Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Targa’s longer-term growth picture over the next few years will be its Permian G&P position.

Business Strategy & Outlook

Targa Resources is primarily a gatherer and processor, or G&P, of natural gas with an attractive position in the Permian Basin and other key U.S. shale plays. The firm weathered a very difficult 2020 via sharply reduced capital spending, a nearly 90% dividend reduction, and expense cuts. With a more stable 2021, it reduced debt by $1 billion that year, which was a good move. With leverage now at reasonable levels, returning the dividend to $1.40 a share from $0.40 per share annually makes sense. Targa’s longer-term growth picture over the next few years will be its Permian G&P position (where it added substantial assets with Lucid), liquefied petroleum gas exports, and the ramp-up of the Grand Prix natural gas liquids pipeline. The long-term concerns about the G&P business, because the high level of competitive intensity within the Permian will keep returns extremely low. 

Targa is by no means particularly conservative on capital spending plans–its initial 2021 growth spending plans were twice to original expectations, as the rest of the midstream space hunkered down. While one has long expressed concerns about the leverage impact of the repurchase of the Stonepeak joint venture assets, Targa bought back the assets for $925 million, and then immediately sold off the Grand Coast Express stake for $857 million, essentially making the deal leverage neutral as management expected. Despite concerns about the G&P assets, were optimistic about the future of LPG exports and Grand Prix. LPG exports are largely under contract and sent mainly to Asian and Latin American markets. India remains a potentially attractive option under a government scheme designed to encourage LPG usage. Targa has wisely expanded its export capacity recently, and volumes are at record levels. The Grand Prix NGL pipeline will be a highly attractive asset that takes advantage of Targa’s position in the Permian Basin to move over 425,000 barrels per day of NGLs by the estimates in 2022 (expandable to 550,000 b/d) to Mont Belvieu, and links Targa assets at both ends of the pipe, giving it more control over the molecules and ability to earn multiple fees.

Financial Strengths

In 2020, Targa’s financial health was among the weakest in the midstream coverage universe. That has changed in a strong energy market in 2021 and Targa’s own efforts to fix its balance sheet. Targa has repaid $1 billion in debt in 2021, funded with strong earnings and lots of free cash by cutting the dividend and capital spending, and leverage fell to 3.2 times by year-end, a commendable accomplishment for a firm that has historically run well over 4 times leverage. Before the Lucid deal for $3.55 billion, the expected leverage to decline to below 3 times in 2022, but it will end up around 3.5 times. After many years of operating as non-investment grade, Targa finally earned investment-grade ratings in 2022. Still, Targa’s exposure to weaker customers is greater than peers’, as it disclosed that less than half of its revenue by the estimates is from investment-grade or letter of credit-backed customers. Peers tend to be around 75%-85% investment-grade or letter of credit-backed. Targa has boosted the dividend to $1.40 per share annually in November 2021, up from the $0.40 annually it paid out since March 2020. Previously, the payout was $3.64 annually. Share buybacks seem less likely after the Lucid deal, as Targa will not have any excess cash flow in 2022.

Bulls Say

  • Targa is leveraged to the high-growth Permian, and its Grand Prix pipeline has been an important growth engine. 
  • Targa has reduced debt by $1 billion in 2021, which is a good accomplishment for what has historically been a highly leveraged firm. 
  • Targa is a significant fractionation player at the attractive Mont Belvieu hub.

Company Description

Swatch Group’s biggest brands are Omega (number-two Swiss watch brand by sales after Rolex), Longines (the largest premium watch brand and number four by sales globally), Breguet, Tissot (the leader in mid range Swiss watches), and Swatch. Swatch group employs over 31,000 people, half of them in Switzerland. The Swatch Group makes about 28% of its sales from Omega, 18% from ultra luxury brands, 20% from Longines, 12% from Tissot, and 4% from Swatch. The Omega and Longines to be the group’s most profitable brands.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Core Laboratories NV delivering unrivalled levels of returns on capital over the past two decades

Business Strategy and Outlook

It is long relied that long believed that Core Laboratories is one of the highest-quality oilfields-service companies. For one, with a wide moat rating, Core Lab possesses the strongest moat across experts’ entire oilfield-service coverage. The company’s foundational core analysis business in the reservoir description segment, in particular, has been virtually unchallenged over the past three decades. The business passes the Warren Buffett quality test, whereby even an “idiot” could likely run the business with some profitability. 

