Technology Stocks

Pact Group (PGH) reported disappointing FY22 results, despite the Company seeing increasing demand for recycled content

Investment Thesis

  • Solid market share in Australia and growing presence in Asia. Hence provides attractive exposure to both developed and emerging markets’ growth. 
  • Valuation is fair on the forward estimates. 
  • Management appears to be less focused on acquired growth going forward, which means there is a less of a chance for the Company to make a value destructive acquisition. 
  • Reinstatement of the dividend is positive and highlights management’s confidence in future earnings growth. 
  • Focusing on sustainable packaging in an environmentally friendly market.

Key Risks

  • Competitive pressures leading to further margin erosion. 
  • Input cost pressures which the company is unable to pass on to customers. 
  • Deterioration in economic conditions in Australia and Asia. 
  • Emerging markets risk. 
  • Poor acquisitions or not achieving synergy targets as PGH moves to reduce its dependency on packaging for food, dairy, and beverage clients to more high growth sectors such as healthcare.
  • Adverse currency movements (purchased raw materials in U.S. dollars)

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Revenue of $1,838m was up +4%, driven by solid demand for sustainable packaging and recycled products. 
  • FY22 underlying EBIT was in line with guidance provided at 1H22. However, underlying EBIT of $156m, was down -15%, with EBIT from Packaging & Sustainability of $110m, up +5% more than offset by declines in Material Handling & Pooling underlying EBIT of $50m, down -8%, and Contract Manufacturing underlying EBIT, which saw a loss of -$4m (versus $24m in the pcp).
  • Underlying NPAT of $70m was down -25% largely due to the absence of one-off revenue in the Contract Manufacturing segment recorded in FY21. Reporting NPAT of $12m was significantly down – 86%. 
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 1.5cps, franked to 65%, which brings FY22 total dividend to 5cps, down -55% and equates to a payout ratio of 25% of underlying NPAT.
  • PGH acquired Synergy Packaging for ~$20m which adds to sustainable health and beauty packaging. 
  • PGH began operations at Circular Plastics Australia (PET) recycling facility in Albury-Wodonga with international food grade certification in place and producing recycled resin for joint venture partners. 
  • PGH maintained gearing of 2.7x, within its target range, with net debt at $561m, $24m lower than pcp, and operating cash conversion of $253m.

Company Description

Pact Group Holdings Ltd (PGH) was established by Raphael Geminder in 2002 (Mr. Geminder remains a major shareholder with ~44% and is the brother-in-law of Anthony Pratt, Chairman of competitor Visy). Pact has operations throughout Australia, New Zealand and Asia and conceives, designs, and manufactures packaging (plastic resin and steel) for many products in the food (especially dairy and beverage), chemical, agricultural, industrial and other sectors.

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Dividend Stocks

PPT will not be raising equity to fund any portion of the cash consideration

Investment Thesis

  • Trades below valuation and represents >10% upside to current share price. 
  • PPT is a diversified business with earnings derived from trustee services, financial advice and funds management. 
  • PPT has an opportunity to increase FUM via its Global Share Fund, which has a strong performance track record over 1, 3 and 5-years and significant capacity, whilst PPT continues to maintain FUM in Australia equities which is near maximum capacity. This equates to flattish earnings growth unless PPT can attract FUM into international equities, credit and multi-asset strategies (and other incubated funds). 
  • Retail and institutional inflow of funds is expected to be solid especially from positive compulsory superannuation trend and flow from Perpetual Private. 
  • Potential for Perpetual Private to drive growth in funds under management and funds under advice. 
  • Cost improvements in Perpetual Private and Corporate Trust.

Key Risks

  • Any significant underperformance across funds. 
  • Significant key man risk around key management or investment management personnel.
  • Potential change in regulation (superannuation) with more focus on retirement income (annuities) than wealth creation. 
  • Average base management fee (bps) per annum (excluding performance fee) continues to be stable at ~70 bps but there are risks to the downside from pressures on fees. 
  • More regulation and compliance costs associated with the provision of financial advice and Perpetual Private. 
  • Exposure to industry funds which are building in-house capabilities (~15-20% of total PPT funds under management).

