Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

John Brookes Outage Limits Fourth-Quarter Production for No-Moat Santos

Business Strategy & Outlook: 

Santos is the second-largest Australian pure oil and gas exploration and production company (behind Woodside Petroleum, ASX:WPL), with interests in all Australian hydrocarbon provinces, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Well-timed East Australian coal seam gas purchases and subsequent partial selldowns bolstered the balance sheet and set the scene for liquid natural gas, or LNG, exports. Santos is now one of Australia’s largest coal seam gas producers and continues to prove additional reserves. It is the country’s largest domestic gas supplier. Coal seam gas purchases increased reserves, and partial sell-downs generated cash profits, putting Santos on solid ground to improve performance. Group proven and probable, or 2P, reserves doubled to 1,400 mmboe, primarily East Australian coal seam gas. Coal seam gas has grown to represent more than 40% of group 2P reserves, despite partial equity sell-downs. A degree of confidence can be drawn from project partners. U.S. energy supermajor ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas company, is 42% owner and the operator of the PNG LNG project. The Gladstone LNG project was built and is operated by GLNG Operations, a joint venture of owners Santos (30%), Petronas (27.5%), Total (27.5%), and Kogas (15%). Petronas is Malaysia’s national oil and gas company and the world’s second-largest LNG exporter. French energy major Total is the world’s fifth-largest publicly traded oil and gas company, and Korea’s Kogas is the world’s largest buyer of LNG. Santos is in good company. Overall, a happier future for Santos is observed  now that excess debt levels are addressed, aided via improved margins and earnings driven by Gladstone and PNG LNG. The company increasingly enjoys export pricing on its gas. In addition to Santos’ Gladstone LNG, several other third-party east-coast LNG projects conspire to drive domestic gas prices higher. As the largest domestic gas supplier, Santos can expect significant bang for its buck, with limited additional capital or operating cost required to capture enhanced prices. The group production profile is simplified with increased certainty in project life. 

Risk and Uncertainty

Material ESG exposures create additional risk for E&P investors. In this industry, the most significant exposures are greenhouse gas emissions (both from extraction operations and downstream consumption), and other emissions, effluents, and waste (primarily oil spills). In addition to the reputational threat, these issues could force climate-conscious consumers away from fossil fuels in greater numbers, resulting in long-term demand erosion. Climate concerns could also trigger regulatory interventions, such as fracking bans, drilling permit suspensions, and perhaps even direct taxes on carbon emissions, already in place in some jurisdictions. These ESG risks are based largely on industry risks that are already incorporated into base-case analysis. And natural gas is the predominant value driver for Australian E&Ps like Santos. Natural gas is less carbon-intensive than coal or oil, and stands to benefit from efforts to minimize emissions, at least in the medium term. This is because renewables like wind and solar, while growing rapidly, can’t hope to entirely meet global energy requirements for decades, if ever. Santos’ balance sheet is sound. Moderate leverage (ND/E) of 21% and maintenance of strong net operating cash flow is reassuring. Santos’ debt covenants have adequate headroom and are not under threat even at low oil prices. The weighted average term to maturity is around 5.5 years, with less than 23% due by 2023. Net debt/EBITDA at end June 2022 was 0.6. It is not expected the metric to deteriorate much, even including planned development project expenditure. On the investment side, Santos’ performance is rated as fair. The company let itself down on the capital-allocation side due to cost overruns associated with building the USD 18.5 billion Gladstone LNG project. Returns consequently worsened to low-single digits over the past eight years, well below its cost of capital. Some of this is due to Gladstone being built with expansion in mind, and any future growth will be somewhat more capital-efficient than for the current two LNG trains. Santos could probably expand to three trains, subject to securing natural gas feed and LNG offtake, with cost savings coming on the capital side from better utilization of existing tankage, wharfage, and surrounding infrastructure

Bulls Say:

  • Santos is a beneficiary of continued global economic growth and increased demand for energy. Aside from coal, gas has been the fastest-growing primary energy segment globally. The traded gas segment is still expanding faster.
  • Santos is in a strong position, with 1.7 billion barrels of oil equivalent proven and probable reserves, predominantly gas, conveniently located on the doorstep of key Asian markets. 
  • Gas has about half the carbon intensity of coal, and stands to gain market share in the generation segment and elsewhere as carbon taxes are rolled out. Bears Say Mark Taylor, Senior Equity Analyst, 19 Jan 2023 
  • Santos committed to substantial LNG capital expenditures, which will see the balance sheet geared in the medium term. 
  • Much of the company’s perceived value is in coal seam gas to LNG projects that are yet to reach full capacity. 
  • Landholder opposition to coal seam gas development could hinder production growth.

