Investment Thesis:
- Engineering and Services Business sale process is underway – this removes one downside risk to the stock.
- Balance sheet remains in solid position and even with the latest provision the Company has headroom available and is within its banking covenants. However, gearing is expected to rise to ~20% as development ramps up to FY23.
- Robust development outlook with demand for both commercial and residential especially with strong level of apartment pre-sales.
- Outlook for new infrastructure projects to be tendered in Australia in the next 2 years remains attractive.
- New management team will likely bring a fresh perspective and strategy.
- Proposed cost out program of $160m should be supported by earnings in a tough trading environment.
- Valuation appears undemanding.
Key Risks:
- Further provisions to the existing problem projects.
- New projects are mispriced from a risk perspective.
- Cut to dividends.
- Sudden increases in interest rates.
- Increase in apartments default rate.
- Any delays or execution problems in development and construction that sees margin being affected.
- Any net outflows from its investment management business.
Key Highlights:
- Core operating earnings to improve from 2H22.
- FY22 returns for core operating segments revised with Investments ROIC of 7.5-8.5% (vs previous estimate of 5- 8%), Development ROIC of 2-4% (vs previous estimate of 2-5%), driven by $2bn of completions including significantly improved settlement volumes in Australian Communities and more than $4bn of commencements, and Construction EBITDA margin of 2-3% (unchanged from previous estimate) amid improved productivity as Covid-19 restrictions ease.
- Group ROE target of 8-11% to be achieved by FY24.
- FUM to grow >66.7% to >$70bn by FY26 as investments platform is upscaled via the launch of new funds.
- Core operating earnings to improve from 2H22.
- FY22 returns for core operating segments revised with Investments ROIC of 7.5-8.5% (vs previous estimate of 5- 8%), Development ROIC of 2-4% (vs previous estimate of 2-5%), driven by $2bn of completions including significantly improved settlement volumes in Australian Communities and more than $4bn of commencements, and Construction EBITDA margin of 2-3% (unchanged from previous estimate) amid improved productivity as Covid-19 restrictions ease.
- Group ROE target of 8-11% to be achieved by FY24.
- FUM to grow >66.7% to >$70bn by FY26 as investments platform is upscaled via the launch of new funds.
- Development completion target of >$8bn p.a., along with the ROIC of 10-13% by FY24.
- Financial position. Liquidity position remained strong with $842m of cash and cash equivalents (down -49% over 2H21 primarily due to underlying operating cash outflow of $388m, reflecting the challenging operating conditions in conjunction with reduced new business activity) and $2.2bn in available undrawn debt, to support $112bn development pipeline.
- Net debt increased +144% over pcp to $1.7bn, leading to gearing increasing +700bps to 12%, remaining within the target range of 10-20%.
- Investment grade credit rating of Baa3/BBB- and stable outlook by Moody/Fitch.
- Continues to assess redeployment opportunities in the Investment segment. The Company sold 28% stake in the future asset management income stream from the US Military Housing portfolio for $170m on a multiple of 26x FY23 estimated NPAT, which is expected to contribute ~$110m to NPAT in 2H22, leading to management upgrading FY22 Investment ROIC outlook. Management continues to further assess redeployment opportunities within the Investments segment and is considering the divestment of a further 25% interest in the Retirement Living business.
Company Description:
Lend Lease Corporation (LLC) is a global property developer with three key segments in (1) Development: involves development of communities, inner city mixed use developments, apartments, retirement, retail, commercial assets and social infrastructure (with earnings derived from development margins, development management fees received from external co-investors and origination fees for infrastructure PPPs) (2) Construction: involves project management, design, and construction service, predominately in infrastructure, defence, mixed use, commercial and residential sectors (with earnings derived from project and construction management fees and construction margin); and (3) Investments: involves wholesale investment management platform, LLC’s interests in property and infrastructure co-investments, Retirement and US military housing (with earnings derived from funds management fees as well as capital growth and yield from co-investments and returns from LLC’s retirement portfolio and US military housing business). LLC operates predominately in Australia, but also in the UK and US and with a smaller contribution to earnings derived from the Asia Pacific.
(Source: Banyantree)
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