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • The company entered into a binding Scheme Implementation Deed to acquire 100% of shares in Pendal Group, targeted to be implemented by late CY22/early CY23 and Pendal shareholders receiving 1 PPT share for every 7.50 Pendal shares plus $1.976 cash/Pendal share (implying an offer price of $6.54/Pendal share), with acquisition expected.
  • Realise $60m of annual pre-tax synergies within the first two years and deliver double digit EPS accretion for PPT in the 12 months post implementation, with one-off costs to achieve synergies of $110m phased with majority incurred over 18 months and other transaction costs of $40m.
  • Create greater scale with $1.4bn in revenue and ~$456m in UPBT driven by increased economies of scale, and combined AUM of >$201bn, covering Global, US, UK, European and Australian equities, Multi Asset and Cash and Fixed Income strategies, significantly improving market position and brand recognition.
  • Expanded team with employees across 16 locations around the globe and enhanced global distribution network. Management expects to fund the cash component of the offer totalling $757m via a new debt facility, which will also re-finance Perpetual’s existing debt facility and include undrawn headroom for liquidity management purposes and expects pro forma leverage to be ~1.7x gross debt/pro forma EBITDA (~1.3x Net Debt/pro forma EBITDA) with de-leveraging occurring in year 3 post-implementation given the strong cash flow generation of the combined businesses with a clear pathway to 1.2x Gross Debt/pro forma EBITDA (~0.8x Net Debt)
  • The Board declared a fully franked final dividend of 97cps, resulting in a total dividend for the full year of 209cps, an increase of +16% y/y, representing a payout ratio of 80%, in line with company’s payout range of 60-90% UPAT on an annualised basis. 
  • ROE improved +44bps y/y to 16.2%

Company Description

Perpetual Ltd (PPT) is an ASX-listed independent wealth manager with three core segments in (1) Perpetual Investments which is one of Australia’s largest investment managers; (2) Perpetual Private which is one of Australia’s premier high net worth advice business; and (3) Perpetual Corporate Trust which provides trustee services. PPT manages ~$98.3 billion in funds under management, ~$17.0 billion in funds under advice and ~$922.8 billion in funds under administration (as at 30 June 2021).

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Dividend Stocks

PTM saw FY22 revenue decline -26.4% yy to $232.8m primarily due to -6.1% yy decline in fee revenue

Investment Thesis

  • Trades on an attractive dividend yield. 
  • PTM is in a position to attract net inflows as value-oriented strategies may make a sustained comeback. 
  • There’s further pressure on the funds management industry and fees (as a result of industry and super funds building inhouse capabilities and passive investing with significantly lower fees/asset allocators becomes more of the norm). 
  • Change in management or investment management team. 
  • Industry consolidation could benefit PTM (potential M&A target). 

Key Risks

  • Any significant outperformance across funds. 
  • Kerr Neilson’s departure from the Board could be disruptive. 
  • Potential change in regulation (superannuation) with more focus on retirement income (annuities) than wealth creation. 
  • There are earnings risks to the downside from pressures on fees. 
  • Emergence of industry funds who are building in-house capabilities. 
  • PTM’s investment style becomes out of favour. 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Total revenue declined -26.4% y/y to $232.8m, as fee revenue decreased -6.1% y/y to $252.7m, with -7.2% y/y decline in management fees (excluding performance fees) amid -8.5% y/y decline in average FUM to $21.4bn, partially offset by +67.5% y/y increase in performance fees to $6.7m, primarily from absolute return mandates and Asia strategy driven largely by the benefit of downside protection provided by short positions, and the company incurred $20.4m unrealised losses on seed investments vs $46.7m profit in pcp.
  • Expenses increased +4.7% y/y to $86.1m, primarily driven by +3.9% y/y increase in staff costs reflecting increase in share-based payment expenses due to additional deferred equity granted to employees, and +16.7% increase in business development expenses which included the launch of the Platinum Investment Bond product (and its direct-to-market proposition) and associated new campaigns, the growth in social media advertising, and third-party distribution costs.
  • Underlying NPAT, which excludes gains and losses on seed investments (net of tax), declined -10.9% y/y to $118.2m.
  • FUM declined -22.6% y/y to $18.2bn, driven by negative investment performance of $2.2bn, net fund outflows of $2.2bn and the net distribution paid to investors of $0.9bn. 
  • The Board declared fully franked final dividend of 7cps, down -42% y/y, equating to ~9.8% annualized yield, taking full year dividend to fully franked 17cps, down -29% y/y. 
  • The Board extended its on-market share buyback for upto 10% of issued share capital for further period of upto 12-months, commencing from 4th October 2022, intending to buy shares should the Board determine that PTM’s share price is trading at a significant discount to its underlying value. 

