Zip Co Ltd. (ASX: ZIP)
Last Price: A$0.69 | Fair Value: A$1.85
Business Strategy & Outlook:
Zip’s focus is on maximizing its addressable market. Its business is more diversified than single-product buy now, pay later, or BNPL, players, with varieties in financing options, transaction limits, and repayment schedules. Customers enjoy simple sign-up and checkouts, high acceptance by retailers and flexible financing solutions to help better manage their cash flows. Merchant partners may benefit from increased conversion rates, basket sizes, and transaction frequencies. Zip has a revolving credit business in Australia. Core products are ZipPay, which finances up to AUD 1,000; and ZipMoney, which finances AUD 1,000 and above. It also boasts a broader merchant base including retail, home, electronics, health, auto, and travel. Around 70% of revenue is derived from customers, mainly from account fees and interest. Zip adopts an installment financing model overseas, helping it scale up faster and keep up with competition in the underpenetrated global BNPL landscape. The acquisition of U.S. based QuadPay materially boosts its growth prospects. It also operates in Canada, Europe, Mexico, and the Middle East. Zip enhances customer stickiness via ongoing product add-ons. It has a Pay Anywhere function that lets users transact at a wide variety of avenues without being confined to merchant partners. Users also benefit from promotional offers, cash-back deals, or free credits. Newer features include enhanced rewards programs, product protection insurance, or physical cards. For merchant partners, Zip invests in co-marketing to help them acquire new customers. Zip has strong earnings prospects, but it is believed its margins will be increasingly under pressure and it will not achieve the same penetration and transaction frequency overseas as it had domestically. While it benefits from the growth of e-commerce and increasing preference for more convenient/cheaper forms of financing, it is anticipated heightened competition to its products. The capital-intensive domestic business cannot scale up as quickly, its fee structure potentially creates friction for customers, and its product offering in the U.S lacks clear differentiation.
Risk and Uncertainty:
Zip is at risk of a large spike in bad debts. Both the long-dated nature of its revolving credit business and Pay Anywhere feature increases credit risk, as this results in Zip lacking control or information of its customers’ spending habits. With Zip potentially financing consumers with lower tolerance of credit stress and the fact that BNPL financing can lead to overcommitment in spending, it could see a substantial rise in hardship claims or non repayments and may have to write off a material portion of its receivables during a major credit event. Any regulation that alters the relationship between users and Zip could reduce the appeal of its product, lead to consumers opting for cheaper financing options, or lower signup rates and transaction frequency. This ties to product governance—a key ESG risk—where BNPL is at core credit, but are marketed as budgeting or lead generation tools. While low credit losses have to date helped blunt regulatory attacks, the potential for customers to use BNPL to spend excessively and fall into financial stress could necessitate more regulation. Material risks include the potential banning of no-surcharge rules applied by BNPL firms, or if BNPL is regulated to the same extent as traditional credit. Zip also needs external funding to support its receivables growth. Any dislocation in capital markets or an inability to meet hefty growth expectations could result in it being unable to obtain financing when required or having to secure funding at unfavorable terms.
Bulls Say:
Company Description:
Zip is a diversified finance provider, offering consumer financing via a line of credit (via ZipPay and ZipMoney) and installment-based finance (via QuadPay, Spotii, Twisto, and PayFlex); as well as lending to small to midsize enterprises (via Zip Business). Zip’s fortunes are largely tied to the buy now, pay later, or BNPL, industry. Most of its products–ZipPay, QuadPay (Zip U.S.), and PayFlex–do not charge interest based on outstanding balances. Around 60%-70% of ZipPay’s/Zip Money’s revenue is derived from customers, mainly via account fees and interest. Meanwhile, its installment businesses primarily generate revenue by receiving a margin from merchants, which compensates it for accepting all nonpayment risk and for encouraging consumers to transact more frequently.
(Source: Morningstar)
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