Yet, Core Lab has long been managed with the utmost skill, in analysts’ view. The 1998 acquisition of Owen Oil Tools and subsequent repositioning of the business to offer high-quality solutions for fast-growing U.S. shale markets was a stroke of brilliance. The combination of top-notch management plus a strong underlying business has delivered unrivalled levels of returns on capital over the past two decades.

Financial Strength

Core Laboratories is in good financial health overall, following a small liquidity scare in 2021, when the company was forced to issue equity to cure breaching of a debt covenant. Now, the company has no debt maturing until September 2023, with most debt not maturing until 2026 or later. Net debt stood at about 2.7 times adjusted EBITDA as of year-end 2021 and should fall below 2 times by end 2023.

Bulls Say’s

  • Core Lab has generally bested all oilfield-services peers in returning cash to shareholders. 
  • The company will benefit as U.S. shale operators shift to using more advanced core analysis to inform the development of their resources. 
  • Core Lab will benefit as the world’s oilfields become increasingly mature, as it has specialized in understanding how mature reservoirs change over time.

Company Profile 

Core Laboratories is an oil-services company that helps oil and gas companies better understand how to improve production levels and economics with core and reservoir analysis. Additionally, the company sells a number of products helping its customers to maximize production levels from their oil and gas assets. The company operates in more than 50 countries and has more than 5,000 employees. 

(Source: MorningStar)

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This document is provided by Laverne Securities Pty Ltd T/as Laverne Investing. Laverne Securities Pty Ltd, CAR 001269781 of Laverne Capital Pty Ltd AFSL No. 482937.

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

EOG Resources scale and double premium drilling strategy support its narrow economic moat

Business Strategy and Outlook

EOG Resources is one of the largest independent oil exploration and production companies. It derives almost all of its production from shale fields in the U.S., with a small incremental contribution from Trinidad. The firm differentiates itself by attempting to identify prospective areas before most peers catch on, enabling it to secure leasehold at attractive rates (rather than overpaying for land after the market overheats). It has only one large-scale M&A deal under its belt, related to its 2016 entry to the Permian Basin. Nevertheless, the firm is also active in most other name-brand shale plays, including the Bakken and Eagle Ford. Additionally, the focus now includes the Powder River Basin (Wyoming) and a new natural gas play in southern Texas that the firm has christened “Dorado.”

The firm’s acreage contains over 10,000 potential drilling locations that management designates as “premium.” These are expected to generate internal rates of return of at least 30% (assuming $40/bbl WTI and $2.50/mcf natural gas). However, management is now prioritizing a sizable subset, 6,000-plus locations, designated “double premium.” These are expected to deliver twice the returns at the same commodity prices. Opportunities that don’t currently satisfy this criteria may be upgraded later, if the company can reduce the expected development cost or boost the likely flow rate of the well. During the past several years, EOG added more premium locations than it drilled, resulting in a net increase to its premium drilling opportunities, and the firm expects to do the same with its double premium inventory.

Financial Strength

Overall, EOG’s financial health is excellent compared with peers, giving it the ability to tolerate prolonged periods of weak commodity prices, if necessary. It has more cash than debt, generates substantial free cash under a wide range of commodity scenarios, and aims to retain a substantial cash cushion to enable it to take advantage of downcycles by repurchasing stock without unduly stressing the balance sheet at an inopportune time.The firm holds about $5.1 billion of debt, resulting in very low leverage ratios. At the end of the most recent reporting period, debt/capital was 19% and net debt/EBITDA was slightly negative. Furthermore, the firm also has a comfortable liquidity stockpile, with $5 billion cash and another $2 billion available on its undrawn revolver (though a portion of this will be used to fund the firm’s $600 million special dividend payable March).

Bulls Say’s

  • EOG is among the most technically proficient operators in the business. Initial production rates from its shale wells consistently exceed industry averages. 
  • EOG’s vast inventory of premium drilling locations provides a long runway of low-cost resources. 
  • EOG often adds new premium drilling opportunities to its queue via exploration or by using improved knowhow and technology to “upgrade” opportunities that did not previously qualify.