Company Description

Platinum Asset Management (PTM) is an ASX-listed, Australian based fund manager which specializes in investing in international equities. PTM currently manages ~A$18.2bn.

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Technology Stocks

CrowdStrike’s business model, much like its SaaS peers, is premised on landing clients and subsequently expanding the dollars they spend

Business Strategy & Outlook

CrowdStrike is a leader in endpoint security, a necessity that aids in protecting devices and networks, and its threat hunting and breach remediation services are topnotch. While nefarious threat actors are continually upping their attack methodology to create zero-day attacks and are using the rise in entities using cloud-based resources to their advantage, CrowdStrike developed a methodology to turn any entities’ weak-point into better protection for all of its clients. CrowdStrike’s cloud-delivered endpoint protection platform continuously ingests data from all of its installed agents to enhance its protection solutions while keeping all users up to date against the latest threats. CrowdStrike’s customer base, revenue, and margins will experience profound growth throughout the 2020s as customers update their endpoint and workload security requirements in a hybrid-cloud world. CrowdStrike’s endpoint protection platform melded the needs of next-generation antivirus, threat intelligence, endpoint detection and response, and other features like managed threat hunting into a consolidated management plan. The lightweight agents, installed on physical devices like servers and laptops, or in virtual machines and cloud environments, are continually improving through its cloud database algorithms, becoming more capable as more data is received. CrowdStrike’s solutions establish customer switching costs and its network effect makes changing vendors a challenge as clients rely on having the latest threat protection. Alongside a persistent talent shortage in cybersecurity and firms attempting to manage disparate toolsets for various parts of endpoint security, entities are challenged to stay secure in networking environments without distinct security perimeters. CrowdStrike’s experts supplement these overwhelmed or short-staffed teams, and the firm also offers breach remediation and proactive testing services. CrowdStrike is in the early stages of becoming a market mainstay as businesses and governments rapidly adopt cloud-based endpoint protection platforms.

Financial Strengths

CrowdStrike is a financially sound company that will be able to generate solid free cash flow and expand its margin profile throughout the 2020s. CrowdStrike had its initial public offering in June 2019 and has historically operated at a loss on a GAAP basis. CrowdStrike’s capital deployment efforts true to a land-and-expand strategy, whereby CrowdStrike initially has elevated sales and marketing expenses to gain a customer cohort before expanding its revenue per customer while lowering its operating costs per customer (on a revenue percentage basis). CrowdStrike can benefit from cross-selling and up-selling tangential products to its existing base and new clients, while also converting breach remediation service clients to be product customers. As of the end of fiscal 2022, CrowdStrike had $2.0 billion of cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities and $740 million of debt. With a strong balance sheet and free cash flow generation, CrowdStrike is to pay its obligations on time.

Bulls Say

  • CrowdStrike’s innovative endpoint security solutions, delivered as a platform, are quickly attracting customers as clients want to consolidate their myriad legacy security tools. Its threat remediation services are a powerful tool in landing new subscription clients.
  • After landing a client, CrowdStrike can gain significant margin leverage via the cross-selling and up-selling of additional security modules.
  • Larger firms, with much longer operating track records versus CrowdStrike, have been adding endpoint security into their portfolios that can disrupt technology partnerships and go-to-market strategies.

Company Description

CrowdStrike Holdings provides cybersecurity products and services aimed at protecting organizations from cyberthreats. It offers cloud-delivered protection across endpoints, cloud workloads, identity and data, and threat intelligence, managed security services, IT operations management, threat hunting, identity protection, and log management. CrowdStrike went public in 2019 and serves customers worldwide.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

WOW saw strong 2H22 sales growth improved for all segments except NZ Food, which was impacted by Covid-related disruptions

Investment Thesis

  • High quality fundamentals but trades on fair value considering trading multiples, valuations and dividend yield. 
  • High quality assets, business model and management team. 
  • Leading market positions with key sites in higher population growth areas. 
  • Positively leveraged to the growth in population over time. 
  • Increasing digitisation to remove more costs and increase the efficiency of the supply chain. 
  • Key leading indicators (such as basket size / items per basket) are improving for the core Australian Food segment. 
  • Transaction growth and customer metrics are showing improving trends. 
  • Capital management post Endeavour transaction. 