Company Description:

Santos was founded in 1954. The company’s name is an acronym for South Australia Northern Territory Oil Search. The first Cooper Basin gas discovery came in 1963, with initial supplies in 1969. Santos became a major enterprise, though over-reliance on the Cooper Basin, along with the Moomba field’s inexorable decline, saw it struggle to maintain relevance in the first decade of the 21st century. However, the stage was set for a renaissance via conversion of coal seam gas into LNG in Queensland and conventional gas to LNG in PNG

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

ConocoPhillips stands to benefit from Concho’s expertise in the Permian while deriving $1 billion in synergies

Business Strategy & Outlook

Differentiating itself from peers big and small, ConocoPhillips has laid out a 10-year plan for restrained investment, steady growth, improving returns, and, importantly, returning cash to shareholders. Its strategy makes Conoco a compelling option in the energy sector, given its commitment to capital restraint and clear policy on return of cash to shareholders. Its low-cost portfolio gives it high return investment options to grow in a rising price environment while its strong financial position keeps the dividend safe in a downcycle. Central to its plan is a commitment to maintain capital spending at $8 billion on average annually while returning 30% of operating cash flow to shareholders per year through a three-tier capital return program consisting of buybacks, an ordinary annual dividend, and a variable component. Through high-grading and cost improvements, the company has reduced the oil price necessary to earn a 10% return on produced resources in its plan to $28/ barrel.

Its growth plan rests largely on its unconventional assets, specifically its Permian position, which became the company’s largest position with the acquisition of Concho Resources. Permian resources constitute over half of the planned produced resources in the 10-year plan. ConocoPhillips stands to benefit from Concho’s expertise in the Permian while deriving $1 billion in synergies. Conoco further tilted its portfolio to U.S. unconventional by acquiring Shell’s Permian shale assets in a highly accretive deal. While the company holds acreage in the Bakken and Eagle Ford, production growth in both these regions will likely be limited. Outside of the U.S. unconventional portfolio, volumes will remain flat with growth in Alaska and Canada offsetting declines internationally. Growth in Canada will come from the Montney, where Conoco plans to leverage its unconventional experience. New volumes in Alaska will come from the Willow project, dependent on a clarified regulatory environment.

Financial Strengths

During the last year, debt has fallen from the peak levels realized after the oil price decline in 2020 and the Concho acquisition. Total debt amounted to $17.0 billion in the third quarter of 2022, implying a net debt/capital ratio of 26%. Management will likely continue to reduce gross debt during the next five years and may refinance high-coupon debt as part of debt restructuring, depending on cost, as it aims to maintain an A rated balance sheet. The debt/EBITDA is to remain at or below 1.0 throughout the remainder of the forecast. ConocoPhillips maintains its plans to differentiate itself by focusing on shareholder returns. While it still aims to return 30% of operating cash flow to shareholders, management instated a three-tier capital return program to preserve flexibility in anticipation of oil price volatility. The first tier consists of an ordinary dividend that Conoco plans to increase annually in line with the broader market. The second tier is share repurchases, while the third tier is a variable dividend that is staggered, resulting in eight cash distributions per year when declared. In, 2022, Conoco expects to return $15 billion to shareholders. Capital spending in 2022 is expected to be $8.1 billion. Guidance is for capital spending to remain at about $8 billion through 2024 and over $8 billion by 2031.

Bulls Say

  • Large positions in the Permian, Eagle Ford, and Bakken offer low-cost liquids growth with wider margins, lower risk, and higher returns than international operations. 
  • ConocoPhillips has reduced its capital requirements so it can maintain its production and pay its dividend at less than $40/barrel oil. U
  •  Over the long term, management does not plan to increase activity with oil prices, instead directing excess cash flow toward repurchases with a payout target of 30% of cash flow.

Company Description

ConocoPhillips is a U.S.-based independent exploration and production firm. In 2021, it produced 1.0 million barrels per day of oil and natural gas liquids and 3.2 billion cubic feet per day of natural gas, primarily from Alaska and the Lower 48 in the United States and Norway in Europe and several countries in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. Proven reserves at year-end 2021 were 6.1 billion barrels of oil equivalent.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

On-going focus on cost reduction and positioning of the business

Investment Thesis:

  • Currently undertaking a review, with management highlighting on the conference call: “this year it will seek to further optimize the portfolio, reducing gearing and future CapEx, and conduct a review of the capital management framework including returns to shareholders. This will ensure one is in the best position to provide returns for shareholders, reduce debt, invest in growth and invest in the energy transition”.
  • Leveraged to the oil price.
  • High quality assets which offer a number of core assets within its portfolio (no single asset risk).
  • On-going focus on cost reduction and positioning of the business for a lower oil price environment.
  • Strong balance sheet position.
  • High quality management team who are able to operate assets and extract synergistic value from the recent merger with Oil Search.