Company Profile 

EOG Resources is an oil and gas producer with acreage in several U.S. shale plays, including the Permian Basin, the Eagle Ford, and the Bakken. At the end of 2021, it reported net proved reserves of 3.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent. Net production averaged 829 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2021 at a ratio of 72% oil and natural gas liquids and 28% natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Woodside Petroleum delivered strong FY21 results

Investment Thesis

  • Since our Buy recommendation in our last report, WPL’s share price has appreciated 43.1% – We acknowledge our positive view on oil and gas prices across 2022, and the quality of WPL and BHP’s assets but recommend investors take profits and downgrade our recommendation as we yield on the side of caution, before we see how the WPL/BHP’s combined entity trades and its first year of audited financials.   
  • Quality assets (NWS, Pluto, Australia Oil, Browse, Wheatstone) with superior free cash flow breakeven price relative to peers. 
  • On-going focus on cost reduction and positioning of the business for a lower oil price environment.
  • Improving oil and gas prices, which should see earnings improve. 
  • Increasing LNG demand, with WPL well positioned to fulfill this. 
  • Solid balance sheet position.
  • Strong free cash flow generation.
  • Potential exploration success in Myanmar, Senegal, Gabon. However, we have not factored any success into our forecasts + valuation.
  • Whilst the change in CEO could result in some uncertainty around future strategy, it could also be an opportunity to refresh the strategy with a “fresh” set of eyes. The Board has reiterated that current growth plans will be retained. 

Key Risks 

  • Supply and demand imbalance in global oil/gas markets.
  • Lower oil / LNG prices.
  • Not meeting cost-out targets (e.g. reducing breakeven oil cash price).
  • Production disruptions.

FY21 Result Highlights

  • Operating revenue of $6,962m, up +93%, driven by annual sales volume 111.6MMboe at realised price of $60.30 per boe, up +86%.
  • NPAT of $1,983m, up +149%. Underlying NPAT of $1,620m, up +262%. Unit production cost of $5.30 per boe.
  • Operating cash flow of $3,792m, up +105%.
  • Free cash flow of $851m.
  • At FY21-end, WPL had cash on hand of $3,025m and liquidity of $6,125m. Net debt at year-end was $3,772m and gearing of 21.9% (at the lower end of targeted 15-35% gearing).

Company Profile 

Woodside Petroleum Ltd (WPL) explores for and produces natural gas, liquefied natural gas, crude oil, condensate, naptha and liquid petroleum gas. WPL owns producing assets in the North-West Shelf (NWS) project, Pluto LNG and Australian Oil. WPL is currently developing Browse, Sunrise, Wheatstone, Grassy Point and Kitimat LNG. WPL is currently undertaking exploration activities in Myanmar, Senegal, Morocco, Gabon, Ireland, NZ and Peru.

(Source: BanyanTree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Santos reported strong FY21 results with underlying profit up by 230%

Investment Thesis:

  • Leveraged to the oil price.
  • High quality assets which offer a number of core assets within its portfolio (no single asset risk).  
  • On-going focus on cost reduction and positioning of the business for a lower oil price environment.
  • Strong balance sheet position. 
  • High quality management team who are able to operate assets and extract synergistic value from the recent merger with Oil Search.

Key Risks:

  • Supply and demand imbalance in global oil/gas markets.
  • Lower oil / LNG prices.
  • Not meeting cost-out targets (e.g. reducing breakeven oil cash price).
  • Production disruptions (not meeting GLNG ramp up targets).
  • Strategic investors sell down their stake or block any potential M&A activity.

Key highlights:

  • Management highlighted lower unit costs, our focus on safe, low-cost and efficient operations delivered a free cash flow breakeven of $21 per barrel in 2021. 
  • EBITDAX was up 48% to $2.8bn driven by higher oil prices and lower unit costs. Underlying profit was up 230% to a record $946m.
  • Production was up +3% to of 92.1mmboe. Sales volume of 107.1mmboe, down -3%
  • Product sales revenue of US$4.71bn, up +39%
  • Record free cash flow of US$1.5bn and underlying profit of US$946m, driven by higher oil and LNG prices vs pcp due to a recovery in global energy demand and supply constraints across the industry due to lower capital investment through the pandemic
  • Reported NPAT of US$658m includes losses on commodity hedging and costs associated with acquisitions and one-off tax adjustments and is significantly higher relative to the pcp due to impairments included in FY20
  • Reported NPAT of US$658m includes losses on commodity hedging and costs associated with acquisitions and one-off tax adjustments and is significantly higher relative to the pcp due to impairments included in FY20

Company Description: 

Santos Limited (STO) explores for and produces natural gas, liquefied natural gas, crude oil, condensate, naptha and liquid petroleum gas. STO conducts major onshore and offshore petroleum exploration and production activities in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Vietnam. The company also transports crude oil by pipeline.  