Key Risks

  • Further margin pressure in the Food & Petrol business. 
  • Increasing competition in retail and changing consumer preference and consumption trends 
  • Deterioration in balance sheet metrics due to earnings decline. 
  • Adverse movements in AUD/USD (international sourcing). 

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Group sales of $60,849m, up +9.2% and +10.5% in 2H22. WOW saw strong 2H22 sales growth improved for all segments except NZ Food, which was impacted by Covid-related disruptions to availability and a market slowdown
  • Group gross margin was up +35 bps due to an increase in Australian Food of 74 bps offsetting a BIG W decline of 28 bps.
  • Group CODB increased 89 bps, impacted by supply chain and team availability issues impacting efficiency in stores and DCs and the impact of BIG W’s sales decline in 1H22 due to store closures. 
  • EBIT of $2,690m, declined -2.7%, but made a strong recovery in 2H22, up +8.1%, driven by an +9.7% increase in 2H22 Australian Food EBIT. 
  • NPAT of $1,514m, was up +0.7%.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of 53cps, down -3.6% (or excluding Endeavour Group, 53cps, up +3.9%). This brings FY22 dividend per share to 92cps, up +1.1%. 

Company Description

Woolworths Limited (WOW) operates supermarkets, specialty and discount department stores, liquor and electronics stores throughout Australia. Woolworths also manufactures processed foods, exports and wholesales foods and offers petrol retailing. The company also operates hotels which includes pubs, food, accommodation, and gaming operations.

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Technology Stocks

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm

Business Strategy & Outlook

Winnebago, which reinvented itself under CEO Mike Happe with the November 2016 acquisition of high-end towable maker Grand Design, sees itself as a leading outdoor lifestyle firm. It now has a marine segment with Chris-Craft and Barletta. Towables is an area the company had long wanted to grow in but had remained very small since acquiring Sunnybrook in 2011. Winnebago’s North American towables share is in the teens, up from under 2% before Grand Design, so there’s a long growth runway if it can keep chipping into Thor’s and Forest River’s roughly 80% combined share. In fiscal 2022, towables were about 52% of total revenue compared with just 9% in fiscal 2016. Marine was about 9% of fiscal 2022 sales and Barletta is a top five pontoon brand. Management wants non-RV revenue of 15% by fiscal 2025. High brand equity enabling scale and barriers to entry provide Winnebago with a narrow economic moat.

Leadership sees opportunities to grow with products in new segments such as off-roading and lower price points (but not the cheapest in a segment). Models are no longer cloned, which should help dealer profitability, and products will be positioned around a good, better, best framework. A unit is now not manufactured until it has an order, which should mean little discounting. Acquisitions in the $860 billion-plus outdoor activity market also play a role, but only for high-end brands such as Grand Design, Chris-Craft, Newmar, and Barletta. Industry data shows that 11.2 million U.S. households owned a RV in 2020, up from 6.9 million in 2001. 60% of first-time campers are under age 40 and have a household income of $100,000 or more versus 29% for all campers. 82% of new campers since the pandemic have children and Hispanic and Black consumers were 25% of all campers in 2020, up from 8% in 2012, so Winnebago has plenty of runway with a wide consumer base if it executes right. Winnebago’s brand equity gives it a good shot at capitalizing on these trends. The pandemic-induced outdoor lifestyle boom has also given the company a $2.3 billion RV backlog at year-end fiscal 2022, up from about $400 million at the end of fiscal 2019.

