Business Strategy and Outlook
As a leading player in travel retail and a leading concession operator in airport retail with around 20% market share, more than double that of its next biggest peer, Dufry is well positioned to benefit from increasing global travel flows. Over the years, Dufry has played the role of consolidator in a globally fragmented industry, allowing it to achieve purchasing scale, breadth of store formats and product offer, and geographical diversification. We contend that airports capture the bulk of value in airport retail through concession fees of about 30%, owing to ownership of unique real estate assets. Nonetheless, we believe that Dufry, as the most efficient retail operator in over 400 locations globally, benefits from a purchasing scale that not many competitors or airports can match as a stand-alone entity (the global airport industry is rather fragmented and 70% publicly controlled, hindering consolidation). Dufry should thus be well positioned to withstand concession inflation pressure and consolidate the industry as weaker operators exit the market, which should increase its bargaining power in the long term. Dufry also provides value for suppliers (many of them fast-moving consumer goods companies and luxury brands) by giving exposure to an attractive high-growth distribution channel with brand-building opportunities to an affluent, captive audience.
We believe Dufry should be able to expand by about 3%-4% annually over the 10-year forecast period (from prepandemic levels) through a mix of organic growth (driven by increasing passenger numbers) and new concessions (gained organically or through consolidation). We expect operating margins (excluding acquisition-related amortization) to be broadly stable, with gross margin efficiencies and scale offset by airport concession inflation, both effects moderating over time.
Financial Strength
Dufry had around CHF 2.2 billion in available liquidity at the end of December 2021, which should be sufficient for many months under management’s assumption of CHF 20 million monthly cash burn with revenue 40% lower than 2019 levels and CHF 10 million monthly cash burn with revenue down 35% against 2019 levels. We assume revenue in 2021 to be 21% lower than that reached in 2019. Covenant testing has been delayed until 2023 with a threshold of 5 times net debt/adjusted operating cash flow. We expect the company to be in compliance with covenants as travel picks up. It is believed the liquidity risk for the company can be considered low
Bulls Say’s
- Dufry is well positioned to benefit from increasing passenger flows, which have historically grown faster than global GDP.
- Investment in digital initiatives, such as “reserve online, collect at the airport,” could increase spending per passenger, as actual airport buying may be currently limited by the time constraints.
- Dufry has room to expand its business into new geographies (Asia) and new business areas (downtown duty-free, duty-free on cruise ships)
Company Profile
Dufry is the world’s largest duty-free shop operator and leader in travel retail. It commands about 12%-13% share in a fragmented global travel retail market, including around 20% in airport retail (more than double that of the next biggest competitor), through its presence in 65 countries and about 420 locations globally; airports make up over 80% of the company’s total revenue. Dufry’s main markets are Europe (45% of revenue), Americas (about 45% revenue each), and Asia, the Middle East, and Australia.
(Source: MorningStar)
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