Key Risks:

  • Supply and demand imbalance in global oil/gas markets.
  • Lower oil / LNG prices.
  • Not meeting cost-out targets (e.g., reducing breakeven oil cash price).
  • Production disruptions (not meeting GLNG ramp up targets).
  • Strategic investors sell down their stake or block any potential M&A activity.

Key Highlights:

  •  Relative to the pcp: Production was up +3% to 92.1mmboe. Sales volume of 107.1mmboe, down -3%.
  • Product sales revenue of US$4.71bn, up +39%.
  • EBITDAX (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, depletion, exploration, evaluation and impairment) of US$2.81bn, up +48%.
  • Record free cash flow of US$1.5bn and underlying profit of US$946m, driven by higher oil and LNG prices vs pcp due to a recovery in global energy demand and supply constraints across the industry due to lower capital investment through the pandemic.
  • STO was able to deliver a free cash flow breakeven of US$21 per barrel in 2021.
  • Reported NPAT of US$658m includes losses on commodity hedging and costs associated with acquisitions and one-off tax adjustments and is significantly higher relative to the pcp due to impairments included in FY20.
  • The Board declared a final dividend of US8.5 cents per share (franked 70%), up +70% relative to the pcp. This equates to 20% of full-year pro forma free cash flow for the merged entity less dividends paid in the first half by both companies and is in-line with STO’s sustainable dividend policy which targets a range of 10% to 30% payout of free cash flow. Management noted STO does not expect to generate franking credits for the next several years.

Company Description:

Santos Limited (STO) explores for and produces natural gas, liquefied natural gas, crude oil, condensate, naphtha and liquid petroleum gas. STO conducts major onshore and offshore petroleum exploration and production activities in Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Vietnam. The company also transports crude oil by pipeline.

(Source: Banyantree)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Chevron expects the combination of new higher-margin projects along with ongoing cost reductions and operational improvements

Business Strategy & Outlook

Chevron is to deliver higher returns and margin expansion thanks to an oil-leveraged portfolio as well as the next phase of growth, which is focused on developing its large, advantaged Permian Basin position. Its latest capital plan maintains its focus on capital discipline without sacrificing growth. Thanks to improved cost efficiencies and the acquisition of Noble Energy, Chevron plans to grow production to over 3.5 million barrels of oil equivalent per day by 2026 from 3.1 mmboe/d in 2022. New volumes will largely come from new production from its differentiated Permian Basin position (size, quality, and lack of royalties), where it expects to grow volumes to over 1 mmboe/d by 2025 from 608 mboe/d in 2020 while delivering returns in excess of 30% and over $4 billion of free cash flow by 2026.

Chevron’s Permian growth will be supplemented by expansion projects at Tengiz in Kazakhstan, due to begin producing in mid-2023, new developments in the Gulf of Mexico, and potential new discoveries in Mexico and Brazil. Chevron also now has growth options with offshore gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean with the Noble acquisition. Oil and gas prices will dictate Chevron’s earnings and cash flow for the foreseeable future. However, the company is investing in low-carbon businesses to adapt to the energy transition. It recently tripled its investment to $10 billion cumulatively by 2028, with this

capital flowing to emerging low-carbon areas that fit with Chevron’s existing value chains and experience. Greenhouse gas reduction projects and carbon capture and offset will enable Chevron to achieve its emission targets while investments in hydrogen and renewable fuels will give it a toehold in emerging businesses that could expand in the future.

Financial Strengths

Chevron carries relatively little debt, with a net debt/capital ratio below 10%, one of the lowest among its peer group. It is targeting a debt/capital ratio of 20%-25% through the cycle and estimates that in a low-price oil scenario of $50/bbl, the ratio will remain within that range. The company makes maintaining and increasing the dividend a priority; as such, there’s steady growth during the next few years as free cash flow rises. Chevron has reduced its break-even level so that free cash flow allows for dividend growth and repurchases at $50/bbl, implying that it has ample cushion if oil prices fall below that level. If need be, Chevron could always take on debt to defend the dividend, given its low leverage levels. At higher oil prices, Chevron can generate excess cash flow that would go toward repurchases. With debt at desired levels, Chevron introduced an annual repurchase of $2 billion-$3 billion in the second quarter of 2021, which management later increased the upper end of the range to $5 billion and then $10 billion. Its most recent guidance and quarterly run rate is for $15 billion of repurchases annually, which it aims to maintain through the cycle, even relying on debt if necessary. In a $75 price environment through 2026, Chevron estimates it can generate enough free cash flow to repurchase 25% of its outstanding shares. Capital spending is expected to be below $15.3 billion in 2022 while remaining between $15 billion and $17 billion per year through 2026.