(Source: Banyantree)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Murphy Oil Sees Major Gulf Projects Nearing Fruition, Plans Long-Term Harvest

Business Strategy and Outlook

Murphy Oil repositioned itself as a pure-play exploration and production company in 2013, spinning off its retail gas and refinery businesses.The firm is a top-five producer in the Gulf of Mexico, and the region accounts for almost half of its production. Murphy has a number of expansion projects lined up there that should offset legacy declines and enable it to hold production flat in the next few years. There is regulatory risk, though: after entering office, U.S. President Joe Biden has pledged to halt offshore oil and gas permitting activity (to demonstrate his climate credentials). Murphy already holds valid leases for its upcoming projects and is ahead of schedule on permitting but will eventually require further approvals if it wants to continue its development plans. Thus far, the Biden administration has taken little action, leaving Murphy unencumbered. But we would not rule out a more comprehensive ban.

The firm has made considerable progress cutting costs and boosting productivity since the post-2014 downturn. However, while the firm still has over 1,400 drillable locations in inventory.When this portion is exhausted, well performance, and thus returns, could deteriorate. And in Canada, the firm is currently prioritizing the Tupper Montney gas play while natural gas prices in the region are more stable after a period of steep discounts caused by takeaway constraints that have now cleared.

Morningstar analysts have increased its fair value estimate for Murphy to $33 from $26, after taking a second look at Murphy’s fourth quarter operating and financial results. 

Financial Strength 

The COVID-19-related collapse in crude prices during 2020 impacted the balance sheets of most upstream oil firms, and Murphy saw its leverage ratios tick higher as well. But management has engineered a rapid recovery, aided by strengthening commodity prices. At the end of the last reporting period, debt/capital was 37% and net debt/EBITDA was 1.5 times. That’s about average for the peer group. However, the firm is generating substantial free cash, and management intends to prioritize further debt repayments.The firm currently holds about $2.5 billion of debt, and has roughly $2 billion in liquidity ($500 million cash and about $1.5 billion undrawn bank credit). The term structure of the firm’s debt is reasonably well spread out, and nothing is due before 2024. The firm should have no issues covering its obligations with cash from operations, unless oil prices fall significantly below our midcycle forecast ($60 Brent) for a significant period.

Bulls Say

  • The joint venture with Petrobras is accretive to Murphy’s production and generates cash flows that can be redeployed in the Eagle Ford and offshore. 
  • The Karnes County portion of Murphy’s Eagle Ford acreage offers economics that are as good as or better than any other U.S. shale. 
  • Murphy’s diversified portfolio gives it access to oil and natural gas markets in several regions, insulating it to a degree from commodity price fluctuations or regulatory risks.

Company Profile

Murphy Oil is an independent exploration and production company developing unconventional resources in the United States and Canada. At the end of 2021, the company reported net proved reserves of 699 million barrels of oil equivalent. Consolidated production averaged 167.4 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2021, at a ratio of 63% oil and natural gas liquids and 37% natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Marathon Petroleum’s Strong Performance Leads to Greater Shareholder Returns, Increased FVE

Business Strategy and Outlook

The combination of Marathon and Andeavor created the U.S.’ largest refiner with facilities in the Midcontinent, Gulf Coast, and West Coast. Through the combination, Marathon planned to leverage this geographically diverse footprint to optimize its crude supply from North America to reduce feedstock cost, while also improving its operating cost structure. It delivered $1.1 billion of a planned $1.4 billion in synergies by year-end 2019, but its focus shifted to capital and cost reductions in 2020 when the pandemic hit. These efforts proved successful with the company delivering over $1 billion in operating expense reductions. In the near term, its focus remains on delivering more cost and capital improvements.

Financial Strength

Cash flow has been sufficient to cover capital spending while allowing for share repurchases and dividend increases in recent years. Based on our current forecast, however, we expect operating cash flow to sufficiently cover capital spending and the dividend. Marathon received $17.2 billion in after-tax proceeds from sale of its Speedway segment in second-quarter 2021. As of the year 2021, it has retired $3.75 billion in debt and repurchased $4.5 billion shares. It plans to repurchase another $5.5 billion shares by year-end 2022 at the latest and repurchase another $5 billion of shares beyond then. 