Financial Strengths

The balance sheet lacks the massive legacy costs that burden some other manufacturers because Winnebago’s workforce is not unionized. Winnebago’s untapped $350 million credit line, good through July 15, 2027, coupled with about $282 million of cash should get the firm through nearly any challenge. A 9% increase in the dividend in summer 2020, despite the pandemic at the time, is a good sign of financial health, as is a 50% increase announced in August 2021 and another 50% increase in August 2022. Winnebago’s balance sheet had been free of long-term debt since the mid-1990s.  Having no debt limits the downside to equity investors, but new leadership was exploring whether to add debt and did so in fiscal 2017 with $353 million to fund part of the consideration to buy Grand Design. Debt as of Aug. 27 totaled $600 million, before a $45.3 million convertible note discount and $8.9 million of debt issuance costs, and consists of $300 million of 1.5% April 2025 unsecured senior convertible notes issued to buy Newmar (along with the company issuing 2 million shares of stock to the seller at $46.29) and $300 million of 2028 6.25% senior secured bonds. The convertible notes are not callable, can be converted any time starting Oct. 1, 2024, and have a conversion price of $63.73 per share. The target range for net debt/adjusted EBITDA is 0.9-1.5 times, but management is willing to leverage up to 3.0 times to make an acquisition. Net debt/adjusted EBITDA was 0.5 times at the end of fiscal 2022. Winnebago has no significant pension obligations and stopped paying retiree healthcare in 2017.  Winnebago is to be comfortably free cash flow positive in the long term. It is to repurchase its shares only when they’re cheap and buybacks be done at a minimum to offset dilution from stock option issuance. Acquisitions and other growth investments are a priority over buybacks but buyback spending was $214.3 million in fiscal 2022.

Bulls Say

  • The Grand Design acquisition materially raised Winnebago’s operating margin, and Newmar could do the same. 
  • The company’s strong balance sheet provides financial strength and flexibility to withstand cyclical downturns. 
  • Because RV consumers are relatively affluent, rising gas prices would probably not hinder a consumer’s ability to purchase a motorhome. A 2016 study by travel consulting firm PKF Consulting found that for a family of four, gas prices would have to exceed $12 a gallon to make RV travel more expensive than other forms of travel.

Company Description

Winnebago Industries manufactures Class A, B, and C motor homes along with towables, customized specialty vehicles, boats, and parts. Headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, Winnebago has been producing recreational vehicles since 1958. Revenue was about $5 billion in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into towables in 2011 with the acquisition of SunnyBrook and acquired Grand Design in November 2016. Towables made up 83% of the firm’s RV unit volume, up from 31% in fiscal 2016. The company’s total RV unit volume was 71,922 in fiscal 2022. Winnebago expanded into boating in 2018 with the purchase of ChrisCraft, bought premium motor home maker Newmar in November 2019, and bought Barletta pontoon boats in August 2021.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

The linchpin of Nvidia’s business has been gaming

Business Strategy & Outlook

Nvidia is the top designer of discrete graphics processing units that enhance the visual experience on computing platforms. The firm’s chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end PCs for gaming and data centers. Traditional GPU uses include professional visualization applications that require realistic rendering, including computer-aided design, video editing, and special effects. Nvidia has experienced success in focusing its GPUs in nascent markets such as artificial intelligence (deep learning) and self-driving vehicles. Hyperscale cloud vendors have leveraged GPUs in training neural networks for uses such as image and speech recognition. The linchpin of Nvidia’s business has been gaming. PC gaming enthusiasts generally purchase high-end discrete GPUs offered by the likes of Nvidia and AMD. Going forward, the data center segment will drive most of the firm’s growth, led by the explosive artificial intelligence phenomenon. This involves collecting large swaths of data followed by techniques that develop algorithms to produce conclusions in the same way as humans. As Moore’s law-led CPU performance improvements have slowed, GPUs have become widespread in accelerating the training of AI models to perform a task. However, other solutions are more suitable for inferencing, which is the deployment of a trained model on new data. 

Today’s basic variants of AI are consumer-oriented and include digital assistants, image recognition, natural language processing, and recommendation engines. The firm views the car as a “supercomputer on wheels.” Although this segment currently contributes relatively little to the top line, the opportunity Nvidia has to grow its presence in cars beyond infotainment as drivers seek autonomous features in newer vehicles is acknowledgeable. Nvidia’s Drive PX platform is a deep learning tool for self-driving that is being used in R&D at more than 370 partners. In 2020, Nvidia acquired Mellanox to bolster its data center offerings in the networking realm to raise switching costs and improve performance of Nvidia’s existing portfolio.