Bulls Say

  • Free cash flow growth is expected to accelerate beyond 2021 as capital spending remains capped while Permian production could nearly double and expansion at Tengiz adds volumes.
  • Chevron’s large Permian position is mostly composed of legacy acreage, meaning the firm did not overpay to enter the play; 75% has no or a low royalty rate, giving it a cost advantage.
  • Chevron should realize improved downstream earnings and returns as conditions in its California refineries improve and new chemical production capacity is added via its CPChem joint venture.

Company Description

Chevron is an integrated energy company with exploration, production, and refining operations worldwide. It is the second-largest oil company in the United States with production of 3.1 million of barrels of oil equivalent a day, including 7.7 million cubic feet a day of natural gas and 1.8 million of

barrels of liquids a day. Production activities take place in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Its refineries are in the U.S. and Asia for a total refining capacity of 1.8 million barrels of oil a day. Proven reserves at year-end 2021 stood at 11.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent, including 6.1 billion barrels of liquids and 30.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

(Source: Morningstar)

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California’s Clean Energy Policies Support PG&E’s Growth Outlook

Business Strategy & Outlook

PG&E emerged from bankruptcy in July 2020 after 17 months of negotiating with 2017-18 Northern California fire victims, insurance companies, politicians, lawyers, and bondholders. Shareholders lost some $30 billion in settlements, fines, and costs, but PG&E exited with bondholders made whole and shareholders still in control. The new PG&E is well positioned to grow rapidly, given the investment needs to meet California’s aggressive energy and environmental policies. PG&E is set to invest more than $8 billion annually for the next five years, leading to 9% annual growth. After suspending its dividend in late 2017, PG&E is well positioned to reinstate it in 2024 based on the bankruptcy exit plan terms. California’s utility ratemaking regulation is highly constructive with usage-decoupled rates, forward-looking rate reviews, and allowed returns well above the industry average. The California regulators will support premium allowed returns to encourage energy infrastructure investment to support the state’s clean energy goals, including a carbon-free economy by 2045. This upside is partially offset by the uncertain future of PG&E’s natural gas business, which could shrink as California decarbonizes its economy. PG&E will always face public and regulatory scrutiny as the largest utility in California. That scrutiny has escalated with the deadly wildfires and power outages. Legislative and regulatory changes during and since PG&E’s bankruptcy have reduced the company’s financial risk, but the state’s inverse condemnation strict liability standard remains a concern. CEO Patti Poppe has a tall task mending PG&E’s relationship with customers, regulators, politicians, and investors. The $59 billion bankruptcy was PG&E’s second in 20 years and likely its last. The 2020 bankruptcy exit terms all but guarantee a state takeover if PG&E has any safety or operational missteps. PG&E is still under court and regulatory supervision following the 2010 San Bruno gas pipeline explosion. The fines and penalties from the San Bruno disaster and allegations of poor recordkeeping resulted in $3 billion of lost shareholder value.

Financial Strengths

Following the bankruptcy restructuring, PG&E has substantially the same capital structure as it did enter bankruptcy in line with its regulatory allowed capital structure. Many of the same bondholders hold PG&E’s $38 billion of new or reinstated debt. PG&E will use securitized debt to eliminate $6 billion of temporary debt at the utility and further fortify its balance sheet. The PG&E to maintain investment-grade credit ratings with EBITDA/interest coverage near 5 times. State legislation in 2019 will help mitigate some of PG&E’s fire-related risks and support investment-grade credit ratings. The post-bankruptcy equity ownership mix is much different. PG&E raised $5.8 billion of new common stock and equity units in late June 2020, representing about 30% ownership. Another $3.25 billion of new equity came from a group of large investment firms. The fire victims trust owned 438 million shares, or 22%, and legacy shareholders retained about 26% ownership at the bankruptcy exit. The fire victims’ trust has sold 100 million shares as of May 2022 and now owns about 15% of the company. The PG&E will invest more than $8 billion annually during the next few years. Tax benefits and regulatory asset recovery should result in minimal new equity and debt needs at least through 2023. PG&E entered bankruptcy after a sharp stock price drop in late 2018 made new equity prohibitively expensive and the company was unable to maintain its 52% required equity capitalization. Bankruptcy settlements with fire victims, insurance companies, and municipalities totaled $25.5 billion, of which about $19 billion was paid in cash upon exit. The PG&E will be prepared to reinitiate a dividend in 2024 after meeting the terms of its bankruptcy settlement. Before PG&E cut its dividend in late 2017, as an anticipated 6% annual dividend growth, in line with earnings growth. PG&E went six years without a dividend increase following the 2010 San Bruno gas pipeline explosion.

