Vanguard Australian Shares High Yield ETF

 The benchmark leans toward the highest-dividend payers, excluding property trusts. The index provider ranks all dividend-paying stocks based on their dividend yield forecast for the next year and constructs the index using stocks that make up the top 50% of the floatadjusted market capitalization. Industries are capped at 40% and individual stocks at 10%. The index is rebalanced semiannually, and in 2018, it changed its rules around buying and selling so that stocks are added or removed more gradually. This should increase the portfolio to around 55 names from 45 and reduce stock turnover, though it will likely remain higher than market-cap-weighted index funds. Vanguard’s global presence allows the Australian team to leverage the U.S. team’s extensive indextracking experience.


The FTSE Australia High Dividend Yield Index is a real-time, market-cap-weighted index comprising companies with higher-than-average forecast dividends. The biggest sector exposure is financial services, at around 39%-40% of the portfolio. The fund’s exposure to materials has historically been volatile. Following dividend cuts in the sector, exposure dropped to 4% in 2016 from 20%. However, a fall in Rio Tinto’s share price and corresponding increase in yield saw the stock return to the portfolio in June 2017, increasing the fund’s exposure to the sector to 21%. That came at the expense of industrials exposure, which fell to zero. As of 30 June 2021, materials exposure was at 23%. This highlights the risk of “dividend traps” in a rules-based strategy. The portfolio has an underweighting in the high-growth sectors of technology and healthcare, as these companies typically reinvest a large proportion of their cash flow into research and development to drive future earnings growth rather than focusing on high dividend payouts. Real estate investment trusts are excluded. More than half the portfolio is in giant caps, with the balance mostly in large and medium caps. The portfolio’s exposure to cyclical/sensitive names has increased over the years and currently stands at 93%, implying high dependence on the domestic economic cycle.


Vanguard has fared relatively well over the long term, but short- and medium-term results have been a drag. Moreover, the annual return track of the strategy is visibly inconsistent as compared with its category index. In 2012 and 2013, the strategy delivered 24.5% and 26.5%, respectively–incredible relative and absolute returns. But investors should be cautiously optimistic about a repeat of such performance as the fund delivered equally subdued relative performance in 2014, followed by a 4.22% decline in 2015 and category benchmark relative underperformance of negative 1.2% in 2016. Poorly timed buys into materials such as BHP and Rio Tinto hurt in 2016. Vanguard recouped some of these losses in 2017, though this was curtailed as exposure to Telstra took a bite out of returns. As the banking industry came under pressure because of falling property prices and the focus of the Royal Commission in 2018, returns were again below the broader market.

Source: Morning star

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Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.