Financial Strengths

Nvidia is in strong financial shape. The firm had about $13.1 billion in cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities, versus total debt of about $11 billion on its balance sheet at the end of October 2022. Semiconductor firms tend to hold large cash balances to help them navigate the cycles of the chip industry. During downturns, this provides them with a cushion and flexibility to continue investing in research and development, which is necessary to maintain their competitive and technology positions. Nvidia’s dividend is very reasonable relative to its financial health and forward prospects, and the firm also returns excess cash to shareholders via stock buybacks.

Bulls Say

  • The proliferation of the artificial intelligence and deep learning phenomena that rely on Nvidia’s graphics chips presents the firm with a potentially massive growth opportunity. 
  • The firm has a first-mover advantage in the autonomous driving market that could lead to widespread adoption of its Drive PX self-driving platform. 
  • The increasing complexity of graphics processors provides a barrier to entry for most potential rivals, as it would be difficult to match Nvidia’s large R&D budget.

Company Description

Nvidia is the top designer of discrete graphics processing units that enhance the experience on computing platforms. The firm’s chips are used in a variety of end markets, including high-end PCs for gaming, data centers, and automotive infotainment systems. In recent years, the firm has broadened its focus from traditional PC graphics applications such as gaming to more complex and favorable opportunities, including artificial intelligence and autonomous driving, which leverage the high-performance capabilities of the firm’s products.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Dividend Stocks

TCL also appears to be well positioned for an a higher inflationary & rising interest rate environment

Investment Thesis

  • Hard to replicate critical infrastructure assets.
  • TCL is well positioned for a higher inflationary & rising interest rate environment, given: (1) TCL’s exposure to interest rate exposure is low due to hedging policy, with 99% of TCL’s existing debt book hedged as at 31 Dec-21 and the majority of the debt which expires out to FY25 is above TCL’s weighted average cost of debt; (2) 68% of TCL’s revenue is linked to CPI price escalations as part of their concessions.
  • Consistent growth in earnings driven by four key factors: 1) Traffic (with mature toll roads delivering on average 2-4% annual traffic growth); 2) Prices (with escalation set with agreements with governments); 3) operational efficiency improvements; and 4) development contribution from new assets.
  • Solid yield – steady and growing distribution stream.
  • Integration of technology and systems to enhance operations.
  • Growth by asset acquisition and/or development of greenfield and brownfield projects.
  • Exposure to infrastructure assets in the U.S.
  • Strong management team with experience in deploying the developer-operator business model
  • West Gate Tunnel dispute is a drag on share price.

Key Risks

  • Bond yields experience a significant increase in the short term and track upwards over the long term.
  • Valuation appears full at current levels.
  • Project development cost blowouts.
  • Reduced traffic volumes.
  • Regulatory changes within the sector.
  • Unfavourable financing arrangements.
  • Poor acquisitions (derived from inaccurate modelling of traffic).

Key Highlights: Relative to the pcp and on a constant currency basis: 

  • Average daily traffic was down -4.8% vs pcp. Proportional toll revenue of $1.2bn was mostly unchanged on pcp with lower volumes offset by price escalations and resilience in commercial traffic. 
  • Total free cash for the half of $459m was down -1.6% on pcp (predominantly driven by Covid impacts on TCL’s 100% owned assets and higher working capital) and covered the first half distribution of 15cps. There were no capital releases during the period.
  • 1H22 proportional EBITDA of $805m was down -4.1% on pcp, with higher toll revenue more than offset by higher costs – with operational costs up +5.6% YoY driven by insurance premiums and investment in new capabilities (data analytics, cyber and other technology). A change in accounting of Software as a Service also contributed to the cost increase. 
  • Proportional EBITDA margins at the group level were down -310bps to 65.9%, driven by Covid restrictions impact on traffic in TCL’s largest markets. Management expects to see group margins return towards a more normal range 73-74% as restrictions lift and traffic again returns to pre-Covid levels. 
  • Company maintained a solid balance sheet, with Gering of 34.6% (most unchanged on pcp), liquidity of $3.8bn and debt book is 99% hedged (which provides protection in a rising interest rate environment).