Bulls Say

  • California’s core rate regulation is among the most constructive in the U.S. with usage-decoupled revenue, annual rate true-up adjustments, and forward-looking rate setting. 
  • Regulators continue to support the company’s investments in grid modernization, electric vehicles, and renewable energy to meet the state’s progressive energy policies. 
  • State legislation passed in August 2018 and mid-2019 should help limit shareholder losses if PG&E faces another round of wildfire liabilities.

Company Description

PG&E is a holding company whose main subsidiary is Pacific Gas and Electric, a regulated utility operating in Central and Northern California that serves 5.3 million electricity customers and 4.6 million gas customers in 47 of the state’s 58 counties. PG&E operated under bankruptcy court supervision between January 2019 and June 2020. In 2004, PG&E sold its unregulated assets as part of an earlier post-bankruptcy reorganization.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Genesis’ Strong Fiscal 2022 Underpinned by High Prices and Increased Rainfall

Business Strategy & Outlook

Genesis operates a mix of thermal (coal and gas) and hydro generation, with total annual production of approximately 7,000 GWh. The company’s hydro generation provides it with low-cost generation during times when there is sufficient rainfall and/or snowmelt. Conversely hydro generation can fall sharply when inflow to the firm’s lakes recedes because of insufficient rainfall. During such times, production from its thermal power plants can be ramped up to make up for the shortfall in hydro generation. Spot prices can increase dramatically during periods of low rainfall, reflecting the demand-supply mismatch caused because of lower nationwide energy output. Such times tend to favor Genesis as the excess generation is sold at higher prices. Consequently, Genesis’ profitability and margins can increase during periods of low rainfall and high electricity prices. Genesis hedges its gas requirements by holding a 46% stake in New Zealand’s Kupe gas field. Under the current contract, Genesis is obligated to purchase the entire natural gas output from Kupe. This provides the firm with a reliable supply of gas to power its thermal plants and also underpins Genesis’ dual-fuel offering to its customer base. Genesis is also entitled to its share of LPG and oil from Kupe. The oil is exported, while LPG is on-sold to its residential and commercial customers. Kupe introduces oil price risk, though hedging helps in the near term. The main concern is that Kupe earnings will end in 10-15 years, depending on the extent to which its life can be extended through new oil and gas discoveries. This is a risk to Genesis’ earnings, cash flow, and dividends over the long term. As transmission lines are upgraded and more renewable energy is developed, Genesis will likely close some of its aging thermal generation units in the medium term.

Financial Strengths

Genesis Energy’s financial leverage is aggressive following recent acquisitions, however, the given expectations for solid earnings growth, long average debt maturity profile and the ongoing dividend reinvestment plan. As of June 2022, gearing (as measured by debt/capital) was 36%, down slightly on last year. Net debt/EBITDA (adjusted for equity credit on subordinated debt and excluding one-off costs) was 2.7 times in fiscal 2022, within management’s target of 2.4-3.0 times. The forecasted unadjusted net debt/EBITDA, which one can think is the better way to judge financial strength, of 2.7 times in fiscal 2023. This is a little aggressive but this ratio is to fall toward 2.5 times by fiscal 2024. Guidance is for capital expenditure of up to NZD 80 million in fiscal 2023. The elevated capital expenditure for a few years before falling back to typical levels of below NZD 70 million per year. Nonetheless, free cash flow should remain strong.

Bulls Say

  • Persistently high wholesale electricity prices are flowing through to customer tariffs, supporting earnings growth. 
  • A mix of thermal and hydro generation assets allows Genesis Energy to take advantage of high electricity prices during periods of low rainfall and low hydro storage. 
  • The Pole 3 cable, linking the South Island to the North Island, reduces price disparity between the two islands and reduces location cost risk for all generators.

Company Description

Genesis Energy is one of New Zealand’s leading producers of electricity, accounting for more than 15% of the country’s total generation. The firm enjoys a strong retail presence, with the highest retail market share, at over 25%. The company has a mix of renewable and thermal assets, with the latter accounting for about 55%-60% of the firm’s overall production. The company has a 46% interest in the Kupe oil and gas field.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

BP Plc (BP) reported strong 2Q22 results, beating consensus estimates on both top and bottom line, with revenue of $67.866bn

Investment Thesis:

  • Trading on undemanding 1-yr valuation multiples – 4x PE-multiple, 4.4% dividend yield (excluding additional capital management) and 2.4x EV/EBITDA multiple.
  • Clearly articulated capital management framework, which should lead to additional capital management in CY21. 
  • Improving the demand picture for oil, which should be supportive of oil prices.
  • Given the disruption in oil markets, there has been significant underinvestment in new oil projects – the supply picture could see a deficit if demand picks up faster than expected.
  • Management is targeting to be net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  • Low carbon strategy will bring opportunities.