The large amount of repurchases have reduced the dividend burden, and as such it is expected that  management to return to dividend growth at some point given the company’s strong cash flow. It’s possible management returns to its previous shareholder return target of 50% of discretionary free cash flow including dividend growth and share repurchases. Our fair value estimate to $79 from $68 per share after updating our near-term margin forecast with the latest market crack spreads and incorporating management’s guidance, and the latest financial results.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Marathon Petroleum’s high-complexity facilities in the midcontinent and Gulf Coast leave it well-positioned to capitalize on a variety of discount crude streams, endowing it with a feedstock cost advantage. 
  • Closure of lower-quality refineries and investment in renewable diesel leaves Marathon in a better competitive position in the long term. 
  • Current repurchase plans amount to 20% of the current market cap, with potentially more coming if market conditions remain strong.

Company Profile 

Marathon Petroleum is an independent refiner with 13 refineries in the midcontinent, West Coast, and Gulf Coast of the United States with total throughput capacity of 2.9 million barrels per day. The firm also owns and operates midstream assets primarily through its listed MLP, MPLX.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Marathon Focusing on Capital Returns After Strengthening Balance Sheet

Business Strategy and Outlook

Marathon has comprehensively reshuffled its portfolio in the past five to 10 years, discarding most the conventional projects it historically focused on and doubling down on U.S. shale. The international assets it has retained, in Equatorial Guinea, will be harvested for cash flows that can be redeployed in the U.S. Elsewhere, the firm is still just getting started. It entered the Permian Basin in 2017, and is ramping quickly from a very low base of production. The position is fairly fragmented, limiting the scope for long-lateral development (though management is attempting to address this with acreage trades, bolt-on acquisitions, and acreage swaps). 

Well results thus far have been reasonably impressive, and are consistent with a West Texas Intermediate break-even level under $40 per barrel (comparable to, but not significantly better than, what other Permian producers typically achieve). The Oklahoma portion of the portfolio could have similar potential, but this is more speculative–the firm’s drilling results to date have been middling, and the natural gas weighting and high cost of development have been weighing on its potential returns there. Activity in both of these areas has been dialed back to a minimum since the 2020 downturn in crude prices.

Financial Strength

Marathon holds about $4.0 billion of debt, resulting fairy strong leverage ratios. At the end of the last reporting period debt/capital was 27%, and net debt/EBITDA was about 1 times. These metrics are likely to improve further. The firm can generate free cash flows under a wide range of commodity scenarios. Management’s benchmark five-year plan is based on $1 billion capital expenditures annually, and that should generate $1 billion annually in free cash (which can comfortably fund its base dividend, leaving it with plenty left over for debt reduction). So it’s pretty unlikely that the firm will need to tap its liquidity reserves, but if it does there’s $500 million cash on the balance sheet, and it has an undrawn $3 billion revolver.

Bulls Say’s 

  • Marathon’s acreage in the Bakken and Eagle Ford plays overlaps the juiciest “sweet spots” and enables the firm to deliver initial production rates far above the respective averages. 
  • Holding acreage in the top four liquids-rich shale plays enables management to sidestep transport bottlenecks and avoid overpaying for equipment and services in areas experiencing temporary demand surges. 
  • Marathon was one of the first U.S. shale companies to establish a track record for free cash flow generation.

Company Profile 

Marathon is an independent exploration and production company primarily focusing on unconventional resources in the United States. At the end of 2020, the company reported net proved reserves of 972 million barrels of oil equivalent. Net production averaged 383 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2020 at a ratio of 67% oil and NGLs and 33% natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Murphy Shares Starting to Look Expensive After Rally

Business Strategy and Outlook

Murphy Oil repositioned itself as a pure-play exploration and production company in 2013, spinning off its retail gas and refinery businesses.The firm is a top-five producer in the Gulf of Mexico, and the region accounts for almost half of its production. Murphy has a number of expansion projects lined up there that should offset legacy declines and enable it to hold production flat in the next few years. There is regulatory risk, though: after entering office, U.S. President Joe Biden has pledged to halt offshore oil and gas permitting activity (to demonstrate his climate credentials). Murphy already holds valid leases for its upcoming projects and is ahead of schedule on permitting but will eventually require further approvals if it wants to continue its development plans. Thus far, the Biden administration has taken little action, leaving Murphy unencumbered. But we would not rule out a more comprehensive ban.

The firm has made considerable progress cutting costs and boosting productivity since the post-2014 downturn. However, while the firm still has over 1,400 drillable locations in inventory.When this portion is exhausted, well performance, and thus returns, could deteriorate. And in Canada, the firm is currently prioritizing the Tupper Montney gas play while natural gas prices in the region are more stable after a period of steep discounts caused by takeaway constraints that have now cleared.