Company Description

Transurban Group (TCL) develops, operates, and maintains urban toll road networks in Australia and the United States. The company holds interest in 15 roads in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Virginia. Transurban Group is headquartered in Docklands, Australia.

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Dividend Stocks

Credit Corp is a major purchased debt ledger, or PDL, acquirer in Australia, with long-term share of 35%

Business Strategy & Outlook

Credit Corp is a major purchased debt ledger, or PDL, acquirer in Australia, with long-term share of 35%. It is also currently the fourth-largest player in the PDL market with a share of around 12% in fiscal 2022. PDLs are mainly acquired from banks and financial institutions, and are mostly unsecured credit card debt that are at least six months in arrears and already been through a collection process. Other forms of debt purchases include outstanding telephone or utility bills. Earnings are generated by recovering more than its capital outlay. The firm targets returns on equity of 16%-18% and aims to recover double the price paid for PDLs. Prices range from AUD 0.05 to slightly over AUD 0.20 on the dollar of the debt’s face value, averaging between AUD 0.12 and AUD 0.13 on the dollar. Credit Corp does this by acquiring PDLs at sensible prices, and collecting mainly via payment plans. It has historically succeeded in collecting PDLs over the entirety of their typical six-year lives, with actual collections consistently exceeding initial projections.

The firm’s consumer-facing products include impaired consumer loans, auto lending, buy now-pay later, and appliance leasing. It generally lends to credit-impaired consumers who do not have access to primary lenders. These businesses should continue growing, as the banks generally do not service this market. Operating efficiencies are achieved by leveraging off the common overheads and systems of its core Australian PDL operations in both its U.S. PDL and consumer lending businesses, offshoring and digitization. NPAT is to grow at a 5.5% CAGR through to fiscal 2027. However, a lower ROEs can be projected averaging 12% per year from fiscal 2023 to 2027, on anticipation of future returns possibly being structurally lower, with greater mix shift to the more competitive U.S. market. Competition for PDLs will likely heat up as COVID-19 stimuli fade off and competition resumes. Longer term, a combination of low industry barriers to entry, an expectation for governments to bail out consumers during adverse credit events, and greater operational efficiency among peers will likely encourage more aggressive price bidding for PDLs.

Financial Strengths

Credit Corp is currently in sound financial health. Its gearing ratio, measured as net debt divided by carrying value of PDLs and loans, was 12% as of June 30, 2022. Gearing at end of the COVID-19-plagued fiscal 2020 was also zero with no covenants breached, albeit this was supported by a AUD 155 million equity raise. Excluding the capital raising from Credit Corp’s net cash as of fiscal 2020 would result in a gearing ratio of around 23%. This would still be below its target range of 25%-30%, as well as bank covenants of 60% (for its corporate debt facility) and 50% (for its warehouse facility), respectively. Credit Corp has historically been prudent in acquiring PDLs and not outbid its competitors when tender prices for PDLs are excessive. This mitigates the value destruction during a severe credit event which leads to higher defaults/impairments, or breaches of covenants due to insufficient cash. A case in point, its ASX-listed competitors Collection House and Pioneer Credit were both hit by material losses in fiscal 2020, and faced capital constraints or compliance issues due to their prior aggressive growth. Meanwhile, Credit Corp had a 5% net profit margin, though it was also bolstered by an equity raising. It subsequently purchased Collection House’s Australian PDL book–which had ongoing payment arrangements of almost AUD 200 million in face value–for AUD 160 million in fiscal 2021. Credit Corp subsequently bought Collection House’s New Zealand PDL book for AUD 12 million, while also extending the firm AUD 7.5 million working capital loan in early fiscal 2022. When Collection House fell into administration in June 2022, Credit Corp acquired its remaining business and all outstanding shares for AUD 11 million.

Bulls Say

  • A relatively prudent business model allows for better countercyclical investment and cash collections, which helps fund more purchases and issue more loans. This also supports continued funding and prevents excessive potential value destruction.
  • Credit Corp has a leaner cost base than its U.S. peers, and is supported by common overheads and technology centered in Australia. This helps it tender for PDLs at a similar footing as its larger competitors.
  • Credit Corp’s growing track record in the U.S. has made it a viable choice for local firms seeking to diversify their debt collectors.