Key Risks:

  • Geo-political and macroeconomic risks. 
  • Execution risk on low carbon future strategy.
  • Significant collapse in the oil price.
  • Adverse regulatory policies. 

Key Highlights:

  • FY22 outlook. Management expects; Reported upstream production to be broadly flat y/y despite the absence of production from BP’s Russia incorporated JVs, however, should be slightly higher y/y on an underlying basis. Other businesses & corporate underlying annual charge to be $1.2-1.4bn. 
  • Depreciation, depletion and amortization to be flat y/y. 
  • Underlying ETR to be ~35% (vs prior guidance of ~40%), however, remaining sensitive to the impact that volatility in the current price environment may have on the geographical mix of profits and losses. (5) Capex of $14-15bn. 
  • Divestment and other proceeds of $2-3bn billion.
  • Gulf of Mexico oil spill payments to be ~$1.4bn (pre-tax) including the $1.2bn (pre-tax) paid during 2Q22. 
  • To use 60% of surplus cash flow for share buybacks and allocate the remaining 40% to further strengthen the balance sheet. 
  • Continue delivering share buybacks of $4.0bn per annum and having capacity for an annual increase in the dividend per ordinary share of ~4% through FY25, subject to Brent remaining ~$60/barrel.
  • Capital management – debt reduction continues + further share buybacks announced. Net debt fell for the ninth successive quarter to reach $22.8bn at the end of 2Q22, down -17% q/q and -30% y/y, primarily due to stronger free-cash generation driven by elevated commodity prices and proceeds from divestments, with the Company achieving $14.7bn of proceeds from divestitures vs target of $25bn by 2025. 
  • The Board increased 2Q22 dividend by +10% to 6.006 cps and executed share buybacks of $2.3bn, completing $2.5bn programme announced in 1Q22, and further announced intention to execute a $3.5bn share buyback in 3Q22 given strong surplus cash flow of $6.6bn in 2Q22. 
  • Continued disciplined allocation of investment to low carbon and convenience and mobility businesses and to resilient hydrocarbons with management anticipating FY22 capex of $14-15bn and FY23-25 capex of $14-16bn with $5-7bn/year allocated to low carbon and convenience and mobility and $9-10bn/year allocated to resilient hydrocarbons.

Company Description:

Megaport Ltd (MP1) is a software-based elastic connectivity provider – that is, it is a global Network as a Service (NaaS) provider. MP1 develops an elastic connectivity platform providing customers interconnectivity and flexibility between other networks and cloud providers connected to the platform. 

(Source: Banyantree)

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Kinder Morgan Continues to Be Prudent in Hot Gas Market in Q2

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

Kinder Morgan’s assets span natural gas, natural gas liquids, oil, and liquefied natural gas. The company’s U.S. gas pipeline business is particularly impressive. Management claims its daily gas transportation capacity is equivalent to 40% of average U.S. gas consumption and it handles 50% of the LNG market. Kinder serves most major U.S. gas supply and demand regions. Kinder Morgan’s size is both an opportunity and a challenge. Its expansive asset footprint provides numerous investment opportunities if supply or demand bottlenecks develop. Kinder has the financial and commercial heft to execute any project, no matter the size. However, large-scale projects have been fleeting in the past few years, particularly as legal, regulatory, and stakeholder protests have successfully delayed and canceled major U.S. and Canadian pipelines. The shift forced Kinder out of Canada, particularly as Trans Mountain pipeline costs have soared since Kinder’s exit. With limited growth prospects, management has slashed investment, strengthened the balance sheet, and focused on returning cash to shareholders through the dividend and stock buybacks. For example, it has bought back $270 million in stock so far in 2022 with some of the cash generated by better-than-expected results. With ample excess free cash flows, Kinder is pursuing more clean energy investments. It already considers about 70%-75% of its backlog to be low-carbon investments, and it has formed an energy transitions group to pursue investments in renewable natural gas, biofuels, and carbon capture projects. 

The Kinetrex deal added several renewable natural gas projects at a highly attractive multiple in 2021, and it built on this success with the Mas CanAm deal in mid-2022. Given Kinder’s extensive experience with CO2 pipelines and processing facilities, it is better positioned than most U.S. peers to evaluate and invest in carbon capture and storage opportunities across its footprint, as well. Methane reduction is another opportunity, and Kinder has been working on this area since 2014 via its ONE Future efforts.

