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Santos and Oil Search Agree Merger Terms

Well-timed East Australian coal seam gas purchases and subsequent partial sell-downs bolstered the balance sheet and set the scene for liquid natural gas, or LNG, exports. Santos is now one of Australia’s largest coal seam gas producers and continues to prove additional reserves. It is the country’s largest domestic gas supplier.

Coal seam gas purchases increased reserves, and partial sell-downs generated cash profits, putting Santos on solid ground to improve performance. Group proven and probable, or 2P, reserves doubled to 1,400 mmboe, primarily East Australian coal seam gas. Coal seam gas has grown to represent more than 40% of group 2P reserves, despite partial equity sell-downs. A degree of confidence can be drawn from project partners. U.S. energy supermajor ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded oil and gas company, is 42% owner and the operator of the PNG LNG project.

The Gladstone LNG project was built and is operated by GLNG Operations, a joint venture of owners Santos (30%), Petronas (27.5%), Total (27.5%), and Kogas (15%). Petronas is Malaysia’s national oil and gas company and the world’s second-largest LNG exporter. The company increasingly enjoys export pricing on its gas. In addition to Santos’ Gladstone LNG, several other third-party east-coast LNG projects conspire to drive domestic gas prices higher. As the largest domestic gas supplier, Santos can expect significant bang for its buck, with limited additional capital or operating cost required to capture enhanced prices.

Financial Strength

Santos has moderate leverage (ND/ND+E) of 28% and maintenance of strong net operating cash flow is reassuring. Santos’ debt covenants have adequate headroom and are not under threat at current oil prices. The weighted average term to maturity is around 5.5 years. Capital expenditure of USD 4.0 billion, beginning 2022 on the Dorado oil project and the Barossa to Darwin LNG upgrade. But this is excellent near-term bang-for-buck expenditure, increasing group production by 65% to 125mmboe by 2026. Capital efficient development and fast up-front cash flows from Dorado’s oil should combine to ensure Santos’ leverage ratios continue to decline from current levels despite outgoings.

Bull’s Say

  • Santos is a beneficiary of continued global economic growth and increased demand for energy. Aside from coal, gas has been the fastest-growing primary energy segment globally. The traded gas segment is expanding faster still.
  • Santos is in a strong position, with 0.9 billion barrels of oil equivalent proven and probable reserves, predominantly gas, conveniently located on the doorstep of key Asian markets.
  • Gas has about half the carbon intensity of coal, and stands to gain market share in the generation segment and elsewhere as carbon taxes are rolled out.

Company Profile

Santos was founded in 1954. The company’s name is an acronym for South Australia Northern Territory Oil Search. The first Cooper Basin gas discovery came in 1963, with initial supplies in 1969. Santos became a major enterprise, though over-reliance on the Cooper Basin, along with the Moomba field’s inexorable decline, saw it struggle to maintain relevance in the first decade of the 21st century. However, the stage has been set for a renaissance via conversion of coal seam gas into LNG in Queensland and conventional gas to LNG in PNG.

(Source: Morningstar)

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