Company Description

Credit Corp operates in the distressed consumer debt market. In its core business, it acquires purchased debt ledgers, or PDLs, in Australia and is expanding this business globally by buying PDLs in the United States. These PDLs consist of unsecured debt that are at least six months in arrears and have already been through a collection process. Since 2012, Credit Corp also diversified its business into providing consumer credit to customers who are unable to gain access to credit from primary sources such as banks because of a poor credit history. Its consumer credit business is gaining scale but is also subject to increased regulatory scrutiny.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Technology Stocks

Boeing’s narrow-body business was severely battered by the extended grounding of its 737 MAX due to two fatal crashes of the plane

Business Strategy & Outlook

Boeing is a major aerospace and defense firm that makes money mostly by manufacturing large commercial airplanes. Its narrow-bodied planes are ideal for high-frequency, short-haul routes, and wide-bodied ones are used for long-haul and transcontinental flights. Worldwide sales of narrow-bodies have increased over the past 20 years with the rise of low-cost carriers and middle-class consumers in emerging markets. Boeing’s narrow-body business was severely battered by the extended grounding of its 737 MAX due to two fatal crashes of the plane before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic cut air travel by two thirds between 2019 and 2020, and Boeing’s primary competitor, Airbus, saw a one-third drop in airplane deliveries while Boeing had to cease deliveries of its workhorse plane entirely for 20 months to rework the navigation and other systems on hundreds of jets. It can be seen that there’s a pent-up demand for air travel adding to the long-term increase in demand for air travel in emerging-market economies. It can be anticipated that Boeing will grow 737 MAX production to meet that demand. Critical to thesis is at least some normalization of U.S.-China trade relations, as it anticipates Chinese carriers will take up to a quarter of new airplanes in the next decade.

Boeing also supplies military products to governments and aftermarket services to its commercial customers. These businesses together generate just over a third of its operating income over a cycle. There’s a GDP-like growth in the defense business and expect the services business will regain profitability faster than Boeing as a whole because aftermarket revenue increases directly with flight activity.

Financial Strengths

Credit metrics are expected to deteriorate as debt costs rise. Interest cover of 5.4 times in fiscal 2022 was well above the 2 times covenant limit. However, interest cover is deteriorating to 2.3 times by 2025 (in the absence of an equity raising) as debt costs rise from extremely low levels, leaving slim headroom to the covenant limit. Some form of remedial action, like an equity raising, may be needed. Other credit metrics are also aggressive. For example, the net debt/ EBITDA of 8 times for the next few years. Nonetheless, the trust has a Baa2 issuer credit rating from Moody’s Investors Service and gearing of 33% is towards the bottom of the 30% to 40% target range and well below the 50% covenant limit. Average debt duration is reasonable at four years and the trust has only modest debt maturities in the next couple of years. But limited interest rate hedging means the trust is exposed to rising interest rates–weighted average hedge maturity is 2.1 years. The trust is to pay out close to 95% of funds from operations, which is aggressive as FFO ignores such things as maintenance capital expenditure, leasing incentives, and debt establishment costs. It is estimated current distributions exceed underlying earnings by about 10%, which could be unmaintainable if property values stop rising. The trust’s portfolio has grown rapidly via acquisitions, requiring substantial equity raisings. Units on issue have increased more than six-fold since 2014.

Bulls Say

  • Boeing has a large backlog that covers several years of production for the most popular aircraft, which gives us confidence in aggregate demand for aerospace products
  • Boeing is well-positioned to benefit from emerging market growth in revenue passenger kilometers and a robust developed market replacement cycle over the next two decades.
  • Commercial airframe manufacturing will remain a duopoly for most of the world for the foreseeable future. The customers will not have any meaningful options other than continuing to rely on incumbent aircraft suppliers.

Company Description

Boeing is a major aerospace and defense firm. It operates in four segments: commercial airplanes; defense, space & security; global services; and Boeing capital. Boeing’s commercial airplanes segment competes with Airbus in the production of aircraft ranging from 130 seats upwards. Boeing’s defense, space & security segment competes with Lockheed, Northrop, and several other firms to create military aircraft and weaponry. Boeing global services provides aftermarket support to airlines.

(Source: Morningstar)

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