Financial Strengths:  

After stretching the balance sheet to consolidate in 2014, Kinder Morgan has completed its plan to strengthen its balance sheet and achieve investment-grade credit ratings while buying back stock and bringing the dividend back to a level in line with peers’. Kinder has channeled most of its cash into debt reduction recently. Debt/EBITDA peaked at 5.5 times following the 2014 consolidation, but Kinder has reached management’s 4.5 times target and should be able to maintain that on a normalized basis.  Leverage is expected to be about 4.3 times in 2022. Beyond 2022, leverage will eventually fall below 4 times. Kinder’s stable cash flow can support an investment-grade balance sheet, $1.5 billion of annual growth investment factoring in contributions from joint venture partners (or $2.35 billion factoring in sustaining capital spending), and a growing dividend. A drop in growth investment gives management more financial flexibility. Kinder’s dividend is expected to hit $1.25 per share in 2020, in line with management’s plan announced in 2017 after a 75% cut in 2016. But management abandoned that target, paying $1.05 per share in 2020 and $1.08 annualized in 2021. The dividend will eventually reach $1.20 a share in the next few years. Kinder’s share-buyback plan could expand as management looks for ways to deploy excess free cash flow, now that its balance sheet goals have been met and its growth investment has normalized. Management doesn’t expect to pay federal cash taxes for several more years even if the 2017 tax cuts are reversed.

Bulls Say: 

  • Kinder Morgan’s natural gas midstream footprint is unrivaled in North America, giving it high-return investment opportunities as gas supply/demand fundamentals shift.
  • The Kinetrex deal shows that Kinder is willing to aggressively pursue clean energy efforts, putting it well ahead of most peers.
  • After paying down $12 billion of debt since 2015, Kinder Morgan now has the financial flexibility to invest in growth projects, raise the dividend, and repurchase stock.

Company Description: 

Kinder Morgan is one of the largest midstream energy firms in North America, with an interest in or an operator on about 83,000 miles in pipelines and over 140 storage terminals. The company is active in the transportation, storage, and processing of natural gas, crude oil, refined products, natural gas liquids, and carbon dioxide. The majority of Kinder Morgan’s cash flows stem from fee-based contracts for handling, moving, and storing fossil fuel products.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Soaring Refiner Margins Launch No-Moat Viva’s Q2 2022

Business Strategy & Outlook:    

Viva, along with Ampol, BP and Mobil, is a rare breed of vertically integrated Australian refined fuel supplier. The Australian downstream petroleum industry runs from sourcing, transporting and storing crude oil, refining that crude into marketable products or directly sourcing imported refined product, and then transporting refined products for sale to retail and commercial customers. Refined products are mostly used in the transport sector, including commercial and private motoring, aviation, marine, and other transport demand. The Australian market equates to approximately 60 billion liters of product, with road use the largest segment at over 50%, followed by aviation at 14% and industry at 12%. Coronavirus notwithstanding, volumes in the Australian fuels market grow at close to rates in GDP, with solid increases in diesel and jet fuel consumption offsetting a slow decline in petrol. 

Viva is Australia’s second-largest vertically integrated refined transport fuel supplier, delivering over 14.5 billion liters of refined product annually or approximately 24% of national requirement. Viva can be described as vertically integrated because it refines, supplies and markets fuel to customers. Few companies refine fuel locally with much of Australia’s refining capacity shut in recent decades, unable to compete with Asian mega-refineries. There are only four refineries remaining including Viva’s Geelong in Victoria. Geelong converts imported and locally sourced crude oil into gasoline, diesel, jet fuel and lubricants. These are then distributed, along with directly imported products, into the retail channel via supply channels. The Geelong refinery is one of the most complex in the country due to its greater ability to produce higher value products. Against the relatively sanguine outlook for the refined fuels industry, there are a number of concerns. These include the potential for heightened competition, driving lower margins given the entrance of new players. Further, investing in older and far smaller refineries than Asian mega-cousins is a potential money pit.

Financial Strengths:  

At end December 2021, Viva had net debt of just AUD 95 million, excluding operating leases. Gearing (ND/(ND+E)) is modest at 4% and net debt/EBITDA a negligible 0.2. The balance sheet is in great shape to fund investments in new businesses. The strong status is despite returning AUD 680 million in after-tax Viva Energy REIT sale proceeds in full to shareholders in 2020 and making a AUD 100 million capital return in 2021. Forecasted solid free cash flows in the foreseeable future, growing to over AUD 400 million by 2023, which should comfortably support Viva’s target dividend payout ratio of between 50% and 70% of underlying distributable NPAT.

Bulls Say: 

  • Viva boasts significant refined fuel distribution, supplying around 24% of Australia’s national requirement; second only to Ampol.
  • Australia’s fuel demand continues to grow at low single digits as population growth and rising aviation use offset increasing vehicle fuel efficiency gains.
  • While not sufficient to warrant awarding an economic moat, Viva’s pipeline and terminal infrastructure furnish competitive advantages–notably the efficient scale with its jet fuel pipeline supplying Sydney Airport.

