Hannover Re Common Stock (FRA: HNR1)
Last Price: EUR 143.10 | Fair Value: EUR 155.00
Business Strategy & Outlook:
Hannover Re is a property and casualty, and life and health reinsurer with property and casualty contributing a little over two thirds of the company’s profits to shareholders. Hannover Re has a slightly less than double-digit market share in both these divisions. This is a business that is characterized by underwriting and carving the deep expertise in niche areas. While this may sound a bit woolly, but it is observed that some of this underwriting difference comes from the overall ownership of the underwriting process by Hannover Re’s underwriters. This is conceptualized through lenses of decision-making and responsibility. Whereas in other reinsurance firms, underwriters may need to defer back to a head of risk or perhaps even the c-suit, underwriters at Hannover Re have the authority, experience, and expertise to make and take those decisions more directly. With more of these decisions being made closer to the front line it is believed that this leads to better standards of underwriting. Furthermore, this leads to stronger client relationships. Because underwriters are client-facing and thus renewals a reiterative negotiation, with Hannover Re’s underwriters in the position to directly negotiate and discuss client needs without the need for constant deferral, clients feel and are more connected to Hannover Re and this drives stronger retention rates. The stronger retention drives lower commission and acquisition costs. In addition to the culture of excellence in underwriting with a proven reputation for expertise in specialist lines, Hannover Re benefits from an expense advantage and these two benefits are aligned. For example, with deeper and stronger expertise in underwriting, Hannover Re retrocedes less than comparable European reinsurance companies. As the business has the institutional capacity to absorb this internally with regard to its frontline, coupled with the lower levels of internal referrals that are outlined, Hannover Re supports more premium per employee than other comparables. The outcome of this is tangible with the business benefiting from at least a 100-basis-point expense ratio advantage.
Financial Strengths:
Hannover Re has a good balance sheet. Leverage is quite low with debt standing at around EUR 3.4 billion. That stands in contrast to equity owned by shareholders of EUR 10.9 billion. Admittedly, of that EUR 2.3 billion is attributable to gains on securities classified as available for sale. Hannover’s balance sheet is weakest with the largest part of Hannover’s market risk attributable to default and spread risk. This relates to Hannover’s allocation to credit. Of the EUR 14.2 billion held in corporate bonds, EUR 7.8 billion is held around investment-grade. The shape of the government and semi-government bond portfolios is much more appealing. Hannover has also substantially increased its allocation to equities. Goodwill is however nice and low. Overall, this is a balance sheet that has room for quite a bit of improvement. This does not fit in with the typical corporate culture at Hannover Re. The quality of the credit portfolio is also a little light. But in the main this is a business that is not highly leveraged and is very financially disciplined.
Bulls Say:
Company Description:
Hannover Re is a German-based reinsurance company with a strong reputation in writing specialist lines of reinsurance and a low-cost operating model. The business and its management team are highly disciplined, rarely ever making an acquisition and favouring a strategy of specials over a commitment to a buyback when looking to return excess capital to shareholders.
(Source: Morningstar)
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