Murphy Shares Starting to Look Pricey After Rally

Morningstar analyst nudged fair value for Murphy Oil to $26 from $25, after incorporating the firm’s third-quarter financial and operating results. That’s about 25% higher than where shares were trading as recently as September, but since then the stock has surged higher along with near-term oil prices. Morningstar analyst think the market has gotten carried away and is mistakenly extrapolating spot prices and midcycle forecast is unchanged at $60 Brent.

Financial Strength 

The COVID-19-related collapse in crude prices during 2020 impacted the balance sheets of most upstream oil firms, and Murphy saw its leverage ratios tick higher as well. But management has engineered a rapid recovery, aided by strengthening commodity prices. At the end of the last reporting period, debt/capital was 39% and net debt / EBITDA was 1.4 times. That’s about average for the peer group.The firm currently holds about $2.6 billion of debt, and has roughly $2 billion in liquidity ($500 million cash and about $1.5 billion undrawn bank credit). The term structure of the firm’s debt is reasonably well spread out, and only about 20% of the outstanding notes come due before 2024 (the firm has maturities totaling $500 million in 2022). At strip prices, the firm should have no issues covering the 2022 notes with cash, but if the operating environment deteriorates, management could always refinance a portion of this obligation or lean on the revolver.

Bulls Say

  • The joint venture with Petrobras is accretive to Murphy’s production and generates cash flows that can be redeployed in the Eagle Ford and offshore. 
  • The Karnes County portion of Murphy’s Eagle Ford acreage offers economics that are as good as or better than any other U.S. shale. 
  • Murphy’s diversified portfolio gives it access to oil and natural gas markets in several regions, insulating it to a degree from commodity price fluctuations or regulatory risks.

Company Profile

Murphy Oil is an independent exploration and production company developing unconventional resources in the United States and Canada. At the end of 2020, the company reported net proven reserves of 715 million barrels of oil equivalent. Consolidated production averaged 174.5 thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2020, at a ratio of 66% oil and natural gas liquids and 34% natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.

Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Woodside’s Fourth-Quarter Revenue Swells on High LNG Prices

Business Strategy and Outlook:

The BHP Petroleum merger will result in a highly strategic lock-up of gas resources and infrastructure around the North West Shelf, with flexibility to mix and match gas with infrastructure to maximise returns. This includes construction completion of the Pluto to Karratha Gas Plant interconnector pipeline with commissioning underway. Woodside completed the sale of a 49% non-operating participation interest in Pluto Train 2 just after quarter’s close. This was as expected and the first LNG cargo from Pluto Train 2 remains targeted for 2026. 

Final investment decisions have already been taken on the Scarborough and Pluto Train 2 developments, including new domestic gas facilities and modifications to Pluto Train 1. The project signoff essentially unlocks 11.1 trillion cubic feet, or Tcf, (100% basis) of the world-class Scarborough gas resource. To put that into perspective, one Tcf of gas is equivalent to 20 million tonnes of LNG, and 11.1Tcf will underpin two standard 4.8Mtpa-5.0Mtpa LNG trains for over 20 years.

Financial Strength:

The fair value of Woodside is AUD 40 which equates to a 2030 EV/EBITDA of 7.6, excluding the USD 3.7 billion lump sum we credit for undeveloped prospects.

Woodside has a healthy balance sheet with which to fund development of Scarborough and Pluto T2. We estimate stand-alone net debt stands at just USD 2.6 billion, leverage (ND/(ND+E)) of just 17% and net debt/EBITDA just 0.6. And BHP Petroleum’s assets will be coming unencumbered, which will effectively halve these already favourably low debt metrics.

Company Profile:

Incorporated in 1954 and named after the small Victorian town of Woodside, Woodside’s early exploration focus moved from Victoria’s Gippsland Basin to Western Australia’s Carnarvon Basin. First LNG production from the North West Shelf came in 1984. BHP Billiton and Shell each had 40% shareholdings before BHP sold out in 1994 and Shell sold down to 34%. In 2010, Shell further decreased its shareholding to 24%. Woodside has the potential to become the most LNG-leveraged company globally.

(Source: Morningstar)

General Advice Warning

Any advice/ information provided is general in nature only and does not take into account the personal financial situation, objectives or needs of any particular person.