Company Description:

Viva is Australia’s second-largest vertically integrated refined transport fuel supplier. Viva is rated as the second-most-significant pipeline owner, and at approximately 1,155 locations, Viva supplies the third-largest number of retail sites in Australia behind Ampol at approximately 1,985 and BP at 1,400. Vitol bought Shell’s Australian downstream operations in 2014, and renamed them Viva Energy. Viva subsequently bought Shell’s Australian aviation operations and a 50% investment in Liberty Oil. In 2016, Viva sold (and leased back) a portfolio of its retail sites to Viva Energy REIT and listed Viva Energy REIT on the ASX. It has since sold its entire REIT stake for AUD 734 million.

(Source: Morningstar)

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Commodities Trading Ideas & Charts

Soaring Refiner Margin Launch No-Moat Ampols Q2 2022. FVE Increases to AUD 34.50

Business Strategy & Outlook:   

Ampol owns and operates a major refined petroleum product import terminal at Kurnell in Sydney and a refinery at Lytton in Brisbane. Annual refining capacity fell by half to 6.0 billion liters, about one third of company marketed volumes, when Kurnell closed. Kurnell refinery was shut in 2014 because of operational issues and unfavorable demand for the product mix. Refineries and finished product import terminals are integrated with pipelines, distribution, and marketing. The national service station network exceeds 2,000, including 350 jointly branded Ampol/Woolworths (ASX: WOW) sites. Strong growth in transport fuels reflects favorable market attributes. Australia’s relatively sparse rail network and low population density favor trucks for distribution of goods. Pandemics notwithstanding, volumes in the Australian liquid fuels market grow at close to growth rates in gross domestic product, with solid increases in diesel and jet fuel consumption offsetting a slow decline in petrol. 

Ampol’s extensive network and comprehensive product offerings provide some competitive advantage. A very efficient supply chain makes Ampol an effective competitor. Still don’t see this as sufficient to justify a moat rating other than none. The closure of refining sees Ampol’s business rest largely on fuel distribution. In this space, it wrestles with expert competition in BP, Shell, and Mobil. Potential long-term threats include substitution of diesel for alternative fuels such as liquid natural gas, or LNG, and electricity. In the case of LNG in particular, Ampol is likely to participate in any shift via its logistics network and filling stations. Ampol maintains a market-leading 35% share of all transport fuels sold. Ampol substantially rests on its competitive supply chain now that Kurnell has been converted into an import terminal. Competitive pressures in the refining segment meant Ampol could not earn its cost of capital on Kurnell. The highly profitable and fast-growing marketing segment can enjoy increased investment that was previously wasted in laggard refining. Ampol successfully completed an NZD 2.0 billion bid for New Zealand peer Z Energy in first-half 2022.

Financial Strengths:  

Ampol completed a NZD 2.0 billion or NZD 3.78 per share cash offer for Z Energy via scheme of arrangement in first-half 2022. Company viewed this as a sound move on its part given compelling value. Ampol funded the acquisition in accordance with its existing capital allocation framework, including an adjusted net debt/EBITDA target of 2.0-2.5 times. Ampol will have to sell down some New Zealand assets to meet NZ competition guidelines. This includes the Gull network. Z Energy had NZD 608 million net debt at end March 2021, net debt/EBITDA of 2.67 quite high versus Ampol’s AUD 724 million at end December 2021, but this in the context of a low growth company focused on yield. Ampol’s standalone leverage was conservative at 18.6% (ND/(ND+E)) and annualized net debt/EBITDA is just 0.8. Company expected Ampol’s post acquisition gearing to temporarily increase to around 35%, ignoring potential for an equity raise or asset sell down. While this is manageable and within Ampol’s target net debt/EBITDA range of 2.0-2.5, current strong cash flows courtesy of refiner margins will be more than welcome. The balance sheet is in reasonable shape to fund a minimum AUD 100 million investment in new energy and decarbonization projects.

Bulls Say: 

  • Ampol is well placed, with a leading market share in transport fuels. This position is backed by an extensive distribution network. 
  • Australia’s demand for transport fuels is growing at close to GDP rates. 
  • Closing the highest-cost Kurnell refining operations materially improved return on invested capital.

Company Description:  

Ampol (nee Caltex) is the largest and only Australian-listed petroleum refiner and distributor, with operations in all states and territories. It was a major international brand of Chevron’s until that 50% owner sold out in 2015. Caltex transitioned to Ampol branding due to Chevron terminating its license to use the Caltex brand in Australia. Ampol has operated for more than 100 years. It owns and operates a refinery at Lytton in Brisbane, but closed Sydney’s Kurnell refinery to focus on the more profitable distribution/retail segment. It successfully completed a NZD 2.0 billion bid for New Zealand peer Z Energy in first-half 2022. 

(Source: Morningstar)

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